Sunday, January 01, 2006

Chimps and Man Closer Relatives In Time

Ok so today is science blogging day here Le Revue Gauche. Just one more little find to debunk the Creationist/ID/Christian Chumps;

Chimp-human segregation not beyond 7 m years ago: Study
By Sankar Ray

Scientists, working in a collaborative venture, at the Arizona State and Penn State Universities, inferred that the genetic divergence between the ape man and the man took place sometime between the last five and seven million years. The leading scientist, an Indian by birth, is Sudhir Kumar, director of the Center for Evolutionary Functional Genomics in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University.

Based on palaeontological appraisal of 167 different gene sequence sets from humans, chimpanzees, macaques, and mice, using "multifactor bootstrap-re-sampling approach", a modern stochastic method, the geneticists and research scientists of related disciplines, were able to narrow down the period of Chimpanzee-human separation time period from 13 million years to 5-7 million years from now.


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