Monday, October 31, 2022

'Money for free': Critics warn proposed Alberta well cleanup plan a royalty giveaway

EDMONTON — Critics fear Alberta's new United Conservative premier is preparing to bring in a program that would use billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded royalty breaks to subsidize energy companies to fulfil their legal duty and clean up old wells.

The so-called RStar proposal, developed by an industry group, has been criticized by legal experts, energy economists and the province's own internal analysts.

But for more than a year, Danielle Smith and newly appointed members of her cabinet have been outspoken advocates of the plan, which would enable companies to use reclamation spending to gain credits against royalty payments.

"I love it," Smith said on a 2021 YouTube broadcast, when she was a lobbyist for the pro-business Alberta Enterprise Group. She also wrote a supportive letter that July as group president to then-energy minister Sonya Savage.

Peter Guthrie, now Smith's energy minister, has expressed his support in the legislature.

"I'm encouraging all members of this house and the community at large to support RStar," he said in April 2021.

On Oct. 22, the day after joining cabinet, Guthrie told the Airdrie Today newspaper that RStar was one of his top priorities.

"RStar is a pilot project that incentivizes the cleanup and reclamation of wells, and in doing so, it creates a royalty credit for future drilling,” Guthrie told the outlet.

Other newly fledged cabinet ministers such as Jeremy Nixon of Seniors, Community and Social Services have also expressed support for RStar.

The Canadian Press has asked both Smith and Guthrie if they still support RStar. Neither have responded.

But critics say the idea appears to remain high on the agenda for the new Smith-run government.

"(Smith) has made it perfectly clear this is a screaming hot, flashing-neon priority for her," said Regan Boychuk of the watchdog group The Alberta Liabilities Disclosure Project, whom Smith consulted on the program.

Under RStar, companies would earn credits for remediating old wells up to the total liability the well represents as calculated by Alberta's energy regulator. That credit would then apply against revenue earned from new production to reduce royalties or be sold to another operator.

"It's like moving more of your income into a lower tax bracket," said Andrew Leach, a University of Alberta energy economist who has seen the proposal's details.

Related video: Alberta's oil production booming but majority of revenue leaving province

Proponents say the program would encourage new drilling, help clean up Alberta's 170,000 abandoned wells and create jobs doing both. In the letter written when Smith was still a lobbyist, she quotes a consultant who says $20 billion in RStar credits would create 366,000 jobs and $8.5 billion in royalties.

Critics aren't so sure.

Leach said RStar would subsidize work that almost all companies do anyway as a legal condition of their drilling licence.

"The companies that are going to be able to take advantage of this are the companies that aren't distressed," he said.

"We're not worried about companies that have active drilling programs and are meeting their reclamation targets. They're doing exactly what they're supposed to do and (we'd be) giving them additional credits with substantial value."

There's even less need for the program when oil prices are high, Leach said. He said it's more likely $20 billion in RStar credits would simply cost the government $5 billion in foregone royalties.

Boychuk said in addition to transferring wealth to companies that don't need it, RStar would use a taxpayer-owned resource to bail out hundreds of Alberta companies that have run their wells dry without cleaning them up.

"Danielle Smith's program would hand them money for free," he said. "It's flabbergasting. It's sheer robbery."

Opposition New Democrat Energy Critic Kathleen Ganley said the plan reverses the foundation of environmental law.

"It's a violation of the polluter-pay principle," she said.

Ganley said there are no guarantees the program would create new work. Nor would it be open to scrutiny.

"There's no clear, straight line that it would start new work as opposed to work that's already underway except the public would be paying for it. And they would be paying for it in a way that's not clear to them."

Even Alberta Energy staff have expressed doubts.

In a June 30, 2021, letter obtained by The Canadian Press, Savage wrote to the Freehold Owners Association, a group representing private owners of mineral rights.

Savage, then energy minister and now in the Environment and Protected Areas portfolio, said: "The proposal does not align with the province's royalty regime or our approach to liability management and upholding the polluter-pays principle."

Nevertheless, said Boychuk, it may be coming Alberta's way.

"It has been (Smith's) personal priority for two years. Alberta is very close to having it rammed down its throat."

Ganley warned that RStar could be brought in without going through the legislature — unless second thoughts prevail.

"One can only hope that being briefed on the file and having information from the department will assist them in making better decisions. Many might consider that optimistic."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 31, 2022.

— Follow Bob Weber on Twitter at @row1960

Bob Weber, The Canadian Press
Saturday's letters: 
Smith disregards rule of law, Constitution

Edmonton Journal - Saturday

Danielle Smith continues to fan the flames of partisan politics. Does her pursuit of a sovereignty act not seem like a reckless disregard of the Constitution? Do her deliberations of pardoning pastors, and others, who were arrested and fined for not wearing masks not seem like a penchant for extrajudicial powers?

Premier Danielle Smith speaks with media after her cabinet was sworn in at Government House in Edmonton on Oct. 24, 2022.© Provided by Edmonton Journal

I believe that my fellow Albertans are of a society that expects mature leadership, leadership that demonstrates prudent political decisions, not divisiveness. Smith should recognize the will of the wider public, not a minority of partisans.

We are a society that honours the Constitution, the rule of law and civic responsibility. With the challenges we have ahead of us as Albertans and Canadians, we need leadership that strives for collaborative efforts.

Randolph Dammann, Edmonton

Unelected premiers becoming the norm

I see as of late there have been some people upset that Danielle Smith is an unelected premier. I don’t really see what all the fuss is about. Of the last five premiers, three have been unelected. Any innocent bystander would think Albertans find this acceptable and would be used to it by now. Let us look at the list shall we: Dave Hancock, followed by Jim Prentice and now Danielle.

Sixty per cent of the last five premiers have been unelected by the same mindset that appears to find this acceptable. Of the last five, only Rachel Notley had the party unity necessary to complete a full term as mandated by the democratic process. As it appears democracy seems to be evaporating in Alberta, it is essential that clear-minded residents demand an end to this type of banana-republic thinking.

Just saying.

Wade Kisko, St. Albert
'Tides are shifting': Alberta cannabis retailers consider cap on new shops

Hamdi Issawi - 
 Edmonton Journal

Thinking he had a good slice of a budding market in August 2019, Karl Karanjia opened a cannabis shop called Strainbows in central Edmonton’s Queen Mary Park.

There are 178 active licences for retail cannabis stores in Edmonton, and 761 in Alberta according to a database maintained by the regulator, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC)

But two years later, stores kept opening and saturating the scene before finally smoking him out in July, the former owner told Postmedia.

“It didn’t stop,” he said. “Now it’s like there’s one at every corner.”

As of Sunday, there are 178 active licences for retail cannabis stores in Edmonton, and 761 in Alberta according to a database maintained by the regulator, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC). As retailers continue setting up shops into 2022, albeit at a slower pace, some in the industry want the regulator to consider a moratorium on new licenses.

A Cannabis Benchmarks report analyzing the Canadian retail market suggested Alberta was oversaturated with pot shops in April 2022.

Based on data from Colorado and Oregon — U.S. states that legalized the drug before Canada — the report pegged the optimal service level at one retailer for every 7,500 people. At the time of the report, however, Alberta had one shop for every 5,911 people, which is 27 per cent too many and likely to lead to closures over the next two years.

Considering a cap

Scott Treasure, owner of an independent shop called The Local Cannabist in Laurier Heights, said closures connected to saturation are already a common occurrence. Also the chair of the Alberta Cannabis Council, which represents more than 60 companies and 150 retail locations in the industry, he said the group has asked the regulator’s board and top brass to consider a moratorium on licenses in Alberta.

“We are seeing failures in the space,” Treasure said. “I know friends who are closing their doors — other independent retailers.”

Of the active licences in Edmonton, eight were issued in 2018 — when the federal government legalized cannabis — 39 in 2019, 34 in 2020, 61 in 2021 and 37 in 2022.

“Putting a stop on new licences at this point is not going to crush anybody’s dream of opening a cannabis store,” Treasure said.

A cap in Alberta isn’t without precedent. In November 2020, Alberta lifted one that limited cannabis shop ownership to 15 per cent of the province’s total number of stores.

On the question of limiting licences, AGLC only said that it’s committed to working with stakeholders to support business growth and balanced oversight of industries under its purview.

And on the question of closures, it said 91 pot shops have shuttered in Alberta since legalization.

‘The writing’s on the wall’

Curtis Martel, president of Mountain Standard Cannabis, has five shops in the Edmonton metropolitan region, including four under the Mountain Standard brand running from central to northeast Edmonton, and one called Good Roots Cannabis in Sherwood Park. A separate Good Roots store in St. Albert closed in August after only 18 months

He agrees that the market is saturated.

“The tides are shifting. Stores are closing. The writing’s on the wall,” he said. “I think once people are put with the decision of renewing their lease, they’ll take a good hard look at whether it’s worth it or not.”

Even though a Mountain Standard store on 107 Avenue and 113 Street location, also in Queen Mary Park, saw an uptick in business when two nearby stores closed up shop, Martel said he’s not convinced a moratorium is the answer.

“If I was the guy hoping to open a store, I’d probably be singing a different tune,” he said.

Treasure said there may be some creative solutions to accommodate prospective owners with a cap, such as decoupling licences from locations so licensees going out of business can sell their permit to others.

City has no plans to intervene

On the question of location, both Karanjia and Martel were more concerned with concentration. Cannabis shops in Edmonton need to be at least 200 metres away from one another — less than half the 500 metre distance that generally applies to liquor stores.

“One neighbourhood doesn’t need four stores,” Martel said. Licensee records indicate a competitor has a location in the same building as his Sherwood Park location.

As far as Edmonton is concerned, the city introduced the current buffer for liquor stores in 2007 to curb proliferation and social disorder, spokeswoman Jenny Renner told Postmedia.

The shorter separation rules for cannabis shops is double the distance the AGLC requires and determined through public engagement and studying other cities, she said, adding that the city neither has a cap on the number of pot shops, nor plans to interfere in the market’s evolution.

— With files from Postmedia
Census Data Shows Quebec Is More Catholic, Arab & Canadian Than Other, Lesser Provinces

Willa Holt - Yesterday 


Although Toronto has long coveted its role as the most diverse, multicultural metropolis in Canada, Montreal isn't far behind. The 2021 Canadian census revealed how different regions stack up demographically, and Quebec isn't just populated by white franco-Catholics — though there definitely are a lot of them.

Quebec is the province with the highest Arab population in Canada, accounting for 3.4% of Quebec's overall population. It also has the second-largest proportion of Black people — 5.1% of Quebec's population — sitting just behind Ontario's 5.5%.

But the majority of Canada identifies as white, nearly 70% of the country's population. The only major areas with white minorities are Vancouver, Toronto, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.

Quebec also stands out from other regions in expected ways: it's the only province where more than half the population identifies as Catholic. But Catholicism isn't quite as dominant as it would seem from that statistic. In 2011, nearly 75% of Quebec identified as Catholic.

It's important to note that the census data on religion, like race and ethnicity, can't exactly be used to compare population changes since the terminology used in gathering these data changes each year. As the census attempts to get highly accurate self-reporting, it has added more than 500 examples of ethnic or cultural origins that can be consulted.

One of the identities affected by these shifts is "Canadian," which was the first example ethnicity given on the 2016 census when 32.3% of the population identified with that label. Since then, and with the inclusion of more cultural identifiers, that number has fallen to just 15.6% self-identified as Canadians.

Quebec's ethnic identifier, Québécois, has experienced growth as the Canadian label has fallen in scale. In 2016, only 195,000 census-takers counted themselves as Québécois. Last year, that number shot up to 982,000.
Firebombing at UK immigration office handling Channel migrants

Sun, October 30, 2022 

An attacker on Sunday threw firebombs at an immigration office used to process asylum seekers crossing the Channel in small boats and was later found dead.

The attack came as the government seeks to curb record arrivals.

Kent Police said that on Sunday morning "two or three incendiary devices" were thrown into a centre processing immigrants in the Channel port town of Dover in southern England, injuring two.

The BBC quoted the Home Office as saying the attack took part at the Western Jet Foil Border Force centre in the major Channel port town, used to process asylum seekers.

Police said the suspect had been "identified, and very quickly located at a nearby petrol station, and confirmed deceased".

They did not say how the individual had died, but Dover's Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke told LBC Radio it was believed the "individual committed suicide".

Police also said two people "reported minor injuries inside the property".

The attacker had arrived at the scene in a car, they said, adding that another "device was found and confirmed safe" inside the vehicle.

Kent Live local news website posted photographs of police and fire services at the scene near the Port of Dover, and the BBC reported that a fire was put out.
- 'Tensions running high' -

Interior Minister Suella Braverman tweeted that there was a "distressing incident" and said she was "receiving regular updates on the situation".

"My thoughts are with those affected, the tireless Home Office staff and police responding," she added.

Elphicke tweeted: "I am deeply shocked by the incident in Dover today.... My thoughts are with everyone involved."

The local MP said the attack took place at a centre where people arriving in small boats are initially taken before going to Manston, another processing centre in Kent.

The facility remains open but police said around 700 migrants were relocated to Manston during the initial phase of the investigation.

Elphicke told LBC: "We don't know the motivation of the individual concerned yet."

She added: "I think it is fair to say that tensions have been running high over the last period". She cited a case where immigrants arriving in a small boat had entered a resident's home.

- Record figures -

Government figures showed that 990 migrants crossed the Channel in small boats on Saturday, bringing this year's record total to nearly 40,000.

The issue has caused a major political headache for the UK government, which promised tighter border controls after leaving the European Union.

Braverman has backed a plan for migrants crossing the Channel illegally to be sent to Rwanda, while this currently faces legal obstacles.

Elphicke wrote an article in the Mail on Sunday headlined: "When will the Left admit this is no refugee crisis... but simply illegal immigration".

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Friday that in his first call in office with French President Emmanuel Macron the leaders agreed on greater cooperation to "deter deadly journeys across the Channel that benefit organised criminals".

Sunak has called for the Channel route to become "unviable" for people traffickers.

On Sunday, French maritime officials said that this weekend alone they had rescued 224 migrants as they attempted the perilous Channel crossing in makeshift vessels, bringing them back to France.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Elon Musk ‘Fully-Formed Piece of S–t’ After Spreading Paul Pelosi Conspiracy

Daniel Kreps - Yesterday 

Just days into Elon Musk’s Twitter reign and things are already heating up on the “hellscape” as Jimmy Kimmel called Musk a “fully-formed piece of s***” after the Chief Twit pushed a conspiracy theory about the assault on Paul Pelosi.

Soon after the incident at Nancy Pelosi’s home, “The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories. It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result,” as Hillary Clinton tweeted.

While perhaps taking a break from planning the mass layoffs, Musk responded to Clinton’s tweet by positing that “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye,” and linking to a “Santa Monica Observer” article that speculated that Paul Pelosi “was drunk” and was attacked during a dispute with a “male prostitute,” despite the reports that the conspiracy theory-spewing suspect came equipped with zip ties in search of the Speaker of the House.

Jimmy Kimmel Calls Elon Musk ‘Fully-Formed Piece of S–t’ After Spreading Paul Pelosi Conspiracy© Provided by Rolling Stone

As Musk’s response to Clinton went viral, Kimmel wrote directly to Musk, “It has been interesting, over the years, to watch you blossom from the electric car guy into a fully-formed piece of s***.” As expected, Kimmel’s tweet drew a flood of angry responses from Musk’s ardent defenders as well as Candace Owens.

(During the writing of this article, Musk – the free speech champion – deleted his tweet to Clinton.)

Just 48 hours into Musk’s ownership and it appears Twitter has already become the “common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” as he promised advertisers before the $44 billion deal closed.

At least 70 people arrested in Egypt before hosting COP27

Daniel Stewart - Yesterday 

Some 70 people have been arrested in Egypt on the eve of the UN climate change conference, COP27, security sources told dpa on Sunday.

Archive - Egypt's President Abdelfatá al Sisi -
 Bernd von Jutrczenka\/dpa\

The sources say security forces have repeatedly demanded identity documents from pedestrians in the city and arbitrarily searched their cell phones.

Human rights lawyer Mohamed Ramadan told the news portal 'Mada Masr' that "hundreds" of people had been arbitrarily arrested in the coastal city of Alexandria. The context is marked by calls for protests in the country on November 11.

The COP conference will kick off on November 6 in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheikh. Representatives from some 200 countries will spend two weeks there discussing how to curb global warming

Protests by climate activists, for example, are allowed in a specially designated area next to the conference center, but all other demonstrations are de facto banned in Egypt.

Calls for protests on November 11, during the COP, have been circulating on social media for days. One of those calling for protests on Twitter speaks of "the last chance to save Egypt".

A hashtag with the words "All of us against Sisi" has also been circulating, in reference to President Abdelfatá al Sisi. Earlier, there was also talk of a planned "climate revolution" on November 11.

On that day, U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to attend the meeting. The U.S. embassy in Cairo has also indicated that there have been calls for demonstrations.

Al Sisi came to power in 2013 after a military coup and has ruled the country with an iron fist ever since. There is no serious political opposition, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are massively restricted since then.

Human rights activists have repeatedly denounced serious violations by the security forces, such as torture and extrajudicial executions. The government has promised improvements, however, organizations such as Amnesty International continue to describe the human rights situation as catastrophic.

Massachusetts wind power project 'no longer viable' without contract adjustments, says developer

Emma Newburger -

The developer for a major offshore wind project in Massachusetts has asked state regulators to pause review of the contract for one month, saying that global price hikes, inflation and supply chain shortages are disrupting the plan.

The Commonwealth Wind project, which would supply 1,200 megawatts of offshore wind power starting in 2028, "is no longer viable and would not be able to move forward" under the terms of contract, according to a motion recently filed by the developer.

The rising cost of the Massachusetts project comes as the U.S. aggressively ramps up its offshore wind industry. The Biden administration has set a target for permitting 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030.

Offshore wind farm.

The developer for a major offshore wind power project in Massachusetts has asked state regulators to pause review of the contract for one month, saying that global price hikes, inflation and supply chain shortages are disrupting the plan.

The Commonwealth Wind project, which would supply 1,200 megawatts of offshore wind power starting in 2028, "is no longer viable and would not be able to move forward" without amendments to the power purchase agreement (PPA), according to a motion recently filed by the developer.

Attorneys for Commonwealth Wind in the motion cited global commodity price increases, in part because of the war in Ukraine, the sudden spike in interest rates, prolonged supply chain constraints and persistent inflation as reasons for the increased expected cost of construction.

"A one-month suspension would give the parties an opportunity to evaluate the current situation facing the project and potentially agree upon changes to the PPAs ... that could allow the project to return to viability," they wrote.

The rising cost of the project comes as the U.S. aggressively ramps up its offshore wind industry. The Biden administration has set a target for permitting 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, enough to supply 10 million homes with clean energy while creating new domestic jobs.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is also set to hold its first-ever offshore wind lease sale on the West Coast in December, and to date has held 10 lease sales and issued 27 active commercial wind leases in the Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to North Carolina.

The president's Inflation Reduction Act passed earlier this year includes an federal tax provision that will support offshore wind. The provision provides a 30% tax credit for offshore wind projects that start construction before Jan. 1, 2026.

More offshore wind developers are expected to claim the tax credit as the costs of constructing their plans continue to rise.

Commonwealth Wind said a suspension would enable parties to consider possible approaches to restore the project's viability, including the cost-saving measures and tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Even with a brief pause, the developer said the project is expected to go live in 2028 and would help the state of Massachusetts reach its goal to slash greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of the decade, the developer said.

"Commonwealth Wind remains fully committed to the project and to delivering cost-effective renewable energy from the project to the residents and businesses of Massachusetts in a manner that advances ... the Commonwealth's energy and climate policies," the attorneys wrote.
Edward Snowden Says 'We Are All Going To Be Billionaires' But...

Shivdeep Dhaliwal - Yesterday -

Edward Snowden quipped  that “we’re all going to be billionaires,” while commenting on record inflation numbers made public the same day.

The former intelligence consultant said in a tweet that while people would turn into billionaires, a gallon of milk would cost $2.6 trillion as a result of steep price increases.

In a separate tweet, Snowden shared a Wall Street Journal headline that read “U.S. Inflation Hits Four-Decade High of 9.1%” and said he was trying to imagine the mindset of a kid graduating high school this year and realizing “they're about to step into the world with the difficulty slider locked on Nightmare Mode.”
The Labor Department reported an 8.3% year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index for August, which came in above average economist estimates of 8%.

Read Next: Edward Snowden Reacts To Roe V. Wade:'Someone May Have Put A Lot On The Line To Warn You Of This'
Americans’ personal savings have fallen off a cliff. Brace yourself for just how much they have declined.

Opinion by Quentin Fottrell - Yesterday - MarketWatch 

Americans’ personal savings have fallen off a cliff. Brace yourself for just how much they have declined.

National Savings Day: Top Tips to Save More Money

The personal saving rate — meaning personal saving as a percentage of disposable income, or the share of income left after paying taxes and spending money — fell to 3.3% in the third quarter from 3.4% in the prior quarter, the government said Thursday. That is the lowest level since the Great Recession and the eighth-lowest quarterly rate on record (since 1947). Adjusted for inflation, savings are down 88% from their 2020 peak and 61% lower than before the pandemic.

The personal savings of Americans have plunged this year, hitting $629 billion in the second quarter of 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. That’s down from $1.98 trillion in the second quarter of 2021 and from $4.85 trillion in the second quarter of 2020, when it was boosted by COVID-related government cash. But it’s also down from $1.41 trillion in the second quarter of 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic shut down the economy and led to a wave of government benefits.

Mingli Zhong, a research associate at the Urban Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, said people will either start cutting back on spending, which could eventually help bring prices down, or exhaust their savings by spending their income on essentials. In the latter scenario, the U.S. would likely tip into another recession, she added, something many economists are already forecasting for 2023. “More households with little savings would have little cushion against a recession,” Zhong said.

The pandemic has left people in a vulnerable state.

What happened? A combination of wages not keeping up with inflation and people letting loose after being cooped up during the pandemic. “Many people’s spending habits went into deep freeze, even when folks were stuck at home and the only person they might see on a daily basis was the Amazon delivery person,” Janet Lee Krochman, a certified public accountant in Costa Mesa, Calif., told MarketWatch. And now? “I think the gloves are off and folks are playing catch-up.”

After the worst days of the pandemic, Americans wanted to be out and about. “People want to experience life again, and create happy memories to help replace the not-so-nice ones that they have from the pandemic years,” Krochman said. Credit-card debt rose to $887 billion in the second quarter of 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That’s up 13% on the year — the largest annual increase in 20 years.

The pandemic, however, has left millions of working Americans in a vulnerable state — essentially just one paycheck away from living on the street. On the one hand, stimulus checks led to a record decline in the number of American households without a bank account last year. The number of unbanked households fell to 5.9 million last year from 7.1 million in 2019. On the other hand, ​​Americans’ ability to pay bills on time fell for the first time in five years, according to one recent report.

How to boost your savings

So what now? Krochman recommends automatic drafts from checking accounts into high-interest savings accounts, “if you can’t have [money] removed from your paycheck into some type of an employer-based plan.” Keeping money “out of sight” also keeps it “out of mind” and helps prevent impulsive spending, she adds. And the limit for 401(k) contributions will jump nearly 10% in 2023. A good 401(k) plan comes with a company match, plus low-cost investment options and low fees.

Others agree with this approach. “Transfer money every paycheck to a separate savings account,” said Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at “Some of these yields are over 3% now. For example, UFB Direct and Dollar Savings Direct,” he said. “Those are the highest savings rates we’ve seen in years. You’re less likely to miss what you don’t see. Pay yourself first.” (A recent Bankrate survey found that just 27% of people have six months’ worth of expenses saved.)

Another tactic: Look for a higher-paying job, ask for a raise or take on a side hustle, Rossman said. “Sell stuff you don’t need. Drop little-used subscriptions. Cutting a recurring monthly expense has 12 times the impact of doing the same thing just once. Negotiate lower prices. I recently called my cable/internet/phone company and satellite-radio provider and scored substantial savings just by asking for a break. That represents hundreds of dollars in annual savings.”

Automate your savings and cut down on spending.

It’s not all doom and gloom: The economy grew 2.6% on the year in the third quarter, rebounding from two consecutive quarterly declines. With 3.5% unemployment in September, the labor market is strong. The U.S. added 263,000 jobs in September (although that was the smallest gain in 17 months). And while the annual rise in average hourly earnings slowed to 5% in September from 5.2% in August, it’s still one of the fastest increases since the early 1980s.

By most economists’ predictions, a recession is not expected to arrive until next year. Americans who are struggling to pay for rent, utilities and groceries have time to boost their savings, experts say. Among their advice: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt; keep track of spending, whether you use credit or debit cards or cash; and look to a nonprofit organization like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling over for-profit debt-settlement companies.

In the meantime, consider buying generic brands, cut down on eating in restaurants and buying nonessential items, and shop at cheaper supermarkets. “Take advantage of ‘buy nothing’ groups and thrift shops,” Bankrate’s Rossman said. “Repurpose what you already have. Do it yourself if you can, or swap skills and tools with a friend or neighbor. Repair instead of replacing. Get another year out of that car or cellphone or appliance. Every little bit counts.”