Sunday, June 23, 2024

Giant mural brands Nigel Farage an ‘enemy of the NHS’ in campaign trail message

21 June, 2024
Left Foot Forward 

The Reform UK leader was delivered a message by campaigners on his visit to Blackpool

Nigel Farage was delivered a giant message in the sand on his visit to Blackpool this week during his campaign trail, as a reminder of Farage’s thoughts on the NHS and Vladimir Putin.

Political campaign group Led By Donkeys created a giant mural on the beach of Blackpool depicting the Reform UK leaders head alongside the message “Nigel Farage friend of Putin enemy of the NHS”.

Farage has repeatedly expressed support for a private healthcare system and said the NHS should be abolished in its current form. The Brexiteer has stated his desire to change the model of the NHS and has previously pushed for a move towards an insurance-based system.

During a BBC phone-in last week Farage reiterated his admiration for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin as “a clever political operator.”

Farage said: “You can recognise the fact that some people are good at what they do even if they have evil intent.”

The former UKIP leader has in the past named Putin as the world leader he most admired.

Farage is now campaigning as the candidate for the far-right Reform party in the constituency of Clacton where he hopes to become MP.

As he continues to feature more and more in the media since his shock entry as a candidate in the general election campaign, Farage’s many unsavoury comments are being resurfaced. For example the Guardian reported today quotes from a podcast appearance he made in February, in which Farage praised the misogynist influencer Andrew Tate as an “important voice.”

Hannah Davenport is news reporter at Left Foot Forward

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