Sunday, October 02, 2022

Iran’s Mahsa Amini hijab
 protests a lesson for Indonesia against radical Islam, activists say

Resty Woro Yuniar - Yesterday 

Outrage over Iran's hijab laws after a woman's death have sparked fears Indonesia could face a similar fate amid a rise in religious fundamentalism
Analysts say especially concerning is the growing grip of Wahhabism, which promotes a narrow view of Islam, across Indonesian institutions and regions

The spiralling unrest in Iran over a young woman's death is a cautionary tale for Indonesia, say rights activists in the world's largest Muslim-majority nation, where women face hundreds of systemic rules making headscarves obligatory.

At least 40 demonstrators have reportedly been killed across Iran after Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, was arrested in Tehran by so-called morality officers for allegedly improperly wearing her hijab, the Muslim headscarf for women. She died in custody amid rumours she had been beaten to death.

Some women have burned their hijabs and cut their hair short as an act of defiance, as protests spread across the Middle East and as far as Europe and North America. In Indonesia, online commentators have expressed solidarity with Iranian women, while also warning the Southeast Asian nation could face the same fate if religious fundamentalists are not reined in.

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Will West Sumatra's new law lead to more Islamic conservatism in Indonesia?

"I think all regulations that make the hijab mandatory in Indonesia must be revoked, if we don't want to copy the mistakes of the Iranian government, as well as the Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan governments," said Andreas Harsono, a Jakarta-based researcher with Human Rights Watch.

"Women are free to wear the hijab; we don't need to enforce it. Women who don't wear the hijab should be afforded the same respect as those who wear it. It's an individual choice," added Harsono, who has studied hijab rules in Indonesia extensively.

While Muslim women in Indonesia are obliged to wear the religious headscarf in various places and on occasions, the phenomenon was relatively recent, he noted.

The first time Indonesia passed a regional-level law mandating the hijab was in 2001, three years after a people-led revolution toppled Suharto.

The dictator took steps to repress Islam during the initial parts of his 32-year regime because he viewed the religion as a threat to national unity. He went as far as banning hijabs in secular state schools in 1982, "as a response to the 1979 revolution in Iran that made hijab mandatory for women there", Harsono said.

As Iran's anti-hijab protests escalate, diaspora reflects on 'terrible memories'

The Iranian revolution had led to the ousting of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who sought to replace Islamic laws and norms with Western ones, including banning traditional Muslim attire.

As opposition towards Suharto's policies grew however, he made a U-turn in the 1990s, courting large Muslim groups and approving the establishment of the Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals. In 1991, he also allowed students to wear the hijab at schools. The Suharto family also went to Mecca to carry out the haj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage, while his eldest daughter began donning a headscarf from 1989.

Women in Jakarta, Indonesia, queue to receive Covid-19 vaccine shots in 2021. Photo: Reuters© Provided by South China Morning Post

The attempts to repress Islam in Iran and Indonesia often lead to comparisons of how hijab-wearing has evolved in the two states.

"There are some parallels between Indonesia and Iran in this respect. If you compare the regimes of the Shah and Suharto, they were repressing Islam and Islamic identity," said Julia Suryakusuma, director of the Gender and Democracy Center at the Jakarta-based Institute for Research, Education and Information on Economy and Social Affairs.

"When the people were fighting against the Shah, non-conservative women were wearing the hijab just as a symbol of protest," she said. "Under Suharto, the military regime was smarter because they befriended political Islam. The Suharto regime gave signs it was friendly towards Islam."

But even as Indonesia continued being mostly secular before the turn of the 21st century, Islamic fundamentalism started emerging in the 1980s due to the spread of Saudi-funded religious schools, which teach Wahhabism in their curriculum, Suryakusuma said.

Wahhabism is a puritanical movement that promotes a narrow view of Islam, including that women must wear the hijab.

Thousands of schools in Indonesia make it compulsory for female students, even those who are not Muslim, to wear a headscarf. File photo: AFP© Provided by South China Morning Post

Today, 24 out of Indonesia's 34 provinces have hijab mandates at schools, government institutions, or public places, Harsono said. He estimated around 135,000 schools in these provinces require their female students to wear hijab, whether they are Muslim or not.

There are also 64 government regulations, with two on the national level, that make hijabs compulsory for students and civil servants. Those who do not comply could face expulsion or dismissal, he said.

Women who do not wear hijabs are also often harassed or bullied into submission, activists have noted.

"The enforcement to wear the hijab in Indonesia occurs in closed spaces, in the form of symbolic violence within the family or office. Women who are not veiled are bullied so that they will soon wear the veil," says Kalis Mardiasih, a female Muslim writer and activist of diversity and gender equality in Islam.

Indonesian women face bullying for not wearing hijabs: rights group

Nevertheless, activists believe that any resistance to hijab rules in Indonesia is unlikely to blow up into nationwide protests such as those in Iran, as the state encourages the empowerment and participation of women in many sectors, including politics.

Save for the ultraconservative Aceh province, Indonesia also does not have any state-sanctioned morality police departments to enforce hijab rules.

However, the increasing grip of Wahhabism among the country's Muslims opens grounds for concern as more institutions and regions become more conservative, Suryakusuma said.

"In Indonesia, we have had Wahhabism for quite a while and it's quite worrying because it has managed to infiltrate universities, schools, and the military," she said.

"Indonesia is not like Iran. But extremist Islam threatens the sovereignty of the state, as the radicals don't necessarily believe in the law of the state. That's why we should pay attention to what is happening in Iran, because it could happen here."

This article originally appeared on the South China Morning Post (, the leading news media reporting on China and Asia.

Copyright (c) 2022. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

Iranian writer Darvishi: The mullah regime is about to fall and doomed to collapse

Exiled Iranian writer Sepideh Darvishi who is leading the protests in Turkey against the murder of Mahsa (Jîna) Amini, stressed that “We want to live in a democratic and free country.”

Saturday, 1 Oct 2022,

Riots and protests against the murder of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Jina Mahsa Amini, by the morality police in Tehran have spread all over Iran. Iranians living in Istanbul rally together frequently in front of the Iranian Consulate and condemn the mullah regime which has killed dozens of protestors and arrested hundreds of them during the ongoing protest actions.

One of the Iranian protesters, exiled writer Sepideh Darvishi, spoke to ANF in Istanbul.


Iranian writer Sepideh Darvishi is one of the women persecuted by the oppressive state. 48-year-old Darvishi went into exile in Turkey 5 years ago due to oppression and threats she faced in her country. She is now leading the protests in Istanbul against the murder of Amini. She emphasized that the Iranian state is hostile to women the most, and that she was a direct witness and victim of it.


Darvishi stated that she was detained and tortured because she did not accept the offer to spy on behalf of the Iranian intelligence. “I am from Bextiari. I am a writer and a Christian. A few years ago, intelligence officers called “Sipahi” came to our church and asked me to spy for them. Because there are people who go to church and convert to Christianity due to the religious persecution based on sharia laws. It is forbidden to convert to Christianity in Iran, and they execute those who change their religion. They wanted me to identify the converts and inform intelligence officers. Since I did not accept this, I was detained and tortured. They beat me and threatened me with rape. They forced me to sign a false statement. I was sentenced to prison. As a last resort, I had to flee my country.”


Showing the traces of torture on her hands, Darvishi pointed out that she still could not hold a pen properly even after years.

Darvishi said that she was concerned about the recent developments in Iran, and she could not get news from her family in Tehran due to the internet cuts.


Emphasizing that the murder of Amini was the last straw for Iranians, Darvishi remarked that the mullah regime was now about to fall and doomed to collapse.

The Iranian writer recalled that men and women have been fighting shoulder to shoulder against the oppressive system in Iran. She said that as Iranians in exile, they are trying to raise their voice to support their people. “As Iranians, we want to live in a democratic and free country. This is our only demand, and we will achieve it by fighting,” she added.

Interview With Iranian Artist Parastou Forouhar: ‘The Regime Is Anti-Women’

As protests continue in Iran following the murder of a young woman by the 'morality' police, Iranian dissident artist Parastou Forouhar is full of anger but has some optimism.

After 30 years in exile, the Iranian artist is still demanding women's rights in her homeland.

Mahsa Amini would have turned 23 on September 21. She was arrested for allegedly not wearing her hijab. How could she have died in police custody for such a minor offense?

It wasn’t even about the refusal to wear a hijab. It was just about Mahsa Amani allegedly not wearing it properly! And, because of that, she was mistreated and beaten up terribly.

And now there are the women taking to the streets, the many protests. Only now there is an absolute refusal to wear veils. The women are burning them. They are doing it in public. Some women have been shot in the last few days.

How does this make you feel?

It makes me totally angry, furiously angry. And also deeply sad that young people are exposed to such brutality and cannot escape this violence. It’s like a trap. This religious dictatorship is a set of rules that is a function of paternalism. Generation after generation of Iranians have tried to achieve self-determination but are failing because of this brutality.

Your parents were murdered for political reasons in 1998. What do you fear in the current situation?

I am very worried. Especially because I notice that certain Internet messaging services such as WhatsApp have been suspended by the regime. The idea is to create isolation so that no news gets out. Whenever something like this happens, the government plans even harsher repression, mass arrests, or shoots indiscriminately into the crowd.

On Wednesday, it started with arresting people not only at demonstrations, but also activists, known activists, who were not at demos, but in their homes. They were stormed by security forces. That was really very violent. There continues to be no news of these people.

British-Iranian actress Nazanin Boniadi stated that there was a revolution against women in 1979. What we see today is a revolution led by women, she said. So you agree?

I think that many people who participated in the revolution in 1979 did not think that it was a revolution against women. They took to the streets hoping for freedom, independence and justice. But they were overcome by religious forces. Despite civil society protests, they seized power. Boniadi’s statement is a contraction. But I believe that the regime is anti-women. It is a kind of apartheid system against women who are not supposed to have the same rights as men.

You have been living in exile in Germany for a long time. Do you return to Iran and what can you do to influence the situation in your homeland?

I try to go to Iran every year on the anniversary of the death of my parents, Parvaneh and Dariush Forouhar. Still, it is dangerous because I was sued in Iran and sentenced to six years in prison on probation. Nevertheless, I went again last year. For me, it is an act of resistance to maintain a culture of remembrance and to insist on justice. I’m also doing what I can to publicise what’s happening, to tell what’s happening, to support the people on the ground. What needs to change has to happen from within. But democratic countries can also support this movement in Iran.

How much hope do you have that the protests will turn out differently this time?

That’s a difficult question. Every time I get my hopes up because these people are taking to the streets so bravely. This human will, this vision through resistance to bring about a better life for themselves and society, inspires me. But the experience of repression runs deep. One constantly has images of the brutality in one’s mind.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Munich Soccer Fans Unfurl Banners Supporting Iranian Player For Backing Protests In Iran

October 01, 2022 08:51 GMT
The banners were unfurled when Azmoun, who plays for Bayer Leverkusen, came off the bench in the 60th minute of the match on September 30, which Bayern Munich ultimately won 4-0.

Bayern Munich fans have shown their support for Iranian striker Sardar Azmoun, who has backed anti-government protests taking place in Iran, during a match in their home stadium.

The Munich fans revealed two banners expressing solidarity with women in the Islamic republic who have been demonstrating to demand more freedoms.

The banners were unfurled when Azmoun, who plays for Bayer Leverkusen, came off the bench in the 60th minute of the match on September 30, which Bayern Munich ultimately won 4-0.

One banner read "Women, life, freedom" in Persian -- a common chant heard in the Iranian protests. Another read "Solidarity with the feminist revolution in Iran" in English.

Earlier this week, Iranian soccer bloggers took screenshots of an Instagram post from Azmoun saying that because of "restrictive rules on the Team Melli (Iran), I could not say anything."

But he added that he also could not stay silent about the crackdown against the protests.

"This will never be erased from our consciousness. Shame on you!" he wrote on his Instagram account, which is followed by some 5 million people.

The post was deleted, and the entire content of his account disappeared for days.

The protests in Iran began after the death on September 16 of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman in police custody. Amini was arrested for allegedly breaching Iran's strict rules requiring women to wear an Islamic headscarf, or hijab.

Protests In Iran Continue Despite Violent Government Crackdown

Iran Human Rights, an Oslo-based rights organization, has said 83 people, including children, have been killed during the two weeks of protest.

Iranian media reported on September 29 that Hossein Mahini, the retired captain of Iranian soccer giant Persepolis FC, has been arrested on charges of "encouraging riots and sympathizing with the enemy" after he posted content on social media in support of the protesters.
Based on reporting by AFP

Turmoil at home swirls around Iran team ahead of World Cup


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Iran's national soccer team head coach Carlos Queiroz, in red, watches a training session in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022. Queiroz was rehired as Iran's coach on Wednesday, Sept. 7, to take the national soccer team to its third straight World Cup. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

GENEVA (AP) — Political issues are swirling around the Iran men’s soccer team amid turmoil on the streets at home just weeks before the World Cup where it will play the United States, Wales and England.

At home in Iran, two weeks of demonstrations and a violent crackdown by state authorities have followed the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, in the custody of the morality police. She had been detained for allegedly wearing a mandatory headscarf too loosely.

Players made their silent protest at a World Cup warmup game this week, where the Iranian soccer federation tried to silence fans by locking them out of the stadium in Austria.

The federation also tried this month to organize a warmup game in November with Russia, Iran’s military ally whose teams are pariahs in soccer since the invasion of Ukraine.

FIFA was urged Friday by long-time campaigners for the rights of women fans to attend games in Iran to expel the national team from the World Cup.

“The Islamic Republic’s authorities and its football federation must not be given the honor of participating in football’s finest tournament while it is killing its citizens on our streets,” the Open Stadiums group said.

Open Stadiums called on FIFA to uphold its statutory commitment to respect and strive to promote “all internationally recognized human rights.”

Soccer’s governing body did not immediately comment on the fans’ request.

FIFA already did expel Russia from this World Cup — imposing a ban before a European qualifying playoffs semifinal in March against Poland — though without invoking human rights reasons. Instead, FIFA cited “irreparable and chaotic” harm to the World Cup due to security risks and potential opponents likely refusing to play Russia.

Iran should certainly play at the World Cup in Qatar, its near neighbor across the Persian Gulf water, though the likelihood increased this week of political disruption for FIFA to deal with at the tournament starting Nov. 20.

Players have made their stand after being criticized for not reacting to Amini’s death days later at their first warmup game in Austria.

On Sunday, striker Sardar Azmoun wrote to his 4.9 million followers on Instagram that team rules prohibited comment “but I am no longer able to tolerate silence.”

He added being kicked out of the team would be “a small price to pay for even a single strand of Iranian women’s hair.”

A team-wide reaction followed Tuesday when the Iranian anthem played ahead of the game against Senegal. Each player wore a wore a plain black jacket that covered up their national team badge.

The game went ahead without fans in the stadium near Vienna, as the federation tried to stop demonstrators outside using a platform for dissent that would be seen on a live broadcast at home.

Star striker Mehdi Taremi later wrote on Instagram of being “ashamed” to see videos from Iran of violence against women in the streets.

Protesters in Iran have also targeted wider repression with some calls to overthrow the clerical establishment that has ruled Iran since its 1979 Islamic revolution.

Soccer was drawn closer into the Iranian turmoil in the same week FIFA president Gianni Infantino claimed progress for women’s fans there at a World Trade Organization event in Geneva.

“Women attend football games now in Iran which was not possible until a couple of (months) ago,” Infantino said Tuesday, when he also visited United Nations human rights officials hours before the Iran players’ protest in Austria.

Infantino’s claim was disputed by Open Stadiums which said “when the Islamic Republic pretended to open league matches for women, it was far from the equality FIFA’s own statutes require.”

“To begin with, very few women could buy tickets, then in a humiliating way got physically harassed by Iran’s morality police,” the activist group said.

The tension between FIFA and Iranian women fans is despite some success at the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

FIFA intervened four years ago to ensure fans could display their campaign banners in stadiums.

More cooperation could be called upon in Qatar, when Iran has a global audience to face England in just the second game of the tournament on Nov. 21.

Coach Carlos Queiroz’s team also faces Wales in Group B on Nov. 25 and four days later against the U.S.


John Duerden in Seoul, South Korea, contributed to this report


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Protests in Iran continue, almost two weeks pass (PHOTO/VIDEO)
Society Materials 1 October 2022 


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Elnur Baghishov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 1. The protests in Iran started a few days after the death of the Iranian woman Mahsa Amini on September 16, still continue across the country, Trend reports.

On October 1, the protests continued in many cities, including Tehran, Karaj, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad.

The protest actions were mainly held in universities of the mentioned cities. The students chanted different slogans and demanded the release of the detained students.

The protests in Iranian cities are ongoing, prompted by death of a 22-year old Mahsa Amini, allegedly after being beaten by Iran's morality police while in custody for violating the strict hijab-wearing rules. Amini's death on September 16 triggered mass protests in Iran several days later.

Hijab was made mandatory for women in Iran shortly after the country’s 1979 revolution. Women who break the strict dress code risk being arrested by Iran’s morality police. Based on the dress code, women are required to fully cover their hair in public and wear long, loose-fitting clothes.

Follow the author on Twitter:@BaghishovElnur

Protests Continue in Iran Ahead of Global Day of Rallies

OCTOBER 1, 2022

A woman in Rasht, Gilan province, twirls her headscarf over her head as a sign of protest

Solidarity rallies in more than 150 cities are planned today as Iran enters its third week of nightly protests against Islamic Republic rule. The global demonstrations – called Freedom Rallies for Iran – are being publicized across social media channels including by celebrity figures and activists.

Protests have continued for two weeks across Iranian cities after the September 16 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. Mahsa had been detained by the so-called morality police three days earlier for "improper hijab", was beaten in detention and fell into a coma within hours of her arrest, before dying in hospital. Her death sparked massive protests against mandatory hijab and the Islamic Republic itself.

Women in Arak, Markazi province, exercised civil disobedience with their rejection of the mandatory hijab by walking without headscarves through the city. Social and mainstream media have increasingly captured examples of Iranian women rejecting the hijab in the past two weeks.

A woman in Rasht, Gilan province, twirls her headscarf over her head as a sign of protest. And a woman in Saqqez, Kurdistan province, Mahsa Amini's hometown, also discarded her headscarf as her mother shielded her and prevented her from being arrested by security agents. Protesters in Saqqez were also filmed chanting perhaps the leading slogan of the protests: "Women, life, freedom!" and "Death to the dictator!"

In Qaitariya Park, in Tehran, a statue of the late Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in an American missile strike in Iraq in early 2020, was torched by protesters. Soleimani and his Quds Force is seen by many Iran to represent the government's insistence on pursuing foreign adventures over addressing social and economic problems in the country.

The streets of the Gohardasht area of Karaj, outside Tehran, saw large protests last night. Elsewhere in Karaj, Iranians took to their apartment windows, as night fell, to chant "Death to Khamenei!"

Abadan in Khuzestan province saw its own repeated protests with citizens calling on their fellow Iranians to join the protest movement.

And as if to demonstration this grievance, Iranian citizens in Kurdistan staged a general strike across the province in protest at the government's launch of attacks on Kurdish groups across the border in Iraq.

Iran Threatens Response If U.S. Targets Drones Used In Campaign Against Kurds In Iraq
October 01, 2022 
By RFE/RL's Radio Farda
A man and woman hold up a banner depicting the image of Mahsa Amini, who died while in the custody of Iranian authorities, during a demonstration denouncing her death by Iraqi and Iranian Kurds outside the UN offices in Irbil, the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, on September 24.

Iran has threatened retaliation against the United States if it targets drones that Tehran has been using to attack Iraq's northern Kurdish region.

Since September 23, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been using drones in deadly attacks targeting the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, Irbil, and the eastern Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah.

Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff for the Iranian armed forces, was quoted as saying that Iran would consider any U.S. response to Iranian drones as a "hostile action" and reserved the right to respond.

U.S. Central Command said on September 28 that it downed an Iranian drone on its way to Irbil, adding that the drone appeared to pose a threat to U.S. personnel in the region.

Washington confirmed on September 30 that an American was killed in the attacks the day before.

"We can confirm that a U.S. citizen was killed as a result of a rocket attack in the Iraqi Kurdistan region" on September 29, State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said, declining to provide further details but reiterating U.S. denunciations of the strikes.

"We continue to condemn Iran's violations of Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Patel told reporters.

Iraq's state news agency said the attacks had killed least 13 people and wounded 58 others.

The attacks have been carried out against Kurdish political parties, as well as an Iranian Kurdish refugee camp, while a senior member of Komala, an exiled Iranian Kurdish opposition party, told Reuters that several of its offices had been struck as well.

Iran Reportedly Fires On Iraqi Kurdish Regional Capital

The attacks come amid massive protests in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini, who died while in custody after being arrested by the so-called morality police for allegedly wearing an Islamic headscarf, or hijab, improperly.

The protests started in Amini's hometown of Saghez in Iran's Kurdistan Province and quickly spread to dozens of cities and towns across Iran.

The IRGC attacks started after security forces in the city of Oshnavieh in West Azarbaijan Province temporarily lost control of the city and the soldiers stationed there were on the defensive.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said it would summon the Iranian ambassador to voice Iraq's opposition to the attacks, which Baghdad considers to be a violation of its sovereignty.

The IRGC said in a statement that it would continue to target "terrorists" in the region.
News Alert: EU alarmed over “totally blocked” humanitarian access in Tigray, “greatly impeded” in affected areas in Amhara, Afar
Shelter for displaced Tigrayan civilians in Mekelle. Picture: EU/2021 Archive

Addis Abeba – The European Union (EU) said it was “alarmed at the deterioration of the humanitarian operating environment” in Tigray, Amhara and Afar regional states since the resumption of militarized hostilities in 24August. The EU also said the fighting has reportedly left “tens of thousands” of people newly displaced and caused widespread damage to civilian property and infrastructure.

In a statement the block released through its Commission for Crisis Management, the EU confirmed reports that “the supply of humanitarian commodities and fuel as well as cash availability are still totally blocked for Tigray”. Humanitarian access is also “greatly impeded in all affected areas in Amhara and Afar.”

EU’s statement came a day after the USAID said categorized “northern Ethiopia” as “one of the most dangerous locations in the world for aid workers who risk their lives to protect people in need.”

According to the EU, humanitarian organizations had to suspend their operations and withdraw some staff from conflict-affected areas. “This is a serious blow to humanitarian operations and to millions of highly vulnerable people in Tigray, Afar and Amhara that depend on humanitarian aid for their survival,” Janez Lenarčič, EU’s Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid and European Emergency Response Coordinator, said in the statement.

The EU referenced the report by the World Food Program (WFP), in which it stated that “13 million people across the Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions are in need of food assistance as a direct result of the conflict. At the same time Ethiopia is experiencing the most severe drought recorded since 1981, leaving an estimated 7.4 million people facing grave food insecurity.”
MOM to set up new corporate entity to build and run 2 foreign worker dorms

One of the two purpose-built dorms, at Tukang Innovation Lane in Jurong. It is slated to begin operating in 2025

Tay Hong Yi

SINGAPORE - A company limited by guarantee will be set up by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) by end-2022 to build and own two purpose-built dormitories for foreign workers.

The company will operate the dorms with selected partners as test beds for innovations in foreign worker accommodations, as well as help the ministry better understand how migrant workers live and work and how operators manage these dormitories.

To enable these efforts, the ministry will set up a new corporate entity called Nest Singapore, slated for the fourth quarter of 2022. Nest is an acronym for Nurture, Engage, Support and Transform.

The first of the two purpose-built dorms broke ground in Tukang Innovation Lane in Jurong on Saturday.

Minister for Manpower Tan See Leng said in a speech at the launch event: "These insights will support MOM's efforts to transform dormitory living and management, and it allows the Manpower Ministry to better support the dormitory landscape and be better prepared for any future crisis."

Slated to begin operating in 2025, the Tukang dorm will have a capacity of 2,400 beds.

The other dorm at Sengkang West is set to begin operations in 2028 with 7,200 beds.

An MOM spokesman told reporters that the ministry has no plans currently to build more dorms because its primary aim is to drive innovation by sharing best practices it discovers with the industry, either through publishing guidelines or regulations.

Both dorms will be built to improved standards that apply to new dorms built after September 2021 to strengthen public health resilience and liveability, said Dr Tan.

These include having more spacious and better ventilated rooms with occupancy caps and en-suite toilets, as well as modular space and segmented communal facilities.

The Tukang dorm will occupy a site measuring 1.14ha (slightly larger than the size of 1½ football fields) and house a maximum of 12 workers in each of its 200 rooms, with kitchens and common areas for the dedicated use of 120 residents or fewer.

The ministry will also introduce features, above and beyond what the improved standards entail, to pilot new ways of reducing the risk of transmission of infectious diseases and enhance liveability.

This includes higher ceilings for improved ventilation and greater comfort for residents, as well as en-suite laundry facilities to reduce intermingling in common areas.

The Tukang dorm will have a capacity of 2,400 beds. 

There will be larger recreation spaces such as gyms, multi-purpose spaces and sports courts, which can be repurposed as medical or isolation facilities during future disease outbreaks, said Dr Tan.

However, he added: "Physical infrastructure alone cannot transform the communal living environment for our migrant workers."

It is also important to improve the lifestyle of these workers and foster a sense of hope and community, he said.

To do so, the ministry will explore new solutions, including a unified technological platform that allows virtual training programmes for migrant workers, videoconferencing functions for convenient communications within the residential community, and one-stop access to services within the dorms.

"We will also look at ways to encourage health-seeking behaviours among residents to facilitate quicker upstream intervention and support."

The Tukang dorm will occupy a site measuring 1.14ha 
(slightly larger than the size of 1½ football fields).

Dr Tan also said MOM intends to work closely with dormitory residents and community partners, such as non-governmental organisations, to jointly develop recreational programmes and other meaningful activities that foster community.

The reason for MOM to join the fray was twofold: To drive innovation and transform practices in migrant worker housing, and grow the ministry's capabilities in dormitory management.

"The two new purpose-built dormitories can be innovation living labs, where Nest can work with the private sector to take the spirit of these ideas and pilot more of such initiatives.

Added Dr Tan: "MOM and Nest can assess the operational feasibility, residents' receptiveness, market viability, and effectiveness of these proofs of concept."

He also noted that the ministry's Assurance, Care and Engagement Group, which supports the well-being of migrant workers, has already worked closely with dormitory operators to organise festive events and recreational activities within the dorms over the last two years.

Dr Tan said this experience has allowed the ministry to better understand and empathise with migrant workers' living and working practices, and how operators manage dormitories.

"The set-up of Nest, therefore, is to directly operate the two new purpose-built dorms with the private sector. This will take us one step further."

Love hormone ‘Oxytocin’ could be the ‘magic bullet’ to heal a broken heart

Other loving touches, including hugging a teddy bear to stroking your pet dog, can also reportedly trigger the hormone’s release.

By: Kimberly Rodrigues

A latest study suggests that the ‘love hormone’, or oxytocin may have the power to heal a broken heart.

Scientists in Michigan have discovered that oxytocin which is produced by our body when we fall in love, cuddle or have sex, may also have the ability to repair cells in an injured heart.

The chemical is also released during lovemaking, and this is why it has earned the nickname ‘the cuddle hormone’.

When a person suffers a heart attack their cardiomyocytes, which allow it to contract, die off in vast quantities, explains the Daily Mail. Cardiomyocytes enable the heart to pump blood, and when they are damaged, they cannot be repaired because they are highly specialized cells.

However, the good news is that researchers have found that oxytocin stimulates stem cells in the heart’s outer layer, which migrate to its middle layer and turn into cardiomyocytes.

Though the findings have so far only been in zebrafish and human cells in a lab, it is hoped that one day the love hormone which is released naturally from the brain into our blood and also for other mammals during social and sexual behaviors could be used to develop a treatment.

Other loving touches, including hugging a teddy bear to stroking your pet dog, can also reportedly trigger the hormone’s release.

Speaking about the results of the study, the lead author of the study Dr Aitor Aguirre, an assistant professor in biology at Michigan State University, is reported to have said, “Here we show that oxytocin is capable of activating heart repair mechanisms in injured hearts in zebrafish and human cell cultures, opening the door to potential new therapies for heart regeneration in humans.”

Previous studies have shown that some cells in the outer layer of the heart can go through reprogramming and become makeshift cardiomyocytes.

But it is not possible for humans to do this on their own.

This led researchers to investigate whether zebrafish, which have a unique ability to regenerate body parts such as brains, bones, and skin, could hold the key.

While the zebrafish don’t suffer heart attacks, their predators sometimes bite out their organs, including their hearts.

However, due to an abundance of cardiomyocytes, and other cells which can be reprogrammed, zebrafish can regenerate up to a quarter of their organs.

It was found that within three days of a heart injury, oxytocin levels rose by up to 20 times in the brain.

Researchers also discovered that the oxytocin hormone is directly involved in the heart-mending process.

Most significantly, oxytocin was found to have a similar effect on human tissue in a test tube.

Therefore, according to researchers, oxytocin might be the “magic bullet” to speed up the process of mending a heart.

Dr Aguirre is quoted as saying, “Oxytocin is widely used in the clinic for other reasons, so repurposing for patients after heart damage is not a long stretch of the imagination.

“Even if heart regeneration is only partial, the benefits for patients could be enormous.

“Next, we need to look at oxytocin in humans after cardiac injury. Oxytocin itself is short-lived in circulation, so its effects in humans might be hindered by that.

Drugs specifically designed with a longer half-life or more potency might be useful in this setting. Overall, pre-clinical trials in animals and clinical trials in humans are necessary to move forward,” he concludes.

The findings were published in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biolog

Europe faces the social cost of energy transition

Fighting climate change while keeping economic promises – it is proving to be a difficult balancing act. Within its “just transition” policy, the EU has multiplied initiatives, funding and innovations in order to achieve its environmental goals without harming the most vulnerable. But these good intentions are clashing with the economic reality of industries and jobs that are ill-equipped for change.

Published on 1 October 2022 
Peggy Corlin
Translated by André van der Hoven
Tjeerd Royaards | Cartoon Movement

August 2018. Each Saturday, men and women dressed in yellow vests gather at intersections across France to protest the rise in carbon tax. This tax has been in place since 2014 to encourage consumers of fossil fuel (diesel, fuel oil and gas) to change their polluting habits. In Paris, a stone’s throw from the presidential palace, the anger among the protesters is growing.

Having been caught completely off-guard by the gilets jaunes movement, Europe realised it was time to focus on reconciling “the end of the world and the end of the month”. In other words, how can climate change be addressed without hurting the most disadvantaged?
More : A charter for a journalism worthy of today’s ecological emergency

The social component of the energy transition only came to preoccupy the European Commission with the arrival of President Ursula von der Leyen and the launch of the European Green Deal. This programme of initiatives aims to help the EU achieve its goal of reducing 55% of greenhouse gases by 2030.

Plans for the transition include banning combustion engines in all new cars by 2035. However, t measures are disrupting millions of jobs often concentrated in a few regions. As is recalled in a policy brief of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 90% of coal-related jobs are found in only 10 European regions, four of which are in Poland. As for the car industry, which employs 5% of Europeans, transitioning towards electric cars will mean the loss of 500,000 jobs and the transformation of millions of others. New skills will need to be acquired.

The disruption will be severe in Italy and countries in Central and Eastern Europe, where a large part of the EU’s car production takes place. To help the transition, the EU has created the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM). This fund, endowed with €17.5 billion over 7 years, will finance job-search assistance and retraining programmes for the workers most affected by the transition.
Decent jobs

However, trade-unionist Ludovic Voet considers the JTM, which was hard-won by trade unions, to be inadequate: “There are many sectors to transform and many investments to be made to create quality jobs with decent salaries. By comparison, Germany has put 40 billion on the table just to get rid of coal.” Furthermore, and going beyond the financial support, he believes the required skills for the new green jobs are poorly described and that the impact on the affected regions has been underestimated.

“With the closure of lignite mines in Maritsa, Bulgaria, 12,000 jobs are now at stake, thereby impacting 120,000 people in the region”, Voet continues. To soften the blow, policies must be extended to the whole area. In Ireland, which has been allocated €84 million through the Just Transition Fund, a bridging programme is being run in its peat-dependent Midlands region. The programme includes policies on energy efficiency, bog rehabilitation and a fund to train workers and support businesses and communities.
More : Que font les pays européens pour lutter contre l’inflation ?

“In this scarcely populated region, it was necessary to relocate the workers and their families,” explains Jorge Cabrita from the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. “A group of local authorities, trade unions, NGOs and experts was created to accompany the transition and identify the needs of workers and businesses.”

For this researcher, wide-ranging consultation is the key to a just transition. However, there is a lack of funds at EU level. Another European innovation can attest to this: the Social Climate Fund. Still under negotiation between the EU Parliament Council, this fund faims to support the energy transition in the construction industry and in mobility among poorer Europeans. But it will only compensate for – and receive its funding from – another innovation that will itself weigh on low-income households: the new carbon market (ETS2).
In Europe, social justice is a long-term priority – one that will need to be accommodated by the climate transition

ETS2, also still under negotiation in Brussels, follows the first carbon market (ETS1). This was intended for industries and electricity providers, and allowed businesses to trade CO2 emission quotas if they exceed a certain limit, thereby setting the price of CO2 per tonne through supply and demand. Within the framework of ETS2, a carbon price will have to be set in this way for road transport and space heating, which translates into a new burden for households.

“This carbon market was driven by frugal member states such as Germany, the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands, which are in a market logic of environmental transition”, explains Camille Défard from the Jacques Delors Institute. She continues: “In the face of these member states, eastern and southern countries are defending the Social Climate Fund as a system of European solidarity.”

In France, the new carbon market might replace – or be added to – the carbon tax. This would cause a steep rise in electricity bills, even if current subsidies related to the energy price crisis cancel out the carbon tax. Either way, the Social Climate Fund will struggle to soften the blow.
Structural change of the system

Camille Défard says: “This fund will only be financed by a quarter of the ETS2 revenue, which is insufficient to compensate for all the vulnerable households impacted by the new carbon price. Green investments are necessary to move away from fossil fuels and to allow for a structural change of the system. The fund is therefore completely undersized in relation to the stakes at play”. Défard believes the member states are short-sighted. In Germany, the €9 ticket, put in place for three months for all regional trains and public transport, was certainly a success. But what about long-term investments in an understaffed German railway system in need of maintenance?

In Europe, social justice is a long-term priority – one that will need to be accommodated by the climate transition.

Water outages in parts of Joburg due to Rand Water purification plant power trips

Rahima Moosa and Helen Joseph hospitals are said to be without water, but Johannesburg Water says it has provided water tankers

01 October 2022 -
Belinda Pheto

Parts of Johannesburg could experience low water pressure to no water at all due to a power trip at a Rand Water purification plant. Stock photo.

Johannesburg Water has warned residents in high-lying areas of the city of possible water outages due to power trips at a Rand Water purification plant.

Residents in areas such as Weltevreden Park, Soweto and Johannesburg Central could experience water supply issues.

The Rahima Moosa and Helen Joseph hospitals are already experiencing water outages.

In a statement on Saturday, Johannesburg Water said it had sent water tanks to the hospitals to help sustain their water supplies.

“Alternate water supply is also being provided to other affected areas through stationary water tanks and mobile tankers. Systems are being monitored, and further updates will be provided to residents.”

The water utility has urged residents to reduce their water consumption as it grapples with low water levels at its reservoirs.

According to Johannesburg Water, the power trips have affected various Rand Water pump stations and reservoirs, leading to reduced supplies at the Commando Road meter.

The Commando Road meter directly feeds Roodepoort, Johannesburg Central and Soweto.

“The reduction in flow has seen several Johannesburg Water reservoirs and towers with critically low to empty water levels.”

The utility said water supply in Crosby, Brixton, Hursthill, Honeydew and parts of Weltevreden Park, Randpark Ridge and Allensnek had been affected by the trips.

The utility's systems in Soweto which were affected were the Eagle Nest and Naturena reservoirs, which are at low levels, and the Crown Gardens tower which is “critically low to empty”.