The resolution was, of course, based on the Gulf of Tonkin incident in which American ships were allegedly targeted by North Vietnamese gunboats. Here's the problem though: at best, the Gulf of Tonkin ...
But it might not be an Iranian group at all. It could be an American or Israeli or Saudi intelligence operation seeking to create a pretext for a US attack on Iran (like the ‘Gulf of Tonkin incident’ ...
If they do anything it'll be a very bad mistake, if they do anything.” Though so far it appears minor, the sabotage incident could signal the start of a Gulf of Tonkin type incident in the Persian ...
Could this be the start of a Gulf of Tonkin type incident in the Persian Gulf which drags the US and its allies into confrontation with Iran? .
if we’re looking for an incident, it’s not going to be hard to manufacture one. If we’re looking for a Tonkin Gulf, if we’re looking for a smoking gun and a mushroom cloud, you know ...
For those of an earlier generation, the Tonkin Gulf incident of August 1964 is instructive. President Lyndon Johnson, looking for a reason to escalate the Vietnam War to force Hanoi to the bargaining ...
The timing of the incident dovetailed neatly with the US escalation of ... of mass destruction” or the lies about a US warship being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin that were used to justify the War in ...
In the mid-sixties, the United State entered the war in Vietnam under the pretext of the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident. In 1964, then-US President Lyndon B. Johnson claimed that North Vietnamese ...
Well, Johnson won and he dragged the United States into the Vietnam War on the basis of totally false claims about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The Johnson administration built entire pyramids of lies ...
Iran hawks will want to use any incident as an excuse for escalation, and it is imperative that Congress and the media not permit Trump and his advisers to turn the Strait of Hormuz into the next Gulf ... The American Conservative
When you look at the attacks on the Saudi oil tankers, and the coming attacks on other ships, remember the USS Liberty, the Maine, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, etc. It is ...
Trump's top advisers appear to be laying the groundwork for military action, whether provoked or not
“A Tonkin Gulf incident got us into one war. Will a Persian Gulf incident get us into another?” And this isn’t just speculation and extrapolation — the Wall Street Journal has reported that Bolton ...
Bolton and Pompeo thus established a policy that the Trump administration would hold Iran responsible for any incident involving forces supported ... media to accept the invasion of Iraq or the Gulf ...
Bush was. Bolton, therefore, may be trying to provoke Iran into striking first. A Tonkin Gulf incident got us into one war. Will a Persian Gulf incident get us into another? When it comes to North ...
Let’s not forget it was a certain “incident” in the Gulf of Tonkin that led to the US engaging directly in the Vietnam War. It would only take something similar in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian ...
if we’re looking for an incident, it’s not going to be hard to manufacture one. If we’re looking for a Tonkin Gulf, if we’re looking for a smoking gun and a mushroom cloud, you know, those kinds of ...
That means that using the time-tested tactic like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, American medical students in Grenada, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and the sinking of the Maine, the US found a ...
An American aircraft carrier was on its way to the Persian Gulf, and every indication suggested that Pompeo ... “The claim that Iran is planning an attack against U.S. troops in Iraq smacks of a ...
An American aircraft carrier was on its way to the Persian Gulf, and every indication suggested that Pompeo ... “The claim that Iran is planning an attack against U.S. troops in Iraq smacks of a ...
Case Closed: The Gulf of Tonkin Incident - HistoryNet
Gulf of Tonkin - A secret report reveals how easily soldiers, spies and politicians can jump to a conclusion and plunge the country into war.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident -
The USS Maddox, the American ship at the centre of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The Gulf of Tonkin incident (August 1964) provided a trigger for greater American involvement in Vietnam.
The Truth About Tonkin | Naval History Magazine - February
Three days following the incident, Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving the President wide latitude in conducting military operations in …