Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Man sent to mental hospital for trying to start gay club in Pakistan: report

Andrea Vacchiano
Mon, June 10, 2024 

A Pakistani man is currently in a mental hospital after he tried establishing the first gay club in the country, according to a recent report.

The man, whose identity has not been released, was interviewed by the Telegraph on Sunday shortly before he was institutionalized. The man explained that he filed an application to the deputy commissioner of Abbottabad to establish a gay club, which he tentatively called Lorenzo Gay Club.

The application reportedly explained that the club would be designed to be a "great convenience and resource for many homosexual, bisexual and even some heterosexual people residing in Abbottabad in particular, and in other parts of the country in general." The application also noted that "there would be no gay (or non-gay) sex (other than kissing)."

The man was then detained by authorities and transported to a mental hospital in Peshawar, which is roughly 125 miles west of Abbottabad, according to the report.

A man in Pakistan was recently detained by police after he tried starting a gay club.

"I have started the struggle for the rights of the most neglected community in Pakistan and I will raise my voice in every forum," the man told the Telegraph. "If the authorities refuse, then I will approach the court and I hope that like the Indian court, the Pakistani court will rule in favor of gay people."

"I [speak] about human rights and I want everyone’s human rights to be defended," he added.

According to the website of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Pakistan still criminalizes homosexual acts through Section 377 of its national penal code.

Pakistan still criminalizes homosexual acts through its penal code.

"Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than two years nor more than ten years, and shall also be liable to a fine," the law reads.

The OHCHR document states that Pakistan's provisions against homosexual acts "have been found to constitute a clear violation of international human rights law."

According to Human Dignity Trust, a non-profit based in London, only gay men are criminalized under the Pakistan Penal Code.

"There is some evidence of the law being enforced in recent years, with LGBT people occasionally being subject to arrest," the non-profit's website reads. "There have been consistent reports of discrimination and violence being committed against LGBT people in recent years, including murder, rape, assault, and the denial of basic rights and services."

Participants fly a flag from Pakistan next to a Pride flag in London in 2014.

Fox News Digital reached out to the deputy commissioner of Abbottabad for comment.

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