Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Every Cop is a Criminal

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But whats confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
The Rolling Stones - "Sympathy For The Devil"

No hearing for 'no rats' officers

Sergeant who made, distributed T-shirts faces discreditable conduct charge

EDMONTON -- An Edmonton police officer accused and later exonerated of assaulting inner-city residents is one of four officers who wore "no rats" T-shirts to a police function during an investigation of him and his downtown squad.

But Const. Elvin Toy and three other officers who wore the T-shirts in June 2005 will not face an internal disciplinary hearing.

"The clear message from those T-shirts was, 'keep your mouth shut,' " Engel said.

Boyd determined there was insufficient evidence to charge Toy with assault. Toy was suspended with pay for a year during the investigation.

After the story about the racist e-mail was published, da Costa said there was no place in the Edmonton Police Service for racists.

"The e-mail was racist, discriminatory, disgusting and offensive," da Costa told his officers in an internal newsletter.

The Journal has learned that Radmanovich was selected by the EPS to give a presentation to the Citizens Police Academy, an informal seminar to help residents understand how the police service functions.

Sources said during his presentation, Radmanovich made statements about inner-city people, and his use of a Taser, that shocked some in the audience, which included Crown prosecutors and several members of the Edmonton Police Commission. Some commissioners later voiced their concerns about Radmanovich to da Costa, several sources say.

Also See

The Crime of Privatization

Death by Taser

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There's Still The Green Party

Manning won't run for Alberta Conservatives: CTV

But there is still the Leadership of the Green Party open.

Anyone want to draft Preston?!

A tip o' the blog to Calgary Grit

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Canadian Labour Says NO Troops In Afghanistan

The Canadian Labour Congress has issued an emergency Press Release over the debate and vote on extending the Canadian Armed Forces mission in Afghanistan.

CLC: Working Families Want Withdrawal from Afghanistan

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - May 17, 2006) - The Canadian Labour Congress calls for the withdrawal of Canada's troops in Afghanistan and an increase of our commitment to the reconstruction and development of that country.

At its regular spring meeting earlier this week, the Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress commended the courage and bravery of all the men and women serving in Afghanistan. The Executive Council, which brings together the senior leaders of the country's largest unions along with the presidents of the provincial and territorial federations of labour, adopted a statement that also denounces the fact that our federal government "has moved beyond the NATO mission of humanitarian relief and peacekeeping to an active combat role in support of the US military mission in Afghanistan. In so doing, our government has put Canadian troops in harm's way in an unprecedented manner."

The Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress does not "accept the argument that Canadian presence is intended to bring democracy to the people of Afghanistan. Nor do we accept the premise that our presence is intended to put Afghanistan on the road to sustainable development or improve women's equality in that country."

That is why the Canadian Labour Congress urges the government to:

- take the necessary measures to ensure the safe and immediate
withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan;

- increase significantly our resource and financial commitments to
UN-led multilateral peacekeeping and humanitarian initiatives
such as is needed in Darfur;
- strengthen developmental aid to Afghanistan so that
reconstruction efforts are achieved and engage civil society in
developmental programs fostering good governance, and respecting
human rights, gender equality and internationally-recognized
core labour standards;
- ensure any future deployment of Canadian troops is debated and
voted on by the representatives of the citizens of Canada in the
House of Commons.
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Liberals Free Vote on Afghanistan

I got this response from the Liberals in regards to my emailing them to oppose the vote today to extend our operations in Afghanistan.

Thank you for passing along your view. We have received many similar emails this morning. We will look closely at the proposed extension. I will be passing along your views to Mr. Graham's office where the decision will have to be made.

Liberal Leader Bill Graham announced two hours ago that the Liberals will allow a free vote for their MP's, due to the overwhelming opposition in Caucus to the Conservatives rushed up and down no amendment allowed motion. That now appears to have been based on NATO asking us to run the mission, and the UN calling for action on Darfur.

Liberal House leader Bill Graham said MPs "have had a gun put to our heads" and Liberals were free to vote with their conscience.

Information that the government had but did not share with the opposition parties. The NDP and BQ will oppose the motion, if enough Liberals do to, it will be defeated. Keep up the pressure, keep those emails going.

You can send them to the Opposition parties here

And to the MP's here

More on Afghanistan

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What's the Rush

The Conservatives rush to push through an up down vote, no amendments, you are on the bus or off the bus motion to extend Canada's military adventure in Afghanistan could be because of this;

Canada asked to lead in Kabul NATO wants Ottawa to assume command of entire Afghan mission starting in 2008

and this;

UN decides to send peacekeepers to Darfur Troops to come mostly from South Asian, African and Islamic nations, diplomats say

Also see:
UrgentAction-NO Troops In Afghanistan Email your MP email contacts

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Too Popular

This is what happens when you become to popular.

This site is temporarily experiencing traffic that far exceeds capacity.

Please note that the online questionnaire operates beyond May 16. We encourage you to try again before May 23rd. This will satisfy your obligation to complete and return your Census questionnaire.

The census online application now accessible to Linux operating system

In response to demand, Statistics Canada has removed the restriction for Linux. This change takes effect May 13th, 2006.

This broadened access to open-source users is available to those who have a valid browser and JVM. These minimum requirements are necessary in order to maintain the same level of data encryption with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

With the addition of this new operating system, the capacity of the Census Help Line operators to respond to technical calls from open source users may be limited. However, we expect this will not be a major obstacle for the vast majority of these users.

A tip ' the blog to

Also See:


Census Beer

Jack Fights Back Over Census

Census 2006 Count Me Out

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Ward Churchill Slagged

To the joy of the right wing, and the perennial sore loser David Horowitz (I coulda been a professor but all dem lefties got the jobs) Ward Churchill has been found wanting as an academic.

He has been sanctioned in campaign of vilification that we have not seen since the McCarthy hearings. Churchill's Wife Resigns CU Post

I suspect it's really because they don't like his sunglasses.

With this report it appears that it is encouraging more folks to pile on the 'get Ward Churchill train'.
CU Professor Hit With Another Allegation

Ward Churchill committed multiple, “deliberate” acts of academic misconduct, according to a review by a faculty panel, released today by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

While the panel was unanimous in its findings about Churchill’s conduct, it was divided about whether he should lose his tenured position as professor — as politicians and many others have been demanding for more than a year. Three of the panel’s five members believe that the violations of academic standards are severe enough to make dismissal “not an inappropriate sanction.” But only one of those three members believes that dismissal is the “most appropriate sanction.” Two others favor suspension without pay for five years.

Two other members of the panel said that they did not believe that the violations were serious enough to merit dismissal. They recommend a suspension of two years without pay and say that they fear dismissal would “have an adverse effect on other scholars’ ability to conduct their research with due freedom.”

The committee was created last year, after Churchill’s comments shortly after 9/11, in which he compared victims in the World Trade Center to “little Eichmanns,” set off a nationwide furor. A Colorado panel concluded last year that however offensive those remarks may have been, they were protected speech. The panel that reported today investigated research misconduct charges that surfaced after the 9/11 comments made Churchill so widely known. Churchill has consistently denied wrongdoing, and said that the committee’s work is tainted because it was created by those determined to see him lose his position because of his outspoken views.The faculty panel acknowledged that the allegations it examined surfaced “in the wake of the public outcry concerning some highly controversial essays by Professor Churchill”

Ward Churchill articles a ZNET

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Rona Ambrose Lied

Rona Ambrose the Alberta Petro Industry apologist disquised as the Minister of Environment lied when she said that to meet our Kyoto commitment; "would mean that today we would have to take every train, plane and automobile off the streets of Canada. That's not realistic." Not so says the Parkland Institute in a web comment at the Globe and Mail Today.

Environment Canada, a unit in Ms. Ambrose's own ministry, tells a different story. It is oil production, not oil consumption, that is the fastest growing source of Canada's emissions. "Growth in oil and gas exports, almost all to the United States, contributed significantly to emission growth between 1990 and 2003."

And tar sands production is scheduled to at least triple to three million barrels a day in the next 10 years. Most of that increase is for export to the United States. So, the refusal by the new Conservative government to meet Kyoto targets is due in part to Canada's role in feeding what President George Bush called America's "addiction to oil." To meet its Kyoto targets, why does Canada not just reduce oil and natural gas exports to the U.S.? Then, instead of building more tar sands plants at $10-billion a project, provincial and federal governments could adopt policies to reduce energy usage for a fraction of the cost.

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Gun Nutz

Blue Grit asks "This issue really baffles me. I cannot for the life of me understand why any reasonable person would oppose registering guns. "

The problem is that those opposed to the gun registry, are not reasonable. They are gun nutz. They are Canadians who wanna be Americans, they view gun control and the gun registry as attacks on their right to bear arms. Though we have no such rights enshrined in Canadian law or the constitution.

They are right wingers, red necks, psuedo-libertarians, social conservatives, cheerleaders for the NRA.

Not all gun owners fall into this group of politicos, nor do all shooters (such as sports shooters), but these are the kinds of gun-nutz that oppose gun control.

Gun control. Not just gun registration. They have opposed gun control since it was expanded by the Trudeau government. Oh and they hate the liberal state. Liberal, they drool passionately in a pavlovian manner, spittle forming on their lips as they relish the thought of blasting away at all politicians.

I know I have met most of them at one time or another. Don't believe me go check out a gun show. They are proud of the fact that their politics are to the right of Attila the Hun. And they will tell you so.

Take Dave Tomlinson of the National Firearms Association (NFA), who modeled this organization on the US NRA. He is as fuzzy a thinker as the fuzz on his face. This grizzled would be mountain man spouts all the rhetoric of those gun nutz south of the border.

Consistency is not part of their platform. They want law and order, more cops, and their guns. Yet the cops don't want them to have guns, want gun control and the gun registry. So ya gotta scratch your head and say huh?

These gun nutz helped create the Reform Party, and they are also the folks who want to get tough on criminals, you know lock em up, bring back the lash, throw away the key.

Bring back the lash. Yep they like that idea. Except then they go on talk shows and say how they will break the law and not register their guns. No way, can't make me, pry my gun from my cold dead fingers.

So if they go to jail for not registering their guns can we give em the lash and throw away the key.

There is no logic to their argument. Its political. Its Republicanism in Canada. Its stupid. Its unreasonable.

We register our cars, we have drivers licenses, we can register our guns, and carry our Firearms licences. Anything else is right wing loonie whining.

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UrgentAction-NO Troops In Afghanistan

Email your MP, email all the MP's and tell them NO to extending our mission in Afghanistan. Support our Troops! Bring them home now! Emails for all MP's are below.

All Members of Parliament

Member Party Riding Prov. E-mail
Mr. Guy André BQ Berthier–Maskinongé PQ Andre.G
Mr. Gérard Asselin BQ Manicouagan PQ Asselin.G
Mr. Claude Bachand BQ Saint-Jean PQ Bachand.C
Ms. Vivian Barbot BQ Papineau PQ Barbot.V
Mr. André Bellavance BQ Richmond–Arthabaska PQ Bellavance.A
Mr. Bernard Bigras BQ Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie PQ Bigras.B
Mr. Raynald Blais BQ Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine PQ Blais.R
Ms. France Bonsant BQ Compton–Stanstead PQ Bonsant.F
Mr. Robert Bouchard BQ Chicoutimi–Le Fjord PQ Bouchard.R
Ms. Diane Bourgeois BQ Terrebonne–Blainville PQ Bourgeois.D
Ms. Paule Brunelle BQ Trois-Rivières PQ Brunelle.P
Mr. Serge Cardin BQ Sherbrooke PQ Cardin.S
Mr. Robert Carrier BQ Alfred-Pellan PQ Carrier.R
Mr. Paul Crête BQ Rivière-du-Loup–Montmagny PQ Crete.P
Mr. Claude DeBellefeuille BQ Beauharnois–Salaberry PQ DeBellefeuille.C
Ms. Nicole Demers BQ Laval PQ Demers.N
Ms. Johanne Deschamps BQ Laurentides–Labelle PQ Deschamps.J
Mr. Gilles Duceppe BQ Laurier PQ Duceppe.G
Ms. Meili Faille BQ Vaudreuil-Soulanges PQ Faille.M
Ms. Carole Freeman BQ Châteauguay–Saint-Constant PQ Freeman.C
Ms. Christiane Gagnon BQ Québec PQ Gagnon.C
Mr. Roger Gaudet BQ Montcalm PQ Gaudet.Ro
Mr. Michel Gauthier BQ Roberval PQ Gauthier.M
Ms. Monique Guay BQ Rivière-du-Nord PQ Guay.M
Mr. Michel Guimond BQ Charlevoix–Montmorency PQ Guimond.M
Mr. Maka Kotto BQ Saint-Lambert PQ Kotto.M
Mr. Yvon Lévesque BQ Nunavik–Eeyou PQ Levesque.Y
Mr. Jean-Yves Laforest BQ Saint-Maurice–Champlain PQ Laforest.J
Mr. Mario Laframboise BQ Argenteuil–Mirabel PQ Laframboise.M
Ms. Francine Lalonde BQ La Pointe-de-l'Île PQ Lalonde.F
Ms. Carole Lavallée BQ Saint-Bruno–Saint-Hubert PQ Lavallee.C
Mr. Marc Lemay BQ Abitibi–Témiscamingue PQ Lemay.M
Mr. Yves Lessard BQ Chambly–Borduas PQ Lessard.Y
Mr. Yvan Loubier BQ Saint-Hyacinthe–Bagot PQ Loubier.Y
Mr. Marcel Lussier BQ Brossard–La Prairie PQ Lussier.M
Mr. Réal Ménard BQ Hochelaga PQ Menard.R
Mr. Serge Ménard BQ Marc-Aurèle-Fortin PQ Menard.S
Mr. Luc Malo BQ Verchères–Les Patriotes PQ Malo.L
Ms. Maria Mourani BQ Ahuntsic PQ Mourani.M
Mr. Richard Nadeau BQ Gatineau PQ Nadeau.R
Mr. Christian Ouellet BQ Brome–Missisquoi PQ Ouellet.C
Mr. Pierre Paquette BQ Joliette PQ Paquette.P
Mr. Gilles Perron BQ Rivière-des-Mille-Îles PQ Perron.G-A
Ms. Pauline Picard BQ Drummond PQ Picard.P
Mr. Louis Plamondon BQ Richelieu PQ Plamondon.L
Mr. Jean Roy BQ Matapédia–Matane PQ Roy.J
Mr. Benoît Sauvageau BQ Repentigny PQ Sauvageau.B
Mr. Thierry St-Cyr BQ Jeanne-Le Ber PQ St-Cyr.T
Ms. Caroline St-Hilaire BQ Longueuil PQ St-Hilaire.C
Ms. Louise Thibault BQ Rimouski–Témiscouata PQ Thibault.L
Mr. Robert Vincent BQ Shefford PQ Vincent.R
Mr. James Abbott Cons. Kootenay–Columbia BC Abbott.J
Ms. Diane Ablonczy Cons. Calgary–Nose Hill AB Ablonczy.D
Mr. Harold Albrecht Cons. Kitchener–Conestoga ON Albrecht.H
Mr. Mike Allen Cons. Tobique–Mactaquac NB Allen.M
Mr. Dean Allison Cons. Niagara West–Glanbrook ON Allison.D
Ms. Rona Ambrose (c.m.) Cons. Edmonton–Spruce Grove AB Ambrose.R
Mr. Rob Anders Cons. Calgary West AB Anders.R
Mr. David Anderson Cons. Cypress Hills–Grasslands SK Anderson.Da
Mr. John Baird (c.m.) Cons. Ottawa West–Nepean ON Baird.J
Mr. Dave Batters Cons. Palliser SK Batters.D
Mr. Leon Benoit Cons. Vegreville–Wainwright AB Benoit.L
Mr. Maxime Bernier (c.m.) Cons. Beauce PQ Bernier.M
Mr. James Bezan Cons. Selkirk–Interlake MB Bezan.J
Mr. Jean-Pierre Blackburn (c.m.) Cons. Jonquière–Alma PQ Blackburn.J
Mr. Steven Blaney Cons. Lévis–Bellechasse PQ Blaney.S
Ms. Sylvie Boucher Cons. Beauport PQ Boucher.S
Mr. Garry Breitkreuz Cons. Yorkton–Melville SK Breitkreuz.G
Mr. Patrick Brown Cons. Barrie ON Brown.P
Mr. Gord Brown Cons. Leeds–Grenville ON Brown.G
Mr. Rod Bruinooge Cons. Winnipeg South MB Bruinooge.R
Mr. Blaine Calkins Cons. Wetaskiwin AB Calkins.B
Mr. Ron Cannan Cons. Kelowna BC Cannan.R
Mr. Lawrence Cannon (c.m.) Cons. Pontiac PQ Cannon.L
Mr. Colin Carrie Cons. Oshawa ON Carrie.C
Mr. Bill Casey Cons. North Nova NS Casey.B
Mr. Rick Casson Cons. Lethbridge AB Casson.R
Mr. Mike Chong (c.m.) Cons. Wellington–Halton Hills ON Chong.M
Mr. Tony Clement (c.m.) Cons. Parry Sound–Muskoka ON Clement.T
Mr. John Cummins Cons. Delta–Richmond East BC Cummins.J
Mr. Pat Davidson Cons. Sarnia–Lambton ON Davidson.P
Mr. Stockwell Day (c.m.) Cons. Okanagan–Coquihalla BC Day.S
Mr. Dean Del Mastro Cons. Peterborough ON DelMastro.D
Mr. Barry Devolin Cons. Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock ON Devolin.B
Mr. Norman Doyle Cons. St. John's North NF Doyle.N
Mr. Rick Dykstra Cons. St. Catharines ON Dykstra.R
Mr. David Emerson (c.m.) Cons. Vancouver Kingsway BC Emerson.D
Mr. Ken Epp Cons. Edmonton–Sherwood Park AB Epp.K
Mr. Ed Fast Cons. Abbotsford BC Fast.E
Ms. Diane Finley (c.m.) Cons. Haldimand–Norfolk ON Finley.D
Mr. Brian Fitzpatrick Cons. Prince Albert SK Fitzpatrick.B
Mr. Jim Flaherty (c.m.) Cons. Whitby–Oshawa ON Flaherty.J
Mr. Steven Fletcher Cons. Charleswood–St. James MB Fletcher.S
Mr. Royal Galipeau Cons. Ottawa–Orléans ON Galipeau.R
Ms. Cheryl Gallant Cons. Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke ON Gallant.C
Mr. Peter Goldring Cons. Edmonton East AB Goldring.P
Mr. Gary Goodyear Cons. Cambridge ON Goodyear.G
Mr. Jacques Gourde Cons. Lotbinière–Chutes-de-la-Chaudière PQ Gourde.J
Ms. Nina Grewal Cons. Fleetwood–Port Kells BC Grewal.N
Ms. Helena Guergis Cons. Simcoe–Grey ON Guergis.H
Mr. Art Hanger Cons. Calgary Northeast AB Hanger.A
Mr. Stephen Harper (c.m.) Cons. Calgary Southwest AB Harper.S
Mr. Dick Harris Cons. Cariboo–Prince George BC Harris.R
Mr. Luc Harvey Cons. Louis-Hébert PQ Harvey.L
Mr. Laurie Hawn Cons. Edmonton Centre AB Hawn.L
Mr. Loyola Hearn (c.m.) Cons. St. John's South NF Hearn.L
Mr. Russ Hiebert Cons. South Surrey–White Rock–Cloverdale BC Hiebert.R
Mr. Jay Hill Cons. Prince George–Peace River BC Hill.J
Ms. Betty Hinton Cons. Kamloops–Thompson BC Hinton.B
Mr. Rahim Jaffer Cons. Edmonton–Strathcona AB Jaffer.R
Mr. Brian Jean Cons. Athabasca AB Jean.B
Mr. Randy Kamp Cons. Dewdney–Alouette BC Kamp.R
Mr. Gerald Keddy Cons. South Shore–St. Margaret's NS Keddy.G
Mr. Jason Kenney Cons. Calgary Southeast AB Kenney.J
Mr. Ed Komarnicki Cons. Souris–Moose Mountain SK Komarnicki.E
Mr. Daryl Kramp Cons. Prince Edward–Hastings ON Kramp.D
Mr. Mike Lake Cons. Edmonton–Beaumont AB Lake.M
Mr. Guy Lauzon Cons. Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry ON Lauzon.G
Mr. Pierre Lemieux Cons. Glengarry–Prescott–Russell ON Lemieux.P
Mr. Tom Lukiwski Cons. Regina–Lumsden–Lake Centre SK Lukiwski.T
Mr. Gary Lunn (c.m.) Cons. Saanich–Gulf Islands BC Lunn.G
Mr. James Lunney Cons. Nanaimo–Alberni BC Lunney.J
Mr. Peter MacKay (c.m.) Cons. Central Nova NS MacKay.P
Mr. Dave Mackenzie Cons. Oxford ON Mackenzie.D
Mr. Fabian Manning Cons. Avalon NF Manning.F
Mr. Inky Mark Cons. Dauphin–Swan River MB Mark.I
Mr. Colin Mayes Cons. North Okanagan–Shuswap BC Mayes.C
Mr. Ted Menzies Cons. Macleod AB Menzies.T
Mr. Rob Merrifield Cons. Yellowhead AB Merrifield.R
Mr. Larry Miller Cons. Grey–Bruce–Owen Sound ON Miller.L
Mr. Bob Mills Cons. Red Deer AB Mills.B
Mr. James Moore Cons. Port Moody–Westwood–Port Coquitlam BC Moore.J
Mr. Rob Moore Cons. Fundy NB Moore.R
Mr. Rob Nicholson (c.m.) Cons. Niagara Falls ON Nicholson.R
Mr. Rick Norlock Cons. Northumberland–Quinte West ON Norlock.R
Mr. Gordon O'Connor (c.m.) Cons. Carleton–Lanark ON Oconnor.G
Mr. Deepak Obhrai Cons. Calgary East AB Obhrai.D
Ms. Bev Oda (c.m.) Cons. Clarington–Scugog–Uxbridge ON Oda.B
Mr. Brian Pallister Cons. Portage–Lisgar MB Pallister.B
Mr. Christian Paradis Cons. Mégantic–L'Érable PQ Paradis.C
Mr. Daniel Petit Cons. Charlesbourg PQ Petit.D
Mr. Pierre Poilievre Cons. Nepean–Carleton ON Poilievre.P
Mr. Jim Prentice (c.m.) Cons. Calgary North Centre AB Prentice.J
Mr. Joe Preston Cons. Elgin–Middlesex–London ON Preston.J
Mr. James Rajotte Cons. Edmonton–Leduc AB Rajotte.J
Mr. Scott Reid Cons. Lanark–Frontenac–Lennox and Addington ON Reid.S
Mr. Lee Richardson Cons. Calgary South Centre AB Richardson.L
Mr. Gerry Ritz Cons. Battlefords–Lloydminster SK Ritz.G
Mr. Andrew Scheer Cons. Regina–Qu'Appelle SK Scheer.A
Mr. Gary Schellenberger Cons. Perth–Wellington ON Schellenberger.G
Ms. Bev Shipley Cons. Middlesex–Kent–Lambton ON Shipley.B
Ms. Carol Skelton (c.m.) Cons. Saskatoon–Rosetown–Biggar SK Skelton.C
Ms. Joy Smith Cons. Kildonan–St. Paul MB Smith.J
Mr. Monte Solberg (c.m.) Cons. Medicine Hat AB Solberg.M
Mr. Kevin Sorenson Cons. Crowfoot AB Sorenson.K
Mr. Bruce Stanton Cons. Simcoe North ON Stanton.B
Mr. Brian Storseth Cons. Westlock–St. Paul AB Storseth.B
Mr. Chuck Strahl (c.m.) Cons. Chilliwack–Fraser Canyon BC Strahl.C
Mr. David Sweet Cons. Ancaster–Dundas–Flamborough–Westdale ON Sweet.D
Mr. Myron Thompson Cons. Wild Rose AB Thompson.M
Mr. Gregory Thompson (c.m.) Cons. St. Croix–Belleisle NB Thompson.G
Mr. David Tilson Cons. Dufferin–Caledon ON Tilson.D
Mr. Vic Toews (c.m.) Cons. Provencher MB Toews.V
Mr. Bradley Trost Cons. Saskatoon–Humboldt SK Trost.B
Mr. Garth Turner Cons. Halton ON Turner.G
Mr. Merv Tweed Cons. Brandon–Souris MB Tweed.M
Mr. Dave Van Kesteren Cons. Chatham-Kent–Essex ON VanKesteren.D
Mr. Peter Van Loan Cons. York–Simcoe ON VanLoan.P
Mr. Maurice Vellacott Cons. Saskatoon–Wanuskewin SK Vellacott.M
Ms. Josée Verner (c.m.) Cons. Louis-Saint-Laurent PQ Verner.J
Mr. Mike Wallace Cons. Burlington ON Wallace.M
Mr. Mark Warawa Cons. Langley BC Warawa.M
Mr. Chris Warkentin Cons. Peace River AB Warkentin.C
Mr. Jeff Watson Cons. Essex ON Watson.J
Mr. John Williams Cons. Edmonton–St. Albert AB Williams.J
Ms. Lynne Yelich Cons. Blackstrap SK Yelich.L
Mr. André Arthur Ind. Portneuf PQ Arthur.A
Mr. Omar Alghabra Lib. Mississauga–Erindale ON Alghabra.O
Mr. Mauril Bélanger Lib. Ottawa–Vanier ON Belanger.M
Mr. Larry Bagnell Lib. Yukon YT Bagnell.L
Mr. Navdeep Bains Lib. Mississauga–Brampton South ON Bains.N
Ms. Sue Barnes Lib. London West ON Barnes.S
Ms. Colleen Beaumier Lib. Brampton West ON Beaumier.C
Mr. Don Bell Lib. North Vancouver BC Bell.D
Ms. Carolyn Bennett Lib. St. Paul's ON Bennett.C
Mr. Maurizio Bevilacqua Lib. Vaughan ON Bevilacqua.M
Mr. Raymond Bonin Lib. Nickel Belt ON Bonin.R
Mr. Ken Boshcoff Lib. Thunder Bay–Rainy River ON Boshcoff.K
Mr. Scott Brison Lib. Kings–Hants NS Brison.S
Ms. Bonnie Brown Lib. Oakville ON Brown.B
Mr. Gerry Byrne Lib. Humber–St. Barbe–Baie Verte NF Byrne.G
Mr. John Cannis Lib. Scarborough Centre ON Cannis.J
Ms. Brenda Chamberlain Lib. Guelph ON Chamberlain.B
Mr. Raymond Chan Lib. Richmond BC Chan.R
Mr. Denis Coderre Lib. Bourassa PQ Coderre.D
Mr. Joe Comuzzi Lib. Thunder Bay–Superior North ON Comuzzi.J
Mr. Irwin Cotler Lib. Mount Royal PQ cotlei
Mr. Roy Cullen Lib. Etobicoke North ON Cullen.R
Mr. Rodger Cuzner Lib. Cape Breton–Canso NS Cuzner.R
Mr. Jean-Claude D'Amours Lib. Madawaska–Restigouche NB Damours.J
Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal Lib. Newton–North Delta BC Dhaliwal.S
Ms. Ruby Dhalla Lib. Brampton–Springdale ON Dhalla.R
Mr. Stéphane Dion Lib. Saint-Laurent–Cartierville PQ Dion.S
Mr. Ujjal Dosanjh Lib. Vancouver South BC Dosanjh.U
Mr. Ken Dryden Lib. York Centre ON Dryden.K
Mr. Wayne Easter Lib. Malpeque PE Easter.W
Mr. Mark Eyking Lib. Sydney–Victoria NS Eyking.M
Ms. Raymonde Folco Lib. Laval–Les Îles PQ Folco.R
Mr. Joe Fontana Lib. London North Centre ON Fontana.J
Ms. Hedy Fry Lib. Vancouver Centre BC Fry.H
Mr. John Godfrey Lib. Don Valley West ON Godfrey.J
Mr. Ralph Goodale Lib. Wascana SK Goodale.R
Mr. Bill Graham Lib. Toronto Centre ON Graham.B
Ms. Albina Guarnieri Lib. Mississauga East–Cooksville ON Guarnieri.A
Mr. Mark Holland Lib. Ajax–Pickering ON Holland.M
Mr. Charles Hubbard Lib. Miramichi NB Hubbard.C
Mr. Michael Ignatieff Lib. Etobicoke–Lakeshore ON Ignatieff.M
Ms. Marlene Jennings Lib. Notre-Dame-de-Grâce–Lachine PQ Jennings.M
Ms. Susan Kadis Lib. Thornhill ON Kadis.S
Ms. Nancy Karetak-Lindell Lib. Nunavut NU Karetak-Lindell.N
Mr. Jim Karygiannis Lib. Scarborough–Agincourt ON Karygiannis.J
Ms. Tina Keeper Lib. Churchill MB Keeper.T
Mr. Wajid Khan Lib. Mississauga–Streetsville ON Khan.W
Mr. Jean Lapierre Lib. Outremont PQ Lapierre.J
Mr. Dominic LeBlanc Lib. Beauséjour NB LeBlanc.D
Mr. Derek Lee Lib. Scarborough–Rouge River ON Lee.D
Mr. Lawrence MacAulay Lib. Cardigan PE MacAulay.L
Mr. Gurbax Malhi Lib. Bramalea–Gore–Malton ON Malhi.G
Mr. John Maloney Lib. Welland ON Maloney.J
Ms. Diane Marleau Lib. Sudbury ON Marleau.D
Mr. Keith Martin Lib. Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca BC Martin.K
Mr. Paul Martin Lib. LaSalle–Émard PQ Martin.P
Mr. Bill Matthews Lib. Random–Burin–St. George's NF Matthews.B
Mr. John McCallum Lib. Markham–Unionville ON McCallum.J
Mr. David McGuinty Lib. Ottawa South ON McGuinty.D
Mr. Joe McGuire Lib. Egmont PE McGuire.J
Mr. John McKay Lib. Scarborough–Guildwood ON McKay.J
Mr. Dan McTeague Lib. Pickering–Scarborough East ON McTeague.D
Mr. Gary Merasty Lib. Churchill River SK Merasty.G
Mr. Peter Milliken Lib. Kingston and the Islands ON Milliken.P
Ms. Maria Minna Lib. Beaches–East York ON Minna.M
Mr. Brian Murphy Lib. Moncton–Riverview–Dieppe NB Murphy.B
Mr. Shawn Murphy Lib. Charlottetown PE Murphy.S
Ms. Anita Neville Lib. Winnipeg South Centre MB Neville.A
Mr. Stephen Owen Lib. Vancouver Quadra BC Owen.S
Mr. Massimo Pacetti Lib. Saint-Léonard–Saint-Michel PQ Pacetti.M
Mr. Bernard Patry Lib. Pierrefonds–Dollard PQ Patry.B
Mr. Jim Peterson Lib. Willowdale ON Peterson.J
Mr. Marcel Proulx Lib. Hull–Aylmer PQ Proulx.M
Mr. Yasmin Ratansi Lib. Don Valley East ON Ratansi.Y
Ms. Karen Redman Lib. Kitchener Centre ON Redman.K
Mr. Geoff Regan Lib. Halifax West NS Regan.G
Ms. Lucienne Robillard Lib. Westmount–Ville-Marie PQ Robillard.L
Mr. Pablo Rodriguez Lib. Honoré-Mercier PQ Rodriguez.P
Mr. Anthony Rota Lib. Nipissing–Timiskaming ON Rota.A
Mr. Todd Russell Lib. Labrador NF Russell.T
Mr. Michael Savage Lib. Dartmouth–Cole Harbour NS Savage.M
Mr. Francis Scarpaleggia Lib. Lac-Saint-Louis PQ Scarpaleggia.F
Mr. Andy Scott Lib. Fredericton NB Scott.A
Ms. Judy Sgro Lib. York West ON Sgro.J
Mr. Mario Silva Lib. Davenport ON Silva.M
Mr. Raymond Simard Lib. Saint Boniface MB Simard.R
Mr. Scott Simms Lib. Bonavista–Exploits NF Simms.S
Mr. Lloyd St. Amand Lib. Brant ON St.Amand.L
Mr. Brent St. Denis Lib. Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing ON St.Denis.B
Mr. Paul Steckle Lib. Huron–Bruce ON Steckle.P
Ms. Belinda Stronach Lib. Newmarket–Aurora ON Stronach.B
Mr. Paul Szabo Lib. Mississauga South ON Szabo.P
Mr. Andrew Telegdi Lib. Kitchener–Waterloo ON Telegdi.A
Mr. Lui Temelkovski Lib. Oak Ridges–Markham ON Temelkovski.L
Mr. Robert Thibault Lib. West Nova NS Thibault.R
Mr. Alan Tonks Lib. York South–Weston ON Tonks.A
Mr. Roger Valley Lib. Kenora ON Valley.R
Mr. Joseph Volpe Lib. Eglinton–Lawrence ON Volpe.J
Mr. Tom Wappel Lib. Scarborough Southwest ON Wappel.T
Mr. Bryon Wilfert Lib. Richmond Hill ON Wilfert.B
Mr. Blair Wilson Lib. Vancouver–Sunshine Coast BC Wilson.B
Mr. Borys Wrzesnewskyj Lib. Etobicoke Centre ON Wrzesnewskyj.B
Mr. Paul Zed Lib. Saint John NB Zed.P
Mr. Charlie Angus NDP Timmins–James Bay ON Angus.C
Mr. Alex Atamanenko NDP Southern Interior BC Atamanenko.A
Ms. Catherine Bell NDP Vancouver Island North BC Bell.C
Mr. Dennis Bevington NDP Western Arctic NT Bevington.D
Ms. Dawn Black NDP New Westminster–Coquitlam BC Black.D
Mr. Bill Blaikie NDP Elmwood–Transcona MB Blaikie.B
Mr. Chris Charlton NDP Hamilton Mountain ON Charlton.C
Ms. Olivia Chow NDP Trinity–Spadina ON Chow.O
Mr. David Christopherson NDP Hamilton Centre ON Christopherson.D
Mr. Joe Comartin NDP Windsor–Tecumseh ON Comartin.J
Ms. Jean Crowder NDP Nanaimo–Cowichan BC Crowder.J
Mr. Nathan Cullen NDP Skeena–Bulkley Valley BC Cullen.N
Ms. Libby Davies NDP Vancouver East BC Davies.L
Mr. Paul Dewar NDP Ottawa Centre ON Dewar.P
Mr. Yvon Godin NDP Acadie–Bathurst NB Godin.Y
Mr. Peter Julian NDP Burnaby–New Westminster BC Julian.P
Mr. Jack Layton NDP Toronto–Danforth ON Layton.J
Mr. Wayne Marston NDP Hamilton East–Stoney Creek ON Marston.W
Mr. Pat Martin NDP Winnipeg Centre MB Martin.Pd
Mr. Tony Martin NDP Sault Ste. Marie ON Martin.T
Mr. Brian Masse NDP Windsor West ON Masse.B
Ms. Irene Mathyssen NDP London–Fanshawe ON Mathyssen.I
Ms. Alexa McDonough NDP Halifax NS McDonough.A
Ms. Peggy Nash NDP Parkdale–High Park ON Nash.P
Ms. Penny Priddy NDP Surrey North BC Priddy.P
Ms. Denise Savoie NDP Victoria West BC Savoie.D
Mr. Bill Siksay NDP Burnaby–Douglas BC Siksay.B
Mr. Peter Stoffer NDP Sackville–Eastern Shore NS Stoffer.P
Ms. Judy Wasylycia-Leis NDP Winnipeg North MB Wasylycia-Leis.J

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(p.s.) indicates a parliamentary secretary.
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