Wednesday, June 05, 2024


WHO confirms first fatal human case of H5N2 bird flu

A person died of bird flu in Mexico in the first confirmed case of a human infected with the H5N2 variant, the World Health Organization said Wednesday.

The 59-year old, who died on April 24 after developing fever, shortness of breath, diarrhoea and nausea, had “no history of exposure to poultry or other animals” and “multiple underlying medical conditions”, the WHO said in a statement.

The resident of the State of Mexico was hospitalised in Mexico City and died the same day, the statement said.

It was the “first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with an influenza A(H5N2) virus reported globally”, the WHO added.

Mexican health authorities reported the confirmed case to the UN health body on May 23 after conducting laboratory tests.

The source of exposure to the virus was unknown, the WHO said, although cases of H5N2 have been reported in poultry in Mexico.

H5N2 cases were detected in a backyard poultry farm in Michoacan state in March, with other outbreaks identified in the State of Mexico, according to the UN health body.

But it said establishing a link between the human case and the poultry infections was so far impossible, estimating the risk to people as “low”.

Mexico’s health ministry said in a statement that the person who died was “a 59-year-old man with a history of chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, (and) long-standing systemic arterial hypertension”.

“There is no risk of contagion for the population,” the statement said, adding that “all samples from identified contacts (of the patient) have been negative”. 

Authorities are monitoring farms near the victim’s home and have established a permanent monitoring system to detect other cases in wildlife in the area, the statement added.

A different variant of bird flu, H5N1, has been spreading for weeks among dairy cow herds in the United States, with a small number of cases reported among humans.

But none of the cases are human-to-human infections, with the disease instead jumping from cattle to people, authorities have said.

Australia records first human case of bird flu; outbreak of different strain sparks mass cull of farmed chickens

H7N7 was the most common strain of bird flu in Australia

22 May, 2024

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Hundreds of thousands of birds at a country egg farm will be euthanised following an outbreak of bird flu, as a child is confirmed as Australia’s first human case of a lethal strain spreading around the world.

The child, who returned to Victoria from India in March, experienced a “severe infection” after contracting the H5N1 strain but has made a full recovery, Victoria’s chief health officer confirmed on Wednesday.

“This is the first human case of H5N1 avian influenza in Australia,” Clare Looker said.

“The avian influenza virus was detected through further testing of positive influenza samples that takes place to detect novel or concerning flu virus strains, as part of Victoria’s enhanced surveillance system.

“Contact tracing has not identified any further cases of avian influenza connected to this case.”

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Looker said the chance of more human cases was low because avian influenza does not spread easily between people.

Agricultural authorities have revealed a different strain of bird flu had been detected at an egg farm in regional Victoria.

Agriculture Victoria has ordered urgent testing after avian influenza was detected at a farm near Meredith, about 40km northwest of Geelong, following a number of poultry deaths.

Victoria’s chief veterinary officer Graeme Cooke said the outbreak likely involved the H7N7 strain, different to the highly pathogenic H5N1 variant.

“There is a type of virus which is causing great concern in the USA and other parts of the world and has behaved unusually in that it has infected dairy cattle and some other marine mammals,” Cooke told the ABC’s Country Hour.

“This is not the strain that we’re dealing with. This is a strain that’s occurred in Australia before. It’s likely not new.”

H7N7 was the most common strain of bird flu in Australia, Cooke said.

One of the strains in the last bird flu outbreak in Australia in 2020, which affected one-in-three egg farms in Victoria, was an H7 strain.

Samples of the virus have been sent to the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness in Geelong for further testing.

“Agriculture Victoria is responding with staff on the ground supporting the business with further laboratory investigations as necessary,” Cooke said.

The property has been placed into quarantine with a 5km radius and several hundred thousands of birds at that business will be “depopulated”, he said.

“If this disease is allowed to spread, it would very much have an effect on the economic life of the poultry sector but there’s also a lot of jobs in rural Victoria which are related to the industry.”
Farmers in the area have been put on alert. Photo / File

Australia’s chief veterinary officer Beth Cookson told AAP authorities are still considering the size of the quarantine area.

“The response will attempt to stamp out and eradicate the virus from the affected farm, so that will mean the destruction of the poultry on that premises,” Cookson said.

The outbreak has put farmers on high alert with extra biosecurity measures in place.

“For those within that area, we would encourage everyone to increase their level of biosecurity on their farms,” Cookson said.

Mary Wu from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation said while the disease appeared to be confined to a single egg farm, meat producers were on alert.

“We are very relieved that it’s not the international strain, but we still take it extremely seriously and are acting very quickly.”

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection which can cause severe symptoms and sudden death in domestic poultry, wiping out entire populations.

Wild birds are the natural host for the disease and it can spread through close contact or contaminated environments.

Authorities have reassured the public that eggs and poultry products in supermarkets do not pose a risk and are safe to consume.

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