Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Life Cycle of a Mine: From Planning to Rehabilitation

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Mining provides the critical minerals and metals needed for modern society to function. However, if these resources are not properly managed, mining activity can impact local environments and biodiversity.

For this reason, the mines of today prepare for a rehabilitated landscape right from the beginning, in a process known as “progressive reclamation”.

Today’s infographic comes to us from Natural Resources Canada, a government entity which funded the development of the Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan that supports sustainable mining practices throughout its lifecycle.
What is Progressive Mine Reclamation?

The process of progressive reclamation, also known as rehabilitation, plans for post-closure activities during the mining process, from before the first bit of dirt is moved to when the last truck leaves the mine.

There are three stages to the mining process, each with their own associated activities to plan for mine reclamation.Before Mining: Integrated mine planning for closure and reclamation
During Mining: Planning for climate change impacts and land use
After Mining: Closure and reclamation

While these are distinct stages, three continuous processes occur throughout the sequence of the mining life cycle:Continuous monitoring
Continuous engagement with Indigenous Peoples, communities, and regulators
Continuous updates to ensure closure and reclamation plans complement any modifications to the mine plan

Each process is meant to be inclusive, continuous, and responsive to the constantly changing environment to ensure there is flexibility and preparedness to adapt as necessary.

1. Before Mining

The rehabilitation process starts before mining begins. The permitting process for mine development requires closure and reclamation plans.

2. During Mining

An area of the mine can be reclaimed even as other parts of the mine are in operation. Mitigating the impacts of land disturbance during operations are critical to return the land to a viable state.

Climate change impacts can affect operations, and mine operators should account for this in ongoing processes to ensure successful closure and reclamation.

Water treatment facilities process surface and mine waters to ensure compliance, water recycling, and watershed management. This is all under the eye of continuous monitoring of the movement of earth and materials.

3. After Mining

Once the mining process is complete, mining companies can return the land to a natural state and prepare for post-closure reuse. Mine closure and rehabilitation activities need to take local environmental conditions into account. Evidence of the mining operation must be removed as much as possible.

Part of this process means the continued relationship with the people, community, and lands affected. Mining companies can re-purpose for other uses, including:Agriculture
Solar panel farms
Biofuel production
Recreational and tourist use

By incorporating local and traditional knowledge into planning and working with Indigenous Peoples and communities, modern practices and local knowledge can restore the land in a way that also brings benefits to the local community.
The Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan

Mining operations can generate opportunities for new businesses to create local benefits. Reverting mines to a rehabilitated state will ensure that the landscape can continue to support life for centuries to come.

The Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan supports this vision of progressive mine rehabilitation, to ensure Canada remains a responsible mining powerhouse for generations to come.

Published December 2, 2019

Mycorrhizae in mine wasteland reclamation

 eCollection 2024 Jul 15

  • PMID: 39035525
  • PMCID: PMC11259807
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33141
  • 2024 Jun 17;10(13):e33141.
     doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33141.


    Mycorrhizae are found on about 70-80 % of the roots of all plant species; ectomycorrhizae (ECM) are mostly found on woody plants and gymnosperms, whereas arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are found on 80-90 % of all plant species. In abandoned mining sites, woody plants dominate, while non-woody species remain scarce. However, this pattern depends on the specific mine site and its ecological context. This review article explores the potential of using mycorrhizae-plant associations to enhance and facilitate the remediation of mine wastelands and metal-polluted sites. In this review, we employed reputable databases to collect articles and relevant information on mycorrhizae and their role in plant growth and soil fertility spanning from the 1990s up to 2024. Our review found that the abilities of plants selected for minewasteland reclamation can be harnessed effectively if their mycorrhizae utilization is known and considered. Our findings indicate that AMF facilitates plant cohabitation by influencing species richness, feedback effects, shared mycelial networks, and plant-AMF specificity. Several types of mycorrhizae have been isolated from mine wastelands, including Glomus mosseae, which reduces heavy metal accumulation in plants, and Rhizophagus irregularis, which enhances plant growth and survival in revegetated mine sites. Additionally, studies on ECM in surface mine spoil restoration stands highlight their role in enhancing fungal biodiversity and providing habitats for rare and specialized fungal species. Recent research shows that ECM and AMF fungi can interact synergistically to enhance plant growth, with ECM improving plant nitrogen absorption and AMF increasing nitrogen use efficiency. Our review also found that despite their critical role in improving plant growth and resilience, there remains limited knowledge about the specific mechanisms by which mycorrhizae communicate with each other and other microorganisms, such as bacteria, root-associated fungi, soil protozoa, actinomycetes, nematodes, and endophytes, within the soil matrix. This article highlights the connection between mycorrhizae and plants and other microorganisms in mine wastelands, their role in improving soil structure and nutrient cycling, and how mycorrhizae can help restore soil fertility and promote plant growth, thus improving the overall environmental quality of mine wasteland sites.

    Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF); Ectomycorrhizae (ECM); Fungal biodiversity; Mine wasteland; Mycorrhizae; Plant-AMF specificity.

    PubMed Disclaimer

    Conflict of interest statement

    The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


    Fig. 1
    Fig. 2
    Fig. 3
    Fig. 4
    Fig. 5
    Fig. 6


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