Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trade unions react with fury as college reject viable plan to save the Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre

AUGUST 23,2024

Trade unions have vowed to step up the campaign to save the threatened City of Glasgow College Trade Union Education Centre after an alternative business plan for the Centre submitted over the summer by the Scottish TUC and college staff was rejected by college bosses.

The Centre has been in operation in one form or another for over 30 years and has helped educate thousands of trade union reps, shop stewards and members who work in many different fields of the Scottish economy. 

In May, college managers announced that the centre was earmarked for closure, claiming it was financially unsustainable. Staff at the Centre disputed this and have since worked with the STUC to submit an alternative plan which would see the Centre continue and thrive.

Over the summer staff, students and unions have been left in limbo as college bosses considered the proposal but the plan has not been accepted.

A spokesperson for the Campaign to Save The Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre said: “Over the summer we have been inundated by unions seeking to book courses at the College but we have been blocked by senior management from enrolling students. There is no educational or financial reason for closing the Centre. With his actions, the College Principal, Paul Little, has shown his true colours. He is an anti-trade union Principal who will do anything he can to undermine the trade union movement. 

“The proposal submitted  by the STUC showed how the Centre is sustainable. We know unions want to take up places on courses and we know there is an appetite for more in the future. This decision makes no sense whatsoever.

“Let us say very clearly today: we are not going away. The campaign will continue and we will now turn our focus onto Holyrood and the political leaders who to date have not lifted a finger to prevent this disaster from happening.”

Roz Foyer General Secretary of the STUC said:“The STUC has written today to the Principal and the Cabinet Secretary outlining our concerns at the lack of progress in our discussions with the college.

“We have presented a viable plan which would generate a surplus for the Centre and which will provide the foundation to consolidate the future of the Trade Union Centre and help sustain it for many years to come. 

“We remain committed to continuing discussions with the College but that process must be based on a genuine engagement which recognises the intensive work we have undertaken to prove the viability of the Centre.

“We are grateful that Trade Union education continues to be partly funded by the Scottish Government as a key strand of its commitment to the Fair Work agenda. We hope they will help the City of Glasgow College to see sense in the days ahead.”

Image: Creator: Nick Efford. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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