Friday, May 10, 2019

This is more than feel-good news – it's where the world is making concrete progress. A roundup of positive stories to end your week.
“It’s perfectly legal for ExxonMobil to tamper in our elections. It’s perfectly legal for ExxonMobil to tamper with the climate. In fact, it’s perfectly legal for ExxonMobil to end the world--that is a big problem.” - Josh Fox
"Gasland" director and author Josh Fox says environmental movements should counter industry opposition with global solidarity

Cyclone Kenneth tore over the island of Ibo in northern Mozambique with a fury that left little standing in its wake. DW's Adrian Kriesch accompanied an aid flight to the island and found suffering and desperation with no clear path forward. - via DW Deutsche Welle
Cyclone Kenneth tore over the island of Ibo in northern Mozambique with a fury that left little standing in its wake. DW's Adrian Kriesch accompanied an aid flight to the island and found suffering and desperation with no clear path forward

"I realized it wasn’t the Soviet Union that was the great danger, it was the potential of nuclear war, and it’s still the case today," says Stephen Cohen on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay
I realized it wasn’t the Soviet Union that was the great danger, it was the potential of nuclear war, and it’s still the case today - says Stephen Cohen on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

In March, the DCCC announced its policy against progressive challengers of incumbent Dems. But the policy has been met with widespread scorn, and may be starting to backfire

In March, the DCCC announced its policy against progressive challengers of incumbent Dems. But the policy has been met with widespread scorn, and may be starting to backfire. Ryan Grim, Eugene Puryear, and Jacqueline Luqman discuss the situation

“I think that we’re really in a slow-motion political realignment here. And I think what this will really do is start to harden those lines” - Eugene Puryear
In March, the DCCC announced its policy against progressive challengers of incumbent Dems. But the policy has been met with widespread scorn, and may be starting to backfire. Ryan Grim, Eugene Puryear, and Jacqueline Luqman discuss the situation


Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discusses the hypocrisy in the Pentagon’s document which warns against Chinese espionage and the development of overseas strike ability, which the U.S has been doing for decades. He adds that the new aircraft carrier which China is launching is already obsolete technology
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discusses the hypocrisy in the Pentagon’s document which warns against Chinese espionage and the development of overseas strike ability, which the U.S has been doing for decades. He adds that the new aircraft carrier which China is launching is already obsolete technology

Reeling from falling crop prices, rising production costs and mounting debt, impoverished farmers have been marching on Indian cities in recent years, demanding help. Although the time has come for this huge constituency to vote, some have lost all hope
Reeling from falling crop prices, rising production costs and mounting debt, impoverished farmers have been marching on Indian cities in recent years, demanding help. Although the time has come for this huge constituency to vote, some have lost all hope.

Trump's China tariffs and aggressive military build up is pushing Russia and China to seek a closer relationship which serves China's growing global influence
Trump's China tariffs and aggressive military build up is pushing Russia and China to seek a closer relationship which serves China's growing global influence - Prof. Richard Sakwa joins Sharmini Peries

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration's stance on Trump'’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration's stance on Trump'’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be