Sunday, May 15, 2022

Roger Stone elaborates on the 'satanic portal' he claims is visible above the White House

Bob Brigham
May 15, 2022

Roger Stone is due to appear in court in Florida on Friday.

Notorious GOP dirty trickster and longtime Donald Trump advisor Roger Stone believes there is a portal to hell that is visible above the White House.

In April, Right Wing Watch reported, "“Elijah Streams” is a daily program produced by the Elijah List, a website with a mission to “'ind and publish the most credible prophetic words possible.' Generally, the content produced by both the website and the livestream program consists of wild conspiracy theories, often about how God is supposedly working to save the United States through modern-day 'prophets' and former President Donald Trump."

Stone appeared on the program to discuss Satin's entryway.

"Stone asserted that a friend had sent him photos showing a 'satanic portal' appearing over the White House after President Joe Biden took office, and so he reached out to conspiracy theorist and 'prophet' Robin Bullock to arrange an appearance on 'Elijah Streams' so he could share the startling news and photos," the site reported.

In the video clip, Stone says he is not joking about there being a satanic portal over the White House.

"I just thought I was a political warrior. But this is no longer a war in the political realm, and I do know how it comes out because I know how the Bible comes out. I don’t know exactly what the plan is, but I do know that closing this portal is crucial to victory. I want others to talk about it. I want others to see it. … This is not some practical joke. This isn’t some conspiracy theory. I’m absolutely convinced that this is demonic," Stone said. "It is a satanic portal. It is access to this Earth by those who are evil, and only by closing it will we be successful in saving this nation under God.”

In a Friday evening speech in South Carolina, Stone returned to the topic and demanded the satanic portal be closed by prayer.

“Yes, ladies and gentleman, there is a satanic portal above the White House, you can see it day and night," he claimed. "It exists, it is real, and it must be closed, and it will be closed by prayer."

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