Monday, July 25, 2022

Yazidi institutions' representatives: We must unite to prevent new massacres

The Yazidi institutions representatives said that the Yazidi people should be united so that new massacres do not happen, and that the only solution is to govern themselves.

Saturday, 23 Jul 2022, 

It has been 8 years since the massacre of the Yazidi community by ISIS mercenaries in front of the whole world. Despite this, thousands of Yazidis are still far from their lands, and the fate of thousands remains unknown. The Iraqi government has not taken any steps for the rights of the Yazidi people, either. For this reason, Yazidi institutions and organizations say that they do not trust anyone and that the only solution for the Yazidi people is to govern themselves.

On 3 August 2014, the Yazidi community were subjected to a great massacre. While the whole world remained silent, the PKK guerrillas rushed to save the Yazidi people. After Shengal was liberated by the guerrillas, the Yazidi people established their own defense force and institutions. The Yazidi people, who said that they would not allow a similar massacre to happen again, added that they would increase their struggle.

We can prevent new massacres by organising ourselves

Wetha Reşo, a member of the Yazidi Women's Freedom Movement (TAJÊ), commemorated those who lost their lives in the 3 August 2014 massacre and said: "We need to know well who sold us out. Eight years have passed since the massacre, yet the fate of thousands of our people is still unknown. We must increase our struggle to save the Yazidi women and girls who are still held in ISIS hands. We must do whatever we can for them. As the Yazidi people, we know ourselves now, so we will not rely on those who allowed the last massacre."

Reşo continued: "We will organize even more so that new massacres do not occur. We know that if we organize, we can prevent new massacres. We now have power and will. We built our institutions, we established our defense force. When the massacre was carried out, neither Iraq nor the South Kurdistan government took care of us. Because we are Yazidis, the whole world remained silent to our cries. Thanks to our heroic martyrs who rushed to save us, we survived the massacre. We will never forget those who gave their lives for us. They will always live in our hearts."

Yazidi people should be united

Shengal Democratic Autonomous Assembly member Xelef Qasim underlined that the Yazidi people were also attacked for their faith, and added: "They wanted to massacre and destroy the Yazidi community. This is the reason why thousands of Yazidis were killed. The Yazidi people should unite wherever they are. We need to be united. The conspiracy against the land, language, culture and faith of the Yazidi people still continues. Every Yazidi should know this. We need to put up a common struggle to stand up to these conspiracies. Many Yazidis lost their money financially at the time of the massacre. Our situation was very good, but we saw that it did not save us from the massacre. The only solution to prevent these massacres from happening again is to govern ourselves."

How will those who do not respect our religion give us rights?

Saleh Êzdîn, a member of the Yazidi Freedom and Democracy Party (PADÊ), said that the Yazidi people have been living in these lands for 5,000 years.

Saleh Êzdîn, who criticized the Iraqi government's approach to the Yazidi people, said: "The Iraqi government must accept the rights of the Yazidi people. We have suffered tens of massacres and been subjected to genocide. Despite all this, Iraq does not accept our religion. How will those who do not respect our religion give us our rights? If there were a government in Iraq it might have prevented the violations of our rights. But how will Iraq, which is heading towards disintegration, give us our rights? South Kurdistan has been occupied by the Turkish state. If we wait for the Iraqi government, we will not get our rights."

Turkish attacks on Rojava continue

The Turkish army attacks villages in the northern Syrian cantons of Heseke and Shehba. Among other things, a base of Syrian regime troops has also been attacked.

Monday, 25 Jul 2022

As reported by the ANHA news agency, the Turkish army began shelling the villages of Esediyê, Xidrawî, Til Werd, Um Hermela and Khirbet al-Shair near Zirgan (Abu Rasen) with artillery shells on Monday morning. So far, there are only reports of material damage in the canton of Heseke. The Assyrian village of Tawila to the west of Til Temir is also under attack. There is still no information about any damage or casualties.

The canton of Shehba, which lies further west and borders on occupied Afrin, is also under fire. Among other things, the Turkish army fired on a Syrian military base in Til Mediq (ar. Tall Madiq). At the same time, the towns of Til Mediq and Herbel were also shelled with artillery shells. According to information received so far, property damage was caused.

Deadly attacks on northern and eastern Syria are taking place almost daily. Only on Friday, two high-ranking YPJ commanders and another fighter were killed by a Turkish killer drone in Qamishlo.

Iraq requests emergency meeting of the UN Security Council over Turkish attack

Iraq has requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council over the Turkish artillery attack on a resort in Zakho. The Iraqi military has also presented Baghdad with evidence of Ankara's responsibility.

Saturday, 23 Jul 2022, 
Iraq has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations (UN) Security Council on Turkish aggression against the country. This was announced by the spokesman of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, in Baghdad on Saturday. The reason is the bombing of a holiday resort in a village near Zakho in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which killed nine people last Wednesday, July 20, including a one-year-old toddler. At least 23 others were injured, some seriously.

The UN Security Council is already dealing with a previous complaint by Iraq about the attack. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had also called for an urgent investigation into the artillery fire. According to unconfirmed reports, the body is to meet as early as next week for an emergency session. The meeting is expected to be held behind closed doors. It is up to Brazil, which holds the Security Council presidency in July, to confirm the date.

Also on Saturday, the Iraqi parliament held an emergency session attended by Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, Defence Minister Juma Inad and several senior military commanders to discuss the bombing of Iraqi areas. The deputy commander of the Iraqi Joint Operations Command, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir al-Shammari, presented a report to parliament that the bombing of the resort in Zakho was carried out by Turkish-made 155 mm shells.

Iraq had already accused Turkey of the artillery attack early on, while the government in Ankara denied involvement. "We have collected the remains of the shells on the ground and had them examined by experts in Baghdad. We can say with the utmost probability that this attack was carried out by the Turkish state. The launch site of the shells is seven kilometers away from the target of the attack," al-Shammari said in parliament.

The Turkish military presence in Iraq was also discussed at the emergency meeting. According to Chief of General Staff Abdel Emir Rashid Yarallah, Ankara operates about one hundred bases on Iraqi territory or in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, where about 4,000 soldiers are stationed. Five of these bases are air bases and bases of departure, the largest of which are in Zelkan and Mosul. At the meeting, it was decided to set up a joint commission of enquiry between government authorities and the military to investigate the attack in Zakho.

Iraqi Joint Operations Command: Deadly attack in Zakho carried out by Turkey
Nine people were killed and at least 23 injured when the Turkish state bombed a picnic site in the village of Perex in the southern Kurdish district of Zakho on 20 July. The victims include one-yea...

Iraq to send an investigation commission to Zakho
Nine people were killed and at least 23 injured when the Turkish state bombed a picnic site in the village of Perex in the southern Kurdish district of Zakho on 20 July. The victims include one-yea...

Kurdistan, Fr. Samir: 'We are hostages of Erdogan's war on the PKK'

by Giorgio Bernardelli

After the Zakho massacre that cost the lives of 9 tourists the testimony of a parish priest who lives in the mountains of the region where the raids take place. "Every week there are people dying from these bombings, I too have been in danger of being hit. Ankara must be stopped."

Milan (AsiaNews) - "Erdogan tries to make Ukraine and Russia make peace and then bombs our people here in Iraq...." This is the bitter tale from Kurdistan, shared by Fr. Samir Youssef, pastor of Enishke in the Amadiya diocese. AsiaNews has supported the priests work in favour of the Christian refugees who fled now eight years ago from Mosul under the threat of Isis and who in large numbers still live in these mountains. But his parish is also very close to the border between Turkey and Kurdistan, where Erdogan's new offensive in his war on Kurdish Pkk militias has been raging for months, and just an hour's drive from Zakho, the scene Wednesday of the massacre of tourists at a resort park that left nine dead, including three little girls, one of them only 11 months old.

"These are very beautiful areas, there are rivers and waterfalls in these mountains," says Fr. Samir. "During the pandemic, tourism had been at a standstill, but for the past few months the situation had changed. Especially in the last few days with the Eid festival thousands of people had arrived. Iraqis who had come from the south, from Baghdad and Basra, to escape the heat that is also particularly intense here in these weeks. And then also from abroad: Arabs from the Gulf. Now nine of them have returned home dead and there is no one left."

The area of the massacre had never been hit before. "In the videos circulated," Fr. Samir continues, "you can hear tourists seeing the smoke coming from the mountains asking if it is safe to be there and the guides answer that it is only higher up, as always. Immediately afterwards artillery shells arrive at that very spot." Iraqi authorities speak of 155 mm shells fired by the Turkish army, Ankara denies it, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for a "thorough investigation." But meanwhile, in the mountains above Zakho, firing has continued over the past two days, despite civilian casualties.

"The Turks are shelling everywhere in our mountains," comments the Chaldean priest. "Every week we have two, three, ten people dying, it has also happened in our district of Amadiya. The Pkk militias move over these mountains in their cars without license plates, they go down to the villages to get food. And to hit them the Turks don't care about the presence of civilians. Once I was returning after celebrating Mass in a village and they stopped my car armed. They forced me to pick them up to take them to buy food. During that ten-minute drive I prayed 40 or 50 Hail Marys: my legs were shaking in the sky there are always Turkish planes and drones flying around looking for them. If they had spotted us they would have definitely bombed us. Another time they hit them at a gas station where I had recently transited: when I came back there was not even a road left."

The weakness of Iraqi institutions--exacerbated today by the internal Shiite power struggle between Moqtada al Sadr's movement and the pro-Iranians of former Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki--is certainly not helping to address the problem. "Today everyone in Iraq is condemning Turkey for the attack," says Fr. Samir, "but what has been done so far? In Saddam's time Ankara could not do anything here. Then in 1991 came the second Gulf War, with the United States allowing the Turkish army to enter Kurdistan with its own bases in exchange for the possibility of using the Incirlik air base. The result is today's situation. With the added problems over water management-Turkey has built four huge dams that are draining the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. I am certainly not saying that we regret Saddam," the Iraqi priest points out, "but Ankara must be stopped nonetheless.

In spite of a thousand difficulties, the activity of the parish of Enishke still goes on: "We still have many problems with electricity that comes and goes," explains Fr. Samir. "And then even here we feel the consequences of the war in Ukraine: prices have skyrocketed. We distribute the aid we were able to buy thanks to AsiaNews' subscription. Then these weeks we are holding a summer camp with the children and catechists in our pastoral center. A sign of hope for the future."
Demo in Stockholm: "No to Erdogan's blackmail policy!"

Demonstrators in Stockholm sent a clear message with "No to Erdogan's blackmail policy" and "We are all PKK". The Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned the chargé d'affaires of the Swedish embassy in Ankara.

Sunday, 24 Jul 2022, 

A demonstration against the genocidal policies and barbaric practices of the Turkish state took place in the Swedish capital Stockholm on Saturday, also to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution. The participants gathered at the central Norra Bangorget Square and, after a minute's silence, walked to Sergels Torget Square in memory of those who died in the Kurdish liberation struggle.

The demonstration was led by a banner reading "No to Erdogan's policy of blackmail!" and another banner with the clear message "We are all PKK". The participants carried YPJ, YPG and PKK flags and pictures of Abdullah Öcalan and chanted "Murderer Erdogan", "No to genocide in Kurdistan" and "Bijî berxwedana Rojava" (Long live the resistance in Rojava). Along the march route, statements were constantly made and signatures collected for the removal of the PKK from the "terror list".

At the closing rally, the spokesperson of the Kurdish women's association in Sweden, YJK-Swêd, Ayşe Dîdar, gave a speech and said: "After the celebrations of the Rojava revolution, the murderer Erdoğan wants to demoralise the Kurdish people with his massacres of the civilian population. However, the revolution in Rojava has become a women's revolution for the whole world."

Rıdvan Altun, a member of the diplomatic committee of the Democratic Kurdish Community in Scandinavia, referred to the latest massacre of tourists in Zakho by the Turkish state and said that although the Turkish state tried to attribute responsibility to the PKK, it could not sell this lie to the world. Altun continued: "We condemn the silence of countries which say that human rights are important to them. Sweden in particular should not be silent on the policy of genocide. Negotiations are being held over the Kurdish people in the name of defending Turkey and everyone must now define their stance. The Swedish people should be sensitive to Erdoğan's practices."

According to the Turkish media, the Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the acting chargé d'affaires of the Swedish embassy in Ankara on Saturday to convey the Turkish government's "sharp reaction" to the presence of "terrorist propaganda" in Sweden. The background is said to be a similar event in Gothenburg last Thursday.


Actions in Europe: Close Rojava airspace!

Kurds protested the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne and called for closing the airspace of Northern and Eastern Syria to the Turkish state.

Sunday, 24 Jul 2022

Kurds living in Europe and their friends took to the streets in many cities to support the Rojava Revolution, condemn the attacks by the Turkish state and to protest the Treaty of Lausanne on the anniversary.


Kurds took to the streets in Freiburg where the representatives of the Freiburg Kurdish People's Assembly said: "The Kurdish people will not accept a new Treaty of Lausanne, which is intended to be imposed on us for another century under the threat of occupation and genocide. The Kurdish Freedom Guerrillas are resisting everywhere."

Demonstrators demanded the closure of the airspace of Northern and Eastern Syria.


A big rally was held in République Square in Paris, organised by the French Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-F) and the French Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-F), on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Lausanne Treaty and the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution.

Communist and Republicans Group Senator Pierre Laurent, NUPES deputy Danielle Simonnet and French Armenian Associations Coordination Council (CCAF) co-chair Mourad Papazian were among the speakers.

Emphasizing that as communists they stand by the Kurds' just struggle today, as they did yesterday, Pierre Laurent said: “NATO needs neither new members nor new soldiers. The silence about Erdogan's policy at the NATO summit in Madrid is unacceptable. On the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, we asked numerous questions to the relevant ministries in our government, which remained silent about Erdogan's policy, which wanted to attack Rojava, the only hope for peace in the Middle East. They don't give an answer. We will continue to stand by Kurds. We will stand by democracy against despotism.”

NUPES Deputy Danielle Simonnet said: "Erdogan's desire to attack Rojava again is the product of fear of the egalitarian system the Kurds are implementing. Because Rojava shows that peoples, genders and beliefs can live together with the same rights. Our government must immediately break its silence and mobilize to preserve hope for peace in the Middle East.”

CCAF co-chair Mourad Papazian talked about his family who fled Van during the Armenian massacre. Papazian said: “It is necessary to be united against the Erdogan regime, which is a criminal regime. We must say stop Erdogan.”

During the action, CDK-F co-chair Xanê Akdoğan and former Van Ipekyolu Municipality co-mayor Veysel Keser said that they did not recognize the Lausanne Agreement.

The rally ended with a dance performance, slogans and a music concert by TEV-ÇAND artists.


A march was held in Frankfurt organised by FCDK KAWA. The demonstrators demanded that airspace be closed to Turkish flights.

FCDK-KAWA co-chairs Münevver Altınışık and Mehmet Çopan made a speech and demanded people to stand up for Rojava.

Speaking afterwards, KON-MED co-chair Zübeyde Zümrüt pointed out that the Kurdish people are going through a sensitive process and added that the values ​​represented by the Kurdish people cannot be destroyed. Zümrüt condemned the betrayal by the KDP.


A large banner with the inscription #NOFLYZONE4ROJAVA was unfurled to draw attention to the hashtag campaign launched against the invasion attacks at the Opera House in Oslo.


Lausanne Conference: Kurds are not what they used to be 100 years ago

On the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne 99 years ago, a conference organized by the KNK and other Kurdish organizations is taking place in Switzerland today in the building where the treaty was signed.

Sunday, 24 Jul 2022, 16:57

The treaty signed 99 years ago in Lausanne, Switzerland, divided Kurdistan into four parts. Since then, the Kurds have been subjected to genocide, assimilation and massacres under the sovereignty of another state in each part of Kurdistan. Under the leadership of the KNK (National Congress of Kurdistan), 57 political parties and organisations are jointly organising a conference to take a stand against the Treaty of Lausanne from a Kurdish perspective.

Numerous politicians, artists and academics from the four parts of Kurdistan and the diaspora are participating in the conference at Rumine Palace in Ripponne Square where the Treaty of Lausanne was signed.

Attended by 267 people, the conference began with a minute’s silence, after which KNK Co-chair Ahmet Karamus greeted the participants. The council is made up of Zübeyir Aydar, Aziz Memli, Dilşah Osman and Blase Jabbar Ferman.

Karamus stated that all the institutions and personalities attending the conference would manifest their stance against the Treaty of Lausanne.

Following a cinevision screening detailing the treaty, Abdulkadir Omar from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) made the first speech. Omar pointed to Turkey’s increasingly ongoing attacks and threats against the Rojava Revolution which, he said, must be protected to avoid another Treaty of Lausanne.

Speaking after, Kongra-Gel Co-chair Remzi Kartal highlighted the importance of the conference, emphasizing that Kurds are no longer the Kurds they were a hundred years ago.

Speaking on behalf of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E), Zozan Serhat underlined that Kurdish women will never submit to invasion and betrayal.

“Kurdistan was divided into four parts in this hall 99 years ago. Today, Kurds from the four parts of Kurdistan have gathered together here. Kurds should not be killed anymore. They should not be bombed by fighter jets,” Serhat said.

A final declaration will be released after the conference which continues.

Kurdish conference on the Treaty of Lausanne in Switzerland tomorrow
The treaty signed 99 years ago in Lausanne, Switzerland, divided Kurdistan into four parts. Since then, the Kurds have been subjected to genocide, assimilation and massacres under the sovereignty 

Four parts of Kurdistan meet in Lausanne

On the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne 99 years ago, a conference organised by the KNK and other Kurdish organisations is taking place in Switzerland today in the building where the treaty was signed.

Sunday, 24 Jul 2022, 

The treaty signed 99 years ago in Lausanne, Switzerland, divided Kurdistan into four parts. Since then, the Kurds have been subjected to genocide, assimilation and massacres under the sovereignty of another state in each part of Kurdistan. Under the leadership of the KNK (National Congress of Kurdistan), 57 political parties and organisations are jointly organising a conference to take a stand against the Treaty of Lausanne from a Kurdish perspective. The conference kicked off in the building where the Treaty of Lausanne was signed.

Numerous politicians, artists and academics from the four parts of Kurdistan and the diaspora are participating in the conference at Rumine Palace in Ripponne Square.

The conference began with a minute’s silence, after which KNK Co-chair Ahmet Karamus greeted the participants. The council was made up of Zübeyir Aydar, Aziz Memli, Dilşah Osman and Blase Jabbar Ferman.

Karamus stated that all the institutions and personalities attending the conference would manifest their stance against the Treaty of Lausanne.

Following a cinevision screening detailing the treaty, Abdulkadir Omar from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) made the first speech. The conference continues.

Debbie Bookchin calls for no-fly zone for Rojava

Sunday, 24 Jul 2022,

Bookchin also said about the three YPJ women killed by a Turkish drone after they left the Women's Forum in Qamishlo: "In addition to being a terrible personal tragedy, the loss of these three heroic women is a loss of highly trained boots-on-the ground warriors against ISIS. By allowing Turkey’s drone strikes against these SDF commanders, the US shamefully assists Turkey in helping ISIS to rise."

PKK: The revolution of Rojava will continue to grow and expand

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Rojava revolution, the PKK said: "We are convinced that the revolution will continue to grow and develop in the coming period."

Tuesday, 19 Jul 2022, 12:49

19 July marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the Rojava revolution. The Rojava Revolution is a globally incisive event, as it represents the first and most radical democratic awakening of the 21st century, combining democratisation with ecology and women's liberation. This is happening on the basis of the philosophy of the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. The PKK is the expression and core of the Apoist philosophy and therefore has a close ideological connection to Rojava. On the anniversary of the revolution, the PKK has published a message of greeting, stating the following:


"We welcome 19 July as the tenth anniversary of the Freedom Revolution. We congratulate all the people of North and East Syria and their freedom forces for creating this revolution, which has become a beacon of hope for humanity. It has continued for ten years at the sacrifice of thousands of martyrs. We remember with respect and gratitude all the heroic martyrs in the person of comrades Şilan Kobanê and Xebat Dêrik. We firmly believe that the revolution will continue to deepen and expand in the second decade.


In every revolution, the beginning, the first week, the first month, the first year and the first ten years are important because they are associated with great difficulties. The historical process of the freedom revolution in Rojava was, accordingly. However, all the peoples of northern and eastern Syria, especially the Kurdish, overcame the difficulties and obstacles by believing in each other and standing shoulder to shoulder. They succeeded in bringing the revolution to its present level. Now, the period of inexperience and dilettantism of the freedom revolution has been overcome and the period of mastery and professionalism has begun. We believe that the revolution will grow and develop even further in the coming period.


The freedom revolution in Rojava is the first area where Rêber Apo's [Abdullah Öcalan] theory of democratic modernity was implemented to this extent and depth. It developed successfully on the basis of the educational and organising work that Rêber Apo had carried out in the region between 1979 and 1998. Despite mistakes and shortcomings, the paradigm of a free, ecological and democratic society of women was insisted upon. It is certain that if we learn the lessons of the past decade, the Apoist paradigm will be implemented even more clearly and effectively in the coming period.

In the last ten years, the Freedom Revolution of Rojava has been most successful in implementing the line of the democratic nation. In a region where all kinds of nationalist conflicts turned life into a bloodbath, the peoples of northern and eastern Syria, mainly Kurds and Arabs, but also Syriacs, Armenians, Turkmen and Circassians, have come together on this line and created a free life and a democratic administration together. They have shown and proved to the whole world that it is possible to live a free life in brotherhood without bloodshed and conflict. They did this in an environment of attacks, provocations, incitement and provocations of all kinds. We once again congratulate and commend the people of northern and eastern Syria for this.


It is clear that the freedom revolution in Rojava is, above all, also a freedom revolution of women. In this area, where revolutions take place within revolutions, great changes have been realised in the last ten years that might otherwise have taken a century to create. Women, who in the previous period could hardly participate in life outside the home and family, have become equal and pioneering participants in all areas of social and political life on the basis of a great deal of educational and organising work. The woman who has liberated herself on the basis of consciousness-raising and organising is both the creator and guarantor of a free society and democratic self-government. Despite some revolutionary developments, there is undoubtedly still much to be done and overcome in this area. We are convinced that with planned and organised efforts, these developments can be brought to fruition in the second decade.


Although the Rojava Freedom Revolution began bloodlessly, it is well known that since its first anniversary it has been subjected to a multi-layered and very intense attack by fascist mercenary forces. Many of these groups, especially the ISIS, the FSA and al-Nusra, the Syrian offshoot of al-Qaeda, attacked the revolution and tried to stifle it. Moreover, the AKP/MHP regime in Turkey has openly and decisively participated in these attacks. This is absolutely certain. The Turkish state even launched its attack on Afrin in January 2018 and occupied the canton directly after the defeat of ISIS in Raqqa in October 2017. Nine years of revolution were therefore put into the defensive war against the fascist mercenary forces and the AKP/MHP regime.


The peoples of North and East Syria and the freedom forces of the YPG and YPJ have bravely resisted for nine years in defence of the revolution and the country, with more than ten thousand martyrs. This resistance represents the hope of humanity and has extended beyond the borders of northern and eastern Syria to the whole world. It has become a free humanity resistance. Hundreds of young people from all over the world, from Asia to Europe to America, came to North and East Syria and joined the resistance, fought bravely and fell. This situation has further developed and deepened the internationalist character of Rojava. On this occasion, we once again commemorate with respect and gratitude the internationalist martyrs of the defence of the revolution of Rojava and declare that their memory will live on in the worldwide struggle for freedom and democracy.


The peoples of North and East Syria and their freedom forces have repelled all attacks by mercenaries, especially ISIS, east of the Euphrates and liberated humanity from this scourge. In view of the fact that even regular armies could not withstand ISIS and had to flee, the fact that the freedom forces of Rojava defeated ISIS on a line from Kobanê to Raqqa and ended its territorial rule is of historical significance. This has made the freedom revolution of Rojava a victorious revolution. We believe that the same attitude will be shown against the attacks of the AKP/MHP invaders and the occupied territories will be liberated.

Undoubtedly, the initiatives and efforts such as the building of communalist life, the development of democratic self-governments, the establishment and functioning of democratic confederalism through the revolution are also of historical significance and are exemplary experiences for all. The fact that the whole society, especially women, turned to self-defence training and organising to defend the revolution and the country is truly historic and very inspiring. We are convinced that all this will be successfully implemented in the coming period.


Of course, the task is not yet finished and the revolution is not over. On the contrary, everything has just begun. Major difficulties and obstacles may arise again. Attacks and new threats of occupation by various forces, especially the Turkish state, continue. All this requires a multifaceted, creative approach and good preparation in every respect. We believe that the peoples of North and East Syria and their freedom forces will train and prepare themselves in awareness of all this; they will successfully carry out all tasks of construction and repel all kinds of occupation attacks. On this basis, the freedom revolution of Rojava will continue to be a beacon of hope for all oppressed humanity.

Within this framework, we congratulate once again the tenth anniversary of Rojava and wish the people of North and East Syria every success in their efforts to broaden and deepen the revolution. On this basis, we assure that all our people and humanity will stand by them and always provide the necessary support."

Rojava Information Centre publishes new report about the Rojava Revolution

History of the Revolution: Much Achieved, Still Much to be Done, is the title of the new report about the Rojava Revolution published by RIC.

Wednesday, 20 Jul 2022

The Rojava Information Centre (RIC) celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution by publishing a new report called "History of the Revolution: Much Achieved, Still Much to be Done".

In the introduction of Part One, RIC wrote: "The ‘Rojava Revolution’ began exactly ten years ago, on July 19th 2012, when three predominantly Kurdish-inhabited areas of Syria declared their autonomy from the central government.

Since then, a democratic, autonomous administration has attempted to create a grassroots, gender-equal and ecological society in these areas. Communes and councils, the democratic representatives of the population, organize life and administer society.

The political model has thus established itself in decided opposition to the old Ba’ath regime. Numerous people within society are involved in a wide variety of local and social activities – from the communes and councils to working in the health sector, the women’s movement or in self-defence structures."

The introduction underlined that "Rojava has also been synonymous with the war against the Islamic State (ISIS), the occupation of Turkey, overcrowded refugee camps, water shortages, crop failures and widespread poverty. But against the backdrop of an ongoing war, occupation, an embargo due to the Syrian Civil War, and a precarious humanitarian situation that makes basic staples scarce, Rojava has held its ground for ten years. The areas controlled by the democratic ‘Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria’ (AANES) have grown since 2012 and now include a third of Syrian territory and nearly a fifth of its population.

A decade on, the continued existence of North and East Syria (NES) – the more inclusive name of the region, which encompasses Kurdish-majority Rojava and the Arab-majority areas on the banks of the Euphrates – is an achievement in and of itself. In the eleven years since 2011, the Rojava Revolution has remained committed to its former values and consolidated its achievements, even as all other gains of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings were squashed or coopted by national governments. This revolution, however imperfect, thus has something to teach the world about staying power."

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Two SDF commanders and a fighter killed by Turkish drone attack in Qamishlo

Paying tribute to the martyrs, the SDF said, “We will not remain silent in the face of any threat to our people and our land, and our response will be by defeating the occupation and bringing the freedom of Rojava, north and eastern Syria.”

Saturday, 23 Jul 2022, 

The Media Centre of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement announcing the death of three of their female fighters as a result of a Turkish UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) strike.

The statement released by SDF Media Centre on Saturday includes the following:

“The recalcitrant Turkish occupying State is trying to eliminate our struggle and revolution for freedom within the framework of the all-out war against our people and their presence on their land. The recalcitrant Turkish occupying State is launching brutal attacks on a daily basis with all kinds of weapons against our Democratic Nation and Coexistence Project that was achieved by the revolution of women and the sacrifices of our martyrs in North-East Syria.

The International Coalition against ISIS may have responsibility for these brutal attacks on our regions.

We will not remain silent in the face of any threat to our people and our land, and our response will be by defeating the occupation and achieving the freedom of Rojava, north and eastern Syria.

On July 22, the Turkish occupation’s drones targeted a car on the Qamishlo road, resulting in the martyrdom of our YAT commander Jiyan Tolhildan, YPJ commander Roj Xabûr, and our comrade Barin Botan, while they were on duty.

First of all, we extend our condolences to all our people in North-East Syria and our SDF fighters, and reiterate our promise to retaliate for the martyrs, defeating the occupation and protecting and expanding our revolution, achieved by our great leaders and our fellow martyrs.

The YAT commander Jiyan Tolhildan, whose real name is Salwa Yusuf, has been involved in organizing the ranks of the people since the first day of the Rojava Revolution. Then she participated in establishing the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), becoming the leader of the Counter-Terrorism Units (YAT), and has fought relentlessly and with great courage in all the battles to build the project of the Democratic Nation and to achieve women’s freedom in North-East Syria. The revolution grew with the struggle of the commander Jiyan. She has led liberation campaigns against the terrorist group ISIS in cooperation with the International Coalition forces.

The (YPJ) commander, Roj Khabur, whose real name is Joana Hisso, who comes from the city of Derbasia, had great enthusiasm and audacity since the very beginning of the Rojava Revolution. With a deep belief in free life, she struggled with her resistance spirit within the ranks of the YPJ on all fronts, leading the liberation campaigns against ISIS terrorism with the cooperation of the International Coalition.

Our comrade, Barin Botan, whose real name is “Ruha Bashar”, came from Afrin and grew up in a patriotic family. In her prime, when she was full of hopes of a free life, she joined the ranks of the Revolution with unprecedented enthusiasm and an irreversible decision. She fought vigorously against all authoritarian forces.

We in the SDF extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of commander Jiyan, commander Roj, and our comrade Barin. Once again, we pledge to retaliate for our martyrs. We will take revenge against the enemies of freedom and women’s revolution.

Just as commander Jiyan, commander Roj and comrade Barin, we will fight for a free future for Rojava and north and eastern Syria. We also pledge to follow their path in steady steps, and we will thwart any attack against our people, our land and our revolution. We will continue to resist all kinds of attacks until we achieve victory.”

The record of the fallen fighters is as follows:

Nom de guerre: Gian Tolhildan
Real name: Salwa Yusuf
Mother’s name: Asia
Father’s name: Hussein
Place and date of birth: Afrin / 1980
Place and date of martyrdom: Qamishlo – 22/07/2022

Nom de guerre: Roj Khabur
Real name: Joana Hisso
Mother’s name: Shams
Father’s name: Hasan
Place and date of birth: Derbasia / 1992
Place and date of martyrdom: Qamishlo – 22/07/2022

Nom de guerre: Barin Botan
Real name: Ruha Bashar
Mother’s name: Qadria
Father’s name: Marwan
Place and date of birth: Shahba’a / 2003
Place and date of martyrdom: Qamishlo – 22/07/2022


Turkey again targets northern Syria with artillery, mortars

TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) – Turkish forces once again targeted areas in northern Syria with artillery and mortars.

The Syrian news agency 'SANA reported on Sunday that the Turkish artillery attacked areas of northern Syria in Al-Hasakah.

According to the report, the Turkish forces targeted all the villages around the city of 'Abu Rasin' in the northwest of Al-Hasakah.

No further details have been released yet about the possible damages of the attack.

On July 18, Syrian opposition sources reported the Turkish drone attack on the joint headquarters of the Syrian army and the Syrian army militias in the city of 'Tall Rifat' in the north of Aleppo province.

The attack comes as the military cooperation between the Syrian army and the Kurdish militias has increased in the last week, and on Saturday some news was published about the dispatch of 300 Syrian army troops along with six tanks and a helicopter to the city of Manbij.

Meanwhile, a local source told the Sputnik news agency on Saturday that the Syrian army built three new military bases around the village of "Altrauziya" located in the north of Raqqa province in the north of Syria. 

The new bases are built near the international road known as "M-4".

Ongoing military escalation | Turkish forces fire over 50 rockets and artillery shells on Kurdish-held areas in northern-western Aleppo

Aleppo province: SOHR sources have reported that Turkish forces stationed in Baslahaya and Maryamin villages fired over 50 rockets and artillery shells on Kurdish-held areas in northern-western Aleppo. The intensive Turkish bombardment targeted positions in the villages of Tel Ajar, Shawarghah, Qal’at Shawarghah, Al-Malikiyah, Kafr Anton, Abbin, Oqaybah and the surrounding areas of Al-Ziyyarah village in Shirawa district in Afrin countryside. However, no casualties have been reported so far.

Yesterday, SOHR activists have reported that violent clashes with heavy and medium machineguns erupted on Saturday dawn between regime forces and “National Army” factions on the frontline of Tadaf city in Al-Bab countryside, east of Aleppo, amid exchange of artillery and rocket fire. No further details were reported about the number of casualties and material damage caused by the clashes and exchange of fire.

Meanwhile, Turkish forces stationed at Thulthana base on the outskirts of Marea in the northern countryside of Aleppo fired two artillery shells on the outskirts of Um Al-Qura and Hasajak villages in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Which caused material damage only.

UN Security Council to discuss Turkey's attacks on N Iraq

TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) – According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, the UN Security Council is scheduled to hold an emergency session next Tuesday to discuss the Turkish attacks on northern Iraq.

Addressing Iraqi Parliament members in the Saturday session, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said that UN Security Council would hold an emergency meeting next Tuesday to look over the recent Turkish attack in Northern Iraq, Kuwaiti News Agency 'Kuna' reported.

Earlier on Saturday, the Iraqi parliament held a session to investigate the case of the Turkish attack on northern Iraq.

The meeting was attended by Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein as well as 242 members of the Iraqi parliament.

Iraqi sources reported on Wednesday afternoon that several civilians were killed and injured during a Turkish artillery attack on the north of Iraq.

Although the Baghdad authorities insist that the attack was carried out by Turkish forces and that they are responsible for the deaths and injuries of Iraqi civilians, Ankara says that the country's forces did not attack civilians.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called for an urgent investigation into the bombing of Duhok province.