And it does have blowback since this is after all Landslide Annie's file.
And there is a certain irony in all this since one of her biggest supporters is Union President Dan MacLennan of AUPE who is a provincial prison guard.
Of course UCCO has been without a contract for five years. So why would the Liberals talk to them now after not having talked to them for all this time.
I guess its ok to embrace Buzz but to offer your own union workers a fair deal, well thats a bit much to ask.
Arrogance and a culture of entitlement. These are Paul Martins Canadian Values.
Also See:
Landslide Anne in Trouble
Laurie Hawn Chicken Hawk
Conservatives Turn Left
Liberals Abandon Redmonton
Redmonton Votes
Redmonton Not In The Bag for the Conservatives
Federal Election
Edmonton Centre
Anne McLellan
Laurie Hawn
Buzz Hargrove
Strategic Voting