Tuesday, July 30, 2024


We’ve finally reached herd immunity! But it doesn’t matter.

Here's a chart showing how many of us have either gotten COVID or been vaccinated against it:

(Note that the line on the chart shows inverse seroprevalence. That is, the number of people who haven't had COVID and haven't been vaccinated. This allows me to draw a proper trendline, but you have to subtract the numbers on the trendline from one to get the actual seroprevalence.)

The trendline suggests we're now at 99.4% seroprevalence in the US population. We've finally reached the fabled level of herd immunity!

Sadly, it doesn't matter. It turns out that neither vaccines nor previous infections stop the spread of COVID. They just make it less dangerous. Oh well.

POSTSCRIPT: In case you're curious about how this breaks down, roughly 60% of the population has had COVID. (Almost) all the rest have been vaccinated.


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