Tuesday, June 25, 2024

At least five killed, Kenya's parliament on fire amid protests over tax bill

A torched military vehicle burns outside of the Parliament during a protest against tax hikes in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday. Photo by Daniel Irungu/EPA-EFE

June 25 (UPI) -- Human rights groups said at least five people were shot and killed amid protests in the capital city of Nairobi that left portions of Kenya's parliament building on fire Tuesday.

In addition to the five deaths at least 31 people were injured, including 13 shot with live bullets, four hit with rubber bullets and three struck with launched canisters, Amnesty International Kenya, the Kenya Medical Association, the Law Society of Kenya and Police Reforms Working Group Kenya said in a joint statement.

"We urge the State and all parties to de-escalate the situation and stop the use of lethal force to protect life," the groups said. "We urge the authorities to desist from reportedly threatening mass media houses. We appeal for safe medical corridors for all medical personnel and ambulances to access the injured."

Some demonstrators broke through police lines in the capital of Nairobi to break into the building where legislators had passed a finance bill that would lead to raising taxes.

Hundreds of protesters in the streets essentially paralyzed activity and slowed movement around the capital and demonstrators took part in running battles with police.

Police fired rubber bullets and teargas to disperse the crowds.

Auma Obama, a Kenyan-British activist and half-sister of former U.S. President Barack Obama, was teargassed on live television during an interview with CNN. Obama stood with a group of young demonstrators when they were teargassed.

"I'm here because look at what's happening," Obama said. "Young Kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. They are demonstrating with flags and banners."

Local media reports said that Kenyan lawmakers escaped the Parliament building through an underground tunnel as protesters broke into the complex.

The Kenyan chapter of Amnesty International said it was investigating the disappearance of 12 people the night before the planned protests on Parliament.

"We are horrified by some of the testimonies we have heard over the last 12 hours," Irungu Houghton, executive director of Amnesty Kenya said. He said the missing people were allegedly taken away by people by those "uniformed and not uniformed."

Faith Odhiambo, president of the Law Society of Kenya, charged intelligence officers with carrying out illegal acts.

"Evidently, this was not an arrest as the police did not identify themselves or engage in any conversation prior to the arrest to inform him of his rights," she said.

At least five killed, parliament set ablaze in Kenya tax protests

Police shot at protesters as they breached the parliament complex in Nairobi on Tuesday, with at least five demonstrators killed and dozens more wounded. Angry over proposed tax hikes, many protesters across the country are calling for President William Ruto to leave office.

Issued on: 25/06/2024 -
Protesters hold flags and chant anti-government slogans inside the Kenyan Parliament compound after storming the building during a strike to protest tax hikes in downtown Nairobi, June 25, 2024. © Luis Tato, AFP


The mainly youth-led rallies, which began last week, have caught Ruto's government off guard, with Ruto saying over the weekend he was ready to talk to the protesters.

But tensions sharply escalated on Tuesday afternoon, as crowds began to throw stones at police and push back against barricades, making their way towards the parliament complex, which was sealed off by police in full riot gear.

Police fired at crowds massing outside the parliament building, where lawmakers had been debating a contentious bill featuring tax hike proposals.

"At least five people have been shot dead. Thirty-one people have been injured," the Kenya Medical Association said in a statement.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission had earlier said in a statement on X that: "Police have shot four protesters, as witnessed by KHRC, killing one."

Shortly before, Irungu Houghton, the executive director of Amnesty International Kenya, told AFP that "human rights observers are now reporting the increasing use of live bullets by the National Police Service in the capital of Nairobi".

"Safe passage for medical officers to treat the many wounded is now urgent," he said

A Reuters journalist counted the bodies of at least five protesters outside parliament. A paramedic, Vivian Achista, said at least 10 had been shot dead.

Another paramedic, Richard Ngumo, said more than 50 people had been wounded by gunfire. He was lifting two injured protesters into an ambulance outside parliament.

Kenya's internet service also suffered "major disruption" on Tuesday, global web monitor NetBlocks said.

"Live network data show a major disruption to internet connectivity in #Kenya; the incident comes amidst a deadly crackdown by police on #RejectFinanceBill2024 protesters a day after authorities claimed there would be no internet shutdown," the watchdog said on X, formerly Twitter.

Anger over a cost-of-living crisis spiralled into nationwide rallies last week, with demonstrators calling for the finance bill to be scrapped.

Despite a heavy police presence, thousands of protesters had earlier marched through Nairobi's business district, pushing back against barricades as they headed towards parliament.

Police in full riot gear were firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd, according to AFP journalists.

As protesters gained ground in their push towards parliament, many were livestreaming the action earlier in the day as they sang, chanted and beat drums.

Crowds also marched in the port city of Mombasa, the opposition bastion of Kisumu, and Ruto's stronghold of Eldoret, images on Kenyan TV channels showed.

'At a crossroads'

Several organisations, including Amnesty International Kenya, said at least 200 people were wounded in last week's protests in Nairobi.

Amnesty's Kenya chapter posted on X Tuesday that "the pattern of policing protests is deteriorating fast", urging the government to respect demonstrators' right to assembly.

On Monday, ahead of the rallies, the rights body said Kenya was "at a crossroads".

"Despite mass arrests and injuries, the protests have continued to grow, emphasising the public's widespread discontent," it said, warning that "the escalation of force could lead to more fatalities and legal repercussions."

Rights watchdogs have accused the authorities of abducting protesters in violation of the law.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission said the abductions had mostly occurred at night and were "conducted by police officers in civilian clothes and unmarked cars", calling for the "unconditional release of all abductees".

Police have not responded to AFP requests for comment on the allegations.

The protesters have also deployed unconventional tactics, including asking bars to stop playing music at midnight on the weekend as party-goers burst into chants of "Ruto must go" and "Reject finance bill!"

Their demonstrations have drawn support from some Anglican and Catholic church leaders.

Debt mountain

The cash-strapped government agreed last week to roll back several tax increases.

But it still intends to raise other taxes, saying they are necessary for filling the state coffers and cutting reliance on external borrowing.

Kenya has a huge debt mountain whose servicing costs have ballooned because of a fall in the value of the local currency over the last two years, making interest payments on foreign-currency loans more expensive.

The tax hikes will pile further pressure on Kenyans, with well-paid jobs remaining out of reach for many young people.

After the government agreed to scrap levies on bread purchases, car ownership and financial and mobile services, the treasury warned of a budget shortfall of 200 billion shillings ($1.56 billion).

The government now intends to target an increase in fuel prices and export taxes to fill the void left by the changes, a move critics say will make life more expensive in a country already saddled with high inflation.

Kenya has one of the most dynamic economies in East Africa but a third of its 52 million people live in poverty.

(FRANCE 24 with Reuters, AFP)

Police open fire on demonstrators trying to storm Kenya parliament, several dead

Issued on: 25/06/2024 -

Police opened fire on demonstrators trying to storm Kenya's legislature on Tuesday, with at least five protesters killed, dozens wounded and sections of the parliament building set ablaze as lawmakers inside passed legislation to raise taxes. For more, protester and journalist Vivianne Wandera joins FRANCE 24 to share what she saw on the ground.

01:31  Video by: FRANCE 24

'Chaotic day in Kenya': Protesters enter parliament, bodies seen in streets nearby

Issued on: 25/06/2024 - 

Part of Kenya's parliament building was on fire Tuesday as thousands of protesters opposing a new finance bill entered and legislators fled, in the most direct assault on the government in decades. Journalists saw at least three bodies outside the complex where police had opened fire. Protesters had demanded that legislators vote against the bill imposing new taxes on a country, East Africa's economic hub, where frustrations over the high cost of living have simmered for years. FRANCE 24's Olivia Bizot reports from Nairobi.

02:14  Video by: Olivia BIZOT

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