Saturday, December 10, 2005

Blogging Tory's Heart Kinsella

Another BloggingTory has given Kinsella the Harper Seal of Approval.

And no its not the kiss of peace, cause we know they are not into that 'homosexuality-sex marriage' thingee.

This tip o the blog came from Dispatches from the Socialist Gulag;

Note to CARP: Pissing off Warren Kinsella isn't a good idea.In an attempt to save their asses, CARP is now blaming our dear friend, & apparently Stephen Harper's too, Warren Kinsella for the whole income trust leak debacle.Very bad move fellas. The last thing anyone needs is to have Warren Kinsella as your enemy,

Yep he might call them 'morons'. Ooooo scary that.


Income Trust leak

The Losers

"I can't win for losing here," Clinton said, with the prime minister at his side.

Funny you should say that Bill, my thoughts exactly.

Oh look UN photo op, Bill still wants to be elected alrighty as the next Secretary General of the UN. And his pal Paul could help him. So what's a little politicking between pals eh?

Hot Air at the Climate Conference

"I was glad to have a chance to meet with the prime minister but I'm not involved in your politics here," Clinton said. Then with a chuckle, he added: "I also know what the law is, as well as what the custom is."

Martin rejected the idea he was seeking to borrow some of Clinton's star power.

"This is not a political meeting," the prime minister said.

Gales of laughter as the flash bulbs go off.

Political Morality

Clinton may have the ignoble distinction of being the second U.S. president ever impeached. But none of that appears to make a whit of difference to Canadians.

We Canadians are after all used to Sex in the Highest Office of the Land. We had years of Trudeau in power with his many pecadillos and escapades, not mention those of Mrs. Trudeau and her fondness for ALL of the Rolling Stones. Trudeau wasn't known as Canada's Swinging PM for nothing. In fact one of his former lovers is the Liberal Candidate running against Jack Layton. Cheeky eh.

PM Radio Address All A Buzz

Clever Liberals they started their weekly radio chat with Fireside Paul before the election was called, just, so that they could continue them through out the campaign. So which PM is addressing us? Paul Martin or the Prime Minister? And if he gets to do this during the campaign do the other parties get equal time?

Well he sure used his role of being PM as PM photo op with Bill Clinton.
And speaking of name dropping in this weeks radio address PM, Paul Martin that is, forgets the name of the President of Daimler Chrysler but makes sure we know he is pals with Buzz. They are like this, tight, like real buds. Buzz and Me. And the other guy from Daimler Chrysler, like this, tight.

Hello there.
Greetings from Windsor, Ontario- where I grew up.
I came here earlier today to finish off the second week of this election campaign. I was in town with the President of Daimler Chrysler and Buzz Hargrove, the head of the Canadian Auto Workers union, to mark the construction of a new facility that will mean new, well-paying jobs.

Meanwhile Buzz tries to tell us that this is really all part of clever political strategy that is accepted by everyone on the Left. Except the NDP who are all just so politically immature, and spoil sports; like everybody else on the Left who doesn't agree with him. Yep clever strategy that, Buzz. And if you think Paul Martin is Left wing then it must be because you and he are like this, tight, buds.

Making the most of opportunity
My call last week for Canadians to re-elect a minority Liberal government, with the NDP holding a clear balance of power, sent shockwaves through the federal campaign. And I'm still somewhat puzzled as to why. For I've simply given expression to a sentiment that is clearly shared by almost everyone on the Canadian left — including most NDP members.

Oh boy I see another definition for my Devils Dictionary;
Opportunism; Buzz Hargrove.

Ottawa's Revolving Door

Shoved out of the Harpers inner sanctum at the end of June, his PR/Media point man Geoff Norquay went through the revolving door that is Ottawa and ended up at the prestigous lobbying firm of Earnscliffe, faster than you can say 'cooling off period'.

Earnscliffe is one of Canada's top lobbying firms with Liberal ties. Ironic that eh, Geoff went from being the Conservative flack on point about Liberal corruption and Earnscliffe's involvement to becoming a flack for Earnscliffe.

Earnscliffe, known for many years as a firm that employed several of Prime Minister Paul Martin's key political supporters, was hired to do polling and communications work on budgets and fiscal updates during Mr. Martin's tenure as finance minister from 1993 to 2002. His successor in finance, John Manley, ended the contract.

He must be replacing David Herle who has left Earnscliffe to work full time for his boss PM. And we all remember the little faux pas that David and his pals in the PMO pulled off just a week before the election was called. Untendered deal went to campaign manager David Herle provided mini-budget advice and polling to Liberals in federal contract

Do you think maybe Geoff let his pals in the Conservatives know about this little contract? Nah perish the thought. On the other hand Earnscliffe is being smart to begin to distance itself from the Liberals and just in case the Harper wins, have an ace in the hole like they have always had in the PMO.

Which is why it's only the NDP that's credible about a cooling off period for Ottawa's revolving door of lobbyists.

The Conservatives have it in their platform too, but Geoff's rush to the arms of Earnscliffe, before the door out of the Leader of the Oppostions office hit him on the ass, makes a joke out of that.

If the Liberals put accountability for lobbyists in their platform it would be a conflict of interest.

New chant for both Harper and Martin rallies; Earnscliffe! Earnscliffe!

Devils Dictionary Redux Updated

I have added two new definitions to my Devils Dictionary Redux; Creationism and Moron.

Political Prisoners USA

Dec. 10 is the International Day for Human Rights a celebration of the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights. In the United States one of the fundamental freedoms denied its citizens is the right not to be murdered by the State. Like they did to Joe Hill.

The Death Penalty continues to exist and be used against Political Prisoners. I am speaking here in particular of Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal.
By DAVE LINDORFF; December 7, 2005 - Counterpunch

The recent high profile case of Tookie Williams and his pending execution in California has once again raised the question of the State Terror and the oppression of peoples of colour and their struggles against the Empire of Capitalism.

On this day we should not forget them. As the old Wobbly slogan goes; We are in here for you. You are out there for us.

“This has been one of the hardest years of my imprisonment, it might not
be the most brutal physical hardship that I have had to endure, but at
my age and with my poor health it was extremely difficult. The almost
two months “in transit” from Leavenworth to Lewisburg were sheer
torture, and I am alive today only because of those of you who supported
me and moved heaven and earth to get me out of solitary confinement.
During the time of my transfer odyssey Calvin Jumping Bull passed on and
immediately after that my brother Steve Robideau went. One of the
heaviest burdens to bear is that so many of my friends and family have
passed on to the spirit world without me being able to say goodbye, or
see them for the last time. Now I am told that at this point one of my
elders, Russell Loud Hawk, has survived a most critical surgery after an
automobile accident and his chances were very slim. His strength and the
strength of all my people, who live in the starkest conditions, in this
country that consumes twenty five percent of the world’s resources, and
overcome unimaginable challenges every day living under siege, gives me
the encouragement that I need to still walk tall behind these oppressive
walls. My body, my spirit, and my heart keep getting pounded but I am
not giving up. I will never give up and those of you who accompany me in
this hard struggle mean the world to me, I could not walk this
treacherous road alone.

Privatization Leads To This

Like Canada's airports, services for airports are privatized, whether it is security or baggage handling. P3 operations of Canada's airports were brought in by the Liberals and plague us still. Here is another example of the entreprenaurial spirit of privatized public services.

RCMP investigating Vancouver airport company

CTV News Vancouver has learned that a company that handles baggage and freight at YVR is the target of a major criminal investigation by the RCMP.

Servisair/GlobeGround handles everything from passenger service to freight at 175 airports including the Vancouver airport.

The company employs baggage handlers, security screeners, ticket agents and the people who refuel planes.

According the Servisair/GlobeGround website, it has more than 20,000 employees who handle 1.4 million aircraft movements and 800,000 tonnes of cargo every year.

Goodale Tag Team Match Up

It's a tag team wrassling match over the Goodale File on Income Trusts, and who knew what, when, and why the markets responded like someone knew something.

In the left corner we have
Mini Marauder, the one with the hyphenated last name.

In the right corner we have the
Mouth That Roared, from Medicine Hat.

They are merciless in the political circle squared. They have wrestled the Goodale down and now they have him in a
double leg suplex.

Will they succeed in making the hold stick, will Goodale squirm out before the three count?

Watch this space for more Wacky Wrestling Politicians.

Coming Soon:

Stronach Arm Wrestles McKay over who is more 'progressive'

Who Is Missing

Though the Conservatives do well from the west’s sense of alienation from Ottawa, the federal capital, beyond the region they are weak.
Despite the sleaze scandal and a ruling party that looks weak, the opposition party has gained surprisingly little in the polls since the last election—not unlike America. But Canada differs from its southern neighbour in a big respect. The two big parties must compete with the NDP across the country.

The Ecomomist ran this photo with their article about the election in Canada. And after mentioning the NDP they forgot to include Jack in the photo. Or did they? Perhaps they have a hidden agenda, after all they are a conservative capitalist business magazine. Do ya think?

For the Economist this is the closest that they get to making an endorsement of the NDP sans Jacks picture.

But Canadians are grumpy. They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system. The Liberals have a 12-year run in government behind them. They are likely—but not guaranteed—to convince Canadians to give them yet another chance. But a majority in the House of Commons may again elude them.

Gee, on second thought not being in this rogues gallery may actually benefit Jack. As in these three amigos are more of the same.

Sayeth the Harper

"Take taxation, for example. There are real limits to tax-cutting if conservatives cannot dispute anything about how or why a government actually does what it does. If conservatives accept all legislated social liberalism with balanced budgets and corporate grants - as do some in the business community - then there really are no differences between a conservative and a Paul Martin. "

Rediscovering The Right Agenda By Stephen Harper
June 2003 - Report Magazine