Saturday, June 15, 2019


Kenney government to bring in bill to alter union wage deals

By Dean Bennett The Canadian Press

The Alberta legislature on Saturday, June 9, 2018.
Emily Mertz,Global News

Alberta’s United Conservative government has formally served notice it is bringing in legislation to override bargained contract agreements and delay wage talks for thousands of public-sector workers.

The move led to heated debate in the house Wednesday, with Opposition NDP Leader Rachel Notley accusing Finance Minister Travis Toews of a “gross abuse of power.”

“This government didn’t say a word about breaching the Constitution to break the law in order to steal money from nurses in the last election,” Notley told the house.

Watch below: (From June 11, 2019) David Eggen, NDP Advanced Education Critic, talks about a letter sent from the finance ministry to public sector unions about passing legislation if necessary to override collective bargaining agreement with unions.

Toews replied that all options, including legislation, are on the table as he and his staff work to find savings to eradicate Alberta’s annual multibillion-dollar budget deficits.

“Albertans expect us to be responsible with their hard-earned tax dollars,” said Toews.

“We’re also committed to working together in good faith with the public sector as we work to ensure we can deliver high-quality services to Albertans.

“This delay is the responsible path forward and we believe Albertans will support it.”

Earlier Wednesday, Government House Leader Jason Nixon informed the house that the government intends to bring in the Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act.

The issue involves unionized workers who took pay freezes in the first two years of their contracts but now have the right in the third and final year to have the wage portion reopened and subject to binding arbitration if necessary.

The workers affected come from across the province, and include nurses, social workers, hospital support staff, prison guards, conservation officers, toxicologists, restaurant inspectors, therapists and the sheriffs who protect the politicians and staff in the legislature.

Watch below: (From May 14, 2019) Tensions are rising between organized labour and the new government, and nurses’ wage negotiations are at the heart of the dispute. Tom Vernon explains.

Toews said the government wants to delay those talks and arbitration until an independent panel, headed by former Saskatchewan finance minister Janice MacKinnon, reports by August 15 on ways the province can save money to get the budget back into balance.

MacKinnon, in a co-authored research paper, has previously argued Alberta should look at cutting public sector wages to save money.

The wage legislation plan came up earlier this week when the NDP released a leaked letter dated May 16 from Toews’ ministry to public sector unions.

The letter asks for union input on delaying wage reopener talks but said legislation would be used if necessary.

United Nurses of Alberta has labelled the move unfair and heavy handed by a government that believes it is above the law.

Notley told reporters that Toews’ promise to work in good faith with unions is the opposite of his actions.

“The minister is not acting in good faith with unions when he first threatens them with legislation and then brings in legislation,” said Notley.

“He is also not acting in good faith when he ignores the legally binding collective agreement to which he is a party.”

The legislation comes after the province tried in recent weeks to get wage reopener talks delayed by arbitrators handling talks at the table with the nurses union and with the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.

The results were mixed.

The arbitrator granted the delay in the nurses talks, but the one handling the AUPE talks rejected it.


Have you ever thought bosses need even more power over workers? No? Well, our UCP government seems to think so. 🤔
They want to get rid of overtime banking for non-union workers, bring back scabs for public sector labour disputes, and more! 👎🏾 What do you think of the government's Better for Bosses Act?

Alberta’s finance minister says the government will pass legislation if necessary to override collective bargaining agreements with unions and delay contractually mandated wage talks

#HSAA #MikeParker #CollectiveAgreement #GENERALSTRIKE

Have you ever thought bosses need even more power over workers? No? Well, our UCP government seems to think so. 🤔
They want to get rid of overtime banking for non-union workers, bring back scabs for public sector labour disputes, and more! 👎🏾 What do you think of the government's Better for Bosses Act?

Alberta’s finance minister says the government will pass legislation if necessary to override collective bargaining agreements with unions and delay contractually mandated wage talks

Friday, June 14, 2019


                                            WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF 

AUPE's Centennial Program

Alberta's largest union with more than 95,000 members, is celebrating 100 years of standing together in solidarity for workers' rights. In 1919, the Civil Service Union of Alberta....
Feb 1, 2019 - EDMONTON – Today, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees is launching a made-in-Alberta web comic series, "Illustrating AUPE," to ...

Cheers to 100 YearsAUPE is celebrating 100 years of solidarity, and our past is inspiring members to fight for the future. One hundred years ago, on Wednesday, March 26, 1919, a small group of workers made their way towards Edmonton's First Presbyterian Church.

One of the founding members of the CSUA aka AUPE was 
Alf Farmilo, Sec. Treasurer of the newly founded Alberta Federation of Labour (1912) as well as Recording Secretary of the Edmonton District Trades and Labour Council (1906) aka today as the EDLC Edmonton District Labour Council.

Brother Farmilo was Samuel Gompers man (AFL) in Alberta and as such was more conservatively inclined, which came to a head during the General Strike between him and Socialist Party Leader, Fellow Worker and Comrade Carl Berg, one of the executives of the EDTLC and representative of the One Big Union OBU on the council, and leader of the 1919 General Strike. He was recognized by the Edmonton Journal Edmonton Centennial as Labour's representative in their 100 Great Edmontonians. 

Organized labour’s role in municipal politics

Sep 21, 2007 - Eugene Plawiuk's account of the Edmonton general strike of 1919 which was sparked off in solidarity with the general strike in Winnipeg,.

Sep 21, 2007 - Eugene Plawiuk's history of the Calgary general strike of 1919, which started off as a sympathy strike for the Winnipeg general strike and soon ...

The following is a timeline of riots and civil unrest in Calgary, Alberta. Since its incorporation as ... May 1919, Labour unrest, After the formation of the One Big Union in Calgary in March 1919, the Calgary General Strike was held in solidarity .... "Calgary 1919: The Birth of the OBU and the General Strike - Eugene Plawiuk".



Wildcat 1995

Ten Days That Shook Alberta 1995

The Fight Back Against Contracting Out 1995


The General Strike by Ralph Chaplin
... class-conscious workers in years past have looked to the General Strike for deliverance from wage slavery. Today their hopes are stronger than ...
Have you ever thought bosses need even more power over workers? No? Well, our UCP government seems to think so. 🤔
They want to get rid of overtime banking for non-union workers, bring back scabs for public sector labour disputes, and more! 👎🏾 What do you think of the government's Better for Bosses Act?
Alberta’s finance minister says the government will pass legislation if necessary to override collective bargaining agreements with unions and delay contractually mandated wage talks

'Straight pride' parade organizer has held and attended far-right events

Rallies and protests organized by Mark Sahady have often been small, with attendees vastly outnumbered by opposing groups

Jason Wilson
Sat 8 Jun 2019

At the annual Pride Parade in San Francisco, a man 
wears a hat that parodies Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. 
Photograph: Elijah Nouvelage/Reuters

Far-right figures associated with a “straight pride” parade in Boston have celebrated the story going “viral” in news media, but with no fixed date and no city permit granted the likely size of the event and chances of it going ahead remain unclear.

'Straight pride' group removes Brad Pitt as mascot after backlash

Mark Sahady is the principal organizer, under the moniker Super Happy Fun America. He has previously organized and attended events, some of which have turned violent, as the leader of the Boston chapter of a group called Resist Marxism. The Daily Beast described the new organization as a “front for [the] far-right group”.

Events organized by Sahady in Boston have often been small, with attendees vastly outnumbered by opposing groups. In the immediate aftermath of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, during which a counter-protester was killed, a Free Speech Rally in Boston saw attendees outnumbered by tens of thousands of opponents. A Rally for the Republic was similarly small-scale, as was a counter-protest to a pro-gun control March for Our Lives event.

In 2018, Think Progress reported that Resist Marxism had links with white nationalist groups, and that members had expressed antisemitic sentiments in leaked chats.

Among the events Sahady has traveled to nationwide in recent years was a June 2018 event in Portland, Oregon, that was organized by Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson and which degenerated into extreme violence, declared a riot by Portland police.

Resist Marxism was founded by Kyle Chapman, better known as “Based Stickman” since footage of him brawling with antifascists in Berkeley – complete with armor and a club – made him a cause célèbre on the far right in 2017. A convicted felon, Chapman is awaiting trial on charges of carrying a leaded stick into a pro-Trump rally in March. He also faces felony assaultcharges in Texas.

Chapman has been celebrating media attention to the straight pride parade on his account on Telegram, an instant messaging platform which has become popular among rightwing figures such as Gavin McInnes, Milo Yiannopoulos and the Proud Boys who have been banned from more mainstream social media.

The Resistance Now: Sign up for weekly news updates about the movement

Linking to a New York Times story, Chapman wrote to his 600 followers: “The New York Times has picked up this story as well. Thanks for the free advertising NYT!”

Later, linking to a T-shirt for sale on a Proud Boys-linked online store featuring the slogan “It’s great to be straight”, Chapman wrote: “Do I hear triggered leftists? Order now and watch them melt down! #StraightPrideParade.”

Chapman has also inflated several white nationalist talking points, claiming “white genocide is in full swing in South Africa” and decrying Florida laws against antisemitic discrimination, writing: “Antisemitism laws are cropping up all over the country. Most of you cucks are afraid of saying anything for fear of being called antisemitic.”

Boston’s mayor, Marty Walsh, said no permit had yet been issued for the Straight Pride Parade but wrote on Twitter: “Permits to host a public event are granted based on operational feasibility, not based on values or endorsements of beliefs.”

Walsh added: “The city of Boston cannot deny a permit based on an organization’s values.”

Parade organizers announced that Yiannopoulos would act as the “mascot and Grand Marshall”. Yiannopoulos – exiled from US conservative circles after comments about pedophilia, widely banned from social media and revealed last year by the Guardian to be in deep debt – has begun promoting the event on his own Telegram channel.

Yiannopoulos, who is gay, wrote: “Can’t wait to see you Boston, it’s great to be straight.”

Organizers of the straight pride parade did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

David Neiwert, author of Alt America and a longtime observer of the US far right, believes the march is primarily opportunistic. For the Daily Kos, he described Sahady as a “street brawler” with “a history … of organizing violent events”.

Neiwert told the Guardian: “What we know about these street-fighting gangs is that they latch on to whatever they can in order to go out and fight with the left.”

He added: “In this case it’s so utterly juvenile that it’s like a sixth-grade taunt.”

Detroit police chief faces backlash over neo-Nazi protest at Pride event

James Craig was criticized after officers escorted National Socialist Movement members who carried weapons at Motor City Pride

Tom Perkins in Detroit
Fri 14 Jun 2019

Members of the National Socialist Movement demonstrate against the Motor City Pride festival in Detroit, Michigan, on 8 June. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

Detroit’s black police chief is under fire over his department’s handling of a neo-Nazi group’s protest of a LGBTQ Pride festival, and comments he made in the days after the event that equated counter-protesters with the neo-Nazis.

Chief James Craig told reporters at a press conference this week that “both sides were wrong” and repeated a similar claim to the Detroit city council, which outraged some members of the public and counter-protesters, many of whom are black.

Craig told reporters: “Both groups were taunting our officers with racial epithets” and counter-protesters were “masked-up and referring to our African American officers inappropriately”.

However, Meeko Williams, a black counter-protester, said Craig’s claims were untrue.

“We don’t tolerate racism, and we told [officers]: ‘You’re black. The Nazis will kill you, too. They don’t have any respect for African American police officers,’” Williams said. “They were threatening to shoot cops, calling [officers] monkeys and N-words, and my comrades were trying to get officers to break rank and turn them back against the Nazis.”

Craig’s comments appeared to echo Donald Trump’s remarks after the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in which a far-right protester was convicted of murdering a counter-protester and injuring eight others by driving a car into a crowd. Trump said there were “very fine people” on both sides.

The Motor City Pride festival took place in downtown Detroit’s Hart Plaza last weekend. About 15 members of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement marched at the event. They openly carried three rifles, two handguns and other weapons, according to police.

The group tore up a rainbow Pride flag and shouted racist and homophobic abuse. The neo-Nazis also made chimpanzee noises toward black people and police officers, according to multiple witnesses, while photos show one member of the group appearing to urinate on an Israeli flag.

FacebookTwitterPinterest Members of the National Socialist Movement tear apart a Pride flag at in Detroit, Michigan, on 8 June. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

About 15 Detroit police officers formed a human barrier around the neo-Nazis and escorted them as they marched. Video shows police, some of whom were wearing rainbow Pride pins, pushing counter-protesters. In one video of the incident, a counter-protester appears to be asking officers: “How come they get protected, but we’re not?”

The police strategy prompted accusations that they were protecting neo-Nazis instead of those attending the event and the public. When asked by reporters on Monday about the department’s strategy, Craig replied: “Everyone has a right to freedom of speech, but you don’t have a right to engage in unlawful conduct.”

He later added: “We kept the distance between both groups, and there was no violence … It could have been a bad situation had it erupted into violence. It did not.”

Craig also told the Detroit city council at its regular Tuesday meeting that officers surrounded the marching neo-Nazis and created a “buffer” to avoid a confrontation between the two sides, adding: “Our strategy worked.”


However, bodycam footage that appears to have come from one of the neo-Nazis shows one of them assaulting a woman. The woman, Jessica Prozinski, posted the video to social media. It shows the neo-Nazi knocking her to the ground as she walks in front of them. She said police witnessed the encounter but took no action.

“They saw what happened, but they weren’t protecting us. They did nothing,” Prozinski said. “It was disgraceful. They provided Nazis with an armed escort up to the gate of Pride where people were in line. I have bruises on my arms, but they’re from the police.”

Police also received criticism for not informing the public that the neo-Nazis would be protesting at the festival. Craig said his department was aware of the plans a week ahead of time, but didn’t inform the public or city council in an effort to prevent large clashes.

“They didn’t just want to do what they did in Charlottesville; they wanted an enhanced version of Charlottesville,” Craig told city council.

Though there’s currently no evidence that Detroit police worked with the neo-Nazis, police in California, Oregon and other states have coordinated or maintained friendly relationships with far-right groups ahead of similar protests. Police at Michigan State University in early 2018 took a much more passive approach when hundreds of protesters blocked neo-Nazis from entering a Richard Spencer event. That broke out in violence that resulted in injured neo-Nazis fleeing campus.

Williams said Detroit police should have been “escorting the Nazis out of downtown, up I-75 … and out of the city.

“The image of black police officers protecting white Nazis in a majority African American city is a bad image,” he said. “This is horrible for Detroit.”

A police spokesperson said Craig was not immediately available for comment.