Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who Speaks For Canadian Women

Well not Real Women no matter how much they insist on it. They speak for right wing fundamentalist protestant women, a minority if ever there was one, except in the rank and file of Harpers Reform/Alliance/Conservatives. Their agenda, pretty clear;

Real Women’s letter to MP’s has called upon the Harper government to defund the powerful radical feminist lobby that allows only one interpretation of women’s rights and equality to be represented.

Lorraine McNamara, Real Women’s National President, writes, “The feminist ideology does not now, and never has had the support of the vast majority of Canadian women.”

McNamara writes, “Feminist groups have few, if any, members, and are, in effect, mostly phantom organizations sustained only by the funding they receive from the Status of Women. Since these organizations represent no one but the women who run them, they should not receive financial support from the Canadian taxpayer.”

Also see:

History of the WRF

Catholic Hajib

Whose Family Values?

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1 comment:

susansmith said...

REAL WOMEN equate feminism with anti-choice when in fact, feminism is all about choice:The principle of choice means that we respect, support and advocate for women’s individual and collective right to make our own decisions about our bodies, our families, our jobs and our lives. The right to choose is integral to the feminist pursuit of social, legal, political, economic and cultural equality for women. That said, feminists support all range of thinking, so essentially we would support women who have a range of value systems, as long as, they did not impose their views on others, or cause harm to others. This is the ideological divide. Interesting today in the G&M comment section, I could also agree with Helen Ward a REAL WOMAN about women and families having the choice to be economically supported to stay home and raise their children. There are actually some shared idealisms about the value of certain gender roles associated with women, such as mothering. We should be trying to find common ground, instead of battling in the stupid war of child care vs stay at home mother. It's a false war and divides and conquers. That said, the rest of the REAL WOMEN agenda is not my 'cup of tea.'