Friday, June 14, 2019


McKenna announces carbon tax on Alberta a week after province kills former tax

In 2020, a family of four in Alberta can claim $888 in carbon tax rebate on income taxes

Peter Zimonjic · CBC News · Posted: Jun 13, 2019

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she has written to Alberta 
to inform the province that the federal government will begin imposing the
 federal carbon tax in the province Jan. 1. 2020. 
(Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says she has given notice to the provincial government in Alberta that the federal government will begin imposing its price on carbon in the province beginning Jan.1, 2020.

McKenna made the announcement in Ottawa today, a week after Alberta's Lt.-Gov. Lois Mitchell signed the province's Carbon Tax Repeal Act into law.

"As a result of Alberta's decision to make it free to pollute in Alberta, we will have the federal price on pollution," she said. "It's unfortunate, because Alberta had a made-in-Alberta plan to put a price on pollution."

McKenna said Canada needs Alberta to take part in the pan-Canadian framework on climate change because it's the province with the highest emissions in the country.

Under the terms of the framework — a deal agreed to by most of the provinces and the federal government in December 2016 — provinces had to develop policies to put a price on carbon through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system.

As a part of the plan, Ottawa said it would impose a tax on provinces that refuse to develop their own plans — at a rate of $20 on every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2019, rising by $10 each year to $50 a tonne by 2022.

McKenna said that, by law, 100 per cent of the revenues collected federally will go back to Alberta — 90 per cent returned to families and the remaining 10 per cent directed to funding schools, hospitals, municipalities and green energy initiatives.

But because that revenue is being returned to families, a family of four in Alberta will be able to claim a rebate of $888 when they file their income taxes next year, she said.

"Its unfortunate that we're in this situation with another conservative premier ... who doesn't seem to understand that pricing pollution is proven, that provinces that have had a price on pollution have been the fastest-growing in the country and pricing pollution is the most efficient way to reduce emissions," McKenna said.

CBC News
'We will have the federal price on pollution,' McKenna says.

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said the federal government will begin imposing a carbon tax on Alberta in January 2020. 1:12

Alberta's Environment Minister Jason Nixon said that with the provincial tax gone and the new tax not coming in until the new year, Albertans will enjoy some of the lowest gas prices in the country for the time being.

"Thankfully, Premier Kenney followed through on his promise of killing the carbon tax," he said. "We've removed that tax from our system and at least for the next several months, until January first, we won't have the burden of the carbon tax on our economy."

Nixon noted that the introduction of the federal tax hinges on the Liberals winning the October federal election.

"There will be a federal election in-between and many things can happen between now and January 1," he said.
Joining the conservative pack

Before losing the provincial election in April, NDP Premier Rachel Notley introduced a carbon tax in Alberta. The tax was imposed in 2015 but it did not take effect until Jan. 1, 2017.

It started at $20 per tonne of carbon emissions and increased to $30 the following year — but the annual price increases were put on hold by Notley after the construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline was halted.

The Carbon Tax Repeal Act was the first piece of legislation introduced by Premier Jason Kenney and his newly elected United Conservative government.

Kenney won the provincial election on a promise to kill the tax, saying it hadn't helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and took money out of the pockets of working families.

Kenney said his government will continue with a tax on large industrial greenhouse gas emitters and has promised to challenge the constitutionality of the federal carbon tax in court.

Alberta now joins four other provinces led by centre-right premiers — Ontario, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Saskatchewan — which have cancelled their provincial plans only to see the federal government impose its own.
Meeting the Paris targets

When Canada signed on to the Paris agreement, it pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions 30 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

According to a report published today by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the pan-Canadian framework will not meet that goal without imposing a second tax of $6 a tonne in 2023, rising to $52 per tonne by 2030. If that plan was imposed on top of the Liberal framework, Canadians would have to pay as much as $102 per tonne by 2030.

In a statement, McKenna said that the federal government has "no plan to increase the price post 2022."

"We will meet our 2030 target through what we are already doing and new measures, including tackling plastic pollution, doubling the amount of nature that we are protecting, investments in clean tech and innovation," she said. 


In Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer. ... In Chinese numerology, 888 has a different meaning, triple fortune, a strengthening of the meaning of the digit 8.
In Chinese numerology, 888 has a different meaning, triple fortune, a strengthening of the meaning of the digit 8. For this reason, addresses and phone numbers containing the digit sequence 888 are considered particularly lucky, and may command a premium because of it.
Octal: 15708
Cardinal: eight hundred eighty-eight
Greek numeral: ΩΠΗ´

Aug 31, 2017 - In Cantonese Chinese, the number 8 sound like the word for luck, so 888 ... It is an interesting phenomenon that 666 's meaning in China have ...
Dec 19, 1998 - Numerology, meaning and symbolism of the number 888.
According to the definition contained in the Oxford Dictionary the Kabbalah is, ..... appears add up to 8, giving, with the newly-made Mason himself, again 888

Mar 3, 2019 - Affectionately known as “The Angel Number”, the number 888 is a symbol of abundance and positivity in numerology. When you notice this number appearing often, be prepared for an overwhelming amount of goodness coming your way. ... Therefore, the power of this number is increased threefold when it presents itself as 888.

New Zealand government to prioritize 'well-being' over economic growth in national budget
New Zealand's government will focus parts of its annual budget on the "well-being" of its citizens rather than economic growth or other priorities, the country's prime minister said Thursday.

At an event Wednesday reported by outlets including The New York Timesand The Guardian, government officials with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's administration unveiled a far-reaching budget that provides billions in new funding for mental health resources and domestic violence prevention.
Ardern, whose center-left party has controlled New Zealand's government since 2017, said Wednesday that the budget was “the biggest single investment ever” by a government to address such issues as public priorities.
“Almost all of us have lost friends or family members. Ensuring that New Zealanders can now just show up to their GP or health center and get expert mental health support is a critical first step," she said, according to The Guardian.
Domestic violence, she added, was New Zealand's "most disturbing, most shameful” issue and would be the target of more than $200 million in funding for prevention efforts.
The Times reports that the prioritization of New Zealand's budget will require any new government spending to fit at least one of five public priorities: battling child poverty, improving mental health services, addressing the needs of native Maori and Pacific Islanders, transitioning the nation to a low-emission energy grid and "thriving in the digital age."
A member of the country's major conservative opposition party fired back in a statement, arguing that previous governments had also prioritized "well-being" and that Ardern's policy was little more than show.
“New Zealanders won’t benefit from a government that is ignoring the slowing economy and focusing instead on branding,” Amy Adams of the National Party said in a statement obtained by the Times. “We’re facing significant economic risks over coming years, but this government is focusing on a marketing campaign.”

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Happening now.
The UCP just tabled the 'Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act' which tries to use government muscle to delay the June 30 wage arbitration deadline for AUPE members working for AHS and GOA.
Members in Edmonton have gathered at the Legislature Rotunda to respond to the UCPs attempt to delay wage arbitration until NOVEMBER 2019!
🚨🚨Here's what you can do now🚨🚨
CONTACT ALBERTA'S LABOUR MINISTER and let him know a deal's a deal. Using legislation to break the terms of a negotiated collective agreement isn’t bargaining. It’s bullying.
📢By phone: Call Labour Minister Jason Copping at 780-638-9400 and call Finance Minister Travis Toews at 780-415-485.
📢By email: Email Labour Minister Jason Copping at and Finance Minister Travis Toews
📢On Twitter: Tweet Labour Minister Jason Copping @JasonCoppingMLA and the United Conservative Party @Alberta_UCP. Use hashtag #ableg
📢Talk to your coworkers: Ask them how they feel about this illegal attack you your rights, your wages and your jobs. Talk about what you’re prepared to do to take action. Show them how to join the fight.
➡️Stay tuned: We’ll be in touch as the situation develops with more news and more opportunities to have your voices heard!

Alberta’s finance minister says the government will pass legislation if necessary to override collective bargaining agreements with unions and delay contractually mandated wage talks

Have you ever thought bosses need even more power over workers? No? Well, our UCP government seems to think so. 🤔

They want to get rid of overtime banking for non-union workers, bring back scabs for public sector labour disputes, and more! 👎🏾 What do you think of the government's Better for Bosses Act?

Sarah Sanders leaving White House job
WASHINGTON (AP) — White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, whose tenure was marked by a breakdown in regular press briefings and questions about the administration’s credibility, as well as her own, will leave her post at the end of the month, President Donald Trump announced Thursday.
On Thursday’s edition of CNN’s “OutFront,” commentator and American Urban Radio Network bureau chief April Ryan tore into outgoing White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, laying bare her lies, failures, inadequacies, and outright misconduct in the role. “You said Sarah Sanders ...


Kellyanne Conway should be removed from post, federal watchdog says
An agency said the White House counselor violated the Hatch Act by disparaging Democratic 2020 hopefuls while speaking in her official capacity.
By Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Lisa Rein and Josh Dawsey
Read the report

Federal watchdog agency recommends removal of Kellyanne Conway from federal office for violating the Hatch Act
The report found that Conway violated the Hatch Act by “disparaging Democratic Presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media.”


Update: Fuck hockey
TORONTO - Earlier reports indicate that the nation has collectively said ‘fuck it’ to hockey since basketball is now the official sport of Canada.


Researchers discovered something underneath the far side of the moon and say it's absolutely massive.

2001: A Space Odyssey - Deliberately Buried

Dr. Heywood Floyd is told the Monolith is believed to have been deliberately buried.
    1. 2001: Space Odyssey Best Scenes - The Monolith At The Moon

      • 4 years ago
      The astronauts go to the moon to check on the monolith. I almost shit my pants the frist time I saw this. Eerie music.

Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd - full album hd 2018

  • 10 months ago
Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd - full album hd 2018 link:https:/

1200 × 675 - 3 days ago - Researchers may have found the dense remains of a massive asteroid buried under the surface of the moon.

660 × 371 - 3 days ago - Earth's moon is hiding an enormous secret on its storied dark side. Deep below the moon's South Pole-Aitken basin (the largest preserved ...