Sunday, September 22, 2024

PM Modi arrives at Nassau Coliseum to address Indian diaspora in historic event

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has arrived at the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, New York, where he will address 15,000 members of the Indian diaspora gathered from 42 states in a highly anticipated event. The “Modi and US” program has drawn immense excitement, with the venue resembling a grand Diwali celebration.

Jagdish Sewhani, a member of the event’s organizing committee, highlighted the significance of the moment, saying, “It is a historical event at Nassau Coliseum. This is the first time ever that an Indian Prime Minister has come to Long Island in 75 years. The mayor of Nassau County is eager to welcome PM Modi, whom he described as one of the most popular leaders in the world.”

Over 500 artists are set to perform as part of the cultural celebrations preceding PM Modi’s speech. Traditional performances include ‘Yakshagana,’ a folk dance from Karnataka and Kerala, and ‘Parai,’ a traditional musical instrument from Tamil Nadu.

Outside the venue, a group showcased ‘Mallakhamb,’ an acrobatic sport originating in Maharashtra. Jaydev Anata of the Mallakhamb Federation US expressed hopes of promoting the sport globally, with aspirations of getting it into the Olympics.

Earlier, PM Modi took to social media, posting pictures of his interactions with the Indian diaspora and expressing his eagerness to participate in the community program. The prime minister’s visit to New York also includes chairing key bilateral meetings, participating in a CEO Roundtable, and addressing the Summit of the Future on September 23.

(Inputs from ANI)

Modi’s Global Agenda: India’s Rise In US Politics – OpEd

US President Joe Biden with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Photo Credit: PM India Office


The Rise of Hindu Nationalism in the West Hindutva, the Hindu nationalist ideology closely associated with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is no longer confined to India’s borders.

Through the Indian diaspora, particularly in the United States, Hindutva is influencing political decisions and shaping Western policies to align with India’s strategic interests. The Indian-American community, dominated by upper-caste Hindus, has become a powerful political and economic force in the U.S., with significant influence in sectors such as technology and politics. This influence is now being used to promote Modi’s nationalist agenda on a global scale, often at the expense of addressing human rights abuses and caste discrimination.

Both the Democratic and Republican parties have recognized the growing importance of the Hindu-American voting bloc, particularly in swing states. This has led to a concerted effort to court Indian-American donors, many of whom are aligned with Modi’s Hindutva ideology. The political influence of the Indian diaspora has reached a point where it can affect key decisions, such as Governor Newsom’s recent veto of a bill aimed at banning caste-based discrimination. The bill, which was intended to address the issue of caste discrimination within Indian-American communities, faced strong opposition from upper-caste Hindus who used their political and economic power to pressure the governor.

This incident highlights the broader trend of political manipulation within the Indian-American community, where influential figures use their power to suppress criticism of caste-based discrimination and human rights abuses in India. By aligning with Hindutva, the diaspora is not only promoting Modi’s nationalist agenda but also protecting discriminatory practices from scrutiny, both in India and abroad.

A Hidden Issue Despite the progressive values espoused by Western societies, caste-based discrimination remains a hidden issue within Indian-American communities. In Silicon Valley, where many Indian-Americans hold leadership positions, reports of caste-based discrimination have surfaced, particularly against Dalit workers. These reports reflect how India’s social hierarchy is being replicated in the U.S., undermining the principles of equality and justice that are central to American society.

While caste-based discrimination is illegal in India, it remains deeply ingrained in the country’s social fabric, and the diaspora has carried these practices with them to the West. The refusal to confront caste-based inequality, particularly within the tech industry, perpetuates a system of oppression that marginalizes lower-caste individuals and allows upper-caste Hindus to maintain their privileged status. This mirrors the situation in India, where efforts to address caste-based discrimination are often met with resistance from powerful upper-caste groups.

Hindutva’s influence on U.S. politics goes beyond caste-based discrimination. Supporters of Modi’s government within the Indian diaspora have actively lobbied Western governments to ignore India’s human rights abuses, particularly in Kashmir. The Indian-American community has successfully positioned itself as a key player in shaping U.S. foreign policy, ensuring that India’s strategic interests are prioritized over concerns about its treatment of Muslims and lower-caste Hindus.

This influence has become especially evident in discussions surrounding Kashmir, where India’s oppressive policies have drawn widespread condemnation from human rights organizations. Despite this, the Indian diaspora has lobbied U.S. policymakers to turn a blind eye to the situation, framing India’s actions as necessary for national security. This mirrors the role of the Jewish lobby in shaping U.S. policies toward Israel, with the Indian diaspora similarly positioning itself to control U.S. politics in India’s favor.

The global reach of Hindutva is not just about political influence; it is also about solidifying Modi’s power on the world stage. By promoting Hindutva both in India and abroad, the Indian diaspora is helping to strengthen Modi’s position as a global leader. This is particularly evident in the tech industry, where Indian elites are using their economic power to shape foreign policy discussions and advance India’s geopolitical goals.

The Indian diaspora’s penetration into key sectors like technology and politics is part of a larger strategy to influence Western policies in India’s favor. This includes ensuring that discussions on human rights abuses, caste discrimination, and the marginalization of Muslims and Dalits in India are sidelined in favor of promoting a positive image of the country. By controlling the narrative, the Indian diaspora is helping to project a false image of India as a progressive, inclusive democracy, while hiding the reality of oppression under Modi’s rule.

Hindutva’s Impact on Global Politics The global reach of Hindutva, supported by the Indian diaspora, is reshaping Western policies in ways that prioritize India’s interests over human rights and equality. Caste discrimination, anti-Muslim policies, and human rights abuses in India are being overlooked in the name of geopolitical alliances. The Indian-American community’s growing influence in U.S. politics serves as a warning of how nationalist ideologies can infiltrate even the most progressive societies, threatening the values of equality and justice that are central to Western democracy.

Mohan Malawya

Mohan Malawya is currently pursuing a degree in Social Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and writes on India's domestic politics, foreign policy and India-Pakistan relations.

India’s ‘Namaste’ has become multinational: PM Modi tells diaspora in New York

In a landmark address to the Indian diaspora at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the growing global significance of India’s traditional greeting, ‘Namaste’, saying that what was once a local expression has now become a multinational symbol of unity.

“‘Namaste’ has gone multinational; it has transitioned from local to global,” PM Modi said, expressing gratitude to the diaspora for their unwavering support. “Your love is my good fortune,” he added.

During his speech, PM Modi emphasized the significant contributions of the Indian community around the world. “Many languages, but one common feeling—that feeling is for Bharat Mata and Bhartiyta. This is India’s biggest strength,” he said, highlighting the unity of Indians regardless of their geographical location.

“We look to do good; we contribute the most no matter where we are,” he added, reinforcing the idea of global citizenship among Indians.

The Prime Minister’s visit to the US from September 21-23 has drawn a large crowd, with approximately 15,000 members of the Indian diaspora gathering from 42 states to welcome him. As he entered the Nassau Coliseum, PM Modi greeted the audience with the chant, “Bharat Mata ki Jai,” receiving a standing ovation.

The atmosphere was vibrant, with talented artists from the Indian community performing traditional music to set the tone for Modi’s address.

Earlier, in a post on X, PM Modi shared his excitement about engaging with the diaspora, saying, “After programmes in Delaware, landed in New York. Eager to be among the diaspora at the community programme in the city and to take part in other programmes.”

Following this historic event, PM Modi is scheduled to chair key bilateral meetings and attend a CEO Roundtable in New York. He will also address the Summit of the Future on September 23.

(With ANI inputs)

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