Monday, May 04, 2020

Alberta Labour offers details on probe looking into COVID-19 death linked to Cargill meat plant


As the number of COVID-19 cases linked to the Cargill meat plant in High River, Alta., continues to climb, the Alberta government is confirming more details about the scope of investigations looking into both the outbreak there and a death linked to the facility.

As of Thursday, 480 workers at the Cargill facility had tested positive for COVID-19, including one who died, with another 140 cases linked to spread in the community.

READ MORE: Cargill plant shutdown does not mean COVID-19 risk is contained: High River mayor

In a statement issued to Global News on Thursday, a spokesperson for Alberta Labour said Occupational Health and Safety is currently investigating the death as well as “the circumstances at the work site that may have led to workers becoming infected.”

“These investigations will look at the circumstances surrounding potential exposure of workers at Cargill related to COVID-19,” Adrienne South, press secretary for Labour Minister Jason Copping, said in an email. “This will also include an investigation of any potential non-compliance that may have affected the health and safety of workers at the facility.

“Workplace factors such as training, control measures, different job roles, etc., will factor into determining the full scope of any investigation.”
More cases of COVID-19 linked to Alberta meat-packing facilities More cases of COVID-19 linked to Alberta meat-packing facilities

Alberta NDP Labour Critic Christina Gray called for a public inquiry on Thursday into the handling of COVID-19 outbreaks in Alberta meat-processing plants.

“We believe the premier and the government cabinet failed to act at Cargill and also appear resistant to meaningful action at the JBS plant,” she said in a statement. “Now, we have significant community spread in two Alberta communities and at least one worker has died.

“This government has lost the trust of the public. The only way we can truly learn from these tragedies and hold the government to account on these serious matters is through the launch of a full public inquiry.”

At the JBS meat plant in Brooks, Alta., there have been 124 cases of COVID-19 involving workers and contractors as of Thursday afternoon. The death of a worker and another person from Brooks were confirmed Thursday as being caused by COVID-19.

“These two additional deaths are the ones that I mentioned yesterday with respect to Brooks, which have now both been confirmed as cases of COVID-19,” Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, said at a news conference in Edmonton on Thursday

She added that one was an employee at JBS Foods and the other was a household contact of an employee.

“My sincere condolences go out to everyone grieving the loss of a loved one today.”

South said after the first COVID-19 case was reported at Harmony Beef north of Calgary, “an intergovernmental business resumption protocol was immediately established for provincially and federally licensed food processing facilities in Alberta.”
“While many food processing facilities have existing pandemic and emergency response plans in place, it was critical to work with all actors involved to bolster their plans and help keep workers safe and guarantee Alberta’s food security,” she said. “In addition to OHS, AHS officials have also visited Cargill High River on a number of occasions.”

At the Cargill site, South said a live inspection was done with an “inspector directing movement as required” and that video of the inspection was captured for OHS to refer to later if they need to.

“Due to the circumstances of the pandemic, video conferencing was employed,” she said. “Video inspections are being conducted to mitigate risk of exposure of all parties. Such inspections are not specific or unique to the Cargill facility.

“The officer doing the inspection observed the employees at their daily duties.”

South said a unionized plant worker and a shop steward with the United Food and Commercial Workers union joined the employer for the official OHS inspection.

Earlier this week, Hinshaw said plant conditions and practices aren’t the only factors that need to be looked at when it comes to understanding the COVID-19 outbreak tied to the Cargill plant.

“We know in this particular outbreak, when cases were identified, there were measures put in place at the plant, but some of the other measures that we’re now seeing are really critical,” Dr. Deena Hinshaw said on April 20. “There are things like carpooling that’s been identified as a risk, and so not just looking at the plant itself, but looking at how do people get back and forth to work, thinking about households.

“There’s households where people simply don’t have the space to self-isolate if they’re a case or if they’re a close contact and needing to provide supports to those people.”

The president of United Food and Commercial Workers union Local 401 said he believes the employers and OHS should have done more and sooner.

“This didn’t have to happen,” Thomas Hesse said. “The government’s job is to protect its citizens from large multimillion-dollar corporations and the government didn’t do its job.”

In a statement issued to Global News on Thursday, Cargill said that since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has “worked in lock step with local health officials and other regulators.”

“Our team are essential workers like health-care workers and first responders,” spokesperson Daniel Sullivan said. “Our hearts go out to our employees who are impacted by the virus.

“We have taken industry-leading health and safety measures, including temperature testing, providing and encouraging the use of face coverings, cleaning and sanitizing procedures, prohibiting visitors from our facilities, stopping travel, adopting social distancing practices where possible and offering shift flexibility, staggered breaks, and increased spacing and partitions in work areas.

“We have and continue to follow OHS guidance and are fully engaged in addressing the community-wide impacts of the virus.”

Earlier this week, Cargill said it was taking steps to temporarily close the plant. There are still questions about what that decision will mean for workers there.

The UFCW is now calling for the JBS plant in Brooks to temporarily shut down.

In an email to Global News on Wednesday, a spokesperson for JBS said the company “cannot know for certain how, where or when our team members were infected given the widespread nature of the virus.”

“Each case is heartbreaking. Our sympathies go out to everyone around the world who has been impacted by this common enemy we all face,” the email reads

“The Brooks facility remains open to continue to provide food for the country. We will not operate a facility if we do not believe it is safe.

“We are working diligently to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and have adopted enhanced safety measures, health protocols and worker benefits to keep our workplaces, team members and products safe. The health and safety of our team members providing food for us all during this unprecedented time remains our top priority.”

–With files from Global News’ Heather Yourex-West and The Canadian Press’ Bill Graveland
Coronavirus: Employee at Cargill plant died within days of feeling ill, union says another is critical



New details are emerging, along with calls for action, in light of the COVID-19 death of an employee at the Cargill meat plant. Some say the shut down didn’t come soon e

The woman in her late 60s who worked at the Cargill meat plant and died from COVID-19 commuted daily to High River from her home in Calgary.

When she left work on Thursday, nobody knew it would be her last shift.

READ MORE: 1 death connected to Cargill meat plant in High River as plant ‘idles’ processes

Community organizations working with Cargill employees shared more details with Global News.

Marichu Antonio, executive director for ActionDignity, said the woman called in sick on Friday, was rushed to hospital on Saturday and passed away Sunday evening.

Out of respect for the family, the group isn’t releasing names. The woman’s husband is grieving and showing symptoms of the virus.

“We are helping him look for affordable funeral service and taking care of that,” Antonio said.

“Also making sure he’s OK and his health is OK and he has the food he needs.”

Cargill meat plant temporarily closing amid COVID-19 outbreak Cargill meat plant temporarily closing amid COVID-19 outbreak

The organization is not only supporting this family but others who have been displaced with the temporary closure of the plant. Staff and volunteers are guiding them through employee benefits and accessing resources.

“We have a resource package in different languages and videos so they can see what is the most effective way of taking care of their health,” Antonio said.

“They are worried — worried about employment status, not sure if they’ll be re-hired now that the plant is closed and they are worried about their health — some have children already infected and showing signs of the virus.”

READ MORE: Union says staff at 2nd Alberta meat plant scared of COVID-19, not showing up to work

Thomas Hesse, president of UFCW Local 401, said another worker is fighting for his life. The man in his 50s worked at the Cargill plant and came to Canada for a better life for himself and his family.

“He is in a medically induced coma and is on a ventilator in a Calgary hospital,” Hesse said.

“His family is traumatized.”

The Official Opposition is expressing concerns about how the outbreak at the plant was handled, questioning whether it came far too late. NDP leader Rachel Notley said concerns were raised days ago about close contact with coworkers and not having adequate protection.

“When we exempted Cargill, that should have been paired with very aggressive health and safety inspection and regular monitoring, and if that would have been done from the beginning, we could have avoided the shutdown,” Notley said on Tuesday.

“To run around and assure people they were safe is profoundly irresponsible. These people are human beings, they have families and it’s shocking they were allowed to put workers at risk.”

READ MORE: Coronavirus: Where Alberta’s COVID-19 outbreaks are

While appearing on The Ryan Jespersen Show on 630 CHED on Wednesday morning, Notley doubled down on her comments.

“The breakdown is absolutely at Jason Kenney’s cabinet table,” she said.

“This is a government that, honestly, thinks that some people and some industries are worth more than the lives of other people.”

Notley says she told labour and health officials that inspections at the Cargill plant needed to be stepped up on March 6. She told 630 CHED that she’s horrified that the inspection that was performed was a video inspection, shot by Cargill representatives.

“A video inspection is the most negligent example of that work that I’ve ever seen in my career and I used to do this work before I go into politics.”

Cargill has not responded to questions from Global News about the video inspection.

LISTEN BELOW: Rachel Notley joins The Ryan Jespersen Show

In a statement, Adrienne South, press secretary to Alberta’s minister of labour and immigration, said the inspection was not a video delivered to Occupational Health and Safety.

“It was a live inspection and fully interactive, with the inspector directing movement as required,” she said. “Video is also recorded so that the OHS official can go back and review and follow up if required.”

Video conferencing was also used during the inspection, she added, to “mitigate the risk of exposure of all parties.”

Alberta Health said Tuesday there are 401 COVID-19 cases in workers from the Cargill meat-processing plant, and 515 total cases have been linked to that outbreak.

“There is a dedicated team working on reducing spread, with particular attention to households that may not have the resources or space for self-isolation to happen,” the province said in a news release.

Government officials said a team responded as soon as they learned of the outbreak.

Spokesperson Steve Buick said Alberta Health also supported the company in its enhanced safety protocols.

“This is a complex issue,” Buick said. “Individual companies can make their own decisions regarding their operations, as they did in this case.”

Cargill did not respond to Global News’ requests for comment.

AHS to set up dedicated COVID-19 assessment centre at Cargill meat plant AHS to set up dedicated COVID-19 assessment centre at Cargill meat plant

Speaking to Global News Morning Calgary on Wednesday , High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass said the pandemic is “not a joke.”

“It’s not a hoax. It’s still a struggle for me to get that through to some people,” Snodgrass added. “We’re seeing now how fast this thing can spread and go haywire on you, so you have to take it seriously.

“It comes right down to the individual level, as to making sure that you’re taking the proper precautions and you’re being responsible for your own actions.”

“We’ve got to be more serious about this."
How the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting High River

– With files from Kirby Bourne, 630 CHED
Widower of Cargill worker shares his loss after losing wife to COVID-19


Volunteers set up for a small memorial for Hiep Bui. Jill Croteau/Global News

Speaking through a Vietnamese translator, a grieving widower shared his pain and grief after losing his wife of 27 years.
Nga Nguyen spoke Monday near their home in Calgary.
“I am so sad and I am speechless. I know I will not see my wife anymore,” Nguyen said.
Nga Nguyen speaks to media with the help of translator Anthony Chim. 
Jill Croteau/Global Calgary

“She was a wonderful wife. She spoiled me, she never argued with me and whatever I wanted to buy, she would buy it at all costs,” Nguyen said.
Hiep Bui, 67, died on April 19, 2020. She was COVID-19 positive.
She worked her final shift at the Cargill meat plant in High River on April 16. Her husband and coworkers said she loved working there and rarely called in sick over the span of her employment.

“She was working 18-hour days for 23 years and there [were] no symptoms prior to that first day when she didn’t feel well,” Nguyen said.
Hiep Bui. Courtesy: Nga Nguyen

Coworker Leslie Robb said some of them affectionately called her the “candy mama.” She was always smiling and bringing treats.

“She was very funny and liked to joke around and was happy,” Robb said. “I miss her so much. She was like a partner to me.”

Numb and lost

Bui and Nguyen met on a boat while escaping the Vietnam war. They spent time together at the same refugee camp. The two never had children and were inseparable.

“We had so many great memories and I would embrace all the moments we were together,” Nguyen said.

But they couldn’t be together the day she died. Nguyen said she died alone.

“I am still numb, very lost,” Nguyen said.

“I want to follow her and find a way to join my wife.”

Most people, including other colleagues, couldn’t be at the tribute in person and watched as it was streamed on Facebook.

The tribute was planned by members of Action Dignity. Executive director Marichu Antonio said it was important to organize the event.

“The workers from Cargill are listening on Facebook live and as we remember Bui, they don’t want this to happen to their own families — just like Mr. Nga didn’t want this to happen to his wife,” Antonio said.

“They put their lives at risk just for us to have food and these are people we need to value.

“We wanted to put humanity over what’s happening in our economy.”

UFCW Local 401 president Thomas Hesse attended the intimate tribute. He came to pay his respects and offered cash gifts to Nguyen. 

“It’s very sad for me. This shouldn’t have happened and it’s a human tragedy,” Hesse said.

AFL calls it 'morally repugnant' to reopen meat-packing plant as COVID-19 cases among workers top 900

AFL president says it's 'reckless, irresponsible' for meat-packing plant to reopen May 4

Joel Dryden · CBC News · Posted: May 01, 2020 8:16 AM MT | Last Updated: May 1

Workers and contractors at the Cargill plant in High River — about 60 kilometres south of Calgary — now represent 908 cases of COVID-19, the province's chief medical officer of health announced Thursday. (Charlotte Dumoulin/Radio-Canada)

Plans are on track for the Cargill meat-packing plant in High River, Alta., to reopen Monday after a two-week closure — but some are unconvinced by the province's assurances that the facility is now safe.

"When we heard that the provincial government had given the green light for Cargill to reopen, frankly, I was shocked," said Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour.

"I think it's reckless, irresponsible and, I would say, morally repugnant.

"The plant should not open until people working in that plant are satisfied it's safe. It should remain closed."

As of Thursday afternoon, 908 Cargill employees had tested positive for the virus, 631 of whom have recovered. One worker in her 60s has died, and her husband has also contracted the virus.

AFL President Gil McGown said Cargill had yet to include workers in its safety deliberations leading up to the scheduled reopening of the facility on Monday. (Manuel Carrillos/CBC)

The company announced Wednesday that the plant would reopen with one shift beginning May 4, saying that safety measures like new protective barriers and restrictions on carpooling had been introduced.

UFCW local 401, which represents the workers at the Cargill facility, said Wednesday that Cargill had not adopted safety initiatives suggested by the union, and would move to pursue legal action to try to keep the plant from opening.

The AFL's McGowan said Thursday that it was difficult for employees to trust those assurances based on how the process has unfolded.

"They've been sidelined, they've been ignored, and now the same thing is happening — the workers were not consulted on these new measures, and now they're saying everything is going to be fine," he said.

"But how on earth can these workers have any confidence in the measures that have been taken given the track record of both the government and the employer in this case?"

Some employees at the plant previously accused the company of ignoring physical distancing protocols and trying to lure them back to work from self-isolation.
'Extraordinary measures'

Speaking during the province's daily press briefing Thursday, Premier Jason Kenney said he was confident "in the competence of our officials."

"It sounds like they are taking extraordinary measures to ensure that the workers are safe [at] the plant," he said.

"I know there are those folks who want us to take zero risk across society in every instance, but clearly food security and our food supply chains constitute an essential service."

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said Thursday that once the pandemic concludes, the province would launch a comprehensive study of what happened at Cargill and at long-term care facilities and other meat plants. (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press)

Adrienne South, press secretary for Labour and Immigration Minister Jason Copping, said OHS and AHS officials have been onsite this week and will be again Monday.

Cargill says it has worked with OHS through virtual and in-person tours, and has reassigned lockers to allow for more spacing.

Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley, speaking during a press conference held Thursday, said those safety strategies were "bound to fail" without having considered the opinions of employees.

"There is no acceptable risk for a working person. It is not the case that it should somehow be seen as acceptable for over 900 people related to one plant [to test positive]," she said.

"That's not an acceptable risk. This government should see this as a failure on their part to keep these workers safe."

COVID-19 outbreaks at Canadian meat processing plants have led to shutdowns and shift reductions, which could result in less selection and higher prices for consumers. 1:50
Filipino town hall

On Wednesday, provincial and health officials held a telephone town hall with the Filipino community to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has been handled.

Some members of the Filipino community have said they feel unfairly blamed for the outbreak at the Cargill facility, especially after Filipino workers and residents sent a letter to Cargill on April 12 asking for the plant to be closed.

"When you map out the total number of cases, what it looks like is it was likely an exposure that happened at the workplace," said Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province's chief medical officer of health, on the call. "And when we track back the cases, there were connections to people who worked in long-term care and some household transmission.

"When I talk about these things, it can sound like we're blaming the people involved … but I don't want people who end up being infected with COVID-19 to ever feel ashamed or targeted."

Cesar Cala, a volunteer with the Philippines Emergency Response Taskforce, said many Filipinos felt like they were singled out and blamed for the crisis at Cargill. (Cesar Cala)

Cesar Cala with the Philippines Emergency Response Taskforce — a network of volunteers that seeks to support crises in the Filipino community — said some fear still remained in the community prior to Monday's reopening.

"Of course, it's a mix of emotions. People really want to go back to work, because it's their livelihood," Cala said. "But there's still a mistrust with Cargill itself … not all of their concerns were answered."

Overstocked: Alberta cattle feeders backed up after temporary closure of meat-processing plant

‘40,000 animals ... held on feeding operations. That's the kind of backlog we're looking at’

Travis McEwan · CBC News · Posted: May 04, 2020 8:20 AM MT

Todd Wagner, owner of Fieldstone Feeders, stands near some of the 3,000 cattle he feeds on his property south of Stony Plain, Alta. (Travis McEwan/CBC)

Alberta's cattle feeders are getting a first-hand look at what happens when the industry supply chain is disrupted — and what they're seeing is a growing food bill with too many animals remaining on their properties.

Todd Wagner owns Fieldstone Feeders in Stony Plain, Alta., about 40 kilometres west of Edmonton.

He raises almost 3,000 cattle for a farmer in Lethbridge, Alta. When the animals are ready for slaughter, Wagner ships them south.

But the temporary shutdown of one of Canada's largest meat-processing plants means the Lethbridge farmer isn't accepting cattle, which has led to a backlog on Wagner's farm.

"They're getting backed up with fat cattle that they're not able to get processed and that's backing us up in sending cattle to him," Wagner said. "It's just kind of backing up the supply chain."

A combine rolls across Todd Wagner's field, as remaining crops from 2019 are being harvested. (Travis McEwan/CBC)

It's an issue happening across Alberta.

The Cargill meat-processing plant in High River, Alta., was temporarily closed April 20 after a major COVID-19 outbreak among its employees.

As of Saturday afternoon, 917 Cargill employees had tested positive for the disease, including a worker in her 60s who died. The plant reopened Monday despite strong concerns from the union.

"That plant would process 4,000, 4,500 animals a day. So, that's over 20,000 animals a week," said Rich Smith, executive director of Alberta Beef Producers.

"You take that plant out of operation for two weeks, now there's 40,000 animals that should have gone for processing that have been held on feeding operations," Smith said.

"That's the kind of backlog we're looking at."
Cattle feeders across Alberta affected

The producers who will be affected most are those who are still feeding cattle that are ready to be slaughtered and processed.

"There is absolutely more feed costs. They will keep feeding those animals," Smith said. "They're feeding them lower energy diets so that the animals aren't growing quickly because they're going to have to hold them longer."

When cattle at Fieldstone Feeders weigh close to 450 kilograms, or about 1,000 pounds, they're sent to southern Alberta before going to a meat-processing plant. (Travis McEwan/CBC)

There are price insurance programs for beef producers but premiums have become unaffordable, Smith said.

"Governments already offset premiums of ailing crop insurance and we'd like to see them do that for cattle producers," he said.

Rich Smith, executive director of Alberta Beef Producers, says cattle feeders are seeing increased feed costs as a result of the temporary closure of the Cargill meat-processing plant near High River, Alta. (Submitted by Rich Smith)

Wagner said that he will keep feeding the cattle on his property and prepare for his fields for the upcoming growing season.

He said he'll stay focused, adapt and hope for the best.

"I hope it levels out for us. People need to eat," he said. "That's our business. We're going to carry on with that."


Travis McEwan
Travis McEwan is a video journalist, who has not won any awards. Originally from Churchill, Manitoba, he's spent the last decade working at CBC Edmonton. Email story ideas to

Coronavirus: What closures and restrictions on Canada’s 2 largest meat packing plants means for the cattle industry

Alberta produces more than 70 per cent of Canada’s beef. Now, with its two largest facilities impacted by more than 500 cases of COVID-19, the industry isn’t receiving the success 2020 initially had in store. Eloise Therien reports.
2 Alberta meat plants affected by COVID-19 make up 70% of Canada’s beef processing capabilities


 Alberta produces more than 70 per cent of Canada’s beef. Now, with its two largest facilities impacted by more than 500 cases of COVID-19, the industry isn’t receiving the success 2020 initially had in store. Eloise Therien reports.

The temporary closure of an Alberta meat processing facility due to a COVID-19 outbreak isn’t expected to result in beef shortages, but the reduction in capacity will mean that ranchers will bear the brunt as their costs rise and prices for their product fall.

Cargill Inc.’s High River, Alta., plant temporarily shuttered operations Monday after a worker died from the coronavirus and hundreds of other employees tested positive.
Meanwhile, a second plant — JBS plant in Brooks, Alta. — recorded 96 cases as of Wednesday. It has reduced operations, according to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, which represents the 60,000 beef farms and feedlots in the country.

The CCA says it is trying to ensure the facility remains open, though a union representing federal meat inspectors says it’s a matter of time before it is forced to temporarily halt production.

LISTEN BELOW: Dr. Mike von Massow, associate professor – Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department at The University of Guelph

These two facilities make up 70 per cent of Canada’s beef processing capabilities, according to the CCA.

Occupational Health and Safety is conducting investigations looking into “potential exposure of workers” to the novel coronavirus at both the Cargill and JBS plants.

Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw confirmed Wednesday one JBS worker had died but the cause of death is not known. It is not known to be a case of COVID-19, she said, so an investigation is taking place to determine the cause.

Alone, the Cargill plant processes some 4,500 head of cattle daily or more than one-third of the country’s total beef-processing capacity.

With the Cargill closure and JBS’s reduction, Canada has likely seen a reduction of nearly 40 per cent in its processing capacity, said Mike von Massow, an associate professor in the food, agricultural and resource economics department at The University of Guelph.

However, shoppers aren’t likely to see empty freezers in the grocery store meat section any time soon.

“In the short run, I don’t think we as consumers will see any tangible difference,” he said

The prime minister echoed that message Tuesday, reassuring Canadians they would continue to find beef products on grocery shelves.

“We are not at this point anticipating shortages of beef, but prices might go up,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.

“We will of course be monitoring that very, very carefully.”
COVID-19: Brooks mayor responds to skyrocketing confirmed cases, meat plant concerns

Beef producers and associations have said they will prioritize ensuring Canadian supply before exports, he said.

Canada exports about 45 per cent of its beef and cattle production annually, according to the national association, and ships to 56 countries, with the U.S. receiving 74 per cent of beef exports.

The closure is expected to be brief.

It’s likely the Cargill plant will be closed for about two weeks — the duration of the virus’s incubation period, said von Massow. That’s roughly how long the temporary closure of a pork processing plant in Quebec lasted.

Olymel announced March 29 it would temporarily close its hog slaughter and cutting plant in Yamachiche, Que., for 14 days after nine plant employees tested positive for COVID-19. The closure gave employees the time to self-isolate at the recommendation of the public health department. The plant resumed operations on April 14.

A two-week closure allows staff to self-isolate to prevent further spread, deep clean a facility and implement any other measures to help physical distancing after reopening, said von Massow.

During a closure, inventories can be diverted and processing capacity can be increased at other facilities to avoid a shortage, he said. It would take months-long closures, as well as multiple plants shuttering to create a possible shortage.

Ranchers, though, are likely to suffer even from these short-term closures, he said.

If they have to send their cattle further for processing, transportation costs rise and that will come out of the price they’re paid for their product. If they decide to hang on to their animals longer, they’ll face increased overhead costs, like feed, said von Massow

In the past week, ranchers have seen a nearly 30 per cent drop in price, said Dennis Laycraft, executive vice president at CCA.

The group’s economic scenarios project the industry could lose more than $500 million in revenue by the end of June. It is calling for immediate government action.

That includes improving the availability of cash advances, said Laycraft.

“It’s not easy to deal with lenders when the value of your product is falling sharply and no one’s really sure what it’ll be worth in that environment.”

The group also wants price insurance program premiums brought back down to normal levels, he said.

“For young and newer producers that have more debt, that’s a pretty important thing.”
Workers return to Alberta meat plant despite union's effort to block reopening amid COVID-19JASON KENNEY  MEATPACKERS TRUMP MINI ME
Cargill plant south of Calgary is site of largest coronavirus outbreak in Canada

CBC News · Posted: May 04, 2020
UFCW Local 401 president Thomas Hesse says he's disappointed that efforts to stop the reopening of Cargill's southern Alberta meat processing plant failed.
 (Dan McGarvey/CBC)
The union for workers at a southern Alberta meat beef-packing plant that has been the site of the largest single COVID-19 outbreak in Canada says it has been unable to stop the facility from reopening on Monday.

There have been 921 cases of the virus at the Cargill plant south of Calgary, which has 2,000 workers. One worker in her 60s died, and her husband was hospitalized with the illness.
Cargill announced April 20 it was temporarily shutting down operations for two weeks at the plant, which provides about 40 per cent of the beef processing in Canada.

It said earlier this week that one shift would resume work on Monday with bolstered safety measures.

Union representatives, company officials and members of the media were on hand Monday as the Cargill meat processing plant in High River, Alta., reopened after being closed for about two weeks because of a COVID-19 outbreak. (Dan McGarvey/CBC)

Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw has said Alberta Health Services officials have done on-site inspections and have been assured the facility is safe.

But Thomas Hesse with the United Food and Commercial Workers union Local 401 said workers are scared, and the local tried to get a stop-work order from Alberta Occupational Health and Safety.

On Monday, he said that effort had so far failed, but that negotiations were ongoing.
"Unfortunately, the situation has not been resolved. At this moment, we have been unable to convince any government or legal authority to have the courage to step in and ensure the plant remains closed until safety is assured. Our lawyers are looking at new strategies," Hesse said on the union's website.

Speaking to reporters Monday outside the facility where he and other union members were on hand to greet workers as they arrived, Hesse said it appeared many employees are staying away.



Cargill says it has added several safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including these barriers between work stations at its High River plant. (Cargill)

"I have no doubt that it's going to be very slow. People are scared, they're not coming to work. It's a problem for everyone. It's a problem for ranchers, it's a problem for consumers, it's a problem for workers," he said.

"And Cargill needs to fix this, and they need to fix it now."

The union held a rally on the edge of the property and handed out black face masks emblazoned with "Safety First" to anyone who needed them.

A statement from Cargill said all employees who are "healthy and eligible to work" have been asked to report for work for the plant's two shifts.

"According to health officials, the majority of our employees remain healthy or have recovered. We are grateful for our workers' dedication and resilience as our plant and community walks through this heart-wrenching pandemic," said the statement.

On its website, the union told its members: "If you are healthy and have been called and cleared to return to work, you should report to your supervisor. "If you don't really think it is safe to work, then don't."

85% of workers afraid to return as Alberta meat plant preps to reopen after COVID-19 outbreak, union says
The union surveyed more than 600 workers in four languages over the weekend; 85 per cent reported they are afraid to return to work, and 80 per cent said they did not want the plant to reopen Monday.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Cargill said representatives with AHS and OHS reviewed the safety measures at the facility and supported reopening.
Health officials at plant
The company said protective barriers have been installed on the production floor to allow for more spacing between employees and face shields have been introduced in places where protective barriers are not possible.

Cargill also said provincial health officials would be at the plant for Monday's reopening.
Union representatives wave at a shuttle bus carrying workers returning to the Cargill beef processing plant in High River, Alta., that was closed for two weeks because of COVID-19. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press)

"Alberta Health Services will be on-site and we will conduct our ongoing screening to safeguard employees and ensure no one exhibiting symptoms enters the facility."

Cargill is limiting plant access to no more than two people per car, one in the front and one in the back. It is also providing buses with protective barriers to reduce the need for carpooling.

Barriers have also been added in bathrooms and lockers have been reassigned to allow for enough spacing.

But Hesse says the union isn't satisfied. Its two priorities are the provision of better protective gear and the institution of regular, ongoing health and safety meetings between workers and company officials.

"It's ridiculous that hundreds of workers can be required to pour into the plant to kill 4,000 to 5,000 cattle a day, while if you climb on the monkey bars in your local park you're going to get a ticket," he said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked about the situation at Cargill as he spoke to the media at his regular briefing Monday morning.

"We're working with provinces across the country to ensure that the supply chain for agriculture continues and that worker safety is upheld," he said.

"That is a provincial area of responsibility, but the federal government has a role to play as well, particularly ensuring that there are adequate safeguards and [personal protective equipment] in place."

With files from The Canadian Press and Sarah Rieger
Cargill meat-packing plant in High River, Alta., reopens amid ongoing talks with union

GLOBAL NEWS Updated May 4, 2020
WATCH: Monday was Day 1 for Cargill's plan to reopen the meat processing plant near High River. As Doug Vaessen reports, the union representing workers was out in full force, protesting the move and demanding the plant stay closed until it's convinced it's safe for workers.

The Cargill meat-packing plant in High River, Alta., has reopened as discussions continue between the company and the union representing its employees.

The plant closed temporarily on April 20 due to an outbreak of COVID-19, and reopened on Monday with health measures like temperature checks, mandatory face masks and other protective equipment, enhanced sanitizing and increased physical distancing.

READ MORE: Legal action launched to stop Monday opening of Cargill meat plant in High River

On Friday, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 401 — the union representing Cargill workers — filed legal action to stop the planned reopening.

Both sides have been in mediation since Saturday, and those talks continued Sunday evening.

As of Sunday, Alberta Health said there are 935 cases of COVID-19 among workers at the Cargill plant in High River and 1,538 cases that have been linked to the facility.

Union representing Cargill workers speaks amid ongoing discussions

READ MORE: NDP demands inquiry into Alberta meat plant COVID-19 protocols as Cargill plans reopening

In a statement to Global News, Cargill said that the safety of its employees is its “top priority” and it is “engaging in good faith” with the union.

Cargill said that Alberta Health Services and Occupational Health and Safety have reviewed its safety measures and support its reopening.

“We care about our employees and are working around the clock to keep them safe, deliver food for local families and provide market access for ranchers,” Cargill said.

READ MORE: Alberta meat plant should slow production to avoid more COVID-19 outbreaks: union head
Cargill had said on Sunday it was not planning on publicly sharing if it would open on Monday as mediation continued.

However, speaking to Global News Morning Calgary on Monday at 6 a.m., UFCW Local 401 president Thomas Hesse said shifts were set to begin that morning but that many employees wouldn’t be returning.

“In Alberta, each individual worker has the right to refuse work that they reasonably believe to be dangerous,” Hesse explained. “Workers aren’t showing up to work, and there’s no surprise in that. Unless Cargill cleans up their act, people aren’t going to buy beef and people aren’t going to work in their plant.

“We’re not on strike and we’re not asking people not to go to work. We’re demanding that the plant be safe.

“There are some ongoing talks, but right now Cargill is really bringing shame to Alberta — and Albertans are ashamed of what’s happening here,” he added, saying there are a “number of issues” that are being discussed.

“We’re not satisfied at all.”

READ MORE: Edmonton Filipino community rallies to bring groceries to quarantined meat-plant workers in High River
Hesse added that the union does “want the plant to operate” but said it should “not operate unless it’s safe.”

Hesse said a union representative was inside the plant on Monday morning to ask Occupational Health and Safety representatives in the plant to issue a stop work order.

“This plant should idle for a while longer until proper procedures and measures can be developed, implemented and put in force to keep people safe.”

On Monday, Cargill issued a statement clarifying that it resumed operations on Monday with two shifts.

“All employees who are healthy and eligible to work in our harvest department are asked to report to work. Fabrication shifts will resume on May 6,” Cargill said.

The company emphasized that employees coming to work should be healthy and not have had contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 for 14 days.

“According to health officials, the majority of our employees remain healthy or have recovered,” Cargill stated. “We are grateful for our workers’ dedication and resilience as our plant and community walks through this heart-wrenching pandemic.”

Cargill added that AHS will be on site and they will conduct ongoing screening to safeguard employees and ensure no one exhibiting symptoms enters the facility.

“We care about our employees and this community. Our thoughts are with our friends and colleagues who have been impacted by the virus.”
Alberta expands COVID-19 symptoms eligible for testing

In her daily COVID-19 update Monday, Dr. Deena Hinshaw said there were 936 cases at the Cargill plant, 810 of whom have now recovered.

I’ve heard stories of discrimination against newcomer families, with assumptions being made that any workers at Cargill and JBS and their families are a risk to others,” Alberta’s chief medical officer of health said. “People who are cases or close contacts will be supported by public health to self-isolate, but this is not required of all employees or families.

“When people are stigmatized or targeted, it blocks our collective ability to control the spread as people may fear getting tested or talking to public health,” Hinshaw stressed.

“We should be supporting people who are in this situation, not stigmatizing them."


She added that every single worker at outbreak sites are offered testing, whether they’re symptomatic or not.

Hinshaw said people who test positive for COVID-19 do not need a doctor’s note to return to work since public health officials are working closely with all cases and will provide guidance based on their individual isolation window.

When asked about the Cargill meat-processing plant by reporters on Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the federal government is working with provinces to ensure worker safety is upheld.

“Though that is a provincial area of responsibility, the federal government has a role to play as well, particularly around ensuring there are adequate safeguards and PPEs (personal protective equipment) in place,” Trudeau explained.

“We will, of course, be there to support the provinces in (their) work to ensure both the continued flow of supply chains for food but also the protection of workers who could be vulnerable right across the country.”


© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

AP wins feature photography Pulitzer for Kashmir coverage

Women shout slogans as Indian policemen fire teargas and live ammunition in the air to stop a protest march in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Aug. 9, 2019. The image was part of a series of photographs by Associated Press photographers which won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

A masked Kashmiri protester jumps on the bonnet of an armored vehicle of Indian police as he throws stones at it during a protest in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, May 31, 2019. The image was part of a series of photographs by Associated Press photographers which won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Kashmiri Muslim devotees offer prayer outside the shrine of Sufi saint Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jeelani in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Dec. 9, 2019. Hundreds of devotees gathered at the shrine for the 11-day festival that marks the death anniversary of the Sufi saint. The image was part of a series of photographs by Associated Press photographers which won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)

Kashmiri men shout freedom slogans during a protest against New Delhi's tightened grip on the disputed region, after Friday prayers on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Aug. 23, 2019. The image was part of a series of photographs by Associated Press photographers which won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Masked Kashmiris shout slogans during a protest after Friday prayers on the outskirts of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Oct. 4, 2019. The image was part of a series of photographs by Associated Press photographers which won the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Anand said the award left him speechless.
“I was shocked and could not believe it,” he said, calling the prize-winning photos a continuation of the work he’s been doing for 20 years with the AP.

“This honor continues AP’s great tradition of award-winning photography,” said AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt. “Thanks to the team inside Kashmir, the world was able to witness a dramatic escalation of the long struggle over the region’s independence. Their work was important and superb.
Full Coverage: Photography
In a year when protests arose across the globe, AP photographers Dieu-Nalio Chery and Rebecca Blackwell were Pulitzer finalists for the breaking news photography award for their coverage of violent clashes between police and anti-government demonstrators in Haiti.
Bullet fragments hit Chery in the jaw while he documented the unrest. He kept taking pictures, including images of the fragments that hit him.
“All five of these photographers made remarkable, stunning images despite dangerous and challenging conditions, sometimes at great personal risk,” said AP Director of Photography David Ake. “Their dedication to getting up every morning and going out to tell the story is a testament to their tenacity. The result of their work is compelling photojournalism that grabbed the world’s attention.”
AP Executive Editor Sally Buzbee called the Kashmir prize “a testament to the skill, bravery, ingenuity and teamwork of Dar, Mukhtar, Channi and their colleagues” and lauded the recognition of Chery’s and Blackwell’s “brave and arresting work” in Haiti while many journalism outlets were focused elsewhere.
“At a time when AP’s journalism is of more value than ever to the world, these journalists’ courage and compelling storytelling show the absolute best of what we do,” Buzbee said.
The honor for the photographers is the AP’s 54th Pulitzer Prize.
Conflict has flared for decades in Kashmir, a Muslim-majority Himalayan area that is divided between India and Pakistan and claimed by both.
The tension hit a new turning point in August, when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist-led government stripped Indian-controlled portions of Kashmir of their semi-autonomy.

India said the moves were needed to forestall protests and attacks by rebels seeking independence or Pakistani control for the region. Thousands of people were arrested.
With communications shut down, AP journalists had to find out about protests and other news by finding them in person. Khan and Yasin took turns roving the streets in and around the regional capital of Srinagar, Yasin said, facing mistrust from both protesters and troops. The journalists were unable for days to go home or even let their families know they were OK.
“It was very hard,” Khan said, but “we managed to file pictures.”
After spotting luggage-toting people walking toward the airport, he said, the photographers decided to ask travelers to serve as couriers. Yasin also recalled how a relative of his, who was also a photojournalist, had told him about delivering film to New Delhi in person as the conflict in Kashmir raged in the 1990s.India poured more troops into the already heavily militarized area, imposed a curfew and harsh curbs on civil rights, laced the area with razor-wire roadblocks, and cut off internet, cellphone, landline and cable TV service.
So the AP photographers went to the Srinagar airport and sought out strangers willing to carry memory cards and flash drives to New Delhi and call AP after landing in the Indian capital.
Some flyers declined, fearing trouble with the authorities, Yasin said. But others said yes and followed through. Most of the memory cards and drives arrived.
All three photographers were born in the semi-autonomous Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir, and Yasin says their prize-winning work has both professional and personal meaning to him.
“It’s not the story of the people I am shooting, only, but it’s my story,” he said. “It’s a great honor to be in the list of Pulitzer winners and to share my story with the world.”