Friday, September 06, 2024


Zarah Sultana letter to Rachel Reeves on Winter Fuel Payments Cut

“This cut to Winter Fuel Payments risks millions more older people to living in cold, damp homes this winter.”

Letter from Zarah Sultana MP to Rachel Reeves, sent on August 19

Dear Chancellor,

I write to you on behalf of Coventry South constituents who are deeply concerned about the government’s announcement to drastically restrict access of Winter Fuel Payments to all but a small proportion of older people.
This new means-testing approach will exclude many older people who rely on this support. Age UK warns that up to 2 million older people in need of this support will no longer receive it.* In addition, energy prices are expected to rise again from 1 October, resulting in the average older household expected to see energy bills jump by up to 15% in real terms.**

Charities warn this “has the potential to create a public health emergency”, emphasising the move will particularly hit those with long-term health conditions, poor mental health and disabled older people.”*

This cut to Winter Fuel Payments therefore risks millions more older people to living in cold, damp homes this winter. This rise in fuel poverty is avoidable.

Retaining the current provision of Winter Fuel Payments is estimated to cost £1.4 billion. This could be paid for by implementing a 2% wealth tax on assets over £10 million, which would raise £24 billion a year.****

Under a Labour government, it is time those with the broadest shoulders paid their fair share.

I hope you will reconsider this policy announcement.

Yours sincerely,
Zarah Sultana


Defend the Winter Fuel Payment Against Reeves’ Cut

“If taking money out of the pockets of the British public was the route to fixing the economy, we would have one of the most balanced economies in the world: because that is what the Tories have been doing for 14 years.”

From Momentum

The Government’s decision to limit the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) to those who claim Pension Credit will put millions of low-income pensioners at risk of fuel poverty. The Government’s claims that this is necessary to prevent a “run on the pound” do not stand up to minimal scrutiny.

If taking money out of the pockets of the British public was the route to fixing the economy, we would have one of the most balanced economies in the world because that is what the Tories have been doing for 14 years.

With Parliament voting on this on Tuesday, we want to send a message to the Labour Government that this decision must be reversed.

In addition, we have drafted a model contemporary motion to submit to Conference calling for the decision to be reversed. CLPs have until 5pm, Thursday 12 September 2024 to submit a motion.


The Government’s decision to limit the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) to those who claim Pension Credit will put millions of low‑income pensioners at risk of fuel poverty. The change has been made without an Impact Assessment and is being made in spite of a planned 10% increase in energy prices. It will require a divisive and unpopular means‑test and is opposed by policy experts & organisations representing pensioners.

The Government’s claims that this was necessary to prevent a “run on the pound” do not stand up to minimal scrutiny. Ensuring citizens have the means to keep warm during Winter is an absolute minimum expectation of any government let alone a Labour one. We call on the Government to reverse this unjust, unnecessary and divisive decision.

You can sign the petition here.

Model Motion on Winter Fuel Payments

Conference Notes:

Rachel Reeves’s announcement, reported on 29 July 2024, that those not on pension credit or other means-tested benefits will no longer get the annual payments, worth between £100 and £300.

Last winter, 4,950 pensioners died from having a cold home according to the End Fuel Poverty Coalition.

2.1m pensioners currently live in poverty. An estimated 880,000 low-income pensioner households eligible for pension credit currently fail to claim it.

The energy price cap is set to rise this October to an annual average of £1,717. Many people living above the Pension Credit threshold are currently making the choice between heating and eating.

According to Derek Lickorish, the chair of the energy supplier Utilita, “There will be an awful lot of pensioners who’ll fall through the cracks and they’ll be making that choice between heating or eating,” as reported in The Guardian on 3rd August 2024.

Conference calls:

For the Labour Government to reverse the decision to means-test Winter Fuel Payments.

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