Friday, January 20, 2006

Liberals Refuse To Speak To Union

While making a big deal about Conservative candidates missing forums, the Liberals have refused to answer the Federal Corrections Officers union; Union of Canadian Correctional Officers (UCCO-SACC-CSN) Federal election questionaire. Dumb move that.

And it does have blowback since this is after all Landslide Annie's file.

And there is a certain irony in all this since one of her biggest supporters is Union President
Dan MacLennan of AUPE who is a provincial prison guard.

Of course UCCO has been without a contract for five years. So why would the Liberals talk to them now after not having talked to them for all this time.

I guess its ok to embrace Buzz but to offer your own union workers a fair deal, well thats a bit much to ask.

Arrogance and a culture of entitlement. These are Paul Martins Canadian Values.

Also See:

Landslide Anne in Trouble

Laurie Hawn Chicken Hawk

Conservatives Turn Left

Liberals Abandon Redmonton

Redmonton Votes

Redmonton Not In The Bag for the Conservatives


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