Saturday, June 29, 2024

Unite against police repression of Just Stop Oil

'We refuse to die for fossil fuels and we refuse to stand by while millions are murdered," said JSO

Raids, raids, raids of Just Stop Oil backers (Picture: Just Stop Oil)

In an outrageous attack on protest rights—and using recent repressive laws—cops have seized Just Stop Oil (JSO) supporters before they have carried out any actions.

Police arrested 27 Just Stop Oil (JSO) protesters on suspicion of planning to cause widespread disruption at airports during the summer holidays.

Police chiefs said a number of “key organisers” were detained in co-ordinated raids in ten counties including Greater London, Oxford, Surrey, Norfolk, Manchester and West Yorkshire.

JSO said, “Over the last 12 hours the British state has acted unlawfully in detaining a total of at least 27 ordinary people sharing food at a community event and at their homes. Their only crime? They are Just Stop Oil supporters.

“Being a Just Stop Oil supporter is now enough to make you a suspect. Believing that no government has the right to tyrannise the entire world by encouraging the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, marks you out as a dangerous radical.”

All the suspects were arrested under a new offence under the Public Order Act 2023 which makes it illegal to conspire to disrupt national infrastructure.

During all such raids the police seize valuable equipment, searching out those who will be regarded as “suspect” and imposing financial costs on the campaign.

“Every time they raid us we lose phones and laptops. They must have a mountain by now,” said

The arrests began on Tuesday, when cops held four people after “being identified at Gatwick Airport”, police said. They have since been released on bail.

The Met said all those released on bail are subject to a condition that prohibits them from travelling within 1 kilometre of any British airport unless passing through by vehicle or public transport.

JSO is right to say, “We refuse to die for fossil fuels and we refuse to stand by while millions are murdered.

“We demand that our government stops the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030 and that they support and finance other countries to make a fast, fair and just transition.”

JSO needs support and everyone who wants to defend the right to protest has to speak out against these seizures.

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