Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Letter: Fusion energy breakthrough is not all it’s cracked up to be


From Richard Sonnenfeld, Professor of Physics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, US

Comparing the press release from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California with your report (“US scientists boost clean power hopes with breakthrough in fusion energy”, December 12) one sees the release twice lists the value of the work to the US national nuclear stockpile programme before any mention of the “future of clean energy”. This is because Livermore’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) is funded primarily to maintain both the US nuclear stockpile and the critical scientists who understand the fusion physics behind it. While the reported energy break-even was long sought, it is not a breakthrough in the critical struggle against climate change. Livermore generated roughly 3 megajoules (MJ) of fusion energy from 2MJ of laser optical energy, an excess corresponding to about 0.3 kilowatt hours.

Unfortunately, the electrical energy expended to pump the lasers was 100-fold greater than the useful optical energy. Also, the firing rate at the NIF is roughly once per day. Were the NIF configured as a power plant, its “breakthrough” output could partially charge one electric vehicle in half a year. A glance at the sheer size and complexity of the NIF laser system clarifies that this is no scalable technology. The FT’s interest in the immense technical challenge of transition to a low carbon future is laudable, so please cover some of the newly built utility-scale wind and solar installations which are already cost competitive with existing coal plants.

There is a crying need for innovation in energy storage technologies, but the US could realise a 50 per cent renewable electric grid without significant scientific advances. Research on 100 per cent renewable power generation and storage on the global scale is well under way.

I am an advocate for hard science research and also count on the FT for solid business intelligence. While I also enjoy science fiction, I strongly encourage the FT to focus more on technology that is ready to fix the climate today.

Richard Sonnenfeld
Professor of Physics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, USA

Commercial Nuclear Fusion May Still Be Decades Away

  • Bloomberg Intelligence estimates that the fusion market will eventually be worth $40 trillion. 

  • U.S. scientists reported a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion last week. 

  • However, according to the director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Kim Budil, it will take “probably decades” before nuclear fusion energy is commercialized.

U.S. scientists at the National Ignition Facility, part of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), announced a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion last week.

For the first time ever, scientists successfully produced more energy from a nuclear fusion experiment than the laser energy used to power it.

In the infographic below, Visual Capitalist's Mark Belan and Bruno Venditti describe nuclear fusion and illustrate how this discovery may pave the future for a new form of clean and sustainable energy.

What is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear fusion powers the Sun and the stars, where immense forces compress and heat hydrogen plasma to about 100 million degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the lighter particles fuse into helium, releasing enormous amounts of energy.

Nuclear fusion is a fairly clean energy source as it does not produce harmful atmospheric emissions and only produces a small amount of short-lived radioactive waste.

Scientists have been trying to replicate it on Earth for almost 70 years, using isotopes of hydrogen—deuterium and tritium—to power fusion plants.

Since deuterium is found in seawater and tritium is attained through irradiating lithium (a common element used in batteries), the accessibility of these isotopes means that fusion could become a major source of energy in the future.

The amount of deuterium present in one liter of water, for example, could produce as much fusion energy as the combustion of 300 liters of oil.

However, the real challenge is ensuring fusion power plants generate more energy than they consume.

The Challenge of Fusion Ignition

Fusion ignition is the term for a fusion reaction that becomes self-sustaining, in which the reaction creates more energy than it uses up. Up until now, scientists were only able to break even.

The National Ignition Facility used a special setup called inertial confinement fusion that involves bombarding a tiny pellet of hydrogen plasma with lasers to achieve fusion ignition.

LLNL’s experiment surpassed the fusion threshold by delivering 2.05 megajoules (MJ) of energy to the target, resulting in 3.15 MJ of fusion energy output, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Can Nuclear Fusion Energy Be Commercialized Soon?

In recent years, fusion technology has been attracting the attention of governments as well as private companies such as Chevron and Google. Bloomberg Intelligence estimates that the fusion market will eventually be worth $40 trillion.

Besides energy generation, fusion is expected to be used in other markets like space propulsion, marine propulsion, and medical and industrial heat.

However, according to the director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Kim Budil, it will take “probably decades” before nuclear fusion energy is commercialized.

During the breakthrough announcement, she noted that it was necessary to produce “many many fusion ignition events per minute” as well as have a “robust system of drivers” before fusion can be commercialized successfully.

By Zerohedge.com

What Fracking Can Tell Us About the Future of Fusion

Analysis by Liam Denning | Bloomberg
December 27, 2022

A year in which energy markets were torn apart by our species’ long-standing habit of murdering one another ended with a hopeful scientific breakthrough. In the early hours of Dec. 5, researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility produced a nuclear fusion reaction that generated more energy than it took in from the lasers driving it.

Announcing this, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm hailed the NIF’s work as offering the potential to solve complex problems “like providing clean power to combat climate change.”

After a year like this one, she might have added “and stop us relying on the likes of Russia for energy once and for all.” Instead, she added: “and maintaining a nuclear deterrent without nuclear testing.” Because, apart from the unfortunately revived relevance of those words in 2022, that is what the NIF was set up to do after the end of underground testing of nuclear weapons. The achievement of “ignition” will doubtless inform continuing research into fusion energy, too, but the NIF’s technology wasn’t designed to that end. So-called tokamaks, like the (delayed) Iter project being built in France, operate differently and are viewed as a more likely path to commercial fusion energy becoming a reality.

We live in an era of energy breakthroughs that exist on a spectrum of varying degrees of reality. They are often hard to identify in real time. For example, in June 1998, an engineer working for Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. — now part of Devon Energy Corp. — successfully applied hydraulic fracturing to produce natural gas from a well in the Barnett shale basin near Dallas. That did not change things overnight; US gas production didn’t begin its resurgence for another decade, and the shale oil boom took several more years to get going. But in demonstrating that shale resources could be produced economically, it touched off a genuine revolution that upended energy markets, national economies and geopolitics. One small but topical example: The liquefied natural-gas tankers crossing the Atlantic today to help European countries cope with Russian gas cutoffs can trace their launch all the way back to the S.H. Griffin Estate No. 4 well in Texas.

There have been other energy breakthroughs in our lifetime. Australian scientist Martin Green’s innovative PERC cell architecture in the 1980s improved the efficiency of solar panels significantly, making possible their eventual breakout from niche industrial applications to humdrum household rooftops.(1) Similarly, the development of the rechargeable lithium-ion battery by scientists at Exxon Mobil Corp. (!) in the 1970s paved the way for electric vehicles, grid-sized energy storage and the device on which you are most likely reading this.

As different as they are, these revolutions share some things in common. They represented engineering refinements of existing technologies and processes as opposed to the bliding flash we tend to think of. This does not take away from their genius; even the successful fusion ignition just witnessed resulted from endless iteration and will now inspire more of the same.

Rather, it is to emphasize that progress in energy tends to be iterative. Fracking had been around for decades before that fateful well; Soviet engineers had even tried doing it with nuclear weapons (reader, they were unsuccessful). Mitchell Energy’s dogged commitment to making it work — rather than inventing it per se — is now the stuff of legend in shale circles. Similarly, solar and battery breakthroughs reconfigured existing technologies with new designs and chemistries, yielding transformational results. Eventually.

That latency is another thing they share in common. All required a confluence of other factors to ascend to being true breakthroughs. The shale revolution required, among other things: sophisticated energy futures markets, perhaps somewhat less sophisticated investors willing to fund excessive drilling, an earlier bubble in gas-fired power plant construction and an existing ecosystem of US hydrocarbon production. Attempts to replicate fracking’s success elsewhere have been patchy, most notably in Europe, demonstrating that discovery is only part of the battle and not necessarily transferable. With solar and batteries, one could argue the advances made in materials only had the impact they did because of another “breakthrough”: Germany’s enactment of generous renewable energy subsidies from 2000 onward spurring Chinese manufacturers to scale up production and reduce costs drastically.

The last sudden energy breakthrough involving a genuinely new form was fusion’s little sibling, fission. Today’s hopes of abundant, cheap power from banging atomic nuclei together echo similar optimism about splitting them in the 1950s and 1960s. Yet here we are 65 years after the first commercial reactor switched on, still debating how much of a future this once-vaunted energy of the future truly has. Ironically, here in the US, the hopeful side of that debate centers on small modular reactors or, put another way, refinement of the existing technology.

If this all sounds like a bit of a downer heading into the new year, it shouldn’t. Consider that we have made great strides in extending access to reliable energy, using shale gas to replace coal-fired power — and constrain Moscow’s power — and deploying renewable sources at ever faster rates. Even if Tesla Inc. is closing out the year with its stock seemingly in free fall, electric vehicles are now the source of all growth in the global auto business. And all of this is happening less because of some quantum leap but instead reasonably steady progress on familiar fronts: manufacturing efficiency, financial backing, political will. There remains huge untapped potential in our existing technologies, be it redesigning electricity tariffs to encourage smarter consumption, upgrading building codes to require better insulation and heat pumps or — more advanced but quite feasible — utilizing the batteries in parked EVs as grid resources.

Besides fusion, there is great excitement around other transformational energy sources and related technologies, such as hydrogen and direct-air carbon capture. Hydrogen isn’t new, of course; rather, it is the concept of producing that gas without emissions and using it to replace coal and natural gas that has people excited. While hydrogen certainly looks as if it will be useful where electrification isn’t, such as in high-temperature industrial processes, the current hype looks overdone. For example, visions of fleets of specialized tankers shipping the stuff around the globe run into the reality of hydrogen’s inherent lightness — meaning lots of expensive voyages needed — as Bloomberg NEF founder Michael Liebreich lays out here.

One thing all these mooted silver bullets have in common is timing, with advocates expecting them to be the next big things by mid-century, coinciding with many countries’ net-zero emissions targets. Yet they are all competing essentially for the same thing. For example, if fusion power became cheap and ubiquitous, the addressable market for hydrogen and carbon capture of any kind shrinks enormously. Similarly, if carbon capture ends up working well and economically, just use natural gas, which is far easier than hydrogen to handle and transport.

Meanwhile, in the background, we’ll have been collectively tinkering with renewables, batteries and other iterations of all the existing clean tech for a few more decades. There’s a decent chance that some of the energy of tomorrow gets stranded the day it arrives

(1) PERC stands for Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell. This design improves the top and rear side of a silicon solar cell in order to keep electrons moving freely for longer, thereby generating electricity more efficiently.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Liam Denning is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering energy and commodities. A former investment banker, he was editor of the Wall Street Journal’s Heard on the Street column and a reporter for the Financial Times’s Lex column.

©2022 Bloomberg L.P.

Nuclear power: Radioactive waste to be buried at Gwynedd plant

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Trawsfynydd nuclear power station was shut down in 1991

Low levels of radioactive waste could be buried at the site of a former nuclear power station, under new plans.

Magnox, owner of the Trawsfynydd site in Gwynedd, said it was considering burying some of the waste below ground and capping it with concrete.

The company said the proposal was unusual and was one of two options being considered.

Anti-nuclear group Cadno said it would cause "serious safety issues" and wants the waste stored safely above ground.

Trawsfynydd stopped generating electricity in 1991 after operating for 25 years and is in the long process of being decommissioned.

About 99.9% of all the radioactive waste has been removed from the site.

It employs nearly 300 people and there have been talks about building a new small reactor on site.

New guidance issued in 2018 on the decommissioning of nuclear sites allows waste to be disposed of "somewhere suitable", including the site that produced the waste.

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Angharad Raynor said Magnox's number one priority was the safety of the public

Magnox is looking at the demolition of the site's former cooling ponds complex, which was used to store and cool used nuclear fuel elements after they were removed from the reactors.

Much of the waste is made of rubble, scrap metal, foundations and soil.

Magnox site director Angharad Raynor said: "These demolition arisings contain very low levels of radioactive material.

"If we were able to transport the material to another site, within the UK, this would mean over 2,000 lorry loads of rubble going across our roads, in our communities."

She added the safety of the public was the firm's "number one priority", and people in the area would be consulted.

Magnox intends to submit an application to the regulators in September 2023, but no decision will be taken for a couple of years.

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Iwan Jones said he does not see a problem with what Magnox does, as long as it is safe

Iwan Jones, who lives and works in Trawsfynydd, said: "At least they are discussing with the local community. If it's safe, I don't see a problem with what they choose to do with it."

Awel Irene from Cadno said the plans could cause "massive problems" in future.

"Both options are totally ridiculous, the option of sending it away and the option of burying it, they cause serious safety issues for the local community and for the environment.

"My understanding is the only answer when it comes to decommissioning is that you keep the level above ground and monitor it for hundreds of years."

Tech Billionaires Are Betting Big On Nuclear Power

  • Nuclear power is back, in a big way.

  • Silicon Valley billionaires are betting big on the clean energy tech.

  • Between 2015 and 2021, investment in nuclear energy grew around 325 percent by volume and 3,642 percent by dollar value.

Once a taboo topic, nuclear power seems to be the words on everyone’s lips, as governments worldwide put power stations back on their agenda in a bid to accelerate the green transition and ensure greater energy security for the coming years. Following several notorious nuclear disasters in previous decades, governments, environmentalists, and a fearful public decided nuclear power was too dangerous an energy source to continue producing. But after a moment of pause, the re-evaluation of the high safety standards of nuclear power, and as we face global energy shortages, nuclear energy is getting a resurge in attention, particularly from tech billionaires who appear to want a piece of the nuclear pie 

Despite the negative public impression of nuclear power, due to famous disasters, including Chornobyl and Fukushima, nuclear energy has actually been shown to be one of the safest power sources. According to the measure of deaths per unit of electricity produced by the various types of energy worldwide, nuclear power is way down the list. Studies show that coal is by far the most dangerous energy source, partially due to its production through mining in difficult conditions, but mainly owing to the pollution caused by burning coal, which has led to a vast array of diseases and deaths. 

In addition, nuclear power offers abundant low-carbon energy, something that governments worldwide have been racing to develop to meet their climate pledges. As we face global energy shortages, in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent sanctions on Russian energy, political powers are realising the importance of becoming more self-sufficient in their energy production and not simply coming to rely on fossil fuels from other foreign powers

Now, nuclear power is getting the backing of Silicon Valley and other major tech regions, with tech giants beginning to invest in the development of nuclear energy facilities. As tech majors bring their expertise and funds to the nuclear industry, there is a significant potential for greater innovation to be seen in the development of nuclear hubs for the first time in decades. 

The economist and lecturer at MIT, John Parsons, stated of the increase in interest, “I think having fresh perspectives is really good.” He explained nuclear energy is “a very complex science, and it’s been supported by the federal government and at these national labs. And so that’s a very small circle of people. And when you broaden that circle, you get a lot of new minds, different thinking, a variety of experiments.”

Between 2015 and 2021, investment in nuclear energy grew around 325 percent by volume and 3,642 percent by dollar value, according to Pitchbook. This year alone, venture investors devoted a record $3.4 billion to nuclear startups. While this is significantly lower than the investment in other renewable energy sources in recent years, due to the nuclear power industry having to start almost from scratch, it shows a significant rise in interest that is expected to continue. Greater investment in the sector will be supported by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which offers companies tax breaks and other financial incentives for investing in green energy, including nuclear power. And in March, the U.S. Congress approved record funding for a public-private partnership programme to build new fusion devices, encouraging private companies to invest more in the sector. 

This year, several tech billionaires have publicly shown their backing for the energy source. Elon Musk tweeted that nuclear is “critical” to national security. Meanwhile, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen called for “1,000 new state-of-the-art nuclear power plants in the U.S. and Europe, right now.” Similarly, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Peter Thiel have all financed nuclear projects in recent years. In fact, Josh Freed, from Washington-based think tank Third Way, believes: “We wouldn’t be having a conversation about innovation in nuclear power today without the investment and thinking of the leaders of Silicon Valley.”

As well as existing nuclear plants, several startups are catching the eyes of tech giants. It is still early days and these startups have yet to produce nuclear power. But some think they’re getting much closer. Christofer Mowry, CEO at Vancouver-based General Fusion, explained “Silicon Valley has been the foundation of the entire private fusion industry.” And the technological advances coupled with greater urgency to shift to green could be a catalyst for the industry. 

Following decades of stagnation, nuclear energy companies are finally getting the boost they need to develop projects and deliver meaningful amounts of low-emissions nuclear power to the U.S. Previously, the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, that was the last nuclear project to be approved, in 1973, faced major delays and cost increases meaning that production only began in 2016. But now, existing nuclear plants are gaining state and private support, while startups are receiving the funding needed to develop innovative technologies to support the advancement of nuclear power. 

By Felicity Bradstock for Oilprice.com

New Brunswick

Nuclear opponents taking 'best shot' to slow approval of N.B.'s small reactors

Minister says momentum growing for non-emitting technology

A group opposed to small modular nuclear reactors wants the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to reverse an exemption for ARC Clean Technology's proposal from the federal impact assessment process. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Opponents of small modular nuclear reactors in New Brunswick are hoping to slow down the federal regulatory process for one of the projects, even as political momentum for the technology grows.

They're asking the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to reverse an exemption for ARC Clean Technology's proposal from the federal impact assessment process.

That would send the review to public hearings that would slow the process and give opponents a platform to argue against the reactors. 

"It's to make people aware of the risks. We want the impact assessment to bring the risks out into the sunlight," said Ann McAllister, a member of the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick.

A head-and-shoulders portrait of a middle-aged woman.
Ann McAllister belongs to the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick. (Submitted by Ann McAllister)

"Done right, the assessment process should include independent experts. … In that sense, it's the best shot we have to bring the risks out into the open."

Under federal legislation, federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault can reverse the exemption "if the project may cause adverse direct or incidental effects within areas of federal jurisdiction" or if public concerns about that warrant no exemption, the agency said.

Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is a former activist who once opposed nuclear power but said recently the technology may be required to hold global temperature increases to targets set in 2015. (CBC)

Guilbeault must decide by Jan. 2 whether to reverse ARC's exemption.

Political momentum growing

ARC is one of two Saint John-based companies proposing to pilot a small reactor next to NB Power's existing Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.

Company CEO Bill Labbe said an additional assessment wouldn't compromise ARC's ability to get a first reactor operating at Lepreau by 2030.

The political momentum for nuclear power has grown in the last year. The war in Ukraine and the resulting squeeze on world oil markets are forcing governments to accelerate their search for alternatives to fossil fuels.

In October, the Canada Infrastructure Bank, a federal Crown corporation, announced it would provide Ontario Power Generation with a $970-million loan to build the first SMR at Darlington, Ont. 

A man wearing a suit looks down at recording devices held up to him at chest level.
New Brunswick Energy Development Minister Mike Holland says an assessment of ARC would be redundant because the same technology has already operated in larger-scale reactors. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

New Brunswick Energy Development Minister Mike Holland called the federal announcement "a very positive affirmation of the sector in general."

Ottawa sees nuclear power — which does not emit greenhouse gases — as key to its reduction targets. Holland said that view is getting more acceptance.

"The landscape of energy today and the conversation around it, versus the conversation two years ago, is absolutely different," he said.

"We've had to look at different global realities and perhaps even have more folks look at a more creative way of moving away from fossil fuels."

Germany has delayed the shutdown of its last three nuclear reactors while it searches for new sources of energy abroad.

Port of Belledune interested in SMRs

The Port of Belledune in northern New Brunswick recently announced plans to use one of ARC's small reactors to power the potential future expansion of hydrogen energy generated there for export.

That would see an SMR operating at Belledune between 2030 and 2035, the port said in a news release.

The port hopes to export hydrogen power to Germany and other European countries looking to end their dependence on Russian oil and gas.

Chief Terry Richardson of Pabineau First Nation, near Bathurst said he sees SMRs as a good option. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

Ottawa removed small modular nuclear reactors from the list of projects requiring impact assessments in 2019.

Even so, the proposal from the other Saint John-based SMR company, Moltex Clean Energy, will require one because of its plans to recycle nuclear waste.

But ARC is exempt unless the activists can persuade Guilbeault.

"The goal is to make more people aware of the risks of SMRs," McAllister said.

"The impact assessment is the only process that has that kind of comprehensive examination."

Guilbeault is a former environment activist who once opposed nuclear power but said recently that the technology may be required to hold global temperature increases to targets set out in Paris in 2015.

"There is a wide consensus out there that we need to use all the non-emitting, from a pollution perspective, technologies that are at our disposal to achieve 1.5 degrees Celsius," he told CBC's The House.

"Obviously, my role is different now from when I was working for non-governmental organizations. My fundamental beliefs haven't changed but my role has changed." 

An impact assessment of ARC's technology would look at species at risk, fish habitats, migratory birds, as well as Indigenous rights.

Chief Terry Richardson of Pabineau First Nation, near Bathurst, which signed a consultation agreement with the Port of Belledune in 2018, said he sees SMRs as a good option.

"We're not looking at something that's new, right?" he said.

Coal to be phased out by end of decade

Holland says an assessment of ARC would be redundant because the same technology has already operated in larger-scale reactors.

"I do think the fact that it's a known technology should count for something," he said.

But Labbe said ARC is ready to comply with whatever regulatory process it faces.

The case for nuclear may be even more urgent with the proposed Atlantic Loop project now apparently in jeopardy. That project would see power grids from Quebec and the four Atlantic provinces linked with more transmission cables, making more emissions-free hydroelectricity from Quebec and Labrador available to the region. 

That would help New Brunswick and Nova Scotia replace electricity generated by coal, which must be phased out by 2030. 

Emera, the parent company of Nova Scotia Power, said in October it would pause its key role in the Atlantic Loop after the provincial government there capped electricity rates.

"There isn't enough money in order to continue to pursue that," CEO Scott Balfour said.

Federal Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc said last month Ottawa still intends to be "a significant partner" in the project and hopes for an agreement in the first quarter of 2023.

Holland says questions about the Atlantic Loop show why SMRs are important.

"When you have jurisdictions that are key to the process saying they don't know if they can invest in it, it would be naive to say it doesn't put the project at risk," he said.

"Let's continue to have that conversation, but let's not make that the only conversation."