Friday, December 17, 2021


Releasing US$9.5 billion in frozen assets can’t help the Afghan people as long as the Taliban remain in power

December 16, 2021 

Afghanistan is in a major humanitarian crisis: the health sector is failing, the economy is collapsing, and amid the COVID pandemic, famine is inflicting ever-larger numbers of casualties. According to the most recent report by the UN World Food Programme, more than half of the resident population of 38 million are facing acute hunger and 3.2 million children under five suffer from malnutrition.

Droughts, combined with the suspension of foreign aid in the aftermath of the Taliban’s takeover, have led to a dire economic situation, with recent reports indicating that some families in the northwest are selling their children out of desperation. Food and fuel prices are soaring.

On October 17, the Taliban foreign minister, Amir Khan Mottaqi, called on the US Congress to ease sanctions and release Afghanistan’s reserves. But would the US$9.5 billion (£7.16 billion) of frozen assets of Afghanistan Central Bank do anything to alleviate the deeply rooted poverty and food insecurity of the Afghan people – or will this only benefit the Taliban and its fighters?

Even in the near term, this amount of money will not go far to address poverty in Afghanistan. It has been estimated the reserves would cover the import costs of Afghanistan for only 15 months. The US-backed regime’s budget estimate for the fiscal year 2020 was $6.22 billion.

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The situation has been made worse by several other factors: drought, dependency on international aid and high unemployment rates. These extend far deeper and beyond the reach anything $9.5 billion could achieve. International aid made up about 75% of the US-backed regime’s budget. Afghanistan’s assets are only a fraction of the aid the country needs.
Skills deficit

It is naive to think that the Taliban’s caretaker cabinet and its civil service is able to administer these funds efficiently. The Taliban’s leadership lacks the knowledge, skill and experience needed to run state institutions and deliver services while managing an unfolding humanitarian crisis against the backdrop of a pandemic.
The COVID pandemic is playing havoc with Afghanistan’s economy. EPA-EFE/stringer

The skills that helped the Taliban win on the battlefield are not easily transferable. And more than half of the Taliban’s caretaker cabinet is on at least one designated terrorist list, which makes diplomatic engagement with the Taliban very difficult at the international level. At home, the Taliban leadership suffers from internal fragmentation that makes agreement on national-level public policy decisions difficult.

At the sub-national level, the Taliban has placed fighters in upper-level administration positions, while thousands of former government employees have either left their jobs or have been replaced with Taliban loyalists, according to my anonymous sources still living there. Women, who previously made up almost half of the civil service, have been almost entirely excluded. Taliban fighters placed at executive administrative levels lack the required managerial and leadership skills – some reportedly even lack basic literacy. The prospects of these people having the capacity to put the funds to productive use addressing the abject poverty in the country is very low.

Additionally, fears of misappropriation of National Bank’s assets are well-grounded. The limited international aid that has reached Afghanistan has occasionally been misappropriated and distributed among the Taliban fighters.
The Taliban is struggling to pay its fighters, let alone deal with growing food shortages.

These concerns become all the more relevant given that the Taliban is not able to pay its fighters. The group has about 80,000 fighters who were paid 10,000-25,000 Afghanis (the equivalent of US$200-US$400) per month before the group took over Kabul. At the lower end, the Taliban needs at least $16m a month for the salaries of its fighters alone. Some of the Taliban’s fighters have reportedly defected to IS or al-Qaeda. The Taliban will undoubtedly lose more if it prioritises civilian spending over paying its fighters.

Political considerations

Finally, the release of Afghanistan’s foreign assets is tied to the question of the Taliban’s legitimacy. No government so far – including staunch supporter Pakistan – has officially recognised the Taliban’s government. Freezing Afghanistan’s assets was a political decision by US president Joe Biden to put pressure on the Taliban to form an inclusive government, so releasing these assets to the Taliban is akin to formal recognition of the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. Even if it was released for entirely humanitarian reasons, the Taliban would not hesitate to make this into a propaganda coup.

Economic sanctions have been effective in some regards. The Taliban is realising that its survival depends on changing its policies, both regarding women’s rights and forming an inclusive government. The opening of schools for girls in cities such as Herat and Mazar-e Sharif is indicative of the effectiveness of pressure put on the Taliban both internationally and nationally.

But economic sanctions also have a dire impact on the civilian population. Although the UN raised $1.2bn in emergency funds, the international community is grappling with how to engage with the Taliban, deliver the much-needed aid – and yet not empower, legitimise and enrich the Taliban. Helping Afghans while bypassing the Taliban is possible. Unicef, for example, is setting up a system that will allow direct payment to teachers while bypassing the Taliban.

Afghanistan’s state power monopoly owes more than $90 million to its power suppliers in neighbouring countries such as Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Given the deteriorating relationships between the Taliban and some of these countries, there are concerns that the suppliers might cut off electricity. International aid could be used to pay foreign electricity suppliers directly while denying the Taliban the opportunity to misappropriate funds.

Afghan civilians should not be subjected to starvation in a bid to pressure a government they did not put in office. Likewise, the international community has a responsibility to ensure the wealth of the Afghan people is not squandered by shortsighted Taliban desperately trying to cling to power.

Weeda Mehran
Lecturer in politics at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter

Afghanistan: Government collapse marked by ‘repeated war crimes and relentless bloodshed’ – new report

December 15, 2021 

The Taliban, United States military, and Afghan security forces were all responsible for attacks that resulted in extensive civilian suffering before the country’s government collapsed earlier this year, Amnesty International said in a new report today.

The report, No Escape: War Crimes and Civilian Harm During The Fall Of Afghanistan To The Taliban, documents torture, extrajudicial executions and killings by the Taliban during the final stages of the conflict in Afghanistan, as well as civilian casualties during a series of ground and air operations by the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) and US military forces.

Homes, hospitals, schools and shops were turned into crime scenes as people were repeatedly killed and injuredAgnès Callamard, Amnesty International Secretary General

“The months before the government collapse in Kabul were marked by repeated war crimes and relentless bloodshed committed by the Taliban, as well as deaths caused by Afghan and US forces,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

“Our new evidence shows that, far from the seamless transition of power that the Taliban claimed happened, the people of Afghanistan have once again paid with their lives.

“Homes, hospitals, schools and shops were turned into crime scenes as people were repeatedly killed and injured. The people of Afghanistan have suffered for too long, and victims must have access to justice and receive reparations.

“The International Criminal Court must reverse its misguided decision to deprioritize investigations into US and Afghan military operations, and instead follow the evidence on all possible war crimes, no matter where it leads.”

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan reported that 1,659 civilians were killed and another 3,524 injured in the first six months of 2021, an increase of 47% from the prior year.

Taliban atrocities

As they seized control of districts across Afghanistan in July and August 2021, members of the Taliban tortured and killed ethnic and religious minorities, former ANDSF soldiers, and those perceived as government sympathizers in reprisal attacks.

On 6 September 2021, Taliban forces attacked Bazarak town in Panjshir province. After a brief battle, approximately 20 men were captured by Taliban fighters and detained for two days, at times jailed in a pigeon coop. They were tortured, denied food, water and medical assistance, and repeatedly threatened with execution.

One of the men captured by the Taliban said: “[The] Talib had taken a knife… he was saying he wanted to behead the wounded… because they are infidels and Jews.”

Another man added: “They kept us underground. When we were asking for medical treatment of the wounded, the Taliban were saying, ‘Let them die’… There was no food and water, and no support to the wounded. They had brutal relations with us. When we were asking for water, they were saying, ‘Die of thirst’.” Torture and cruel and inhuman treatment of captives constitute war crimes.

Later the same day, the Taliban also attacked the nearby village of Urmaz, where they conducted door-to-door searches to identify people suspected of working for the former government. The fighters extrajudicially executed at least six civilian men within 24 hours, mainly by gunshots to the head, chest or heart. Such killings constitute war crimes. Eyewitnesses said that while some of the men had previously served in the ANSDF, none were in government security forces or taking part in hostilities in any way at the time of execution.

The report also documents reprisal attacks and executions of people affiliated with the former government in Spin Boldak. Amnesty International previously documented Taliban massacres of ethnic Hazaras in Ghazni and Daykundi provinces.

The full scale of the killings nationwide still remains unknown, as the Taliban cut mobile phone service, or severely restricted internet access, in many rural areas.

Civilian casualties from US and Afghan air strikes

The report documents four air strikes - three most likely carried out by US forces, and one by the Afghan Air Force - in recent years. The strikes killed a total of 28 civilians (15 men, five women, and eight children), and injured another six.

The strikes generally resulted in civilian deaths because the US dropped explosive weapons in densely populated areas. Amnesty International has previously documented similar impacts of explosive weapons in numerous other conflicts, and supports a political declaration to curb their use.

The second bomb killed my mother, my uncle, my aunt, and my sisterA nine-year-old child

On 9 November 2020, an air strike most likely carried out by US forces killed five civilians – including a three-month-old girl – and wounded six at a family home in the Mulla Ghulam neighbourhood of Khanabad city, in Kunduz province.

A nine-year-old child who was injured in the attack said: “I was sleeping when the first bomb hit… They were telling us to hide somewhere in case the second bomb happened. My father said I had to find my younger brother. The second bomb killed my mother, my uncle, my aunt, and my sister.”

Such strikes form a pattern of civilian harm that continued until the last moments of the conflict, when a US drone strike killed 10 people, including seven children, in Kabul on 29 August 2021. The US military later admitted that those killed were civilians.

Civilians killed in ground combat

The report documents eight cases during ground combat in which a total of 12 civilians were killed (five men, one woman, and six children), and 15 more injured. Through a combination of negligence and disregard for the law, the US-trained ANDSF frequently launched mortar attacks that hit homes and killed civilians in hiding.

The fighting in Kunduz city was especially fierce in June 2021. In the suburb of Zakhail, government forces launched mortars into densely populated neighbourhoods. Meanwhile, Taliban forces gained ground, using schools and mosques to launch attacks, and demanding food from families trapped in their homes.

On 22 June 2021, one man was killed and two people were injured during a mortar attack in Zakhail. The ANDSF most likely launched the mortar from the First Police District, approximately 2.5 kilometres from the scene of the explosion. The man killed was Abdul Razaq, 20, who was recently engaged to be married. Fragments from the mortar tore open his head and stomach.

Later the same day in the same neighbourhood, one child was killed and two more were injured when a mortar – again most likely launched by the ANDSF – hit a home where a family was in hiding. A metal fragment hit Manizha, a 12-year-old girl, in the spine, paralyzing and eventually killing her.

One man said the Taliban often forewarned families about combat, but they had received no similar communication from the government. He said: “The Taliban…say, ‘We will be fighting tonight’, and the people who can afford to leave do – but the poor people stay because they will starve if they leave. But there is no use of asking the government, when we know they are going to do nothing.”

The use of mortars, whose use in populated areas is inherently indiscriminate, can constitute a war crime.

Reparations and accountability

Multiple family members of victims of military actions told Amnesty International they did not receive sufficient, if any, reparations from the government.

One man, whose family home was destroyed in an air strike, said: “No one from the government came afterwards. We went to the district and told them what happened. No one came to us. They said, ‘This is not good. It should not have happened. We share your pain’. But nothing happened.”

The Taliban authorities now have the same legal obligation to provide reparations as the former government
Agnès Callamard

Amnesty International is calling on the Taliban and the US government to fulfil their international obligations, and establish clear and robust mechanisms for civilians to request reparations for harm sustained during the conflict.

“The Taliban authorities now have the same legal obligation to provide reparations as the former government, and must address all issues of civilian harm seriously,” said Agnès Callamard.

“Victims and their families must receive reparations, and all those suspected of responsibility must be held to account in fair trials before ordinary civilian courts and without recourse to the death penalty.”


Amnesty International conducted on-the-ground research in Kabul from 1-15 August 2021, and completed remote phone interviews with victims and witnesses via secure video and voice calls from August to November 2021.

Amnesty International conducted face-to-face interviews in Kabul with 65 people, and remote interviews through encrypted mobile apps with an additional 36 people, from a total of 10 provinces.

The organization’s Crisis Evidence Lab also reviewed satellite imagery, videos and photographs, medical and ballistics information, and interviewed relevant experts where necessary.

Karzai 'invited' Afghan Taliban to Kabul after Ghani fled in secret

Ex-Afghan leader Hamid Karzai says he invited the Taliban insurgents into the capital Kabul on August 15 so that "the city doesn't fall into chaos," following a covert departure of Ashraf Ghani and his team from the country.
Karzai says Ghani's flight scuttled a last-minute push that would have seen the Taliban enter the capital as part of a negotiated deal. (AP)

Former Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai has said the Taliban didn't take the Kabul city on August 15 but they were invited by him to enter the Afghan capital after former president Ashraf Ghani and his team fled the country, creating a security vacuum.

In an Associated Press interview on Wednesday, Karzai offered some of the first insights into the secret and sudden departure of Ghani — and how he came to invite the Taliban into the city "to protect the population so that the country, the city doesn't fall into chaos and the unwanted elements who would probably loot the country, loot shops."

Karzai said when Ghani fled, his security officials also left, adding defence minister Bismillah Khan even asked him if he wanted to leave Kabul when he contacted him to know what remnants of the government still remained.

It turned out there were none, not even the Kabul police chief had remained, Karzai said.

Karzai, who was the country's president for 13 years after the Taliban was first ousted in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, said he refused to leave.


Ghani scuttled peaceful transition

Karzai said that Ghani's flight scuttled a last-minute push by himself, the government's chief negotiator Abdullah Abdullah and the Taliban leadership in Doha that would have seen the Taliban enter the capital as part of a negotiated agreement.

The countdown to a possible deal began on August 14, the day before the Taliban came to power.

Karzai and Abdullah met Ghani, and they agreed that they would leave for Doha the next day with a list of 15 others to negotiate a power-sharing agreement.

The Taliban were already on the outskirts of Kabul, but Karzai said the leadership in Qatar promised the Taliban will remain outside the city until the deal was struck.

Early on the morning of August 15, Karzai said, he waited to draw up the list. The capital was fidgety, on edge. Rumors were swirling about a Taliban takeover. Karzai called Doha. He was told the Taliban would not enter the city.

At noon, the Taliban called to say that "the government should stay in its positions and should not move that they have no intention to (go) into the city," Karzai said.

"I and others spoke to various officials and assurances were given to us that, yes, that was the case, that the Americans and the government forces were holding firm to the places (and) that Kabul would not fall."

By about 2:45 pm, though, it became apparent Ghani had fled the city. Karzai said he called the defence minister, called the interior minister, searched for the Kabul police chief but everyone was gone.

"There was no official present at all in the capital, no police chief, no corps commander, no other units. They had all left."

READ MORE: 'God will punish them': Afghan victims reject US verdict on Kabul killings

Engagement with Taliban

Karzai said he meets regularly with the Taliban leadership and said the world must engage with them.

"Right now, they need to cooperate with the government in any form they can," said Karzai, who also bemoaned the unchallenged and sometimes wrong international perceptions of the Taliban.

He cited claims that women and girls are not allowed outside their homes or require a male companion.

"That's not true. There are girls on the streets — women by themselves. The situation on the ground in Kabul bears this out."

READ MORE: Caught in cyclical violence: Why Afghanistan's present mirrors its past
Washington’s Tawdry Victory Over Julian Assange

Does effective democracy require the authoritarian art of stomping on the down-and-out?

Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Brussels, Belgium on 4/15/2019. 
© Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock

By Peter Isackson
December 13, 2021

Last week witnessed the 80th anniversary of a moment in history qualified by Franklin D. Roosevelt as “a date which will live in infamy.” On December 8, 1941, the president announced that the United States was declaring war after Japan’s unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor a day earlier. A nation that had spent two decades wallowing in isolationism instantly became one of the principal and most powerful actors in a new world war. Victory on two fronts, against Germany and Japan, would be achieved successively in 1944 and 1945.

Last week ended with its own day of infamy when a British court overturned an earlier judgment banning the extradition to the US of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Following in the footsteps of the Trump administration, President Joe Biden’s Justice Department successfully appealed the ban in its relentless effort to judge Assange for violating the 1917 Espionage Act, itself a relic of the history of the First World War.
Guns and the Wrong Side of Rights

Back then, President Woodrow Wilson’s government pulled no jingoistic punches when promoting America’s participation in Europe’s war. It actively incited the population to indulge in xenophobia. Public paranoia targeting Germany, the nation’s enemy, reached such a pitch that Beethoven was banned from the concert stage, sauerkraut was officially renamed “liberty cabbage” and hamburger “liberty steak.”

The manifestly paranoid Espionage Act sought to punish anyone who “communicates, delivers, or transmits, or attempts to communicate, deliver or transmit to any foreign government … any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, etc.” The law, specifically for a state of war, was so extreme it was rarely used until Barack Obama unearthed it as the elegant solution for suppressing the whistleblowers he had vowed to defend in his first presidential campaign.

Despite overindulging his taste for punishing whistleblowers, Obama refrained from seeking to extradite Assange. He feared it might appear as an assault on freedom of the press and might even incriminate The New York Times, which had published the WikiLeaks documents in 2010. In the meantime, Democrats found a stronger reason to blame Assange. He had leaked the Democratic National Committee’s emails during the 2016 presidential primary campaign. Democrats blamed the Australian for electing Donald Trump.

During his 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly praised WikiLeaks for its willingness to expose the undemocratic practices of the Clinton campaign. But once in power, Trump’s administration vindictively demanded Assange’s extradition from the UK for having revealed war crimes that deserved being hidden for eternity from the prying eyes of journalists and historians.

Many observers expected Biden to return to the prudent wisdom of Obama and break with Trump’s vindictive initiative. He could have quietly accepted the British judge’s decision pronounced in January. Instead, his Justice Department appealed. Unlike Trump, who sought to undermine everything Obama had achieved, Biden has surprisingly revealed a deep, largely passive respect for his predecessor’s most dangerous innovations — not challenging corporate tax cuts, the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and Trump’s aggressive support for Israel’s most oppressive policies with regard to Palestinians.

Biden’s eagerness to follow Trump’s gambit aimed at subjecting Assange to the US brand of military-style justice allowed New York Times journalists Megan Specia and Charlie Savage to describe Friday’s decision by the British court as a success for the administration. “The ruling was a victory,” they wrote, “at least for now, for the Biden administration, which has pursued an effort to prosecute Mr. Assange begun under the Trump administration.”

Today’s Daily Devil’s Dictionary definition:
Triumph in combat, including, at two extremes, cases marked by heroic action and others prompted by malicious self-serving motives and driven by the perpetrator’s confusion of the idea of justice with sadistic, vindictive pleasure

Contextual Note

The Times journalists quote Wyn Hornbuckle, a Justice Department spokesman, who “said the government was ‘pleased by the ruling’ and would have no further comment.” At no point in the article do the authors evoke the hypothesis that Biden might have sought to overturn Trump’s policy. Nor do they analyze the reasons that could undermine the government’s case. They do quote several of Assange’s supporters, including one who called “on the Biden administration again to withdraw” the charge. Serious observers of the media might expect that a pillar of the press in a liberal democracy might be tempted to express its own concern with laws and policies that risk threatening its own freedom. Not The New York Times. This story didn’t even make its front page. None of its columnists deemed it deserving of comment.

Journalist Kalinga Seneviratne, writing for The Manila Times, offered a radical contrast. “If this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is about promoting ‘press freedom,’” he speculates, “the Norwegian Nobel Committee missed a golden opportunity to make a powerful statement at a time when such freedom is under threat in the very countries that have traditionally claimed a patent on it.” He quotes the UN’s special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, who claims that “what has been done to Julian Assange is not to punish or coerce him, but to silence him and to do so in broad daylight, making visible to the entire world that those who expose the misconduct of the powerful no longer enjoy the protection of the law.”

Deutsche Welle’s Matthias von Hein noted the interesting coincidence that three converging events took place on the same day. “In a bitter twist of irony,” he writes, “a court in London has essentially paved the way for Assange’s prosecution on Human Rights Day — of all days. And how ironic that it happened on the day two journalists were honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. Last, but not least, it coincided with the second day of the Summit on Democracy organized by US President Joe Biden.”

Von Hein added this observation: “We’re constantly hearing how Western democracies are in competition with autocratic systems. If Biden is serious about that, he should strive to be better than the world’s dictators.” But, as the saying goes, you can’t teach a 79-year old dog new tricks.

Historical Note

The coincidences do not end there. On the same day the news of Julian Assange’s fate emerged, Yahoo’s investigative reporter Michael Isikoff recounted the story of another man “brought to justice” by US authorities: Mohamedou Ould Slahi. The Mauritanian citizen had the privilege of spending 14 years in the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba without ever being charged with a crime, even after confessing to the crimes imagined by his torturers.

It turns out to be a touching moral tale. Even after years of imprisonment and gruesome torture, Slahi “holds no personal animus against his interrogators.” According to Isikoff, “he has even met and bonded with some of those interrogators,” years after the event. “I took it upon myself,” Slahi explained, “to be a nice person and took a vow of kindness no matter what. And you cannot have a vow of kindness without forgiving people.”

It wasn’t the Prophet Muhammad who said, “turn the other cheek” or “Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Those words were spoken by the man George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld claimed to revere and whom Bush considered his “favorite philosopher.” The Quran did continue the original Christian insight, pronouncing that “retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it,” and that reconciliation and forgiveness will be rewarded by Allah.

There has clearly been no forgiveness in Washington for the “evil” committed by Assange: exposing war crimes conducted in secret with American taxpayers’ money. Slahi’s torture was conducted by the declared proponents of “Judeo-Christian” culture. Shahi’s forgiveness stands as an example of what that culture claims as a virtue but fails to embrace in its own actions.

Shahi is reconciled with his interrogators. But does he also feel reconciled with those who gave them their orders? In 2019, he said, “I accept that the United States should follow and put to trial all the people who are harming their citizens. I agree with that. But I disagree with them that if they suspect you, they kidnap you, they torture you, and let you rot in prison for 15 or 16 years. And then they dump you in your country and they say you cannot have your passport because you have already seen so many things that we don’t want you to travel around the world to talk about.”

Despite appearances, Mohamedou Ould Shahi’s case is not all that different from Julian Assange’s.

*[In the age of Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain, another American wit, the journalist Ambrose Bierce, produced a series of satirical definitions of commonly used terms, throwing light on their hidden meanings in real discourse. Bierce eventually collected and published them as a book, The Devil’s Dictionary, in 1911. We have shamelessly appropriated his title in the interest of continuing his wholesome pedagogical effort to enlighten generations of readers of the news. Read more of The Daily Devil’s Dictionary on Fair Observer.]

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Workers denounce UK High Court verdict against Julian Assange: “A crime against humanity”

Our reporters

Last Friday, Britain’s High Court ruled in favour of a US government appeal aimed at extraditing WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the United States. The court’s decision confirms that the British state, its government, judiciary, and intelligence agencies are determined to destroy Assange in retribution for WikiLeaks’ courageous exposure of war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Over the coming weeks the World Socialist Web Site will publish interviews and statements from workers, young people, medical professionals and lawyers, artists and writers, speaking out against one of the greatest political crimes of the 21st century.

As the WSWS wrote in June 2019, “Only by organizing protest actions on an international scale—meetings, rallies, demonstrations, and public conferences—will it be possible to frustrate and defeat the plans of reactionary governments, their intelligence agencies and political agents to silence and destroy Julian Assange. The aim of this campaign must be to politically arouse and mobilize the international working class—the overwhelming majority of the population and the most powerful social force on the planet—in defence of Julian Assange and, in fact, the democratic and social rights of all workers.”

We urge readers of the World Socialist Web Site to send messages of support and to organise motions in your workplace, school or college demanding Assange’s immediate and unconditional freedom.

The WSWS has received the following statements of support from workers in Scotland and England.

Emily, a carer in Edinburgh, Scotland originally from Australia said, “It is difficult to express the revulsion I feel at the continued persecution of Julian Assange, an Australian journalist who published information on the war crimes of the US and its allies. The governments of these nations have conspired to continuously violate his human rights. They have smeared his character, imprisoned and tortured him to the point of him suffering a stroke, refused him legal asylum, and are now preparing to put him through another show trial in another foreign country. There, he will again be imprisoned, mistreated, and eventually die as a result.

“Despite the orchestrated smears and intimidation, public support for Assange in his home country is across the political spectrum. I, along with many other Australians, will continue to support Assange and recognise this miscarriage of justice for what it is.”

Dino, a mental health social worker in Dorset described the situation facing Assange as “quite distressing to be honest. The guy’s being punished for good things he has done! And for how many years? A murderer would have been let out by now. He spent his best years under some form of arrest and now Uncle Sam wants to use his stick on him. A pathetic court outcome to be frank.


“Mr Assange has been a shining beacon when it comes to unearthing what certain governments wanted to keep a tight lid on. However, due to their power, and judges who kow-tow to deeply disturbing agendas, he is being made a scapegoat for their heinous crimes against humanity.

“I am sad that UK’s judges have concluded that Mr Assange is in position to stand a trial in US courts. He has already spent about a decade in one or another form of arrest, and he deserves to be living freely with his family. This move makes it abundantly clear that UK’s judges are not impartial—on the contrary, they are politically driven, and this case sets an historic precedent.”

Onya, a shipyard worker in Rosyth, Scotland said, “The illusion that liberal democracies allow freedom of speech has been shattered. You are free to say as you wish providing it doesn't expose abhorrent state sanctioned war crimes or upset the status quo. Assange should be championed as a campaigner for human rights rather than vilified and subjected to what could be considered torture.”

Gerard, a retired shipyard worker from Renfrew, Scotland said, “I'd like to say that Julian Assange has been basically fed to the wolves by governments at the highest level.

“Julian Assange has been treated like a dockyard rat while in the hands of security services. They bleat out the usual gibberish about ‘working in the interests of public security and treating any human with the utmost respect’ ...where have I heard that classic line before? Get ready for another saga which will rival Tolstoy's masterpiece.

“Please let common sense prevail and help this human being to achieve his freedom.”

Ken, a former building worker from Dundee, Scotland said, “The decision to extradite Julian Assange is a crime against humanity. Especially against such a brilliant journalist. The crimes he exposed regarding the United States and its barbaric murders around the globe, testify to his brilliance as an investigative journalist.

“The courts in Britain and America had already made up their minds that Julian was guilty. There is no doubt that the American authorities’ guarantee that he would be treated with leniency is a pack of lies. His physical and mental health must be in a terrible state, especially after having a stroke. A campaign in the working class worldwide is the way forward to freeing him from the prison where he is currently incarcerated.”

Francesa, a retired nurse and teacher from Scotland, cited the words of Berit Reiss Andersen who announced the winners in Oslo on Friday of the Nobel Peace Prize, “Without freedom of expression and freedom of the press, it will be difficult to successfully promote fraternity between nations, disarmament, and a better world order to succeed in our time”.


Francesca cited the Nobel Committee’s words, “Free, independent and factual based journalism serves to protect against abuse of power, lies and war propaganda”.

She responded, “It is somewhat ironic that this was announced on the date of the Court of Appeal’s ruling to allow Julian Assange to be extradited to the United States, despite reliable reports released of his general ill health and that he had suffered a stroke at the time of his trial. Assange, WikiLeaks founder and publisher, has attained global attention for publishing documents known as the Afghanistan diaries, Iraq War Logs and Guantanamo Bay prisoners and US diplomatic documents these were published between 2009-2011. His crime was exposing war crimes against humanity and illegal political and military wrongdoings by US and the allies.

“While there is an almost media blackout on reporting the trial of Assange, releasing grim pictorial evidence of inhuman US actions of bombing innocent men, women and children in the so-called War on Terror, Julian Assange rots in Belmarsh prison in south-east London as the US insists and demands his extradition to die in a cell for exposing US war crimes. In supporting Julian Assange, we are uniting to defend free speech.”

David, a former sports lecturer from Montrose, Scotland said, “I am truly saddened, but unfortunately not shocked, at the ruling on Friday to allow for the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States of America. Assange is a man who has done more than most other so-called journalists to expose the crimes of the US and UK in their dirty wars. He highlighted corruption, abuse, war crimes, deception and downright criminality. He allowed the world to see these crimes for themselves.

“The man who should be lauded, applauded and awarded for such bravery is now facing a fate that is of the realm of nightmares. This man has already been imprisoned for over a decade. He has failing health, both mentally and physically and may not survive this fresh ordeal. It is an inhumane decision, but inhumanity seems to run through much of our established bodies. Surely the judiciary should not add to this. Independence in our judiciary is in grave doubt and it does serious damage to any notion of British justice.”

Terry, a former welder from Wakefield in West Yorkshire wrote, “I oppose the extradition of Julian Assange. The conclusion of the UK law courts is an injustice against him. He is being made a scapegoat for telling the truth about the war crimes in Iraq. America wants to jail him to hide their atrocities. There is no justice and no democracy, and it will have consequences for us all if they are allowed to extradite him. Julian Assange, we salute you.”

Ben, a software engineer from North Yorkshire wrote, “I hold the American and British ruling class, and their courts, responsible for Julian Assange’s Transient Ischaemic Attack [a ‘mini-stroke’]. This would have been triggered by stress about the prospect of being handed over to criminals who demanded his execution in 2010 and plotted his murder later.

“Much worse could come if he is exposed to Omicron, given his poor health. He has been deprived of the ability to meaningfully exercise and to have adequate sun exposure for more than two years at Belmarsh. All of this is immensely damaging. The judges will have known of his deteriorated health.

“The ruling class and its supporters in the ‘liberal’ press no longer bother to pretend that they are pursing Assange for sexual assault allegations--the mask came off two years ago. It was always about his key role at WikiLeaks in exposing war crimes.”

Chris Porter, a lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, speaking in a personal capacity said, “The UK High Court’s decision, and whole approach to the case, is an indictment of the subjugation of the British judiciary and indeed state, to the lickspittle service of American imperialism. It signals a worrying and telling tendency of failing capitalist states of silencing journalists who reveal truths about their crimes. The lack of support for Assange in the corporate media, mostly consisting of silence, carries as much complicity as the other arms of the state.”

West’s actions towards Assange ‘cannibalism’ — Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
It’s about the annihilation of an individual, revenge for his stance, for his courage and for the fact that he deemed it necessary to share with the world some crucial information that shed light on the lies and deceit committed by a number of states, Maria Zakharova pointed out

MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. The Western countries’ actions towards the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, are aimed at "annihilating" him, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Wednesday.

"The actions taken by our Western partners over the past few years smack of cannibalism. All this is not about some double standards or defiance of lofty principles and ideals. It’s about the annihilation of an individual, revenge for his stance, for his courage and for the fact that he deemed it necessary, apparently aware of the potential risks, to share with the world some crucial information that shed light on the lies and deceit committed by a number of states," she said.

Zakharova expressed surprise that the international community’s reaction to the inhuman treatment of Assange was so slack.

"Everybody can see that this man is being annihilated. He looks like two different people. Everybody can see his current condition, not to mention the campaign of victimization the champions of democracy have organized against him."

Assange has been in custody in London’s Belmarsh Prison since April 2019, after the embassy of Ecuador revoked his asylum, which he had enjoyed for seven years. In January, the Westminster Magistrates’ Court refused to extradite Assange to the United States where he faces 18 criminal charges, but at the same time ruled that he should stay in custody until the US appeal has been considered. On December 10, the Court of Appeal of England and Wales upheld the US Department of Justice’s appeal filed in the case of the WikiLeaks founder’s extradition to the US.

In the United States, Assange is charged with a number of offenses in connection with the largest disclosure of classified information in US history. If convicted on all counts, he may be handed a 175-year prison term.


An ironic occurrence

Michael Jansen

The author, a well-respected observer of Middle East affairs, has three books on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Julian Assange

It is bitterly ironic that the British appeals court granted the US the right to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to face trial for breaching US wartime security. This capitulation to US pressure by Britain is ironic as it took place on Human Rights Day and as two prominent journalists were presented with the Nobel Prize for Peace. If he is convicted on all 18 charges of hacking and espionage, Assange could face 175 years in prison.

Meanwhile in Oslo, Filipina Maria Ressa, co-founder and chief executive of online news platform Rappler, was honoured for exposing abuses of power and growing authoritarianism in her country. She faces court cases which could land her in prison for 100 years.

Russian Dimitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of The Independent newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, is regarded as one of the foremost defenders of free speech in Russia as it publishes articles on corruption and human rights abuses. His star reporter who focused on the Chechen war, Anna Politkovskaya was murdered in 2006 in Moscow. Five other colleagues have also been killed.

The London’s court’s verdict also coincided with the second day of US President Joe Biden’s Democracy Summit during which freedom of speech was discussed as an essential component of democracy. Ahead of the summit, US Secretary of State Antony Blinkin spoke of the media’s “indispensible role” in informing the public and ensuring governments are held accountable for their policies and actions. He stated, “The US will continue to support the courageous and necessary work of journalists around the world.” He meant: everywhere other than at home.

London’s High Court overturned a January lower court ruling that Assange could not be extradited because of converns over how he would be treated in the US and fears over his fragile mental health. The case will return to the Westminister Magistrates’ Court for a final appeal which will decide whether to empower British Home Minister Priti Patel to execute the extradition order. Hard-liner Patel is likely to relish this opportunity.

Assange’s fiancee Stella Moris called the High Court decision “dangerous and misguided” and a “grave miscarriage of justice” and said his defence will lodge a fresh appeal “at the earliest possible moment.” She pointed out that he must not be sent to the very country which conspired to assassinate him. The US charges Assange with spying as WikiLeaks published online thousands of pages of secret documents about the US wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and released damning video of a 2007 US helicopter attack in Baghdad that slew a dozen civilians, among whom were two Reuters’ staff correspondents.

Assange was imprisoned in 2019 after being ejected from the Ecuadorian embassy where he had taken refuge in 2012 for skipping bail over an application for extradition to Sweden after being charged with sexual misconduct.

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said that his case is “about the right of a free press to publish without being threatened by a bullying superpower.”

     Amnesty international’s Europe director Nils Muiznieks said the ruling “poses a grave threat to press freedom both in the United States and abroad.”

Global press freedom advocates are seriously alarmed over the 18 charges for espionage and hacking leveled against Assange, fearing that his prosecution in the US will deal a sharp blow to freedom of speech guaranteed in the first article of the US constitution and to freedom of the press around the world. In an editorial the Guardian — which along with the New York Times and Der Spiegel published WikiLeaks’ material — warned that the US government “is endangering the ability of the media to bring to light uncomfortable truths and expose official crimes and cover-ups.”

A coalition of civil and human rights groups — notably Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Watch, the Committee to Protect Journalists, and the Freedom of the Press Association — have called on the US Justice Department to withdraw the call for extradition. The American Civil Liberties Union’s Ben Wizner said the “indictment [of Assange] criminalises investigative journalism.”

Amnesty International cited an investigation by Yahoo News that revealed US intelligence operatives considered kidnapping or poisoning Assange while he was still living in the Ecuadorian embassy. Amnesty chief Agnes Callamard said the report has cast “doubt on the reliability of US promises and further exposes the political motivation behind this case.”

There are no doubts about Washington’s political motivation. Cases have not been raised against the editors of the newspapers which published the WikiLeaks documents or television channels which broadcast the Baghdad shootings. Bradley (later Chelsea) Manning, the US soldier who hacked into Defence Department computers and provided the material to WikiLeaks served seven years in prison before being pardoned by ex-President Barack Obama.

Calamard stated, “It is a damning indictment that nearly 20 years on, virtually no one responsible for alleged US war crimes committed in the course of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars has been held accountable, let alone prosecuted, and yet a publisher who exposed such crimes is potentially facing a lifetime in jail.”

Indeed, ex-President George W. Bush and his advisers have not paid any price for offenses committed duriong the Afghan conflict or for the crime of unprovoked aggression against Iraq. The US could legitimately claim justification for driving the Taliban from power in Afghanistan in 2001 because it harboured al-Qaeda which attacked New York and Washington, but there was absolutely no legality or justification for the 2003 war on Iraq. During and following this war, Iraq Body Count estimates 175,000-208,000 Iraqis died violently through 2020. This is an underestimate and far more have been killed by US-imposed sanctions from malnourishment, preventable diseases and lack of medicines to treat chronic conditions. After Iraqi professionals, doctors, and businessmen were attacked or threatened, several million fled their country, shrinking the middle class which had emerged since independence. Furthermore, the US imposed on Iraq a sectarian form of governance which propelled pro-Iranian Shia fundamenta-

lists into power. Their mismanagement and corruption have created communal divisions and prompted protests against the government and its external allies, Iran and the US.

If Bush and his entourage had been citizens of a small country — like, for example, the former Yugoslavia — which had no international clout — they would have been tried, sentenced and imprisoned for the Iraq war and all the crimes committed during and after the US conquest of that country.
UK governing Conservatives suffer shock by-election loss

1 of 6
Helen Morgan of the Liberal Democrats makes a speech after being declared the winner in the North Shropshire by-election in Shrewsbury, England early Friday Dec. 17, 2021. The Liberal Democrats overturned an almost 23,000 Conservative majority to win the special election that was sparked by the resignation of Owen Paterson, a result that heaps further pressure on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. (Jacob King/PA via AP)

LONDON (AP) — U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has suffered a stunning defeat in a parliamentary by-election that was a referendum on his government amid weeks of scandal and soaring COVID-19 infections.

Liberal Democrat Helen Morgan overturned a Conservative majority of almost 23,000 votes from the last election to win Thursday’s contest in North Shropshire, a rural area of northwest England that has been represented by a Conservative almost continuously since 1832. The election was called after the former Conservative member of Parliament resigned amid a corruption scandal.

The result will heap pressure on Johnson just two years after he was reelected with a seemingly unassailable 80-seat majority in Parliament. But his authority has been dented in recent weeks by allegations that he and his staff attended Christmas parties last year while the country was in lockdown, efforts to shield an ally from allegations of illegal lobbying and suggestions that he improperly accepted donations to fund the lavish refurbishment of his official residence.

Against this backdrop, supporters and opponents are questioning Johnson’s handling of the pandemic after coronavirus infections soared to records this week as the highly transmissible omicron variant swept through the U.K.

Lib Dems overturn 23000 Tory majority and win North Shropshire in humiliating defeat for Boris Johnson

Basit Mahmood Today

The Liberal Democrats have told Boris Johnson that the ‘party is over’

The Liberal Democrats have told Boris Johnson that the ‘party is over’ after overturning a 23,000 Tory majority and winning the North Shropshire by-election in what is a humiliating defeat for prime minister Boris Johnson.

In a leave voting seat that the Tories held for nearly 200 years, a swing of 34% saw the Lib Dem candidate Helen Morgan beat the Tory candidate by almost 6,000 votes.

The by-election was called after Owen Paterson’s resignation following his breach of lobbying rules. He quit despite initial Tory attempts to save him by rewriting the standards rules, which led to a public outcry, forcing the prime minister into a humiliating U-turn.

Morgan said: “Tonight, the people of North Shropshire have spoken on behalf of the British people. They have said loudly and clearly, ‘Boris Johnson, the party is over’.

“Your government, run on lies and bluster, will be held accountable. It will be scrutinised, it will be challenged and it can and will be defeated.”

The latest result represents the second by-election loss of a former Tory stronghold to the Lib Dems since the general election.

Chesham and Amersham had also been a Conservative stronghold since the constituency’s creation in 1974, but the Lib Dems won it with a 25% swing from the Tories in July.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

Voters ‘gave us a kicking’ in North Shropshire by-election defeat, says Tory party co-chairman

Oliver Dowden said the Conservative party has heard North Shropshire constituents ‘loud and clear’, after the Tories lost their 23,000 majority in the seat

Conservative party chairman Oliver Dowden said voters had punished the Conservative party for a series of scandals (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)

By Poppy Wood
December 17, 2021 

Voters in North Shropshire gave the Conservatives a “kicking”, party co-chairman Oliver Dowden has admitted, as other MPs warned the Prime Minister has “one strike left”.

Mr Dowden’s comments followed a bruising defeat to the Liberal Democrats in North Shropshire by-election, in a shock result that saw the Conservatives lose the seat for the first time in 200 years.

“Voters in North Shropshire were fed up and they gave us a kicking and I think they wanted to send us a message – and I want to say, as chairman of the Conservative Party, we have heard that loud and clear,” Mr Dowden told Sky News.

“We need to get on with delivering the job and that is precisely what we are doing, for example, with the booster programme to deal with the Omicron variant.”

Boris Johnson now faces a major tests of his leadership after Lib Dem candidate Helen Morgan overturned a 23,000 Tory majority to triumph in the North Shropshire contest.

The by-election was sparked by the resignation of Owen Paterson for breaching lobbying rules, after it emerged he was being paid £112,000 by companies who won lucrative Government contracts.

Voters cited the scandal and subsequent allegations of “Tory sleaze” in deserting the party, many for the first time.

Senior Conservative MPs also blamed the result on recent stories about Christmas parties held in Downing Street last year and insisted the Tories would retake the seat at the next general election.

But Sir Ed Davey, Lib Dem leader, said early on Friday morning that “the party is over” for Mr Johnson.

North Shropshire is nightmare before Christmas for Johnson but Lib Dems can't rejoice too much17 December, 2021

Mr Davey called his party’s victory a “watershed moment in our politics” that offered hope to voters across the country “that a brighter future is possible”.

He added that his party was committed to ousting the Prime Minister from Downing Street, marking another heavy blow for Mr Johnson following a torrid fortnight.

The Prime Minister was forced to launch an investigation into allegations that Downing Street hosted several Christmas parties last year after leaked footage showed Number 10 aides joking about a lack of social distancing at one event.

Meanwhile, skyrocketing cases of the Omicron variant have sparked allegations that the Government acted too late in imposing Plan B restrictions, and could see the UK under further national lockdowns.

It has seen Mr Johnson’s approval ratings plummet to the lowest level of his premiership, with Labour confidently overtaking the Conservatives in the polls.

Veteran pollster Professor John Curtice said the result in North Shropshire was an “earthquake” for the Conservatives that measured 8.5 out of ten on the Richter scale.

He added that the last major swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats was in Christchurch in 1993, which formed part a series of by-elections that preceded Labour’s 1997 general election win.

“It’s not quite unprecedented but the precedents are not very comfortable for the Conservatives,” he told BBC’s Today programme.

Sir Roger Gale, the MP for North Thanet, said: “The Conservative party has a reputation for not taking prisoners. If the Prime Minister fails, the Prime Minister goes.

“This has to be seen as a referendum on the prime minister’s performance and I think the prime minister is in last orders time. [There have been] two strikes already. One earlier this week in the vote in the Commons, now this. One more strike and he’s out.”

Beleaguered Boris Johnson facing further pressure after loss of 'ultra-safe' by-election
Lib Dem Helen Morgan delivered a fresh blow to the beleaguered UK Prime Minister when she won the election by a massive 5,925 votes

Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces further pressure from angry Tory backbenchers.

Picture: Aaron Chown/PA
FRI, 17 DEC, 2021 - 

Boris Johnson will come under vast pressure after losing what had been an ultra-safe seat in a stunning defeat to the Lib Dems during the by-election triggered by a sleaze scandal.

Tory nerves will be further rattled by the emphatic victory for the Lib Dems on Thursday when they overturned a near-23,000 majority to seize the West Midlands seat in North Shropshire.

Lib Dem Helen Morgan delivered a fresh blow to the beleaguered UK Prime Minister when she won by a massive 5,925 votes, in what is one of the biggest by-election triumphs in recent decades.

Liberal Democrat Helen Morgan makes her speech after her stunning by-election win (Jacob King/PA)

How does this cap Boris Johnson’s week off?

No doubt about it, this has been a torrid week for the Prime Minister.

Conservative backbenchers dealt him the worst rebellion of his leadership on Tuesday as they voted against the mandatory use of Covid health passes for large venues.

Some 100 Tories opposed the plans despite Mr Johnson personally trying to win them over, as the Omicron variant of coronavirus surged.

The measures passed with Labour’s support but the rebellion only makes it tougher for Boris Johnson to introduce further restrictions if they are required to protect the NHS.

He has also continued to be battered by numerous allegations of lockdown-breaching parties being held in No 10 and by other Tories, including last Christmas.

The outcome of UK Cabinet Secretary Simon Case’s investigation into gatherings in Downing Street and other Government departments could be published this week.

The by-election was triggered by the resignation of former Cabinet minister Owen Paterson (Victoria Jones/PA Wire)

What does the result mean for Boris Johnson?

The second by-election loss of what should have been a secure Tory seat since his landslide victory in 2019 will only jangle Conservative nerves further and dent Mr Johnson’s authority.

His ability to win polls is what installed Mr Johnson as Conservative leader, but some may now wonder whether it was the “get Brexit done” slogan that swung the general election.

After the record backbench rebellion, senior Tories were questioning his approach.

Potential challengers within Mr Johnson’s Cabinet have reportedly been jostling for position just in case a vote of no confidence is triggered.

Asked on Wednesday if Mr Johnson would quit if North Shropshire falls, hiss press secretary said: “We are fighting for every vote.”

Just how safe was North Shropshire considered?

It should have been rock solid. North Shropshire has returned a Tory MP in every vote since 1983, which was the constituency’s first election in its current form.

But the area has been true blue, only twice voting for another colour, since the Conservative Party’s inception in 1830.

In the 2019 general election, the Tories won 62.7% of the vote and held the seat with a majority of 22,949 over Labour, with the Lib Dems in third.

How does this sit in recent swings?

In June, the Lib Dems seized the Buckinghamshire seat of Chesham and Amersham from the Tories. That too had been considered ultra-safe for the Conservatives.

It had been a Tory stronghold since the seat’s creation in 1974, but the Lib Dems won with a 25% swing from the Tories.

But Thursday’s result was even more crushing. The Lib Dems won North Shropshire by 5,925 votes over the Conservatives, in a swing of 34%.

This makes it one of the worst by-election defeats in the last 30 years, with the fourth greatest swing during that period.

Losing North Shropshire was another major blow to Boris Johnson (Justin Tallis/PA)

North Shropshire: LibDems overturn massive Tory majority

By Richard MasonMultimedia Journalist

LibDem candidate Helen Morgan became the first non-Tory to be elected in the area in almost 200 years

THE LibDems have overcome a massive Tory majority in North Shropshire to win the by-election and pile pressure on Boris Johnson.

In one of the most comprehensive by-election defeats in recent decades, the Conservatives lost what was an ultra-safe seat to LibDem Helen Morgan by 5925 votes.

The Prime Minister’s authority was dealt another blow with the swing to the LibDems a massive 34% in the ballot triggered by the resignation of Owen Paterson.

The former minister had a near-23,000 majority in the West Midlands constituency in the 2019 General Election when Johnson achieved a landslide, but support evaporated as the Tories battle damning allegations on multiple fronts.

Owen Paterson stepped down from his seat after attempts were made by the Tories to stop him from being suspended over a lobbying scandal

Not only was the vote triggered by the sleaze scandal centred on Paterson, but it also came after the beleaguered Prime Minister has been battered by claims of lockdown-breaching parties in Downing Street.

And the defeat will cap a torrid week that included the massive rebellion Conservative backbenchers dealt Mr Johnson on Tuesday over his new coronavirus restrictions as the Omicron variant surged.

Morgan won 17,957 votes, trouncing Tory candidate Neil Shastri-Hurst (below) into second on 12,032.

“Tonight, the people of North Shropshire have spoken on behalf of the British people. They have said loudly and clearly, ‘Boris Johnson, the party is over’,” Morgan said in her victory speech.

“Your Government, run on lies and bluster, will be held accountable. It will be scrutinised, it will be challenged and it can and will be defeated.”

North Shropshire had returned a Tory MP in every vote since 1983, which was the constituency’s first election in its current form.

But the Brexit-backing area has voted Tory in every vote since the Conservative Party’s inception in 1830.

Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden said the voters in the North Shropshire by-election had given the Tories “a kicking”.

He told Sky News: “Voters in North Shropshire were fed up and they gave us a kicking. I think they wanted to send us a message and I want to say as chairman of the Conservative Party we’ve heard that loud and clear.

“We need to get on with delivering the job and that’s precisely what we’re doing.”

Paterson represented the constituency for 24 years until his resignation after the Prime Minister’s botched attempt to shield him from a 30-day suspension.

Johnson attempted to force a Tory-led review of the rules for MPs after Paterson was found to have breached lobbying rules for two companies paying him £100,000 a year.

Multiple fresh allegations of sleaze were levelled at the Tories during the row and ultimately the MP was forced to resign.

In 2019, the Tories won 62.7% of the vote and held the seat with a majority of 22,949 over Labour.

Morgan came third with just 10% of the vote when facing Paterson in the General Election.

Thursday’s defeat compounds a tumultuous period for Johnson after 100 Tories defied the leadership to vote against the introduction of mandatory Covid health passes for entry to large venues – the biggest rebellion since he entered No 10.

Asked on Wednesday if Johnson would quit if North Shropshire falls, the Prime Minister’s press secretary said: “We are fighting for every vote.”

The 34% swing to the LibDems was the fourth largest in a by-election in the last 30 years and even bigger than in the party’s first seizure of a former Tory stronghold since the General Election.

Chesham and Amersham had been a Tory stronghold since the constituency’s creation in 1974, but the Lib Dems took it with a 25% swing from the Tories in July.

Morgan, a 46-year-old accountant who lives in the Shropshire village of Harmer Hill, will become the newest.
NWT joins nine provinces and Yukon in new $10-a-day national child care plan

Premier of the Northwest Territories Caroline Cochrane participates in an announcement on early learning and child care in Northwest Territories, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

OTTAWA – The federal government has agreed to a $51-million deal to slash child care fees and add 300 new spaces in the Northwest Territories.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Caroline Cochrane finalized the deal in a meeting Wednesday in Ottawa.

The last Liberal budget in April promised to spend $30 billion over five years to realize a national daycare program that would cut fees in half by the end of 2022, and to an average of $10 a day within five years.

The N.W.T. deal is the 11th to be signed with provinces and territories, and the territory is planning to accelerate the cost-cutting so that fees across the territory are slashed in half by the end of this coming March.

The deal will also add 300 new licensed spaces by 2026 to be provided only by not-for-profit child care centres and home day cares.

It includes a retention incentive to keep child care workers in the territory, and a new wage grid to ensure better salaries.

“Child care is good for parents, it’s good for kids, but it’s also good for the economy,” Trudeau said.

He added the pandemic highlighted how critical quality and affordable child care is to ensuring parents can work.

The deal could mean a family in the N.W.T. will eventually save almost $10,000 a year in child care fees.

Premier Cochrane said the deal will not only make child care more affordable, in some communities it will mean access to licensed child care for the very first time.

“One of the best investments that governments can make to influence a child’s life is to provide families with the option to access high quality early learning in their community,” she said.

British Columbia was the first province to ink a deal in early July, worth $3.2 billion over five years, and eight provinces and now two territories have followed suit. More than $16.8 billion has been allocated to the deals so far over the next five years.

Ontario and Nunavut are the only holdouts and Trudeau said after meeting Tuesday with Nunavut Premier P.J. Akeeagok that he expects a deal with that territory will be finalized early in the new year.

Talks are continuing this week with Ontario, but Premier Doug Ford has said he wants more money to keep the program sustainable beyond the five-year start up, and recognition for the $3.6 billion the province already spends to provide full-day kindergarten.

Seven provinces and the N.W.T. offer full-day kindergarten for five-year-olds. Ontario is the government that also offers it to four-year-olds

Trudeau is scheduled to speak with Ford by phone Thursday.

The April budget promised more than $9 billion annually after the first five years to keep the programs going.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 15, 2021.
Kellogg Cereal Workers Union Says Tentative Deal Reached

Proposal includes raises, removes ‘legacy’ worker terminology

Union members rejected a proposed pact earlier this month

Demonstrators hold signs during a union workers strike outside the Kellogg plant in Battle Creek, Michigan, on Oct. 22. Photographer: Jenifer Veloso/Bloomberg

By Deena Shanker
December 16, 2021

Kellogg Co. and the union representing striking workers at the company’s cereal plants say they have reached a tentative agreement to end the months-long standoff.

Members will meet Friday and vote on the new proposal Sunday, according to a union representative. Votes will be tallied Dec. 21 and if the agreement is ratified, workers would return to the plants Dec. 27. The agreement includes cost-of-living raises and removes the term “legacy employee,” but it doesn’t include a deal on retiree health care or cap on lower-tier employees.

“We are hopeful our employees will vote to ratify this contract and return to work,” Kellogg Chief Executive Officer Steve Cahillane said in a statement. The Battle Creek, Michigan-based company said the agreement “includes increased pay for all of our people” as well as expanding health-care and pension benefits.

A resolution isn’t assured, since the union overwhelmingly rejected the last tentative deal reached by negotiators earlier this month. Kellogg said at the time that it would hire permanent replacements for positions vacated by striking employees, a stance that drew criticism from President Joe Biden.

“We’re happy negotiations continued in good faith,” said Dan Osborn, president of the union chapter in Omaha, Nebraska.

The strike has affected plants in Omaha; Battle Creek; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee. The locations produce Rice Krispies, Raisin Bran, Froot Loops, Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes and other brands.

Changes to the two-tier employment system have been a sticking point in negotiations. Currently at Kellogg’s cereal plants, longer-tenured legacy workers get better benefits and pay, while “transitional” workers can graduate into the higher class as legacy workers leave their jobs.

The company’s shares rose 3.6% on Thursday. The stock is up about 6% this year, trailing a 24% advance in the S&P 500 Index.

Bernie Sanders: Striking Workers ‘Courageous’ In Face Of Kellogg’s ‘Abrasive’ Tactics

“These people are really heroes and heroines. They are incredibly courageous. And what they are fighting against, the type of corporate greed is what we are seeing all over this country,” says Sen. Bernie Sanders on the striking workers and Kellogg’s “incredibly abrasive and outrageous” response.


Kellogg's strike: Workers must get our support

The poster child for the culture of corporate greed that we are experiencing is how Kellogg’s is currently treating its employees


By Sen. Bernie Sanders | Fox News

I will be in Battle Creek, Michigan this Friday with workers who have been on strike for over two months against Kellogg’s. Let me tell you why I’m going.

In America today, we have more income and wealth inequality than at any time in the last 100 years. After adjusting for inflation, the average worker in America is making $40 dollars a week less today than he/she made 48 years ago. The result: millions of working class families are struggling to pay for health care, prescription drugs, housing, child care, higher education or put away funds for retirement. They are also trying hard to maintain their family life amidst irregular work scheduling patterns.


Meanwhile, as working families live under increased stress, the people on top are doing phenomenally well. Today, the two richest people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent. The top 1% own more wealth than the bottom 92%.

This Feb. 1, 2012, file photo, shows Kellogg's cereal products, in Orlando, Fla. (AP)

During the pandemic, when thousands of essential workers died doing their jobs, some 700 billionaires in America became more than $2 trillion richer. As the rich get richer, corporate profits are soaring and the CEOs of major corporations are earning outrageous compensation packages.

Unbelievably, they now make over 350 times as much as their average employees as they receive large salaries, stock options, "golden parachutes" and a wide range of perks.


In the midst of this growing inequality, workers throughout the country are fighting back. As corporate profits skyrocket and top corporate executive receive outlandish pay, these workers are demanding their fair share. They want decent wages, benefits and working conditions. They want to be treated with respect.

The poster child for the culture of corporate greed that we are experiencing is how Kellogg’s is currently treating its employees.

Last year, Kellogg’s made over $1.4 billion in profits. It paid its CEO, Steven Cahillane, nearly $12 million in total compensation, a significant increase over recent years.

One of the reasons that Kellogg’s had such a profitable year during this pandemic was the extraordinary sacrifices made by their employees who, in significantly understaffed factories, were asked to work an insane number of hours.


At the Kellogg’s plant in Battle Creek, Michigan for example, when the pandemic began many employees worked more than 50 days in a row – often 12-hour days.

Let me repeat that: Many employees at Kellogg’s have been working seven days a week, week after week after week, often 12-hours a day. In fact, I spoke with one employee there who worked 120 days in a row.

Last year these employees, who were helping to feed America during the worst public health crisis in 100 years, were considered "heroes."

Today, the company considers them disposable – even though many of them have spent their entire adult lives working for Kellogg’s.

These workers, members of the BCTGM International Union, have been on strike for over two months demanding better wages, working conditions and an end to a grossly destructive "two-tier" system which provides newer workers substantially lower wages and benefits than long- term employees.

The company has responded viciously to the union’s demands. Instead of sitting down and bargaining, they have walked away from the negotiating table. "There is no further bargaining scheduled and we have no plans to meet," Kellogg’s said in an official statement to workers following the last round of negotiations.

With Christmas approaching they have terminated the health care benefits for these striking workers, leaving many of them with no health insurance at all.

In addition, they have initiated the ultimate act of disloyalty by attempting to permanently replace the striking workers. In a statement Kellogg’s said, "The prolonged work stoppage has left us no choice but to hire permanent replacement employees in positions vacated by striking workers."

They are also threatening to outsource 275 jobs from Michigan to Mexico where new workers are paid just 97 cents an hour.

The workers’ struggle against Kellogg’s is a lot more than just 1,400 employees on strike in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Nebraska.

It’s about what this country and our economy is supposed to stand for.

It’s about whether we continue to tolerate the excessive corporate greed that is running rampant throughout our economy and where workers are treated with contempt.

It’s about whether we have a stable middle class with a decent standard of living or whether we descend into oligarchy where a small number of people are extremely wealthy while ordinary Americans struggle to survive.

I am proud to join the striking Kellogg’s workers in their fight for justice and dignity.

I hope that all Americans, as we sit down at breakfast with our Kellogg’s Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran, remember the people who produced those products and join me in demanding that the company return to the negotiating table and work out a fair agreement with the union.

Kellogg’s, like other large corporations, must understand that it cannot have it all.

Their workers deserve a fair shake.

Bernie Sanders is an independent who represents Vermont in the U.S. Senate.
Queen's faculty members call on pension plan to divest from fossil fuels

Author of the article: Brigid Goulem

Publishing date: Dec 15, 2021 

More than 100 faculty members from Queen’s University, Guelph University and the University of Toronto are calling on the University Pension Plan to divest from fossil fuels and become a climate leader among pension plans.

The UPP is a new pension plan that began in July 2021 and controls the pension funds of faculty at Guelph University, University of Toronto and Queen’s University, totalling more than $10.5 billion.

As the fund establishes policies, pension managers have expressed a commitment to climate-responsible investing and have asked for feedback from members on responsible investing practices. Concerned faculty members who work in the areas of climate change and environment are calling on the fund to commit to net-zero emissions and to take on a leadership role in climate investment.

“It is the ethical thing to do, but there’s actually a lot of evidence now to suggest that it’s also the fiscally responsible thing to do. Those pension plans that are heavily invested in fossil fuels or carbon intensive industries are at the most risk as government policy shifts resources away from these areas,” Marcus Taylor, a professor of global development studies at Queen’s University, explained in an interview with the Whig-Standard.

In recent years, many pension funds, including OMERS, Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, and the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario, have committed to net-zero emissions, citing both the environmental concerns and profit motivation.

“Some of the biggest investment houses on the planet have done intensive studies that show divestment actually would have benefited pensions over the last five years, so if Queen’s had done what we asked five years ago, actually our pensions would have been bigger now,” Taylor said.

Taylor explained that internal and external political pressures have made the university sector slow to respond to climate concerns regarding pension funds.

“One of the reasons that universities have not divested their endowments and pension funds in the past is links to the fossil fuel sector, through alumni donations and so forth. It’s made the university sector in Canada quite slow to respond to the pressure for divestment,” he explained.

However, as the UPP is a separate entity from the university, Taylor is optimistic that it will be free from such pressures.

“It’s kind of independent of some of those political pressures from fossil fuel lobbies, other universities themselves, through alumni, donations, endowments and so forth, so we’ve asked the UPP to do something to bring their investment policies in line with what we think of as the cutting edge, to be a climate leader,” he said.

While Taylor sees the new entity as an excellent opportunity, he is cautious in his optimism and believes the fund may try to be more conservative in its climate policies.

“Pension managers like to try and create as much flexibility as possible for their operations, whereas I feel that they should be much more determined in following the best practices that we’ve seen in other places. I think this is a unique opportunity to jump on board, and because it’s starting from nothing, it can actually put something really special in place, make it a sector leader to make it a climate positive fund,” Taylor said.

Beyond the ethical and financial commitment, Taylor hopes the fund will represent the climate commitment of its largest members, the University of Toronto and Guelph University, which have both committed to divesting from fossil fuels.

“The emphasis on the UPP is not just to say, ‘All right, we’ll hit net-zero by 2050.’ It needs to be more ambitious than that. We need really clear targets by 2030 and 2040, not something pushed off into the long-distance future. (And) we also need a really clear policy on fossil fuel sector, and it should follow what the biggest contributor, U of T and Guelph, have already set as their standard policy,” Taylor said.