Saturday, December 10, 2005

Blogging Tory's Heart Kinsella

Another BloggingTory has given Kinsella the Harper Seal of Approval.

And no its not the kiss of peace, cause we know they are not into that 'homosexuality-sex marriage' thingee.

This tip o the blog came from Dispatches from the Socialist Gulag;

Note to CARP: Pissing off Warren Kinsella isn't a good idea.In an attempt to save their asses, CARP is now blaming our dear friend, & apparently Stephen Harper's too, Warren Kinsella for the whole income trust leak debacle.Very bad move fellas. The last thing anyone needs is to have Warren Kinsella as your enemy,

Yep he might call them 'morons'. Ooooo scary that.


Income Trust leak

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