It is that time of the year to start looking for next years Calendar, and it seems the nude calendar for Chairty has really taken off as a popular item.
In this case its not Playboy bunnies in the nude but the woman next door, well actually the granny next door, and yep even the politicians expose themselves for the nude for charity calendar gig.....
'Tis Season for Nearly Nude CalendarsNonprofits strip down for 2007 calendars, but is the practice overexposed?

Giving both competition with and more publicity for the naturalist calendar industry, tasteful photos of folks doffing their clothes in nature.
Naturists/nautralists/nudists are always quick to remind the purient;

Beyond this point
you may encounter
nude sunbathers.

Anyone looking for erotica will be very disappointed!
And since naturalism is an appreciation of nature its no wonder you find naturists who are environmentalists.
Liberal Politicians Expose themselves.. it was silly season with the Liberal Leadership race, not to be out done by Bob Rae and Rick Mercer doffing it all to go skinny dipping on National TV, Scott Brison outs himself as a poser.....Brison poses nude for fundraising calendarNot really he may have been nude but all you get to see is......the 'Calendar Boy' is standing modestly behind a fridge door. "You can see his right flank,'' Wendy Elliot, who took the picture, told the Halifax Chronicle Herald.
Ah, come on now only his right buttock was peeking out, that is hardly enough flesh to get excited about. Well apparently not some folks do get excited aobut Scott Brison's right buttock appearing in public.
"This week, ironically anti-pornography week, Canadians were treated to the news that a high-ranking Liberal politician and at least one Supreme Court Justice have frolicked in public in the nude."
And who do you think such antics upset? Hmm. Why Lifesite News of course.
The morality police, the Mrs. Grundy's of the world, the folks who hate nudity whcih they equate not with adam and eve but with sex. They hate sex, but pretend it is just birth control and abortion they oppose.
It seems that they are lone voice of purile puritanical punditry compared to the supportive comments left on the Halifax Chronicle Herald over Mr. Brisons Flank
shot, put that way he sounds like a race horse. Of course given his picture above his flank may have been a better photo.
But wait perhaps Lifesite is being disingenous in their outrage, after all not all
Christians appear to have a problem with nudity or nude calendars.

Nope check this out.... Church group launches nude calendar
Finally a calendar that says "I'm Christian" and "I love to lust after nude women" all in one. Move over Hooker Headers, here comes the erotic bible calendar!
Although it's a fundraiser for a Christian youth group, the most disturbing thing about this----is the fact that there is a disclaimer on the site that reveals that some of the models were under 18. So, is this German 'Christian' organization peddling child-porn for Jesus?
This nude calendar fundraising business all started seven years ago when some baby boomer babes decided to strike a blow against sexism and ageism. Old baby boomers, original baby boomers, gen X, XX, XXY, etc moms and grandmoms.
Six members of the Rylstone and District Women's Institute, who tastefully posed nude six years ago to raise money in aid of Leukaemia Research, have done it again.
The original calendar took the world by storm and inspired a hit movie starring Julie Walters and Helen Mirren.
Today, the six women will launch their third calendar at the Moathouse Hotel in York.
The 2007 offering features Angela Baker, 60, Tricia Stewart, 57, Lynda Logan, 62, Christine Clancy, 53, Beryl Bamforth, 72, and Ros Fawcett, 56.

Another year: Calendar Girls Angela Baker, Tricia Stewart and Beryl Bamforth in town to sign copies of their new calendar at Harvey's, Halifax
It caught on in a big way with the aging women everywhere. After all folks you ain't getting any younger.....Of course with age comes the ability to be cheeky....
Bev Lee - one of the original 'Bare to be Different' cover girls - now looks after the calendar. This year, she says, they're aiming to raise a more modest $15,000 for the Dementia and Alzheimers Association but it's also meant to show "...positive ageing, a lot of fun, a bit of daring, just the fact that laughter is good and being old is fun too."
And it has spread like a proverbial prairie fire in popularity.,across the Canadian Prairies. So since everyone on hte Prairies voted Conservative demand your MP go nude for charity, after all its a Western Canadian value.
Grey-haired and bare: calendar trend sweeps Sask.It's a Saskatchewan trend that's been spreading like prairie fire — older folks in a variety of tiny towns are doffing their duds to appear as calendar pinups.
It started last year in Eston, on the west side of the province, when a group of mature men put out a calendar to raise funds for the local health centre. That was a big hit, with more than 550 calendars being sold by November 2005.
One of the pictures in the Pangman calendar is titled 'An intergenerational bare-hunt.'
(Courtesy Gene Kessler)
After that, a dozen, mostly 50-something women in the village of Tantallon, in the southeast corner of the province, launched their charity calendar. This time the cause was the Kinsmen Telemiracle Fund.
"I'm in an old fashioned big, clawed bathtub and I'm sitting there with a glass of wine. With just bubbles up, just barely covering me," said Janet Ryan, AKA Miss February, a wife and mother in her mid-50s who enjoys making crafts.
It's all borrowed from Calendar Girls, the 2003 movie with Helen Mirren about a group of older women who achieve unexpected success from their nude calendar. Since then, real-life communities around the world have embraced the concept.
In Saskatchewan nudity is also a political act, in this case the usual social conservative right wing nuts in the Saskatchewan Party has the naked audacity to bring a nude calendar into the legislature to address the provinces pothole problems.
Using a calendar of near-nude Leader residents, the Saskatchewan Party alleged government neglect of Highway 32 in the legislative assembly on Tuesday.
During question period, Cypress Hills MLA Wayne Elhard took a strip off Highways Minister Eldon Lautermilch.
"Why has the NDP government let this highway sink into such a state of disrepair that residents are posing nude to get the government's attention?" Elhard asked.
Lautermilch recognized the innovation behind the 2007 Highway 32 Pothole Calendar, which features scantily clad businesspeople from Leader posing in potholes along the highway.

In this December 2005 photo provided by the Humane Society of Jefferson County, Chandra Gates is shown holding Spree, a domestic medium-hair tabby. Gates is pictured as Miss December for a 2007 Humane Society of Jefferson County calendar. (AP Photo/Humane Society of Jefferson County, Mark Olson)
Everyone is getting into this nude au natural calendar thingee....even in the heartland of the Bible Belt.....nudity goes for the dogs.....Lansing residents pose nude with dogs for charity
It’s nearly 2007, and nudity is still a hot-button topic that slices right through common decency.
It’s either seen as a natural state of the human body to be explored artistically or seen as a sinful display of depravity from which children need to be protected.
To both literally and figuratively celebrate the fact that time marches on (with or without conventional morality), some brave Lansing-area residents have shed their clothes to express themselves and to raise money for Pet Support Services, a local charity that helps senior citizens keep and care for their animals, too.
The result is the Bark & Buff 2007 calendars.
“What started out as something being done just for fun has turned into this great annual ritual that provides money to a charity as well as giving self-esteem to the participants,” says calendar organizer Jana Nicol. “It’s a win-win situation.”
The Bark & Buff calendars feature nude local folks with strategically placed canines of all breeds and sizes covering their private areas.
The entire project is the brainchild of Nicol, who owns and operates Gone 2 the Dogs, a specialty store for dog lovers in Old Town.
She says finding and convincing men to agree to pose nude for the calendar was the hard part.
“They all want to have six-pack abs before they do it,” Nicol says.
It’s the women’s calendar that gets the most volunteers, and this year there was a waiting list to be photographed.
This is the calendar’s third outing, and, like last year, there are two versions to choose from: One is all women, one is all men.
Speaking of guys with six pack abs....Not to be left out is of course this years curling calendar, for a sport enjoyed and played by sterotypical Hudson Bay sweater wearing, beer drinking, chain smoking, overweight, guys in their forties one has to say that this is incongruous at best.
In the surest sign yet that curling has reached the big time, the stone-and-broom game has joined other Olympic endeavors with a nude calendar of its own.“It’s about time,” said Paal Trulsen, the skip of the Norwegian men’s team. “It’s a fun thing, but we want curling to be just like other sports. We had the doping thing, now we have the calendar.”
The new 2007 Team Sponsorship Curling Calendar from Ana Arce
17 athletes/models from 12 countries, featuring Olympians and World Champions
Following the success of her 2006 Curling Calendar, which was promoted in world media including Playboy and Sports Illustrated, Ana Arce has brought together more of curling's most beautiful women to pose in support of their teams and their sport.
Wait I have seen that pose somewhere before.

And this photo and a link to the story on the Curling Calendar lead a poor blogger to have his site crash from all the hits, even though the photo is commercially supplied by CP! Polish national team lead Kasia Selwand is seen in an undated handout photo of a Curling calendar. new calendar promises to provide a lot of exposure to the sport of women's curling, with some of the competitors posing nude in it. (CP PHOTO/HO, The Curling News).
Not to be left out is the Golf Calendar, but this is not for charity but another professional pin up calendar. Sorry ladies you will still have to wait for the charity golf calendar with Tiger in it....Golf + nudes = calendar art - Miami photographer Ray Alonso ...
And of course the original pin up/nude calendar was produced exclusively for Pirelli fans.
The Pirelli Calendar has become an annual publication that belies its origin in 1964 as merely a trade calendar published by the Pirelli company's UK subsidiary.
The calendar is famous for its limited availability because it is not sold and is only given as a corporate gift to a restricted number of important Pirelli customers and celebrity VIPs. The Pirelli Calendar is perhaps the world's only prestigious and exclusive "girly" calendar, featuring pictures generally considered glamour photography including artistic nudes.
Which in North America was imitated by the proletarian Snap On Tools Calendar.
Not coincidentally, 1994 was the year that Snap-on ceased giving out its traditional calendar featuring provocatively posed female models holding Snap-on tools. Mr. Van Mater admits that cries of protest were heard from the ranks of the not particularly politically correct mechanics. But with more and more women attending to the servicing of the family car, the calendars were no longer an image either the dealers or the company wanted associated with Snap-on.
If we go by the popularity of the newly liberated nude calander there is hope yet as a new generation of women mechanics prepares to be taken seriously enough they can doff their overalls without fear of being simply seen as eyecandy props for cars. And heck there is a market out there for male nude calendars. So no need to be sexist. Of course these guys will never get picked for the commercial Naked Straight Guy calendar.
Bare faced cheek of the calendar boys!

CHEEKY staff at a Birmingham cleaning company who bared all for a charity calendar have been swamped by demand. The seven men from Johnson Apparelmaster of Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, have been overwhelmed by requests for the £3 nude calendars in aid of breast cancer research. Mr January, Keiron Peach, aged 27, said they decided to do the calendar during a work night out and were egged on by their female colleagues. The models, whose ages range from 20 to 60 and come from all over the West Midlands, set up and took the pictures themselves. |
The first nude calendar was of course Fine Art. Which of course is the difference between erotica and pornography. The former is art the latter is not.....
In 1913, the first-known calendar nude appeared, called "September Morn", a reproduction of an oil painting,"Matinee Septembre", by a French artist, Paul Chabas (1869-1937). The painting might have gone unnoticed if Comstock, of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, had not demanded the removal of the painting from the window of a New York art gallery. A salesman explained that the painting had recently won a Medal of Honour from the French Academy, but we may presume, Comstock was not impressed .
Which has not changed much since then....Yessy > Jim Furness > 2007 Art Nude Calendar
And Perelli still inspires to put the X in X-Men
Brett Ratner, the director of the newest X-Men movie, would rather be taking photos of naked celebrity women. “Mariah Carey is like the only woman I’ve shot. I want to shoot some women. Halle Berry would be cool. And Lindsay Lohan.”Ratner added that what he’d really like to do is photograph them naked. “I’d like to shoot the Pirelli calendar. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Hot!” Ratner gushed, referring to the famed calendar featuring nudes.
And now its even expanding into comics.
Looking for a cartoonishly risqué way to keep track of the days in 2007? Fifteen webcomic artists have created the Tastefully Done: 2007 Nude Webcomic Calendar featuring nude versions of webcomic characters, with all proceeds going to cancer research.The calendar showcases the work of Ivan Pope, Ali Graham, Gordon McAlpin, Charles Woolbright, Chris Jones, Bryan Chojnowski, Pontus Madsen & Christian Fundin, Chris Simmons, Philip Spence, Rich Dachtera, Robert Koch, Ramón Pérez, Rob Coughler, Ryan Estrada, and of course, webcomic characters appearing in various scenarios of nudity.
Like the issues of ageing in society, which as more of us baby boomers get older, we will celebrate our bodies our selves rather than looking at wrinkled flesh in disdain, there is the other body issue. The disabled. The whole issue around nudity for charity, is about ordinary folks overcoming socially constructed tabbos around self image.....
Hi my name is Sue Hawker, I am a co ordinator for a registered charity called Paul's Place based in South Gloucestershire our age range is 18-59 (people are not asked to leave when they reach 60) We enable Physically disabled people to lead a active social life in a safe and warm environment. Pop in any time to our day facility and you will hear laughter because we are all friends with a ever growing number of people who need our service. Paul's place is user led giving our members the opportunity to lead a fullfilling life choosing activities they want to do.
Now I come to the best bit! We presently rent a village hall which is very overcrowded due to the high demand for a day faciity for physically disabled people.Can you imagine the noise levels with thirty people in one room all wanting to be heard! As a charity we have to raise money throughout the year,but the need for a new building is so great now that we had to think of a major fundraising idea to raise our profile and give our funds a boost. So we produced we think, the worlds first disabled nude calander. It is a stunning piece of artwork by a wondeful photographer,you can see a preview of the calender on his website Paul's Place website address is please visit. I promise you will be moved by the profiles of the members written by themselves and see the calander shots that we think are beautiful. Inside the front cover you will see a introduction to the calander by our founder Kath Aldom.
Of course there is always one effete latte drinking intellectual that has to be a party pooper and throw cold wat on the whole nude charity calendar thingee....Professor: Nude Calendars Don't Help Fundraising
So why are they popular? And sell out?
And then there are those who just can't stand all this flesh for charity business...
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 05/12/2006
As more Britons strip off for charity than ever, Jan Moir makes a plea for modesty
In pictures: calendar capers
In the name of faith, hope and especially charity, will the people of Great Britain please put their clothes back on? This instant. Right now. Without delay. What we mean is, what has got into you all?
Titillating: staff at Highworth's butchers are among happy nude posers for charity |
This year, the number of individuals willing to pose stark blooming naked for 2007 charity calendars has reached plague-like proportions.
For more nude calendar stories see: