Its the shrug heard around the world.
Canadian government indifferent to Israel’s murder of eight of its citizens
And each death in Lebanon will be the death of a Majority for the Harpocrite Tories.
Left Behind in lebanon
And then there is that other constituency: Lebanese-Canadians. Canadians outnumber all other foreigners in Lebanon. The numbers actually range from the popularly accepted 40,000 to as many as 60,000. Mr. Harper would be unwise to write off the fair and personal concerns of this valued constituency. But today, Lebanese-Canadians are feeling they have been tossed aside by the PM. While they may have had some criticisms of Canada's evacuation plans, their enduring issue won't be evacuation. It will be the life and death of those who are left behind in Lebanon.
Mideast talk scorches PM
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is under fire for swiftly taking sides in the Mideast crisis while delivering a tardy response to evacuating Canadians whose lives are endangered in the war zone.
Also See:
Lebanon, Canada, Protest, Israel, Lebanese, Day, Harper, politics, Middle-East,