Sunday, September 15, 2024

Poll shows that the Greens are the only party with a positive favourability rating

13 September, 2024 
Left Foot Forward

The Tories also have the most negative favourability tarting

Polling firm Ipsos has released its latest Political Pulse – a monthly tracker of public attitudes on political parties, major politicians and the big issues facing the UK. The data has revealed what the public think about the major political parties in the UK.

Ipsos asked a representative sample of the British public whether they had an favourable or unfavourable view of each of the parties.

These are the figures:

Labour: Favourable – 32%, Unfavourable – 46%, Neither – 15%. Net = -14

Tories: Favourable – 24%, Unfavourable – 52%, Neither – 20%. Net = -28

Lib Dems: Favourable – 28%, Unfavourable – 34%, Neither – 32%. Net -6

Green Party: Favourable – 30%, Unfavourable – 29%, Neither – 33%. Net +1

Reform UK: Favourable – 28%, Unfavourable – 47%, Neither – 18%. Net -19

That means that of the UK’s political parties, only the Greens currently have a positive favourability rating, where more people have a favourable opinion of them than have a negative one.

It also means that the Tories have by some distance the most negative favourability rating…

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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