Monday, July 08, 2024

Northern Ireland


PSNI invite owner of wallet containing ‘crystal meth’ found near popular NI fun park to ‘reclaim their lost property’

Drugs found by the police inside wallet.

Garrett Hargan

Police have invited the owner of a lost wallet containing suspected drugs to retrieve it at the station.

They warned that the white powder could have fallen into the hands of a child who may have mistaken it for an “edible sherbet”.

The PSNI’s Causeway, Coast and Glens Facebook page said: “Lost property found!

“Today officers were handed a lost wallet whilst patrolling the area of Curry’s, Portrush.

"On opening said wallet they found a bag of white crystal like powder suspected to be Methamphetamine.

"Surprisingly there was no ID inside the wallet and the owner never reappeared to reclaim their lost property!”


The post added: “We are more than happy to return the property… temporarily whilst across an interview table with the owner should they wish to come forward! This is however VERY doubtful.

“Thankfully this fell into the right hands but could’ve easily have ended up in a child’s hand who may of suspected it to be some kind of edible sherbet or sweet.

“If you wish to be reunited with your property and have a night away with some new friends, pop on into Coleraine Station and we shall see what we can do for you!”

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