Thursday, October 01, 2020

Covid-19 vaccine deals risk skewing supply
International accords including Covax aiming to ensure equitable distribution to poorer countries



It will be months (at best) before we know if any of the vaccines being developed to protect us against Covid-19 are going to be effective, but the wealthiest nations are committing billions of pounds to secure access to them.

There are 36 candidate vaccines in human trials, with nine already in phase 3 trials with tens of thousands of volunteers. These frontrunners employ five different approaches, from established mechanisms using weakened or inactivated versions of the virus; to new technologies that introduce snippets of the virus genetic material into human cells, where they make proteins that mimic it. Another 146 vaccine candidates are in animal trials.

To speed up availability, pharmaceutical companies have begun manufacturing in parallel with clinical trials, rather than waiting for their outcomes and regulatory approval – a process that would otherwise take years. While that adds significantly to overall development costs, those costs pale into comparison with the pandemic’s global economic and health impacts.

AstraZeneca (AZ), which has the exclusive license to make a vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, UK, has signed deals to supply more than two billion doses. It’s scaling up its own manufacturing capacity as well as contracting with organisations in India, Latin America and China to make approaching three billion doses by the end of 2021. AZ says it is committed to broad and equitable access to the vaccine, although distribution is up to individual governments.

Source: © Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty Images

Vaccine developers are tying up with contract manufacturers across the globe to secure capacity to produce the billions of doses that will eventually be required

Another contender, US-based biotech Moderna – working with the US National Institutes of Health – is developing what would be the first ever mRNA vaccine. It has signed deals to supply at least 276 million doses of its vaccine across the EU, Japan, Canada and the US. Through its multi-agency operation Warp Speed, the US government also has an option for another 400 million doses, assuming the vaccine gets regulatory approval. Alongside, Moderna has negotiated manufacturing capacity so supply can begin this year.

US-based Pfizer is working with Germany’s BioNTech on another mRNA candidate and has agreed to supply 270 million doses across the UK, US, Japan and Canada. The partners plan to make 100 million doses by the end of the year, and 1.3 billion by the end of 2021. On 18 September, the European commission signed a deal with Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for 300 million doses of their recombinant DNA vaccine. An upfront payment of €324 million (£297 million) will support manufacturing scale-up in Europe. The commission says vaccines will be distributed to member states based on population size.

Well-off nations are hedging their bets, to make sure their citizens get early vaccine access. The UK alone has options on 340 million doses from a mixture of frontrunners and less advanced candidates – including French group Valneva’s, which won’t go into clinical trials until the end of the year.

Ensuring there is ample supply for the rest of the world is a complex problem. World Health Organization (WHO) secretary general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has expressed concern that ‘excess demand and competition for supplies is already creating vaccine nationalism and price gouging’. The WHO has had to rethink its risk-sharing Covax initiative – which aims to pool global resources to get two billion doses of approved vaccines by the end of 2021 – after the US refused to sign up, and others delayed. By paying more up front, richer countries now get to choose which vaccines they want.

Ideally you would have one global allocation mechanism – unfortunately that is not likely to happen

The UK signed up at the last minute, meaning 64 self-financing nations will contribute, with another 38 expected to sign. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which is co-leading the initiative, said it would now start signing formal agreements with vaccine developers. Covax is supporting research, development and manufacturing of vaccines, as well as negotiating their prices, and hopes to have at least three safe and effective vaccines to offer. So far it’s raised $1.4 billion (£1.1 billion, including £250 million from the UK government) to support R&D, but requires another $800 million.

As vaccines become available, they would be distributed equitably until every country has enough for 20% of their population, to cover priority groups like healthcare workers. It’s not clear how that allocation will happen in practice, or how much the vaccines will cost, but countries will be able to opt out if prices are more than double what was expected. Thomas Cueni, director general of the International Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, told a recent panel organised by European Health Forum Gastein that ‘ideally you would have one global allocation mechanism – unfortunately that is not likely to happen … and of course, vaccine manufacturers have to respond to where do they get the support, where they get the orders from’. He added that ‘you need a mix of rich country solidarity with poor countries – only then will we be able to meet that objective of … a minimum of two billion, hopefully three billion [doses]’.

A separate mechanism aims to raise $2 billion by the end of the year for the 92 low- and middle-income countries (such as Afghanistan and Yemen) that cannot fully fund their vaccine requirements. However, by mid-September just $700 million had been pledged, leaving it unclear how much those countries will be asked to pay. The European commission has promised €400 million to the initiative, and stressed it wants manufacturers it contracts with to commit to providing future doses through Covax. The EU’s deals will also enable member states to donate some of their contracted supplies to low- and middle-income countries.

China has been engaging in its own vaccine diplomacy outside of Covax. It has four candidates in late stage trials, and is offering loans to Latin American and Caribbean nations to buy its vaccines; while promising priority access to others, such as the Philippines. However, phase 1 trials in Canada of CanSino’s candidate had to be abandoned after the Chinese government refused the company permission to ship the vaccine.

When we started talking with companies, some asked us for more than $100 per dose

One of the hallmarks of deals struck between governments and companies is a lack of transparency. Companies haven’t clearly disclosed what they’ll be paid, in spite of a hefty commitment of public funds to their vaccine endeavours. ‘Perhaps what’s so particularly stinging about that lack of transparency, is that some of these initiatives were launched with transparency cited as a key principle of their efforts, and it just hasn’t been upheld,’ says Kate Elder, senior vaccines policy adviser at Médicins Sans Frontiers (MSF). ‘That’s not in the interest of equitable access for countries in the future – it’s terribly disappointing.’

‘So the European commission is negotiating as a bloc with industry – are they communicating the prices that industry is quoting them to Gavi, which is also negotiating with the same companies? Because [otherwise] they could be inadvertently working against one another and driving up the prices.’ AZ and Johnson & Johnson have said they won’t seek to make a profit on their vaccines during the pandemic, but Elder wants them to substantiate that commitment by setting out their costs, and the funding they’ve received.

Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president for vaccines at Sanofi, told the European Parliament committee on health that his company will make the prices of its vaccines public, but the cost will depend the number of doses required and yield from the manufacturing process. Under Sanofi’s deals, doses have been reserved, not bought outright, to ensure manufacturing can start at scale. Countries will only take what they need and not necessarily the full amount of reserved doses, Triomphe explained.

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), a Washington, DC-based group that advocates for better use of knowledge, complained that Moderna hadn’t acknowledged that its vaccine development was funded by US government agencies. Moderna is one of seven companies that have received a combined $10 billion in funding from the US government. On top of its almost $1 billion in research funding, the company has a deal worth up to $1.5 billion to supply 100 million doses – around $15 a dose. ‘You’d think a pandemic would require the most transparency: everyone has a stake in knowing what’s going on,’ says KEI director James Love. ‘People funding research have also failed to require companies to share their knowhow globally, so you can have the maximum amount of capacity to manufacture as fast as possible, and the lowest prices by having competition.’

Pfizer’s US deal puts its vaccine at $19.50 per dose; while AZ’s deal with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Gavi works out at $2.50 per dose. The European commission agreed a €336 million downpayment, but what it will ultimately pay for its first 300 million doses is unclear. However, Sandra Gallina, the commission’s deputy director-general for health and food safety, told a parliamentary committee that the EU would be paying €5–15 per dose. Clemens Auer, who is negotiating for the 27 EU member states, told the Gastein panel that ‘when we started talking nationally, bilaterally with companies, some … asked us for more than $100 per dose’.

AstraZeneca/ University of OxfordAdenoviral vector100m300m (£930m)300m (+100m option) 120mAustralia 33.8m;
CEPI/Gavi: 300m (£584m); 
BioNTech/PfizermRNA30m100m (£1.5bn)
+ 500m option
Johnson & JohnsonAdenoviral vector30m100m (£780m)200m*38m  
ModernamRNA 100m (£1.2bn)
+ 400m option
NovavaxProtein + adjuvant60m  76m  
Sanofi/GSKProtein + adjuvant60m100m (£1.6bn)300m   
ValnevaInactivated virus60m (£430m)
+ 130m option
* in negotiations
AZ manufacturing
Adenoviral vectorIndia: 1bn; Brazil: 110m (£280m); Latin America: 150–250m; China: 200m; South Korea: 100m

Another sticking point in the EU negotiations has been the question of liability. No vaccine is going to be 100% safe. And no vaccine will ever have been made so quickly. ‘If you move from phase 3 with 30,000 [people] to hundreds of millions, you will have adverse reactions and potential litigation,’ said Cueni. However, ‘limited liability does not mean you are exempted if you do something sloppily or do something wrong’. But the commission has insisted there would be no change to current legislation – if something goes wrong manufacturers can be taken to court, Gallina told MEPs.

All the manufacturing of candidate vaccines is ‘at risk’ – if a vaccine doesn’t work, the doses that have been made are wasted. Adar Poonawalla, chief executive of the Serum Institute of India, which AZ has contracted to make 1 billion doses for low- and middle-income countries, told the BBC it would cost $400–450 million to make the vaccine. If it fails, they’ll have wasted about $100 million, but the plant and equipment can be repurposed for another vaccine.

How easy would it be to pivot? Take the two leading mRNA vaccine developers, suggests Prashant Yadav, an expert in healthcare supply chain management at the Centre for Global Development in Washington, DC, US. ‘Imagine a scenario in which one of them has a successful vaccine and the other has an unsuccessful mRNA. The world would benefit by reconfiguring all of the capacity for the failed candidate and make it available for the successful one. That is easier said than done.’

Intellectual property, the nature of any contracts in place and the interchangeability of manufacturing steps all have a bearing. A new process configuration will take time to set up. ‘Can we start making plans for it now? It’s difficult to ask the manufacturer and the contract manufacturer – already scaling up to make one billion doses – to also get ready for the eventuality that you have to make something else instead.’ The trial results may not be clear-cut either, and a manufacturer might not be willing to reconfigure. ‘The more we can produce of the successful candidates, the better off we are,’ Yadav says. But at the same time, manufacturers’ incentives are aligned to deliver their own vaccine, not just whichever vaccines are successful.

Other issues are availability of adjuvants (used to boost the immune response) – some of these come from naturally occurring substances, and can’t yet be made synthetically. Then there are the logistics of vaccine distribution: nucleic acid vaccines require ultra-cold storage, which will make distribution challenging, even in the developed world. Even getting enough glass vials to fill with vaccines is going to be a challenge. It’s clear that having a successful vaccine get through trials and regulatory hurdles won’t be the end of the story.

Coronavirus: More than 170 test positive at meat plant in Cornwall

Most cases were asymptomatic, local public health team says

Zoe Tidman
More than 170 people have tested positive for Covid-19 at a meat plant in Cornwall(Getty Images)

More than 170 people at a meat processing plant in Cornwall have tested positive for Covid-19.

Hundreds of staff were tested at the food factory in Pool, a village near Redruth.

Most of the positive cases at the Pilgrim's Pride meat plant were asymptomatic, according to the local public health team.

The company says it has introduced additional measures and checks its compliance with Covid-19 controls on a daily basis.

An alert to the national test and trace service from a single member of staff led to 500 colleagues at the plant being tested.
Read more
Coronavirus: Yorkshire meat factory locked down after becoming centre of outbreak

A spokesperson for Pilgrim's Pride added: "From the outset we have worked conscientiously to do all we can to protect our workforce and the local community.

"Our teams have been working extremely hard in collaboration with the local authority and public health to manage this challenging situation, and have bravely conducted themselves with professionalism and integrity as they continue to play their important role in maintaining the UK food supply chain."

Rachel Wigglesworth, interim director for public health for Cornwall Council, said her team had strengthened the “local Covid-19 contact tracing approach to help detect cases early, prevent spread and support people to self-isolate”.

“We've quickly identified and tested hundreds of people, and in finding people who weren't displaying symptoms we have potentially stopped much wider spread in our communities,” she said.

“We continue to closely monitor the situation and appreciate the cooperation of Pilgrim's Pride Ltd. and their employees.”

It is not the first time coronavirus clusters have been reported at food factories in the UK.

A chicken plant in Wales temporarily shut in June after more than 150 employees tested positive.

Around the same time, a meat-packing plant in West Yorkshire dealt with a Covid-19 outbreak.

Additional reporting by Press Association

Pilgrim’s Pride factory has more than 170 cases of coronavirus, tests confirm

A single alert led to the discovery of the infections at the former Tulip premises at Pool

Lee Trewhela Chief reporter
 30 SEP 2020

It has been verified by Cornwall Council’s public health team that over 170 staff at the Pilgrim’s Pride food factory in Pool have tested positive for COVID-19.

A single alert from the national NHS Test and Trace service resulted in the identification of more than 170 cases among staff at Pilgrim's Pride – which bought bacon producer Tulip last year – who were unaware that they had the virus and were not displaying symptoms

The public health team provided an update on the situation at a meeting of the COVID-19 Local Outbreak Engagement Board yesterday (Tuesday, September 29) and outlined what they said was intensive testing being carried out to help limit the transmission of the virus.

A spokesman said the council's public health team along with Public Health England SW and the NHS have been working closely with Pilgrim’s Pride Ltd in order to take proactive action to reduce the likelihood of transmission in the local community.

The spokesman added: “The public health team provides an enhanced contract tracing service where they contact the individual identified to us by NHS Test and Trace and interview them about their recent activities. In this case the individual revealed to us that they worked at the factory, and so further investigations were carried out and testing procedures 

In total, almost 500 employees at the factory have been tested and the vast majority of the cases who tested positive were not displaying symptoms.

Swift identification of the initial case has helped to limit the transmission of COVID-19 in the local community. All employees who have tested positive are isolating in line with government guidelines, as are those found to have been in close contact with them.

The information on cases of coronavirus in Cornwall is updated weekly and can be found here. The data shows a sharp rise in cases in Cornwall over the past two weeks, the majority of which can be attributed to this outbreak.

A representative from Pilgrim’s Pride Ltd said: “These are the first positive cases we have experienced at our site in Redruth since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK and appear to coincide with the outbreaks seen more widely around the county.

“To put this into context, we have seen significantly more cases of COVID-19 in Cornwall over the past 14 days than we have experienced within our business of 6,000 employees located in 13 sites across the UK – including Manchester, West Midlands and Leicestershire – since the onset of this pandemic.

“We recognise our role and responsibilities within our community and continue to follow and exceed government guidelines as we have been since March when COVID-19 restrictions were introduced. We have also implemented additional measures where they bring benefit to particular situations. We audit our own compliance of all COVID-19 controls daily.

“From the outset we have worked conscientiously to do all we can to protect our workforce and the local community. Our teams have been working extremely hard in collaboration with the local authority and public health to manage this challenging situation, and have bravely conducted themselves with professionalism and integrity as they continue to play their important role in maintaining the UK food supply chain.”

Julian German, leader of Cornwall Council, added: “This case demonstrates how the strategy of proactive testing is helping us to take action quickly to limit the spread of COVID in our communities. The council’s public health team review the situation daily and if any additional actions are needed the team stands ready to put them in place quickly.

“Our key message to residents is that we all need to play our part in limiting the virus – by following the guidance and doing our bit to protect ourselves and each other.”

Rachel Wigglesworth, interim director for public health for Cornwall Council, said: “Our team has been working tirelessly since the beginning of the pandemic, and have strengthened our local COVID-19 contact tracing approach to help detect cases early, prevent spread and support people to self-isolate.

“We’ve quickly identified and tested hundreds of people, and in finding people who weren’t displaying symptoms we have potentially stopped much wider spread in our communities. We continue to closely monitor the situation and appreciate the cooperation of Pilgrim’s Pride Ltd. and their employees.

“It’s really important that everyone, no matter where they live Cornwall, follows the government guidance of good hand hygiene, wearing of face masks in enclosed public spaces, keeping two metres apart, and not gathering in groups of more than six people, to help us stop the spread of the virus.

“If anyone does develop symptoms, which include a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss or change to their sense of taste or smell, they should self-isolate straight away and book a test. Please stay at home until you receive the results. If they are positive, please make sure you isolate for 10 days, and close contacts or people you live with should isolate for 14 days.”

Covid-hit factory Pilgrim's Pride slammed for discarded PPE and poor distancing

'The staff were stood outside across the path in big groups smoking, chucking their masks, gloves, hairnets, tissues, cans, etc, all along that stretch of road. It's disgusting and very unhygienic

Charlotte Becquart 27 SEP 2020

A food factory in Cornwall hit by an outbreak of coronavirus has been slammed by members of the public who claim appropriate measures to stop the spread of the virus are not being taken.

In the last couple of weeks several coronavirus cases were confirmed at Pilgrim's Pride in Pool, with staff members claiming that as many as 88 employees tested positive last Saturday alone.

Pilgrim's Pride, which bought bacon producer Tulip last year, confirmed that staff members at its site in Pool, between Redruth and Camborne, have tested positive for the virus.

However the company has not confirmed how many have tested positive.

After the news broke, several members of the public contacted Cornwall Live about discarded PPE and a lack of distancing measures at the factory.

Pilgrims Pride said that all of its employees are reminded about their obligations as responsible members of the local community.

A woman who lives nearby and wishes to remain anonymous said: "I want to make known the mess outside of Tulip (Pilgrim's Pride) in Pool, Cornwall (...). I walked past the building last night with my dog and there is no social distancing within the staff.

"The staff were stood outside across the path in big groups smoking, chucking their masks, gloves, hairnets, tissues, cans, etc, all along that stretch of road. It's disgusting and very unhygienic.

"People have to walk past there. It's no wonder they have a case of Covid there. They need to be shut down and it needs to be deep cleaned, it is absolutely gross. I think this should be made public knowledge for everyone's safety as they obviously are not taking the virus seriously."

Former employee, Jason Kay said he left the factory after working there for a month over concerns about what he saw as a lack of protective measures against the potential spread of Covid-19.



Coronavirus risks ‘greatest surge in child marriages in 25 years’

An schoolgirl in India pictured from behindImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionFamilies are being plunged into poverty by the pandemic, forcing girls in early marriages (file photo)

The coronavirus pandemic could lead to a spike in child marriages globally, reversing 25 years of progress on ending the practice, a charity has warned.

Save the Children said Covid-19 had put 2.5 million more girls at risk of early marriage by 2025.

The pandemic is increasing poverty, forcing girls out of school and into work or marriage, the charity said.

Girls in parts of South Asia, Africa and Latin America are most vulnerable.

The UK-based charity is calling on world leaders to commit more funding and support to efforts to address child marriage and gender inequality.

"These marriages violate girls' rights and leave them at increased risk of depression, lifelong violence, disabilities, and even death," said Karen Flanagan, a child-protection adviser for Save the Children.

She said that 78.6 million child marriages had been prevented over the last 25 years but progress to end the practice had "slowed to a halt".

How big is the problem?

Around twelve million girls are victims of early marriage every year, the charity says.

But its report finds that number is expected to rise markedly over the next five years as the economic consequences of pandemic take their toll.

In 2020 alone, another 500,000 girls risk being forced into child marriages and up to one million more are expected to become pregnant, the charity says.

If no action is taken, there could be 61 million child marriages by 2025, according to the charity, yet this estimate may only be "the tip of the iceberg".

Media caption'I want child marriage to end'

"The pandemic means more families are being pushed into poverty, forcing many girls to work to support their families and to drop out of school - with far less of a chance than boys of ever returning," Bill Chambers, the president and CEO of the charity, said.

"A growing risk of violence and sexual exploitation combined with growing food and economic insecurity also means many parents feel they have little alternative but to force their young daughters to marry older men."

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'Girls give their bodies to older men'

For its report, Save the Children spoke to Esther, who lives in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Lockdown measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in her community have closed schools and some public spaces.

She is enjoying helping her mother take care of their family's chickens for the moment but the economic impact of the pandemic is being felt - and particularly by girls.

"Many parents from my neighbourhood once sold goods at the big open-air market. But because of confinement, they don't do anything any more," Esther said. "Girls have to turn to older men to support themselves."

'I can never compromise my education'

The charity also spoke to Abena, a 16-year-old adviser to Save the Children in Ethiopia.

Abena has worked with local communities to stop girls being made to marry older men. Despite this, Abena's parents still wanted her to get married at 16 to "an educated and well-to-do man".

Abena persuaded them that she should continue her education.

Media captionIn Ethiopia, a scheme involving solar lamps is helping thousands of girls stay in school longer and avoid marriage until they are adults

"My answer was 'no way'," she said. "I can never compromise my education, and the marriage request itself is a violation of a girl's rights as long as she is under 18."

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The charity's Global Girlhood Report 2020, which was released on Thursday, analyses the effects of Covid-19 on gender equality worldwide.

The report also found that:

  • Girls affected by humanitarian crises face the greatest risks of child marriage
  • Nine of the 10 countries with the highest rates of child marriage are considered fragile states
  • The pandemic has led to increased reports of gender-based violence around the world, with an estimated one in 10 girls having experienced rape or sexual violence
  • The UN expects an additional two million cases of female genital mutilation to take place over the next 10 years because of the pandemic
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More on child marriage:

Media caption'It's Never Your Fault': The Nigerian teens aiming to end child marriage