Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dual Power In Mexico

We are on the eve of revolution.

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of thousands of supporters of leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador elected him as "legitimate president" of a parallel government on Saturday in protest against the allegedly flawed July presidential elections.

Reminding me of a certain incident in the spring of 1917 in Russia when another dual power situation occured....Workers Power and the Russian Revolution

The revolutionary reawakening of Mexico
The revolutionary mass movement that has been brought into being in Mexico by the electoral fraud perpetrated in the Presidential elections has reached a point where clearly the power is there for the taking. If there were a genuine revolutionary party at the head of the masses we would be on the eve of socialist revolution.
By Alan Woods
Friday, 08 September 2006

Woods is of course a Trotskyist and his Leninist approach to dual power is the same old flawed theory that the masses need the party to take state power. Indeed the masses need to use this situation of dual power a ciris in the Mexican State to remove the army, police, courts, etc. from their communities the very basis of bourgoise power. That power does not come for a party but through the creation of community assemblies and workers councils. Always has always will.

The Zapatista's offer a very real model of this kind of community engagement crucial to this current situation of dual power. The competing political parties who compteted in the election and have declared themselves victors, now are appealing to the people to recognize their government as legitimate. The fact that the this creates a very real power vacuum can allow the people and their autonomous organizations an opportunity to challethe very structure of the State in Mexico. Something that could not have been done in 1910-1911 during the first Mexican revolution.

Backgrounder: Mexico's dangerous political chasm

To many observers, López Obrador's behavior only confirms charges made during the campaign that he represents ``a danger to Mexico." The reality is more complicated, and understanding it requires some appreciation of how the losing side views the controversy. To them, López Obrador's reaction is not demagoguery from a politician who cannot accept defeat, but rather a natural response to past electoral fraud and to deeply rooted injustices in Mexican society.

Mexico has seen many protests like those orchestrated by López Obrador. They represent a revival of the so-called second round -- practiced by both Calderón's National Action Party, or PAN, and López Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD, during the early 1990s -- in which candidates cheated of victory by the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, took to the streets to ``defend the vote." Such tactics are far less justifiable since a set of electoral reforms took effect in 1996, but memories die hard. The left faced more fraud than the more conservative PAN did over the last two decades, and López Obrador himself lost a deeply flawed election for governor of Tabasco in 1994.

Even the post-reform period has not been free of controversies. In 2003, the PAN joined forces with the PRI to name the leadership of the independent agency that administers elections over the objections of the PRD. Then, last year, PAN and PRI legislators impeached López Obrador as mayor of Mexico City on a minor charge, and Mexico's attorney general attempted to prosecute him. Had legal proceedings continued, they would have prevented López Obrador from running for president. Only widespread public opposition and mass protests forced the administration of President Vicente Fox to back down.

We are on the eve of Revolution in Mexico again, as we were almost 100 years ago.
The revolution of 1910 was not just a national revolution but one that impacted directly on America, and whose impact reamains today. The current American political and media campaign against Mexican migrants is the result of the 1910 revolution. The porous border works both ways, while imposing NAFTA on Mexico was deemed as the solution to the problem of Mexicos lack of industrial development, it has done little to stop the tide of Central American economic refugees seeking the good life in America, as America exploits their countries.

Americas intervention in the Mexican revolution and in all subsequent revolutions in Latin and Central America is based on the imperialist policy of the Munroe Doctrine. It is an extention of the plantation poltical economy that dominated the Old South in the U.S. It was Confederate America that invaded and took over the former Spanish colonies in the region. And they did it as an expansion of their plantation agrarian economy.

What Amercia exported was a deliberate policy of economic underdevolopment, aligning with Hacienda owners to maintain a cheap labour peasant economy. That underdevelopment continues today with minimal industrialization in the region, labour intensive, and export driven. Thus NAFTA and other economic agreements are still based on the American plantation mentality of the Confederacy. The ideal being America manufactures and exports, Latin America, Mexico, Central America and the Caribean provide raw resources, agricultural products, and parts.

Thomas D. Schoonover. The United States in Central America, 1860-1911: Episodes of Social Imperialism and Imperial Rivalry in the World System.

In the nine essays which comprise the book, Schoonover illustrates this theme and draws out the complexities of competition between social imperialistic nation/states, in particular the rivalry between the United States and Germany for Central American trade, and the policy conundrum when the dynamics of foreign policy conflict with the ideology of racial hierarchy.

Each essay deftly places an important, often well-known, incident in U.S.-Central American relations into a world systems conflict. From this point of view, confederate diplomacy toward Central America is seen as a new peripheral state exerting the political power of cotton because confederate diplomats misunderstood the relationship of their political economy within the world system of the time. During the Civil War, moreover, they sought bases for privateering and trade but had to overcome the recent legacy of filibustering expansionism. After the Civil War, as Schoonover argues in "George McWillie Williamson and Postbellum Southern Expansionism," the South, now with the full support of the northern industrial elite, continued to seek expansion southward. Since "overproduction," the received wisdom of the time, overseas outlets were considered by many the key to maintaining jobs as a means to social stability. To bring to life the dynamics of tensions between various metropole states competing for economic advantage in Central America as well as the tensions between the imperatives of social imperialism abroad and aspects of the domestic ideology, Schoonover presents two fascinating case studies. In the Eisenstuck affair of 1878-79, a dispute erupted after the step-daughter of Paul Eisenstuck, who married into a Nicaraguan family and later filed for divorce. This dispute led to alleged violence against the Germans, and the German government sought U.S. support. At this point the United States was caught in a dilemma: if the United States did no support Germany, the principle of rights for foreigners would be compromised. If the United States did support Germany, it risked the enmity of Nicaragua and might compromise that founding document of American dominance--the Monroe Doctrine. Either way, the status of the United States as the primary metropole power in the region was at stake.

At times tensions within the United States' world view, ideology and the demands of social imperialism were played out in Central American diplomacy. In his chapter titled "The World Economic Crisis, Racism, and U.S. Relations with Central America, 1893-1910," Schoonover examines the dilemma American diplomats faced representing North American Negro workers in Guatemala. Within the context of early-twentieth-century racism, does the United States exert its power to protect citizens of color against unjust charges? Race also played an important role, Schoonover argues, in rationalizing Theodore Roosevelt's actions in Panama during the revolution of 1903. In this essay, Schoonover also analyzes the arguments of a Columbia University Law Professor's memo justifying Roosevelt's actions in terms of American exceptionalism: "Exceptionalism places the U.S. government beyond contract and international laws." This idea from the past has been resurrected today.

Like Russia, the Mexican revolution was an inspiration for a mass movement to overthrow capitalism. Like Russia it was peasant based, a movement for land reform, and thus was limited in its scope. The underdevelopment of the working classes in both countries limited their ability to confront the worlds industrializing hegemon the United States. Europe itself was aflame in revolutionary movements at the end of WWI and only the boom in the North American economy offset the pending doom that old Europe faced.

As America intervened in Mexico it too intervened to prop up old Europe. It could because of a crucial new resource that would fuel post WWI American capitalism and its resulting Fordist modes of production. Oil.

But still another economic power stands in the wings of the world political theatre: petroleum.

The victory of the Entente in the World War was in the last analysis a victory of the superior war technology of America. For the first time oil triumphed over coal for the heating of the submarines and ships, of the aircraft, motors, tanks, etc., was accomplished with oil and by a technology which had undergone especially high development in America and opposite which the German technology was backward. After the ending of the World War, the most pressing imperative for America, if it did not want to lose again the hegemony won over world economic domains, was to bring the oil production of the world into its hands in order to thus monopolise the guarantees of its ascendancy.

The richest oil field lie in Asia Minor (Mossul) and belong to the zone of the English protectorate; the way to them leads over Europe. American oil capital began very quickly to secure this path for itself. Starting from France it pressed on by courtesy of the gesture of the French statesman or the bayonet of the French military towards Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, as far as Turkey. The war between Greece and Turkey, the revolution in Bulgaria, the Lausanne talks, the Balkan incidents, the military convention between France and the little Entente, etc., are more or less connected to the perpetual striving of American oil capital to procure for itself a large base of operations for the confrontation which must follow sooner or later in the interest of world monopoly over oil with the competitors, England and Russia. Just as the oil trust has been at work for decades in Mexico to obtain dominion over the Mexican oil fields through a chain of political shocks, putsches, revolts and revolutions, so it also leaves no stone unturned in Europe in order to take possession of the approaches to the oil districts of Asia Minor, against every competitor and every opposition. Germany represented the only gap in the path. As the endeavours to detach South Germany from North Germany and bring it under French overlordship did not lead to the goal—in spite of the enormous sums made ready for the financing of the Bavarian fascist movement and anti-state conspiracy and because the interests of New York clashed here with the interests of Rome, oil capital applied other tactics. Supported by the depreciation of money consequent on inflation and certain stock-exchange manoeuvres, it bought up one economic combine after another and thus gradually brought the entire power of German capital under its control. When the Stinnes combine, for which the proffered quota of shared profits was not high enough, offered resistance and opposed its conversion into the mere appendage of an international community of exploitative interests, force was resorted to. The military occupation of the Ruhr meant the fulfilment of long-cherished wishes of oil capital just as much as it was a deed after the heart of the French mining industrialists.

From the Bourgeois to the Proletarian Revolution by Otto Ruhle 1924

The dual power crisis in Mexico, the turn to he left in Latin America are the result of American intervention in the regions since the 19th Century. The industrialization of these regions in the 20th century opened the possibility of real proletarian revolution. Unfortunately that development was not as advanced as Fordist production in the U.S. Thus these revolutions were limited to national movements and land reform for the mass of the population who were peasants.

Bolivia today is a prime example of this contradiction, that the working class in that country remain indigenous peasants in an underdeveloped economy. They may mine, and work in gas plants but their basis of existence is sharecrops predominately cocaine. Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina all face similar problems of underdevelped industrialization because of a lack of Fordist production. Only Mexico has a fordist economy. One that can compete with America.

And contrary to the purpose of NAFTA it was not to allow for greater development of this fordist base in Mexico, but to act as a buffer, to restrict that competitive development.

The Mexican crisis along with the move to the left in Latin America, shows that contrary to the myth of American Hegemony and it's Cold War victory, revolution is still the counterbalance to Imperialism and rapacious capitalism.

Argentina proved that when its economy went down the drain. Dual power was created in the communities, new currencies and barter were developed, community assemblies organized all forms of social and ifrastructure needs. Workers seized their bankrupt factories and made them operational, and profitable. A dual power situation still exists in Argentina, regardless of the State or ruling party in power.

While America worries about its border security, and the vast wave of migration from Mexico, there is a revolution brewing on their border that no fence will contain.

Viva La Revolucion!

¡Tierra y Libertad!

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Stupid Gun Argument

I was waiting for this...As was said on this site here, the firearm registry did not save Anastacia DeSousa. But guns in the hands of the Dawson students could have.

This is the typical shoot em up American argument that is also used by right-whingnuts like David Tomlinson of the National Firearms Assoc. of Canada. Can you imagine how many people would have died in the crossfire? Think before you blog.

As much as the Blogging Tories have gone on and on about how predictable it was that folks would defend the gun registry after the Dawson College shootings, as I predicted here, some of them went off the deep end the other way.

Saying that the registry failed to stop this shooting, which is not what it was intended to do anyways so how it failed is beyond me, to justify eliminating it is a specious arguement. But that is both Harpers argument and those of the BT's.

The gun registry was never about stopping gun crime but reducing it. If someone who has registered guns but never commited a crime, goes on a killing spree like Gill, there is nothing any registry can do about it.

This is also the myth perpetated by the liberal gun control advocates; that the registry will halt gun crimes. Only in as far as it allows police to monitor who has guns and who has a criminal record. If you have no criminal record then the registry is just that a registry. That it will halt gun crimes is a myth, one perpetrated by the liberals and conservatives.

Gill had registered and licensed restricted weapons. Again restricted in Canada means you have to get a license, police approval for purchase and have to purchase it from a registered dealer. Still that does not stop random murders.
Gun control can never stop random acts of violence. And those who say it can pro or con are lying.

So the reality is the gun registry did cost way too much to implement, but its done, it's effective for what it does. Not that I like it. Let me repeat that for my conservative critics; I don't like the registry and consider it an attempt to criminalize gun owners, all gun owners.

But the cops love it, they want it and they use it. It exists for them, to act as agents of the State to maintain control over us. To declare that it is useless by a party that runs on a platform of law and order is simply a case of opportunistic pandering to its old Reform Party Western Canadian base.

A base that is inculcated with Republican values, that would end all gun control period in a mistaken belief that the people have the inherent right to bear arms. Not in Canada we never have. An armed population has always been seen as a threat to Peace, order and good government.


Gun Registry

Gun Control


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VampireFreek Says Sorry

Following on the revelations that Dawson College killer Vireem Gill was a regular, or irregular, at they have eliminated his blog on the site and have been swamped with comments. Good, bad and nasty. Below is the moderators comment on the situation.
Thanks to everyone's support in light of recent events. There's been a huge reaction on this site, and really i want to express a thank you to everyone who has been supportive. We will be monitoring the site more closely due to recent events. And once again I offer my sincere sympathy to the victims and their families. It really is a tragic event. I've gotten countless emails about the incident, yes a few of them were very negative and close-minded towards goth culture and this site, but the vast majority of feedback i've received has been understanding and supportive of the site. Mature adults, not into the goth scene, who are smart enough to see that this site is not to blame for what happened. Also, thanks to the media, for actually not being that hard on goth culture this time. I know that the goth scene and this website in particular has gotten bad publicity in the past, and while a few reporters have decided to make us look bad again and try to place the blame on us, i see that many members of the media are actually starting to be more accepting and understanding of our scene. Anyway, I feel this has been the topic of conversation on here for too long, so lets just move on and go on with our usual site updates. If you want to further discuss these news, please do so in the entry posted before this one, it already has over 7,000 comments related to the incident....

This same site was also where the Goths from Medicine Hat posted, prior to their killing spree. Which as I stated at the time had nothing to do with Goth Culture. Anymore than Gill's actions were the result of Video Games perse or Gun culture, rather it is the emotional plague that is created in our mass culture of alienated consumption.

When a random acts of violence occurs in a violent society, a society at war with terror, whose politicians engage in the politics of fear, well folks like to look to blame someone, something, anything. Instead of looking around themselves and seeing it is the inherent irrational logic of the culture they inhabit.

Also See:


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Stephen Harper Man Of Steel

Man of Steel in Russian is Stalin. As I posted here at the begining of his Reign of Terror as PM, and as did another precient blogger, Harper has a penchant for imitating a disturbing role model......

Stevie Stalin

But Harper's choice of reading material has disturbed even some of his own party members.

The senior Tory recounted being told Harper had "read and mastered" the biography and leadership style of Russia's Communist dictator Josef Stalin, and said the prime minister has adopted some of the same tactics.

"He plays people off against one another, he attempts to inspire fear rather than respect, he is unpredictable and he is 100 per cent focused on eliminating the opposition," the senior Conservative explained.

And you know who also admired Stalin? This guy

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No wonder Stephen is so chummy with Georgie Porgie King of the USA, he knows what happened to Saddam, who wasn't Georges friend.

And perhaps this gives us some insight into Harpers rejection of the Kelowna accord. Pewrhapse intends on treating First Nations the way Saddam treated the Kurds.

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Do It

I dare ya, I double dare ya.

Bush threatens to shut CIA interrogation program

As the saying goes Just Do It....

Bush warns detainee program might end

Opps he is just bluffing, like he is about this

‘The enemy will attack again’ says Bush

Now the shoe is on the other foot

Bush Says GOP Rebels Are Putting Nation at Risk

Finally the truth for the world to see

President resorts to scare tactics after Senate revolt

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Secular Society Demands Pope Apologize

The Pope is getting flack, rightly so, from Muslims. But hey his comments on Islam came after another attack on liberal pluralistic democratic secular society. A society that allows him the right to speak.

Unlike Catholic Europe which decried any opposition as heresy and conducted pogroms, jailings, torture, mass murder, holy wars (jihads by any other name), etc etc.

Ironicaly his attack on Islam was an after thought.
Pope Assails Secularism, Adding Note on Jihad

But the section on Islam made up just three paragraphs of the speech, and he devoted the rest to a long examination of how Western science and philosophy had divorced themselves from faith — leading to the secularization of European society that is at the heart of Benedict’s worries.

This, he said, has closed off the West from a full understanding of reality, making it also impossible to talk with cultures for whom faith is fundamental.

“The world’s profoundly religious cultures see this exclusion from the divine, from the universality of reason as an attack on their most profound convictions,” he said. “A reason which is deaf to the divine and which relegates religion into the realm of subcultures is incapable of entering into the dialogue of cultures.”

He has singled out Canada along with Germany on his Crusade against Humanism, Pluralism, and Secular society. We should all demand the pope apologize.

And lets never forget two things about this Pope....

1. He was the head of the Inquisition.

2. He was a Nazi.

Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in honor of Hitler

Also See:


Catholic Church


Same Sex Marriage

Gothic Captialism

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Liberal Leadership Rivals On Afghanistan

Thanks to my comment combatant Lord Kitcheners Own for suggesting this.

Let's look at where the Liberal Leadership hopefuls stand on Afghanistan, in their own words .To begin lets look at last summers Leadership debates where Afghanistan became an issue. Because for many of the Liberal Leadership contenders it was not a major issue and still isn't except for commenting on the positions of the NDP and Conservatives.

For an ongoing overview of the candidates positions check out » Afghanistan

Liberal leadership candidates debate in Winnipeg

Updated Sat. Jun. 10 2006 11:50 PM ET

However, unlike Ignatieff, who supported an extension of Canada's mission in Afghanistan to 2009, Rae called for a less aggressive military role.

"(We need) a party that is committed to peacekeeping, a party that is committed to mediating and being a force for good in the world versus a party that very clearly wants to turn us into a branch plant of the Republican Party of the United States."

While Ignatieff said, "We should stay there until we get the job done with honour," Rae said, "... I disagree quite profoundly with Michael on this issue."

Hedy Fry: a veteran Liberal MP from British Columbia, said troops should be placed in Sudan's Darfur region to help stop the escalating humanitarian crisis there.

And thats all she has said on the issue of Afghanistan

I can't find any comments on her website since the House Debate on the issue.

HEDZ SEZ: Harper Plays Politics With Troops

Submitted by Hedy Fry on Wed, 2006-05-17 11:08.

Tonight the Harper government is forcing a vote on whether we should extend the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, when our mandate expires at the end of this year.

This is the worst sort of political manipulation on the part of this government.

This vote is premature.

There is no information on whether we are achieving our objectives in Afghanistan. No information on whether there will be a mandate change. No information on whether our troops will be put in greater danger. The vote tonight is a clear yes or no.

The government will allow no amendments to their motion. It's the sort of "Take it or leave it," "Like it or lump it" way of doing things that we have come to expect of Stephen Harper.

When Canada first sent troops to Afghanistan, we did so with clear parameters. We went there with a mandate: for capacity building, humanitarian aid, peacekeeping and the duty to protect. These are all worthy Canadian values.

Let us be absolutely clear. We support our troops who are in Afghanistan right now. We are part of a multinational force. We are currently there with the Netherlands and the UK.

But there are many questions to be answered before we can take this vote.

Would our mandate change? Is this a worthwhile project still? Are we achieving our objectives? Could other members of the multilateral forces take their turn to allow Canada to focus in other areas such as Darfur?

Until these questions are answered, this forced blind vote tonight does an injustice to our troops, our aid workers and diplomats currently in Afghanistan.

I'd like to hear what you think.

Globe and Mail coverage of the June 10 debate.

FED - Liberal leadership race

June 12, 2006 - JANE TABER: Eleven Liberal leadership hopefuls raced against the clock yesterday at their first all candidates meeting in Winnipeg, and there were some differences, some marked differences over policy. In a minute, our guest journalists will have their say, but first, the clash of views over the mission to Afghanistan.

MICHAEL IGNATIEFF (Liberal - Ontario): You simply have to have a combat capable military. You can't deliver humanitarian aid and reconstruction. You can't protect people, as Hedy wants us to do, unless you have the capacity to have a military that can stand up and, if necessary, respond with fire. Canada is a serious country. If you ask us to do something hard and difficult, we will do it. We should stay there until we get the job done and return with honour.

BOB RAE (Former Ontario Premier): The risks that we run by turning ourselves into a combat force that's engaged in counter-insurgency and counter-guerrilla forces is that we will, in fact, lose our way as peacekeepers and as people who believe in the maintenance of peace. And that, it seems to me, is a very basic question for Canadians, and very important for Liberals as we head into the next election.

SCOTT BRISON (Liberal - Nova Scotia): The headlines in the New York Times the day after that vote, had we defeated it, would not have been Canadian parliament votes down cynical government motion. The headline in the New York Times the next day would have been Canadian parliament withdraws support for the Afghan mission.

MARTHA HALL FINDLAY (Lawyer): We do not establish our foreign policy in this country because, with all due respect, because we're afraid of what the headline in the New York Times will be.

JOE VOLPE (Liberal - Ontario): I disagree with my colleagues, Michael and Scott, about this being important for the United States. We're running to be a leader in Canada.

Another day and another debate and candidates take shots at each otehr over Afghanistan.

11 Grit candidates hold debate in Moncton June 17, 2006

On Afghanistan, Volpe used his opening remarks to take a shot at Ignatieff, who along with Brison supported a government motion last month to extend the Canadian military mission there to 2009. All other leadership hopefuls opposed the motion.

Holding up a newspaper with a front-page story on Ignatieff's pitch for a more aggressive role for Canada's military in Afghanistan and other global trouble spots, Volpe said, "I read it and I agreed with everything in it because my name is Stephen Harper."

Ignatieff did not respond in kind. Indeed, he went out of his way to praise Volpe for initiating reforms to Employment Insurance.

However, Ignatieff didn't back down on the need for Canadian troops to help "provide human security for populations in danger."

"That may mean you have to deploy your military in a place like Darfur, where it's tough, in places like Afghanistan, where it's tough," he said.

"The single greatest problem with the United Nations is talking about protecting but not doing it. We have to be a country that actually lives by what we say and do."

At one point, Rae spoke movingly of watching young girls in war-torn Sri Lanka ride their bikes to school. That prompted a sharp retort from Brison.

"I would urge you to consider those young women in Afghanistan who did not have the right to go to school under the Taliban," Brison said


Michael Ignatieff: But on the matter of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, Ignatieff is as strong a supporter of the mission as any of the Liberal leadership contenders. Rae has distinguished himself by taking a deeply skeptical position on the entire project, which is far closer to the stance of most Canadians, whose enthusiasm has been waning ever since Stephen Harper’s Conservatives took office.

Why are Canadians becoming so disillusioned?

For one thing, Ignatieff said, Canadian soldiers are dying there. But there is a “deeper obstacle”, and it’s the idea that Canadian soldiers have become “auxiliaries of the American empire, fighting a counterterrorism war that has nothing to do with us”.

On this question, Ignatieff has no second thoughts.

Canada is in Afghanistan at the invitation of the country’s democratically elected government, with the approval of the United Nations, as part of a NATO engagement, Ignatieff said. If we pull out now, Afghanistan could fall prey to a terrorist militia, leading to a civil war, and “the last war cost a million lives,” as he points out.

And this is where we have to leave our innocence behind.

“The things that Canadians have understood is they’ve understood globalization. They’ve understood that the future of the British Columbia economy is somehow tied up to China and India. And Vancouver is the great epitome of Canada waking up to globalization and profiting and benefiting from it,” he said.

“But the other side of globalization is that security threats, very long and very far away, are our business, in a way that I think we didn’t, we don’t, understand. And that’s the innocence here. And that innocence has to end because our security really is involved in these things.”

Ignatieff says Canada belongs in Afghanistan because of 'moral promise'

Angela Pacienza, Canadian Press

Published: Friday, September 08, 2006

Canadians have an obligation to keep their "moral promise" to Afghans despite a mounting death toll, Liberal leadership contender Michael Ignatieff said Wednesday as the bodies of five more soldiers returned home from the battlefield.

"This is an agonizing mission for Canadians but it's a mission that amounts to a moral promise," Ignatieff said following a rally in downtown Toronto where he unveiled a new campaign platform. "It's a promise in which Canada said 'We're going to help Afghans get their country back on its feet.' And the Canada I love and the Canada I respect always keeps its promises."

The latest casualties in Afghanistan, which brings the total to 32 since 2002, have prompted a growing number of politicians to push for an end to the mission.

Earlier this week New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton said Canada should pull forces out and focus its efforts on reconstruction and negotiating a peaceful settlement.

Ignatieff dismissed Layton's proposal, saying it wasn't credible.

"I'm not clear who you negotiate with. I'm not clear what you negotiate about," he said.

"There isn't a responsible politician who doesn't prefer negotiating to combat. That's not the issue."

Ignatieff said he would continue to back soldiers so long as the mission offered the war-torn country a balance of security, reconstruction and humanitarian needs.

Quotable quote: "To defeat evil, we may have to traffic in evils: indefinite detention of suspects, coercive interrogations, targeted assassinations, even pre-emptive war. These are evils because each strays from national and international law and because they kill people or deprive them of freedom without due process. They can be justified only because they prevent the greater evil. The question is not whether we should be trafficking in lesser evils but whether we can keep lesser evils under the control of free institutions." Mr. Ignatieff, writing in The New York Times Magazine in 2004.

Brison has no position or statements on Afghanistan on his website. Instead his only foreign policy statements are in regards to this summers Israeli-Lebanon conflict in which he took Israels side. Though he has claimed to agree with Kennedy his statements say otherwise.

Scott Brison:

Along with Mr. Ignatieff, he departed from the Liberal line to vote with the government in order to extend the mission in Afghanistan. He did so because he was part of the original decision to join the coalition and because he believes, absolutely, that Canada must show its resolve against terrorism. He does not, however, approve of the "wedge politics" Mr. Harper used to split, and embarrass, the Liberals by calling a vote that affects, far more, the real lives of those dealing in a real situation.

"What he did is morally wrong," Mr. Brison said of Mr. Harper's political gambit to use the military to divide, further, the opposition. "This is going to come back and bite him in the rear end."

In response to a question, Brison reiterated his conviction that the then-Liberal government did the right thing sending soldiers to Afghanistan.

He said he lived in New York City during the 1993 terrorist bombing in the parking garage of the World Trade Center that rocked its foundation and left seven dead and hundreds injured.

The subsequent airplane attack on the Twin Towers, as well as other bombings in Bali, Madrid, London and elsewhere and alleged plots in Canada and, most recently, on airplanes leaving England, reaffirm Canada's responsibility and role in the world, he said.

"We can't take ourselves out of the modern world, nor should we," he said.

He said he and Jordan were among the MPs who supported sending the military to Afghanistan to defend the people and build the institutions necessary for the wartorn country to develop.

"It's tough there now," he said, but the objective to fight terrorism and defend basic rights remains laudable.

Scott Brison was the other leadership hopeful to vote with the Conservatives, but he said most of the candidates more generally agree that the current mission needs to match the military mission with broader humanitarian support.


I have already posted Bob Rae and Carolyn Bennett's positions here:Afghanistan Takes Its Toll On Liberal Leadership

Like Hedy another Liberal Candidate who has nothing to say , surprisingly, about Afghanistan is the first person to toss her hat in the ring. She has spoken out on the Middle East on her website but not Afghanistan. However I did find a posting on her Forum page. Whether it is her position or her teams hard to say, I can't identify the poster as I am not registered on her site.

Martha Hall Findlay

I did find this from a forum on the Globe and Mail where Findaly Hall was asked questions.

Ensley Hill, Digby, Canada: How would a government led by you contribute to the 'war on terror'? Would you commit Canada to helping the effort in Afghanistan, and possibly elsewhere?

Martha Hall Findlay: Ensley, thanks for your question -- I'm actually writing this as we "speak" from your lovely province of Nova Scotia. We are of course already helping in Afghanistan and have been for five years. However, when we were asked this past spring to support a two-year extension of that effort, (i) I was offended that the question was put to a so-called "debate," for only six hours in a highly politicized environment -- that was in my view completely inappropriate and offensive to the Canadians risking and sacrificing their lives; (ii) more importantly, it was not then, and it is still not now, at all clear what our real goals are, whether they are indeed achievable, and what to do next. A decision whether (or not) to extend should only have been made after a full and thorough review of the whole situation.

But the key is that we are there, we have made a commitment -- the question facing Canada is what to do next, and how. The idea of unilaterally pulling out at this juncture is completely irresponsible. We are there with NATO, and it is as part of that collective that we can, in this instance, be most effective. This is, however, an opportunity for Canada to step up and do what it has historically done so well (examples being the land mines treaty and the UN "responsibility to protect" doctrine) -- we must engage our NATO partners in serious, honest discussion about where we are, what we hope to accomplish, whether those goals are realistic and achievable and then, decide on next steps. A key element of Canada's foreign policy, and one I want to maintain, for Afghanistan as well as other international efforts, is our commitment to the collectives of NATO and the UN. We have been consistent, and been respected, in that role.

Like Fry and Findlay Hall, Volpe has no position on Afhganistan on his website. Any position or comments he has made were in the debates and no where else.

Joe Volpe

Former federal cabinet minister Joe Volpe would like to see Canadian troops return to Kabul.

Afghan mission a wedge in Grit leadership race

Updated Mon. May. 15 2006 5:15 PM ET

Canadian Press

OTTAWA -- Canada's dangerous military mission in Afghanistan is becoming a wedge issue in the Liberal leadership contest.

The 11 candidates are divided over the merits of the mission and whether it should be extended beyond the current deadline of February. Toronto MP and former minister Joe Volpe is so far the most critical of the mission. He's calling for the withdrawal of troops from Kandahar province, where a number of Canadian soldiers have been killed recently as they attempt to root out Taliban insurgents.

Two more soldiers were wounded Monday when their armoured vehicle was rocked by a roadside bomb.

Volpe wants Canada's contingent of 2,200 soldiers to return to its original base in the Afghan capital of Kabul. He's also calling for a reorientation of Canadian Forces to pursue a more traditional peacekeeping mission while helping to restore "civil society" to the war-ravaged country.

"That's what we're equipped to do, that's what we're capable of doing and that's where our expertise lies," Volpe said in an interview.

The previous Liberal government committed troops to Afghanistan's lawless south last year and included a robust combat element to the deployment. But most of the casualties have come under Stephen Harper's fledgling Conservative government.

Volpe suggested this was no coincidence. He believes there was a change in the mission at the behest of U.S. President George W. Bush.

"We can't switch from peacekeeper to peacemaker on the fly just because a Republican government in the United States asks us to. We can't be an extension of American foreign policy," Volpe said.

Volpe's stance appears to be at odds with that of rookie MP and acclaimed scholar Michael Ignatieff, one of the presumed frontrunners in the leadership race. He has been the most unequivocal in his support for the Afghanistan mission.

Ken Dryden is the only Liberal Leadership candidate in this catagory to have a Foreign Affairs section on his website where he does address Afghanistan.

Ken Dryden said soul searching in the wake of recent deaths will continue because there wasn't a thorough debate before the Conservatives announced in May a vote on a two-year extension — until 2009 — for the military mission.

"We're in Afghanistan for good reasons and we should stay there for the time being," Dryden told CBC. "But what we didn't go through four or five months ago was a real debate over Canadian foreign policy, the present world of peacekeepers and peacemakers, and whether Afghanistan is the right place for us.

"We skipped a step. And now, that step keeps coming back and it will keep coming back until we have a real good debate."

Dryden candidly admitted during a news conference that he doesn't know whether Canadian troops should withdraw or stay in Afghanistan or whether a carbon tax should be part of any climate change plan. In both cases he called for a thorough debate and examination of the issue.

The important voice is the voice that’s missing

In Afghanistan, there has been something – to end its role as a safe harbour for international terrorism; its stabilization and reconstruction. But were the circumstances at the time what we thought them to be? Have they changed? If so, is there still the right role for us to play? Does our participation in Afghanistan represent the best of Canada in the world?

The individual actions of the Conservative Government are troubling, collectively they are disturbing. The sudden extension, without real debate, of our mission in Afghanistan; the softwood lumber deal; Mr. Harper’s governing style; the rhetoric; “God Bless (delete “America;” insert) Canada” (ugh!) at the end of some of Mr. Harper’s speeches; and (double ugh!) “Steve”. There is an attitude and an approach on display here that personally, as a Canadian, I find makes my stomach squirm. But more than that, it gets in the way of Canada playing a role in the world that is critical and that no one can play better. And it keeps the US from hearing the voice that’s missing.

What does that mean for Afghanistan? It means staying where we are, doing our best to fulfill our mission, but with our eyes wide open. Rhetoric is deadly, whether it is from Mr. Harper or some of the other Liberal leadership candidates. “When the going gets tough . . . ;“ Canada doesn’t “cut and run;” leadership is “standing firm” – rhetoric is a comfortable ideological or academic box where you are finally and forever right and you never have to open your eyes again. Except life isn’t like that. Leadership is having the courage to have your eyes always wide open, to change and go a different way if a different way is better.

Dion lacks any policy platform on Foreign Affairs on his website. He has posted comments there on Afghanistan and he did publish a commentary in the National Post on Afghanistan. And here are his reasons for voting against the extension.

Stephane Dion: Like Dryden, Dion voted in May against the extension in Afghanistan, but he was critical Tuesday of the call this week by NDP Leader Jack Layton that Canada should get out of the war-torn nation by February 2007.

"I didn't want my country to commit itself in the international community as Mr. Harper has done, but now it's done," he said.

Dion said any redesign of the mission to place a greater focus on peacekeeping or to leave the country completely wouldn't take place without a comprehensive review.

The only Quebec leadership candidate said he wouldn't rule out withdrawing the troops before 2009, but that under his leadership, Canada would "not leave overnight or put in danger thousands of lives."

Naive assumptions about our armed forces

Stéphane Dion, National Post, August 14, 2006

The role of the Canadian Armed Forces and the topic of security have long been debated throughout the Liberal Party of Canada’s leadership campaign. This debate can be attributed to the importance of the matter, its present international relevance, as well as the serious preoccupations brought on by the propensity of the Conservative government to opt above all for the use of force to resolve international conflicts. The debate is also fed by the variety of opinions on this matter of the eleven candidates. One of the candidates, as many people know, supported America’s intervention in Iraq. Nine candidates, including myself, have voiced our disapproval of the government’s motion to extend the mission in Afghanistan by two years. Many of us, but not all, immediately called for a cease-fire in Lebanon. I would like to outline the criteria that would guide me as Prime Minister in order to ensure the proper use of Canada’s armed forces.

We must avoid two naïve yet contradictory assumptions. In this “we”, I obviously include my party, since I believe it to be vulnerable to these two opposing assumptions. This is apparent in the current leadership race.

The first of these two naïve assumptions is to believe that since peacekeeping is the mandate of our forces, our soldiers will never have to resort to using their weapons. In the cease-fire monitoring missions between two regular armies, UN peacekeepers normally never have to fight and are not equipped to do so. Unfortunately, not all peacekeeping operations are able to unfold in such a manner. When in order to protect a population in danger we must help a weakened government re-establish security over its territory, such as the case of Congo in 1961, Bosnia in 1994 or present-day Afghanistan, peacekeeping operations are replaced by those of a peace-restoring nature. In such missions, soldiers must at times use force and they take the risk of incurring casualties. In refusing to include the Canadian Forces in such operations, we would be refusing to contribute to resolving the worst conflicts our world presently faces and we would be renouncing our “responsibility to protect”, a doctrine for which Canada has been an advocate on the world stage.

The opposite naïve assumption is to overestimate armed force as an instrument for spreading justice and democracy in the world. The decision by the United States to invade Iraq in 2003 was probably a result of this overestimation, and the support by some intellectuals for the invasion certainly was. The majority of Canadians – but not Mr. Harper – voiced their opposition to this invasion and our government refused to participate in it. We were not turning a blind eye to the criminal nature of Saddam Hussein’s regime; we did not believe that the Iraqi people were incapable of democracy. We did believe, however, that a war and military occupation were more likely to lead to violence and chaos rather than democracy. We participated in the Bosnian intervention as it had a good chance of ending the violence and allowing political progress in the country. For these same reasons, we are presently stationed in Afghanistan, although in much more difficult conditions. The political landscape of Iraq was very different. It was predictable that military intervention would reduce the chances of democracy in this country and in the Middle East.

We had good reason to caution our American friends against the dangers of their operation and to not participate in it. The United States is for us an ally, not a model – a distinction that eludes our current Prime Minister.

This is the direction our armed forces must adopt. Although foreign armed forces can in some cases improve the security in a country, they cannot establish democracy within it. Democracy can be established by the local population, in an improved security environment, but that is entirely outside the control of foreign troops. Canadians must continue to help populations in danger where their presence is welcome and where they have a reasonable chance of reducing violence. They must not refuse missions that force them to use weapons or that might lead to casualties. However, they must avoid participating in ventures that would increase violence, rather than keeping it at bay. We must evaluate the extension of our mission in Afghanistan according to these criteria. If an international mission is set up for Lebanon, our decision to participate in it should be based on whether it would be likely to re-establish genuine security in the region and for the Lebanese people who have suffered so much in the current crisis. These same criteria must guide us in evaluating our participation in future engagements.


Gerard Kennedy:

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No Sustainable peace without answers to opium trade, renewed development efforts

Toronto- Liberal leadership candidate Gerard Kennedy today called for Canada to push NATO to re-evaluate what amounts to a losing strategy in Afghanistan and for Prime Minister Harper to address the shortfall in aid development.

"If NATO fails to change their strategy, Canada should pull out of the war in Afghanistan," Kennedy told Ontario Young Liberals as part of the Young Liberal Summer Speakers Series at Ryerson University last night.

"By focusing solely on military objectives in Afghanistan, Prime Minister Harper is making the same mistakes that the Bush administration made in Iraq and it will lead to similar long-term failure," said Kennedy. "The Prime Minister has failed to answer the fundamental question of whether we are building a civil society in Afghanistan along with the Afghani people, or simply occupying a troublesome part of the world. "

Kennedy pointed out that Afghanistan faces three interlinked crises: an opium crisis, a development crisis and a security crisis. "The international community and the Afghan people must deal with the opium and development crises before lasting security can become reality," Kennedy said. "The biggest failure in Afghanistan to date has been the way the international community has alienated the Afghani people. Unless we change the approach to developing a sustainable economy in Afghanistan, our mission will not succeed"

Last year's crop was worth $2.7 billion at export, or 52 per cent of the GDP, representing a 20 per cent increase in poppy planting and a record for the biggest crop in Afghanistan's history, according to the United Nations.

"These figures signal an abject failure for the British-led attempt at forced eradiation of all opium crops," notes Kennedy. "The consequences have been tragic." Revenues from opium crops fund the Taliban's operations against international forces. Additionally, without economic alternatives the allegiance of local populations shifts support away from the international community and towards Taliban insurgent factions that capitalize on growing economic desperation.

"There are both long- and short-term solutions that will bring illegal opium cultivation under control and take the money away from the Taliban, while at the same time providing economic opportunities and hope to the poverty-stricken opium growing areas of Afghanistan," Kennedy added.

Little has been achieved to relieve the extreme poverty of the majority of the rural population. The substantial efforts and vast amounts of funds provided for the stability and security of the country have not been matched by comparable measures in terms of development.

"The basic needs of the local population are not being met," Kennedy said. Despite being the world's main front in the war against terrorism, Afghanistan has so far received less per capita reconstruction and security assistance than all other recent post-conflict countries. Only $75 per capita has been pledged for this year, and this figure will slide down to $42 per capita for the next five years.

Kennedy noted that Canada has a role to play in marshalling other NATO countries to call for a winning plan in Afghanistan. "Sustainable peace cannot be achieved by military operations alone. The international coalition should focus on the immediate and long-term economic needs of the local communities, and any use of force should be balanced with extensive, visible and effective development efforts," he said.

Kennedy proposes that Canada can help lead the plan to solve the opium trade and development challenges facing the Afghani people, "The only way we can justify staying in Afghanistan is if we can create a mandate for real success."

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

t's time to reevaluate NATO's strategy in Afghanistan. The current strategy is a long-term losing one. In order for the mission to be successful, Canada and its allies must win the support of the Afghani people, get smart about the opium crisis and get serious about the abject poverty and alienation facing a country recently ranked one of the 10 weakest states in the world.

Even the US Military establishment is starting to realize that their approach in Afghanistan and Iraq has failed and needs to be rethought. According to a recent Boston Globe report, the Pentagon has "undertaken a wholesale reassessment of its war strategy with a goal of identifying the mistakes made in Iraq and Afghanistan" as they now realize that "winning hearts and minds has proved far more difficult than killing enemy forces."

Just as the Pentagon is now reconsidering the US strategy in Iraq, Canada has a role to play in marshalling other NATO countries to call for a winning plan in Afghanistan.

Canadian principles have been absent in this effort since Prime Minister Harper's shotgun vote to extend the mission in Afghanistan. He has failed to answer the fundamental question of whether we're building a civil society in Afghanistan alongside the Afghani people or essentially occupying a troublesome part of the world.

There are currently three crises in Afghanistan: An opium crisis, a development crisis and a security crisis. Unless we deal with the first two in a rational, thoughtful manner, the last crisis - creating lasting security in Afghanistan - will be impossible to meet, violence will escalate and the mission will fail.

One of the biggest failures in Afghanistan has been the approach to the omnipresent opium trade. Opium production in Afghanistan has exploded under the current policy, signaling an abject failure for the British-led attempt at forced eradication of all opium crops. Last year's crop was worth $2.7 billion at export, or 52% of GDP. The United Nations says poppy planting increased by 20% this year and is projected to break a record for the biggest crop in Afghanistan history.

Ineffective opium policies have had two tragic consequences: the sale of opium now represents a virtual ATM to the Taliban, funding their operations against international forces without any end in site. As importantly, since the international community's opium policy has been to forcibly eradicate the poppy fields without providing any economic alternative, the allegiance of local populations is now shifting away from support for the international community and towards Taliban insurgent factions cashing in on growing local anger and economic desperation. The international community's approach to the poppy fields has resulted in more opium being grown and in farmers turning against the international community.

Effectively replacing the opium crop with sustainable alternatives will be neither easy nor cheap - it will cost billions of dollars to replace opium with a new economy. However, Afghanistan cannot build a long-term viable economy based on the trade of an illegal substance. As the former Afghani Interior Minister wrote in a Parameters journal article in May 2006, "Eradication without providing for meaningful alternative livelihoods is not sustainable. Eradication does not hold promise as a near-term solution, and forcible eradication can be counter-productive...There are no quick and simple solutions."

Canada should take a leadership role in working with its international allies and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) on demonstration projects to move the replacement of the opium economy forward. Another short-term solution is assisting the country to produce essential opium-based medicines such as morphine and codeine in accordance with the legal framework found in the new Afghanistan Counter- Narcotics Law passed in December 2005. Implementing these provisions would partly bring illegal opium cultivation under control, take the money away from the Taliban and provide new economic opportunity and hope to the poverty-stricken opium growing areas of Afghanistan.

The second crisis facing Afghanistan is a development challenge. After five years of international presence in Afghanistan and the establishment of a democratically elected government, little has been achieved to relieve extreme poverty facing the majority of the rural Afghan population. The basic needs of the local population are not being met and, as a result, the population is returning its support to the Taliban and other local power-holders.

Despite being the world's main front in the war against terrorism, Afghanistan has so far received less per capita reconstruction and security assistance than all other recent post-conflict countries. In Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo and East Timor, donors spent an average of $250 per capita per year in aid. In Afghanistan, only $75 per capita has been pledged for this year, sliding down to $42 per capita for the next five years. While Canada has spent more than $4 billion by some estimates on the military mission in Afghanistan, it has spent less than $100 million in aid since March 2005.

Canada and its allies need to develop a better balance between short-term emergency assistance (food, shelter, and water) and long-term development (there has not been a single new highway or power plant built in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban). Afghanistan urgently needs an injection of financial aid earmarked for the short-term relief of pervasive extreme poverty.

The international coalition should focus on the immediate and long term economic needs of the local communities and any use of force should be balanced with extensive, visible and effective development efforts. Sustainable peace in Afghanistan cannot be achieved by military operations alone: comprehensive and long-term development efforts are desperately needed. The success of the international mission in Afghanistan relies on convincing the Afghani people that development will provide for a better future than the Taliban offers and on the realization of these promises.

The only way Canada can justify staying in Afghanistan is if we can create a mandate for real success. Loss of life, lack of progress and no end in sight weigh heavily on our national conscience. By focusing solely on the military objectives in Afghanistan, Prime Minister Harper is making the same mistakes that the Bush administration made in Iraq and it will lead to similar long-term failure. It's time Canada advocated and led a strategy that tackles the real issues of the opium economy and the development challenges under which the Afghan people are attempting to rebuild.

James Laxer: Layton and Kennedy Have Transformed the Afghanistan Debate

Here is a comment on the Liberal Candidates from a member of Canada's Defense Establishment from June:

Liberal leadership race needs honest foreign policy debate

By Bob Bergen
Canada’s military mission in Afghanistan is emerging as a central and likely decisive issue in the federal Liberal Party leadership race.
When the Liberals were in power, it was easy to tell where they stood on foreign policy and national defence.
However, the leadership race has exposed the New Democratic Party’s influence on high-profile
leadership candidates like Bob Rae and some anti-American sentiments on the part of both Rae and Joe Volpe that muddies the water considerably. Only two of the 11 candidates supported extending Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, but Rae and Volpe are using the Liberal leadership race as a platform to argue that Canada risks losing its way as a nation of
peacekeepers by following America’s lead.
They both ought to know that the Liberals got out of the peacekeeping business a long time ago and have a made-in-Canada record of sending the Canadian Forces into combat when necessary.
For starters, it was Jean Chretien’s Liberal government which sent Canadian Forces peacemakers – not peacekeepers – into the former Yugoslavia as part of a United Nations effort to put an end to Slobodan Milosevic’s reign of terror in the early 1990s.
Not to put too fine a point on it, it was Chretien’s Liberal government that sent CF-18 warplanes with our North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies to bomb Milosevic’s military and government into submission and end Serbian “cleansing” of ethnic Albanians during the 78-day Kosovo air war in 1999.
It was the Chretien Liberal government that originally committed Canadian land, sea and air forces to the international war against terrorism in the wake of the September 11, 2001, attack in New York. Further, it was the Chretien Liberal government that was the driving force behind “The Responsibility to Protect”, the Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty also in 2001.
In the aftermath of the Rwanda genocide in 1994, the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia in 1995 and Kosovo, the Report advanced a case for muscular military intervention by the international community to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing when their own governments fail to do so.
That “Responsibility to Protect” initiative was adopted by the United Nations at the World Summit at UN headquarters in September 2005.
It was also Paul Martin’s Liberal government which produced the Canadian International Policy statement in 2005 that guides Canada’s current foreign policy in defence, diplomacy and development. At the heart of the policy statement is, in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, that Canada needs a robust military to protect Canada against terrorism and the spillover of failed and failing states like Afghanistan.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government is following the International Policy
Statement’s lead, but appears to be taking it many steps further by beefing up Canada’s military and extending to 2009 the Afghanistan mission the Liberals initiated.
But, by some unfathomable twist of logic, former Ontario NDP premier Rae now argues against the Liberal party’s foreign policy thinking and history, saying that Canada risks losing its way as a nation of peacekeepers in Afghanistan.
Just when and where have Canadians been acting as a nation of peacekeepers since the early 1990s?
Meanwhile, Volpe disingenuously argues that Canada has moved away from peacekeeping into
peacemaking in Afghanistan with a made-in-Washington foreign affairs policy.
The front-runner in the race is reportedly Michael Ignatieff, a well-traveled journalist, a former Harvard scholar and a widely-published author with a highly-developed view of Canada’s place in the world. Ignatieff’s critics label him un-Liberal and un-Canadian for the decades he spent at Harvard. Volpe hascalled him Republican-minded.
They ignore the fact that Ignatieff wrote about NATO’s Kosovo intervention in his book Virtual War, which served as a virtual blueprint for the Liberals’ “The Responsibility to Protect”.
Ignatieff was one of the commissioners who sat on the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty which authored “The Responsibility to Protect”.
Ignatieff’s thinking, if not variations of his exact phrasing from Virtual War, can be found throughout it like a watermark.
Should Ignatieff come to lead the Liberals in opposition, he will bring a sophisticated world view to thedifficult defence and foreign policy issues facing Canada and the United States.
The problem is Ignatieff may be surrounded in his own caucus by the likes of Rae and Volpe who don’t debate at the same level and prefer to simply bash Ignatieff and Washington instead.
Still worse, Ignatieff’s opponents don’t appear to think that Canadians need to hear an enlightened and honest debate on these central issues, which is a sad enough commentary in itself.

Bob Bergen, Ph.D., is a Research Fellow with the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) in Calgary.

The opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and not necessarily those of CDFAI, its Board of Directors, Advisory Council, Fellows or donors. Bergen’s column appears bi-weekly. Learn more about the CDFAI and its research on the Internet at

Also See:

Liberal Leadership Race


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