Saturday, November 25, 2023

'Dolomite Problem': 200-year-old geology mystery resolved

To build mountains from dolomite, a common mineral, it must periodically dissolve. This counter-intuitive lesson could help make new defect-free semiconductors and more.

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ANN ARBOR—For 200 years, scientists have failed to grow a common mineral in the laboratory under the conditions believed to have formed it naturally. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan have finally pulled it off, thanks to a new theory developed from atomic simulations.

Their success resolves a long-standing geology mystery called the "Dolomite Problem." Dolomite—a key mineral in the Dolomite mountains in Italy, Niagara Falls, the White Cliffs of Dover and Utah's Hoodoos—is very abundant in rocks older than 100 million years, but nearly absent in younger formations.

"If we understand how dolomite grows in nature, we might learn new strategies to promote the crystal growth of modern technological materials," said Wenhao Sun, the Dow Early Career Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at U-M and the corresponding author of the paper published today in Science.

The secret to finally growing dolomite in the lab was removing defects in the mineral structure as it grows. When minerals form in water, atoms usually deposit neatly onto an edge of the growing crystal surface. However, the growth edge of dolomite consists of alternating rows of calcium and magnesium. In water, calcium and magnesium will randomly attach to the growing dolomite crystal, often lodging into the wrong spot and creating defects that prevent additional layers of dolomite from forming. This disorder slows dolomite growth to a crawl, meaning it would take 10 million years to make just one layer of ordered dolomite.

Luckily, these defects aren't locked in place. Because the disordered atoms are less stable than atoms in the correct position, they are the first to dissolve when the mineral is washed with water. Repeatedly rinsing away these defects—for example, with rain or tidal cycles—allows a dolomite layer to form in only a matter of years. Over geologic time, mountains of dolomite can accumulate.

To simulate dolomite growth accurately, the researchers needed to calculate how strongly or loosely atoms will attach to an existing dolomite surface. The most accurate simulations require the energy of every single interaction between electrons and atoms in the growing crystal. Such exhaustive calculations usually require huge amounts of computing power, but software developed at U-M's Predictive Structure Materials Science (PRISMS) Center offered a shortcut.

"Our software calculates the energy for some atomic arrangements, then extrapolates to predict the energies for other arrangements based on the symmetry of the crystal structure," said Brian Puchala, one of the software's lead developers and an associate research scientist in U-M's Department of Materials Science and Engineering. 

That shortcut made it feasible to simulate dolomite growth over geologic timescales.

"Each atomic step would normally take over 5,000 CPU hours on a supercomputer. Now, we can do the same calculation in 2 milliseconds on a desktop," said Joonsoo Kim, a doctoral student of materials science and engineering and the study's first author.

The few areas where dolomite forms today intermittently flood and later dry out, which aligns well with Sun and Kim's theory. But such evidence alone wasn't enough to be fully convincing. Enter Yuki Kimura, a professor of materials science from Hokkaido University, and Tomoya Yamazaki, a postdoctoral researcher in Kimura's lab. They tested the new theory with a quirk of transmission electron microscopes.

"Electron microscopes usually use electron beams just to image samples," Kimura said. "However, the beam can also split water, which makes acid that can cause crystals to dissolve. Usually this is bad for imaging, but in this case, dissolution is exactly what we wanted."

After placing a tiny dolomite crystal in a solution of calcium and magnesium, Kimura and Yamazaki gently pulsed the electron beam 4,000 times over two hours, dissolving away the defects. After the pulses, dolomite was seen to grow approximately 100 nanometers—around 250,000 times smaller than an inch. Although this was only 300 layers of dolomite, never had more than five layers of dolomite been grown in the lab before.

The lessons learned from the Dolomite Problem can help engineers manufacture higher-quality materials for semiconductors, solar panels, batteries and other tech.

"In the past, crystal growers who wanted to make materials without defects would try to grow them really slowly," Sun said. "Our theory shows that you can grow defect-free materials quickly, if you periodically dissolve the defects away during growth."

The research was funded by the American Chemical Society PRF New Doctoral Investigator grant, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science.
Study: Dissolution enables dolomite crystal growth near ambient conditions (DOI: 10.1126/science.adi3690)







Dolomite crystals require cycles of saturation conditions to grow

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Addressing the long-standing “dolomite problem,” an oddity that has vexed scientists for nearly 200 years, researchers report that dolomite crystals require cycling of saturation conditions to grow. The findings provide new insights into how dolomite is formed and why modern dolomite is primarily found in natural environments with pH or salinity fluctuations. Dolomite – a calcium magnesium carbonate – is one of the major minerals in carbonate rocks, accounting for nearly 30% of the sedimentary carbonate minerality in Earth’s crust. However, despite its geological abundance, dolomite does not readily grow under laboratory conditions, hindering the study of the mineral. For two centuries, scientific efforts have failed to precipitate dolomite in the laboratory near ambient conditions. The apparent contradiction between the massive deposits of dolomite in nature and its inability to grow even in supersaturated solutions under ambient conditions has resulted in the so-called dolomite problem. Here, using atomistic simulations of dolomite, Joonsoo Kim and colleagues make a discovery that informs this issue. Kim et al. used density function theory and kinetic Monte Carlo crystal growth simulations to show that cycles of saturation conditions are needed to promote dolomite crystal growth in the laboratory. According to the simulation’s predictions, frequent cycling of a solution between supersaturation and undersaturation can speed up dolomite growth by up to 10 million times – a process that may be paramount for producing the large amounts of dolomite on Earth’s surface. The authors validated their predictions using a transmission electron microscope to observe bulk dolomite crystal growth in situ under fluctuating saturation conditions. “The findings of Kim et al. raise many questions about how geochemical fluctuations occur in the natural world over geological timescales and what factors influence the process,” writes Juan Manuel García-Ruiz in a related Perspective.


The Fens of eastern England once held vast woodlands, study finds

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Pile of subfossil yew trunks on the edge of an agricultural field, north of Peterborough, UK. 



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The Fens of eastern England, a low-lying, extremely flat landscape dominated by agricultural fields, was once a vast woodland filled with huge yew trees, according to new research.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge studied hundreds of tree trunks, dug up by Fenland farmers while ploughing their fields. The team found that most of the ancient wood came from yew trees that populated the area between four and five thousand years ago.

These trees, which are a nuisance when they jam farming equipment during ploughing, contain a treasure trove of perfectly preserved information about what the Fens looked like thousands of years ago.

The Fen yew woodlands suddenly died about 4,200 years ago, when the trees fell into peat and were preserved until today. The researchers hypothesise that a rapid sea level rise in the North Sea flooded the area with salt water, causing the vast woodlands to disappear.

The climate and environmental information these trees contain could be a valuable clue in determining whether this climate event could be related to other events that happened elsewhere in the world at the same time, including a megadrought in the Middle East that may have been a factor in the collapse of ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom. Their results are reported in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews.

Yew (Taxus baccata) trees are one of the longest-lived species in Europe, and can reach up to 20 metres in height. While these trees are fairly common in Cambridge College gardens and churchyards across southern England, they are absent in the Fens, the low-lying marshy region of eastern England. Much of the Fens was a wetland until it was drained between the 17th and 19th centuries using artificial drainage and flood protection. Today, the area is some of the most productive farmland in the UK, thanks to its rich peat soil.

While the area is great for farming and does have its own charms, few people would describe the Fens as spectacular: for the most part, the area is extremely flat and dominated by fields of potatoes, sugar beet, wheat and other crops. But five thousand years ago, the area was a huge forest.

“A common annoyance for Fenland farmers is getting their equipment caught on big pieces of wood buried in the soil, which can often happen when planting potatoes, since they are planted a little deeper than other crops,” said lead author Tatiana Bebchuk, a PhD student from Cambridge’s Department of Geography. “This wood is often pulled up and piled at the edge of fields: it’s a pretty common sight to see these huge piles of logs when driving through the area.”

For farmers, these logs are a nuisance. But for Bebchuk and her colleagues, they are buried treasure. The Cambridge team approached several Fenland farmers and took samples of hundreds of logs that had been dug up and discarded, to find out what secrets they might hold.

“I remember when I first saw this enormous pile of abandoned trees, it was incredible just how many there were,” said Bebchuk. “But when we got them back to lab, we were even more surprised: these trees were so well-preserved, it looked as if they were cut down just yesterday.”

To put current anthropogenic climate change in a long-term context of natural variability, scientists need accurate evidence from the past, and trees are some of the best recorders of past conditions: their annual growth rings contain information about temperature and hydroclimate for every growing season they witnessed. “But the further back in time we go, the less reliable evidence we have, since very old trees and well-preserved wood materials are extremely rare,” said Professor Ulf Büntgen, the senior author of the study.

However, analysis by the Cambridge Tree-Ring Unit (TRU) showed that the yew trees dug up from Fenland fields were very old indeed: some of these ancient trees were 400 years old when they died. The new find provides unique climate information for over a millennium from around 5,200 years ago until about 4,200 years ago, when much of the Fens was a woodland of yew and oak: completely different than it looks today.

“Finding these very old trees in the Fens is completely unexpected – it would be like turning a corner in rural Cambridgeshire and seeing an Egyptian pyramid – you just wouldn’t expect it,” said Bebchuk. “It’s the same with nature – wood rots and decomposes easily, so you just don’t expect a tree that died five or four thousand years ago to last so long.”

Given that most of the Fens are barely above sea level, about 4,200 years ago, a sudden rise in sea level most likely killed the Fen woodlands. The period that the Fen woodlands died coincided with major climatic changes elsewhere in the world: at roughly the same time, a megadrought in China and the Middle East was a possible trigger of the collapse of several civilisations, including Egypt’s Old Kingdom and the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia.

“We want to know if there is any link between these climatic events,” said Bebchuk. “Are the megadroughts in Asia and the Middle East possibly related to the rapid sea level rise in northern Europe? Was this a global climate event, or was it a series of unrelated regional changes? We don’t yet know what could have caused these climate events, but these trees could be an important part of solving this detective story.”

“This is such a unique climate and environmental archive that will provide lots of opportunities for future studies, and it’s right from Cambridge’s own backyard,” said Büntgen. “We often travel all over the world to collect ice cores or ancient trees, but it’s really special to find such a unique archive so close to the office.”


Inner part of the pile of subfossil yew trunks. Note fresh chain-saw cuts after sampling cross-sectional discs.

Cross-section of a subfossil yew trunk after surface preparation. The disc contains 380 tree-rings, i.e the tree was at least 380 years old when it died.


Tatiana Bebchuk


How do plants determine where the light is coming from ?

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Plants have no visual organs, so how do they know where light comes from? In an original study combining expertise in biology and engineering, the team led by Prof Christian Fankhauser at UNIL, in collaboration with colleagues at EPFL, has uncovered that a light-sensitive plant tissue uses the optical properties of the interface between air and water to generate a light gradient that is 'visible' to the plant. These results have been published in the journal Science.

The majority of living organisms (micro-organisms, plants and animals) have the ability to determine the origin of a light source, even in the absence of a sight organ comparable to the eye. This information is invaluable for orienting oneself or optimal positioning in the environment. Perceiving where light is coming from is particularly important for plants, which use this information to position their organs, a phenomenon known as phototropism. This enables them to capture more of the sun's rays, which they then convert into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis, a vital process which is necessary for the production of nearly all of the food we eat.

Although the photoreceptor that initiates phototropism has long been known, the optical properties of photosensitive plant tissue have until now remained a mystery. A multidisciplinary study published in Science, combining the expertise of the teams of DrSc. Christian Fankhauser (full professor and director of the Integrative Genomics Centre in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at UNIL), DrSc. Andreas Schüler (head of the Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Conversion group at EPFL's Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory) and UNIL's Electron Microscopy Centre uncovered a surprising tissue feature allowing plants to detect directional light cues.

"It all started with the observation of a mutant of the model species Arabidopsis thaliana, the thale cress, whose stem was surprisingly transparent", explains Christian Fankhauser, who led the research. These plants failed to respond to light correctly. The UNIL biologist then decided to call on the skills of his colleague Andreas Schüler from EPFL, in order to further compare the specific optical properties of the mutant versus wild type samples. "We found that the natural milky appearance of the stems of young wild plants was in fact due to the presence of air in intercellular channels precisely located in various tissues. In the mutant specimens, the air is replaced by an aqueous liquid, giving them a translucent appearance", continues the researcher.

But what purpose do such air-filled channels serve? They enable the photosensitive stem to establish a light gradient that can be "read" by the plant. The plant can then determine the origin of the light source. This phenomenon is due to the different optical properties of air and water, which make up the majority of living tissue. “More specifically, air and water have different refractive indices. This leads to light scattering as it passes through the seedling. We have all observed this phenomenon when admiring a rainbow", explains Martina Legris, a postdoctoral fellow in Prof Fankhauser's group and co-first author of the study.

Thanks to their research, the scientists have revealed a novel mechanism that enables living organisms to perceive where the light is coming from, enabling them to position their organs such as leaves in a way that optimizes light capture for photosynthesis. The study also provided a better understanding of the formation of air-filled intercellular channels, which have a range of functions in plants, in addition to the formation of light gradients. Among other uses, these channels promote gas exchange and also make it possible to resist hypoxia (reduction in the quantity of oxygen) in the event of flooding. Their development from the embryonic stage to adulthood, is still very poorly understood. Genetic resources used in this study will be useful to better understand the formation and maintenance of these intriguing structures.


How do temperature extremes influence the distribution of species?

McGill biology researchers found that there are patterns regarding the importance of temperature in determining where species live, shedding light on their sensitivity to climate change

Peer-Reviewed Publication


As the planet gets hotter, animal and plant species around the world will be faced with new, potentially unpredictable living conditions, which could alter ecosystems in unprecedented ways. A new study from McGill University researchers, in collaboration with researchers in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Denmark, Australia, South Africa and other universities in Canada, investigates the importance of temperature in determining where animal species are currently found to better understand how a warming climate might impact where they might live in the future.

To find out, the researchers tested the role of temperature as a factor that could limit a species’ potential habitat range. They compared the temperatures and areas where 460 cold-blooded animal species currently live to the temperatures and areas where they could live based on their tolerance to temperatures.

They found that, unlike species living in the ocean, land animals such as reptiles, amphibians and insects have habitat ranges that are less directly impacted by temperature. The higher a species is in latitude, the lower its tendency to live in areas near the equator with temperatures they could tolerate, the researchers say. This means that, instead of tolerance to temperature, negative interactions with other species – like with competitors or parasites – could be what keep these species away from this potential habitat.

“It was not surprising to find that temperature doesn’t always limit species ranges, but what was surprising was that, despite the complexity, we found general patterns in the role that temperature plays across species,” said lead author of the study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution and PhD student in the Department of Biology, Nikki A. Moore.

“This research helps us to understand general patterns in how sensitive the distributions of different cold-blooded animal species might be to changes in temperature, which will help us to predict how the global distribution of species will change because of climate change.”

A pattern that predicts species distribution

The pattern that Moore and colleagues found helps resolve two conflicting hypotheses about the distribution of life on earth.

“While it had long been thought that species ranges are less limited by temperature and more limited by species interactions in the tropics, the new work shows that higher-latitude species are increasingly excluded from their potential ranges in the tropics, supporting the idea of a trade-off between broad thermal tolerances and performance in the tropics,” said Moore.

While these results provide insights into the sensitivities of species in different realms and across latitudes to climate change, the next step for this research is to test these predictions using actual observations of species range shifts, the researchers say.

The researchers say predicting and testing how species distributions respond to temperature requires on good observations of where species live. Anyone can get involved in contributing to our knowledge of species distributions through citizen science, using applications such as iNaturalist.

About the study

Temperate species underfill their tropical thermal potentials on land by Nikki A. Moore et al., was published in Nature Ecology and Evolution.


Autonomous excavator constructs a 6-meter-high dry-stone wall

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ETH Zurich researchers deployed an autonomous excavator, called HEAP, to build a six metre-high and sixty-five-metre-long dry-stone wall. The wall is embedded in a digitally planned and autonomously excavated landscape and park.

The team of researchers included: Gramazio Kohler Research, the Robotics Systems Lab, Vision for Robotics Lab, and the Chair of Landscape Architecture. They developed this innovative design application as part of the National Centre of Competence in Research for Digital Fabrication (NCCR dfab).

Using sensors, the excavator can autonomously draw a 3D map of the construction site and localise existing building blocks and stones for the wall’s construction. Specifically designed tools and machine vision approaches enable the excavator to scan and grab large stones in its immediate environment. It can also register their approximate weight as well as their centre of gravity. An algorithm determines the best position for each stone, and the excavator then conducts the task itself by placing the stones in the desired location. The autonomous machine can place 20 to 30 stones in a single consignment – about as many as one delivery could supply.


The Menzi Muck picks and scans each boulder to be placed in the correct position, Circularity Park in Oberglatt, Eberhard AG, 2021-2022.

Drone view of the autonomous excavator HEAP, Circularity Park in Oberglatt, Eberhard AG, 2021-2022


Johns RL, Wermelinger M, Mascaro R, Jud D, Hurkxkens I, Vasey L, Chli M, Gramazio F, Kohler M, Hutter M: A framework for robotic excavation and dry stone construction using on-site materials, Science Robotics, 22 November 2023, DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abp9758


Further information


How certain media talk about AI may have everything to do with political ideology

Virginia Tech researchers investigate the impact of partisan media sentiment on reports about AI.

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AI political scales 



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Even as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes embedded into every fabric our daily lives — from language translation to virtual personal assistants — it continues to be a divisive issue. As its reach expands, Virginia Tech researchers are seeking to understand which sections of society might be more receptive to AI and which sections may be more averse to it.

In the recently published research “Partisan Media Sentiment Toward Artificial Intelligence,” authors from the Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business – Angela YiShreyans Goenka, and Mario Pandelaere – examined the varied reactions to AI by analyzing partisan media sentiment. Their work was published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

The researchers found that articles from liberal-leaning media have a more negative sentiment toward AI than articles from conservative media. In other words, liberal-leaning media tend to be more opposed to AI than conservative-leaning media.

This opposition can be attributed to, according to the findings, liberal-leaning media being more concerned with AI magnifying social biases in society, such as racial, gender, and income disparities, than conservative-leaning media. The researchers also examined how media sentiment toward AI changed after George Floyd’s death.

“Since Floyd’s death ignited a national conversation about social biases in society, his death heightened social bias concerns in the media,” said Yi, a Ph.D. student in the marketing department. “This, in turn, resulted in the media becoming even more negative towards AI in their storytelling.”

Implications for policymakers and beyond

According to Goenka and Yi, their findings may have important implications for future political discussions around AI. Becaise media sentiment can serve as an indicator of public sentiment which, in turn, can impact policymakers’ stances, the partisan media differences observed may subsequently lead to differences in public opinion toward AI.

“Media sentiment is a powerful driver of public opinion, and oftentimes policymakers look toward the media to predict public sentiment on contentious issues,” said Yi. “Perhaps the next step in our research is to see how social media conversations surrounding AI change as a function of the partisan differences we see in our paper.”

How the data was collected

To examine partisan media sentiment toward AI, the researchers compiled a collection of articles written about AI from several media outlets. The partisan sentiment for each outlet used was determined by using the ratings found on the Media Bias Rating Chart from AllSides, a company that measures the perceived political bias of content on online written news outlets. A mix of liberal-leaning outlets, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, and more conservative-leaning outlets, such as The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, were sourced.

From there, the researchers downloaded articles from the selected outlets based on certain criteria, including the usage of specific key terms, such as “algorithm” or “artificial intelligence,” as well as a date range from May 2019 through May 2021.

With a dataset of over 7,500 articles, they performed an emotional tone analysis on each story using an automated text analysis tool. Through this tool, they were able to capture the emotional tone of each article, which is calculated by the difference between the percentage of positive emotion words and the percentage of negative emotion words in a text. This difference is then standardized on a scale of 0 to 100 to produce the emotional tone measure.

Goenka, assistant professor of marketing, stressed that this research is descriptive rather than prescriptive, and no stance is being taken as to the right way to discuss AI.

“We are not stating whether the liberal media is acting optimally, or the conservative media is acting optimally,” he said. “We are just showing that these differences exist in the media sentiment and that these differences are important to quantify, see, and understand.”

‘You can walk around in a T-shirt’: how Norway brought heat pumps in from the cold

Ajit Niranjan
Thu, 23 November 2023 

Photograph: NurPhoto/Getty Images

When Glen Peters bought a heat pump for his home in Oslo he wasn’t thinking about the carbon it would avoid.

Convenience played a role; a fireplace was too much of a hassle – the effort of having to buy, prepare and store the wood – and the wall-mounted radiators are too dusty. “They’re a pain in the ass to clean,” said Peters (who is actually a climate scientist).

But the main factor, according to Peters, who had recently swapped to underfloor heating, was money.

In most of Europe, fitting a heat pump is one of the most powerful actions a person can take to reduce their carbon footprint. But in Norway, where clean-yet-inefficient electrical resistance heaters have long been common, upgrading to a heat pump is often a purely financial decision – one to which Peters came late. Two-thirds of households in this Nordic country of 5 million people have a heat pump, more than anywhere else in the world.

For many years, Norwegians and their neighbours heated their homes with fossil fuels. But during the 1973 oil crisis, when prices shot up, the country’s political leaders made a conscious choice to promote alternatives, and, unlike their counterparts elsewhere, they did not back away from that decision once the crisis eased. Denmark rolled out an extensive district heating system. Norway, Sweden and Finland moved more towards heating with wood or electricity. They began to price carbon in the 1990s, and a mix of grants and taxes tipped the balance further away from oil long after the crisis was over.

In the Netherlands, during the 1973 oil crisis, cars were periodically banned in Amsterdam in order to save petrol. 
Photograph: Keystone/Getty Images

“Norway ensured early on that fossil-fuel heating was the most expensive option, making heat pumps cost competitive,” said Dr Jan Rosenow from the Regulatory Assistance Project, a thinktank that works to decarbonise buildings. “They did this by taxing carbon emissions from fossil heating fuels. That’s been the key to incentivise heat pump adoption.”

Norway also trained up a workforce to install them. While the devices themselves can be churned out of factories en masse, fitting them into homes can be fiddly and easy to mess up. In much of Europe, experts say, the lack of a skilled workforce is one of several bottlenecks holding the heat pump industry back.

“The reason we have big growth is that it works,” said Rolf Hagemoen, the head of Norway’s heat pump lobby. “If you have lots of customers who have complaints and bad experiences with heat pumps, they will tell all their neighbours it doesn’t work.”

There are signs that the opposite also holds true. Ole Øystein Haugen, a retired metalworker who lives just outside Oslo, convinced three of his neighbours to get ground-source heat pumps after he got one himself seven years ago. The device heats his swimming pool as well as his home. It takes a little longer to heat the water in the spring than with the old oil burner, said Haugen, but “that’s the only negative thing”.

At its core, a heat pump is just like a fridge or an air-conditioner. The machine does not generate the desired heat itself but instead moves it from outside to where it is needed. They have been around for decades, with the first heat pump built in 1856 by Peter von Rittinger, an Austrian scientist, and used to dry out salt in a marsh. By the 1930s, the Swiss used them to take heat from rivers and lakes and a couple of decades later the Americans used them to draw heat out of the ground.

Heat pumps’ efficiency has been increased over decades, partly because of the early adopters in Nordic countries who tinkered away to the point where a modern version can deliver three to five units of heat for every unit of electricity used to power it. An efficient gas boiler, on the other hand, can only produce as much heat as the energy contained in the fuel being burned. In other words, a heat pump will have a smaller carbon footprint than a gas boiler even when plugged into an electricity grid dependent on high-emitting suppliers.

Kent Eilertsen is a maintenance engineer at the Norwegian postal service Posten Bring and looks after two heat pumps in a sorting terminal in Tromsø, 137 miles (220km) north of the Arctic Circle. “It works very well in the cold,” said Eilertsen. The devices can become less efficient when temperatures drop below -15C, he added, but new versions still run at -20C or -25C.

That is not what we hear in other countries. Coming from the UK, which sold fewer heat pumps last year than anywhere else in Europe, and living in Germany, where the unassuming grey boxes have become unlikely fodder in a fierce culture war, I find the Nordic acceptance of clean heat particularly hard to wrap my head around. Powerful campaigns against heat pumps have been run in parts of the UK and German press, which continue to argue that the devices are inefficient and break down in cold weather. Some of the campaigning has been linked to gas lobby groups.

The popularity of heat pumps across Nordic countries should be enough to dispel that myth – Sweden and Finland join Norway at the top of rankings of heat pumps per 1,000 household. Studies show the same thing. In mildly cold climates, a standard air-source heat pump produces two to three times as much useful heat as the energy needed to run it, and the ratio only drops below two in temperatures far below freezing.

The Norwegians also benefit from well-insulated houses. “When I was a kid we either sweated like pigs in summer or froze to death in winter,” said Peters, who grew up in Australia. “Norway is very different and quite luxurious in the sense that in the middle of winter you can just walk around in your T-shirt and it’s 20- plus degrees in your house.”

The Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, and the shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, are shown a heat pump during a visit to renewable energy company in Slough, Berkshire. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

For now, heat pumps are still, in most countries, pretty small scale. The global stock meets only about 10% of the heat used in buildings, according to the International Energy Agency, and their needs to almost triple by the end of the decade to be on track for net zero emissions by 2050. Despite a boom since the recent energy crisis, when fossil gas prices soared, sales in parts of Europe and elsewhere suggest that goal is still well off-track.

Norway’s success is not easy for countries to replicate. It is one of the wealthiest on the planet, so citizens can more easily afford the higher upfront cost of a heat pump. Norway also makes cheap, renewable electricity from hydropower dams, which lowers the monthly bills for people running a heat pump.

But with European governments continuing to subsidise fossil fuels – and setting carbon prices well below the cost of polluting – the Nordic experience shows that politicians in much warmer countries could opt to clean up their heating systems.