Antonia Zerbisias has an update on the Bilderberg conference held here last weekend. Apparently while getting good coverage in Canada, nothing, repeat nothing was reported in the US media. Which is why you have so many conspiracy nutz south of the border, the news blackout just feeds their paranoia. And you know what they say about being paranoid.....Oh and thanks Antonia for the link to my Carnival of the Bliderbergs.
secret-societies, ruling-class, executives, corportations, Sutton, Davos, Trilateral, Bilderberg, NWO, Conrad Black, CCCE, Media, conspiracy, conspiracies, Secret society, WTO, Kanata, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Biderberg 2006, Bilderbergers
TorStar, Toronto-SAtar, blogs, azerbic, Zerbisias,
Reg over at the Putting The A in Smart hits it on the head about the 'lame' I Am Not Afraid Campaign, its just a cheap ploy to promote the BlueJays. We are not score a skybox Wonder if Kinsellas consulting company has a contract with Jays folks? Nah that would be a conflict of interest.And as we know Liberals never have conflicts of interest.
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Peak Oil, as Technocracy Inc. first postulated it, is not only about the short coming of oil itself but of all finite resources. Ontario has discovered this empirical fact the hard way. Ontario to Build Reactors, Delay Coal Plant ClosingsFind blog posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
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