It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way (K.Marx, Letter to F.Engels on the Indian Mutiny)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
What Took So Long
Fouriner takes on the role of chairman as the CBC is tangled in a labour dispute in which it has locked out its 5,500 members of the Canadian Media Guild, mainly journalists and technicians.
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And Ezra Can Apologize Too
And while we are getting apologies by folks who accused Mahar Arar of being a terrorist how about Ezra Le Rant and his Western Standard publishing a front page apology to the Arar family. These are just a few examples I am sure you can find more, and more, and more.....
Alghabra was stopped at the U.S. border and searched and fingerprinted -- whether that was by reason of demographic profiling, or because he was on a watch list is uncertain. What is certain is that Alghabra turned it into an opportunity to gain media face time, Maher Arar-style, as an anti-American, anti-security mouthpiece.
Confessions of An Innocent Man: Torture and Survival in a Saudi Prison
by William Sampson
McClelland and Stewart, 432 pages
Ezra Levant
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Graham Should Step Down
Remember this....
Documents released by the Arar Commission suggest former foreign affairs minister Bill Graham asked for Washington's help in staving off a public inquiry into the case.
In a memo marked 'secret' the director of Canada's Foreign Affairs Intelligence Division writes that Graham spoke directly with former U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell about negotiating a protocol for handling future problematic security cases.
The memo says Graham pointed out to Powell that "agreeing to negotiate such a protocol would [provide] a way to deal with the pressure for a public inquiry in Canada and to turn the page of this issue."
The government did call an inquiry shortly after, but only after a politically embarrassing raid by the RCMP on the home and office of a journalist who had been investigating Arar's case.
Ontario Superior Court Judge Lynn Ratushny said an Ottawa justice of the peace was wrong when he hastily agreed to an RCMP request to keep secret the reasons for Jan. 21, 2004, police raids on Ms. O'Neill's Ottawa home and the Citizen's downtown office to execute search warrants under the Security of Information Act.
Ottawa police chief Vince Bevan admits involvement in investigating Maher Arar before he was deported to Syria.
While the RCMP is likely to suffer the most devastating criticism, the report is expected to highlight the conduct of Foreign Affairs officials who testified they were unaware Arar was being tortured while in Syrian custody. Among those who addressed the inquiry was Canada's former ambassador to Syria, Franco Pillarella.
And lets not forget that none of the current Conservative Government members have clean hands in this affair. As Opposition members they pressed the government to treat Arar as a criminal terrorist.
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Right Whinger Decries Arar Inquiry
Handwringing rightwhinger Patrick Grady proclaims he is worried that the Arar inquiry will further limit the police state in Canada. How right he was.
FrontPage :: Symposium: Terror From the North July 2006
Patrick Grady, an economic consultant from
The only person who has actually been prosecuted under the Anti-Terrorism Act was Momin Khawaja and he was apprehended thanks to British police and
Following the return to Canada of Syrian-Canadian Maher Arar who was rendered to
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Kettle Pot Black
Thu, 26 May 2005 Terrorist designation of group meant to appease Iran
Gee Stock you could say the same thing about Hezbollah, Hamas and the Tamil Tigers, all banned by the Conservative government as terrorist organizations. Yes I know this is old news but I came across it looking for something else, and thought in light of recent pronouncements from the Gnu Government of Canada on terrorism it was worthy of repeating; one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
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Ignatieff; Bush's Useful Idiot

Ignatieff remains Bush's 'useful idiot', a wonderful twist on the old Cold War phrase, despite his attempts to distance himself from the White House. Even in Liberal Leadership debates he refuses to denounce the invasion of Iraq.Ignatieff takes fire over his position on Iraq
Bush’s Useful Idiots :: Tony Judt: Whatever happened to American liberalism?
London Review of Books
To be sure, Bush’s liberal supporters have been disappointed by his efforts. Every newspaper I have listed and many others besides have carried editorials criticising Bush’s policy on imprisonment, his use of torture and above all the sheer ineptitude of the president’s war. But here, too, the Cold War offers a revealing analogy. Like Stalin’s Western admirers who, in the wake of Khrushchev’s revelations, resented the Soviet dictator not so much for his crimes as for discrediting their Marxism, so intellectual supporters of the Iraq War – among them Michael Ignatieff, Leon Wieseltier, David Remnick and other prominent figures in the North American liberal establishment – have focused their regrets not on the catastrophic invasion itself (which they all supported) but on its incompetent execution. They are irritated with Bush for giving ‘preventive war’ a bad name.
What I felt was disappointing about a lot of Canadian opposition to the war was that very few people seemed to give a damn about the human-rights situation," Ignatieff says. "Very few seemed to care that peace had the consequence of leaving 26 million people inside a really odious tyranny." | Culture | Books | SMART GUY, EH?
NY Times March 14, 2004
The Year of Living Dangerously
By MICHAEL IGNATIEFFo I supported an administration whose intentions I didn't trust, believing that the consequences would repay the gamble. Now I realize that intentions do shape consequences. An administration that cared more genuinely about human rights would have understood that you can't have human rights without order and that you can't have order once victory is won if planning for an invasion is divorced from planning for an occupation. The administration failed to grasp that from the first moment an American tank column took a town, there had to be military police and civilian administrators following behind to guard museums, hospitals, water-pumping stations and electricity generators and to stop looting, revenge killings and crime. Securing order would have meant putting 250,000 troops into the invasion as opposed to 130,000. It would have meant immediately retaining and retraining the Iraqi Army and police, instead of disbanding them. The administration, which never tires of telling us that hope is not a plan, had only hope for a plan in Iraq.
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Liberal Leadership Race
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Economic War
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Noble Acts
Noam Chomsky on Noble acts. From an online video available at SEED.
In fact, you can see it very clearly by just comparing historical events that are similar They're never identical, but similar.
Take the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and the US invasion of Iraq—just take those three. From the point of view of the people who perpetrated these acts, they were each a noble effort and done for the benefit of everyone—in fact the self-justifications are kind of similar. It almost translates. But we can't see it in ourselves; we can only see it in them, you know. Nobody doubts that the Russians committed aggression, that Saddam Hussein committed aggression, but with regard to ourselves it's impossible.
I've reviewed a lot of the literature on this, and it's close to universal. We just cannot adopt toward ourselves the same attitudes that we adopt easily and in fact, reflexively, when others commit crimes. No matter how strong the evidence.
See:The Noble Cause
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Jehovah Witnesses Were Right
Liver Transplants Succeed Without Blood Transfusions
Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions. This does not prevent them from contracting hepatitis C or other diseases that necessitate liver transplants. Surgeons have developed techniques--such as withdrawing up to 1,500 milliliters of the patient's own blood for reinfusion during the surgery--to deal with these religious strictures. And a new study of liver transplant patients seems to show that avoiding donated transfusions might be good for both blood banks and patients with no religious objections.
Of course the JW's have been wrong about the end of the world, the other key tenant of their faith.
1914 was one of the more important estimates of the start of the war of Armageddon by the Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society). They computed 1914 from prophecy in the book of Daniel, Chapter 4. The writings referred to "seven times". The WTS interpreted each "time" as equal to 360 days, giving a total of 2520 days. This was further interpreted as representing 2520 years, measured from the starting date of 607 BCE. This gave 1914 as the target date. When 1914 passed, they changed their prediction; 1914 became the year that Jesus invisibly began his rule.
1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994, etc. were other dates that the Watchtower Society (WTS) or its members predicted.
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Earliest Writing in North America
Stone Writing Earliest Seen in Americas
The Cascajal block, pictured here, was found in Veracruz, Mexico, in 1999. Since then archaeologists have confirmed it bears the earliest known writing in the New World.
The arrangement and pattern of the symbols suggest the ancient Olmec civilization was using written language roughly three centuries earlier than previously proposed.
"We are dealing with the first, clear evidence of writing in the New World," said Stephen Houston, a Brown University anthropologist. Houston and his U.S. and Mexican colleagues detail the tablet's discovery and analysis in a study appearing this week in the journal Science.
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The Weaker Sex
Bird Moms Manipulate Birth Order To Protect Sons
When marauding mites turn up in a house finch's nest, she shelters her sons from the blood-suckers by laying male eggs later than those containing their sturdier sisters, according to new research.
Making sure the vulnerable baby boys are exposed to mites for a shorter period allows both the sons and the daughters to survive long enough to leave the nest.
"Sons are more sensitive to the mites than daughters," said Alexander V. Badyaev of The University of Arizona in Tucson. "Mothers minimize sons' exposure to mites by laying male eggs later than female eggs. As a result, the males are in the nest fewer days."
And what applies to birds also applies to humans. During late pregnancy miscarriages in humans, the survival rate for males is less than for females, during the miscarriage if the embryonic development is interupted the surviving fetus if it was in the process of becoming male reverts to female.Boys vs. Girls
natural selection may encourage weak mothers to have a disproportionate number of female infants because they are more likely to survive pregnancy, a characteristic that would be particularly valuable in times of hardship. Any biologist will tell you that a pregnancy with a male child has a substantially higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth, such that the numbers of male to female infants at birth are roughly equal, even though far more male infants are conceived. Further, studies of neonates confirm that premature female infants survive at much higher rates than premature male infants of the same gestational age. Certainly, in lean times, natural selection would encourage the selection of the gender most likely to survive pregnancy and birth, thereby justifying the biological expense of a woman’s pregnancy. Male infants simply don’t fit the bill. A pregnancy with a male fetus is useless if the infant doesn’t survive the pregnancy and birth. Accordingly, a mother in “poor condition” would be “better off” having a girl because a girl is much more likely to survive the pregnancy. In times of abundance, natural selection would also favor a “strong” woman taking to the biological risk of expending energy and resources on a male pregnancy. Because resources are abundant, the investment in a pregnancy that is more likely to end in miscarriage would be less costly.See:
Rushton Is A Fascist
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Here Come De Judge
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