Wednesday, June 12, 2019

And they say anarchism will never work b
ecause you need police and the state to control violence...

President Trump said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has “kept his word” when it comes to nuclear and missile testing, despite his administrations acknowledgements of failure.

“We looked at the precedence, we looked at the evidence. Sometimes very sophisticated schemes are very difficult for us to investigate,” he said.

Kudos to the parents, teachers, educational assistants and other advocates who pushed for enrollment growth to be fully funded for Alberta's 15,000 new students in September. While this will keep overcrowding from getting worse, we still need to properly fund school boards to reduce class sizes and increase supports for increasingly complex needs in Alberta's classrooms. Every child in our province deserves a fair start.

We're Controlling The Wrong Bodies 

Doctored video of sinister Mark Zuckerberg puts Facebook to the test
    I support the call by UCP backbencher, Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk, for mandatory EpiPens in schools and clear policies in each school to deal with medical emergencies arising from allergies.
    And I condemn this backbencher for her immorality in running for a party that promised to cut education spending at the same time as she has a clear agenda to demand MORE from our teachers. She is like so many Albertans in wanting to have her cake and eat it. "Less taxes, more services, smaller deficits," they scream, as if that cocktail is a possible one.
    I also condemn her for running for a party that may or may not care about saving lives of children with life-threatening allergies but zero concern for LGBTQ2S students. Why are some kids' lives supposed to be important to save while others are not?
    I'm sure we'll see more of this from the UCP and their supporters, and sometimes the MLAs themselves--a call for more public services with less public money. Come on teachers and other public servants--tote that barge, lift that pail. The UCP slavedrivers are coming for you.

link in article to international petition calling for dropping the charges...please sign.

‘Time Bombs’: 92 Fracking Dams Quietly Built Without Permits, B.C. Government Docs Reveal | The Narwhal

At least 92 unauthorized dams have been built in the region, where natural gas industry fracking operations consume more water than just about anywhere on earth. That’s far more than the 51 dams previously identified in documents obtained through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).

Chua had penned an essay praising Brett Kavanaugh "as a mentor for young lawyers, particularly women" before sexual assault allegations against him surfaced.

Daughter of ‘tiger mom’ Amy Chua picked as law clerk for US Supreme Court Justice
Chua, a Yale law professor, had penned an essay extolling Kavanaugh ‘as a mentor for young lawyers, particularly women’ before sexual assault allegations against him s...


Do Nike's plus-size mannequins promote obesity or reflect reality?
Nike launch of new mannequins draws wide praise, but also criticism for encouraging people to be overweight. Social media users called out the critics for shaming fat ...
"She is not size 12, or even 16 … She is immense, gargantuan, vast," wrote one critic who was consequently branded "fatphobic".