Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Found a couple of good posts on Proudhon. One is Proudhon on government over at CLASSical Liberalism. Where Proudhon denounces representative parliamentary democracy as a sham. Considering the election of King Stephen the Haropcrite this passage seems particularly apt.

"It is completely otherwise in democracy, which according to the authors exists fully only at the moment of elections and for the formation of legislative power. This moment once past, democracy retreats; it withdraws into itself again, and begins its anti-democratic work."

"In fact it is not true, in any democracy, that all citizens participate in the formation of the law; that prerogative is reserved to the representatives."

"It is not true that they deliberate on all public affairs, domestic and foreign; this is the perquisite, not even of the representatives, but of the ministers. Citizens discuss affairs, ministers alone deliberate them."

"...According to democratic theory, the 'People' is incapable of governing itself; democracy, like monarchy, after having posed as its principle the sovereignty of the People, ends with a declaration of the incapacity of the People!"

"This is what is meant by the democrats, who once in the government, dream only of consolidating and strengthening the authority in their hands."

The other is on

text Time to abondon our concept of Collectivism for a concept of Mutualism?
Proudhon and the 21st Century

As I have said here before the real nature of Proudhonian anarchism is self government, something embraced by Max Stirner and late Nietzsche. As well as by Kropotkin and Emma Goldman.

In self government, the individual is soverign, and no decision can be made without my input. Any decisions over my life must be done by my consent. It is classical liberalism taken to its logical teleology.

And yet the post-modernists who rant on about the teleology of Marxism as being essentialist, accept this of anarchism. Post Modernism is also a teleology of liberalism.

While Anarchy means No Government we can see that the government it denies is Monarchy and representative democracy, parlimentarianism. Instead Prodhoun saw government, as did Kropotkin, as self organized by individuals as community.

That is in community or workplace councils, with revocable delegates going out ot present positions within a larger federation, and coming back from those federations with proposals for approval.

This particular article on Proudhon in the 21st Century introduces Prodhoun to North American readers who may not have heard of him. I present an exerpt of this very interesting paper. Discuss amongst yourselves. Those who would call themselves Libertarian would do well to read their Prodhoun.


Most people in North America are unaware of Proudhon, but he did have an influence here. The newspaper editors Charles Dana and Horace Greely were sympathetic to his ideas and he influenced the American individualists, most especially Benjamin Tucker, who translated and published some of his most important writings. Proudhon's criticisms of the credit and monetary systems were an influence upon the Greenback Party. His concept of mutual associations and the People's Bank were forerunners of the credit union and cooperative movements.


The public thinks anarchy means chaos or terrorism. But many people who claim to be anarchists are also confused as to its meaning. Some think anarchism is a doctrine espousing the right to do what ever you want. Others dream that one day a pure anarchist utopia, a kind of earthly Paradise of peace and freedom will come to be. Neither of these conceptions were Proudhon's. "Anarchy" did not mean a pure or absolute state of freedom, for pure anarchism was an ideal or myth.

[Anarchy] ... the ideal of human government... centuries will pass before that ideal is attained, but our law is to go in that direction, to grow unceasingly nearer to that end, and thus I would uphold the principle of federation.[2] is unlikely that all traces of government or authority will disappear...[3]

Proudhon wanted people to minimalize the role of authority, as part of a process, that may or may not lead to anarchy. The end was not so important as the process itself.

By the word [anarchy] I wanted to indicate the extreme limit of political progress. Anarchy is... a form of government or constitution in which public and private consciousness, formed through the development of science and law, is alone sufficient to maintain order and guarantee all liberties... The institutions of the police, preventative and repressive methods officialdom, taxation etc., are reduced to a minimum... monarchy and intensive centralization disappear, to be replaced by federal institutions and a pattern of life based upon the commune.[4] NB. "Commune" means municipality.

In the real world, all actual political constitutions, agreements and forms of government are a result of compromise and balance. Neither of the two terms, Authority and Liberty can be abolished, the goal of anarchy is merely to limit authority to the maximum.

Since the two principles, Authority and Liberty, which underlie all forms organized society, are on the one hand contrary to each other, in a perpetual state of conflict, and on the other can neither eliminate each other nor be resolved, some kind of compromise between the two is necessary. Whatever the system favored, whether it be monarchical, democratic, communist or anarchist, its length of life will depend to the extent to which it has taken the contrary principle into account.[5]

...that monarchy and democracy, communism and anarchy, all of them unable to realize themselves in the purity of their concepts, are obliged to complement one another by mutual borrowings. There is surely something here to dampen the intolerance of fanatics who cannot listen to a contrary opinion... They should learn, then, poor wretches, that they are themselves necessarily disloyal to their principles, that their political creeds are tissues of inconsistencies... contradiction lies at the root of all programs.[6]

In rejecting absolute anarchy and favoring an open-ended process, Proudhon criticized all forms of absolutism and utopianism. He saw that utopianism is dangerous, and was a product of absolutism - the sort of thought which fails to distinguish between concrete reality and the abstract products of the mind. Anarchist theory should be open-ended, or "loose". No hard-edged determinism or "necessary stages of history" for Proudhon.

...writers have mistakenly introduced a political assumption as false as it is dangerous, in failing to distinguish practice from theory, the real, from the ideal... every real government is necessarily mixed...[7]

...few people defend the present state of affairs, but the distaste for utopias is no less widespread.[8]

Not only was utopia a dangerous myth, the working people were too practical and too intelligent to bother with such pipe dreams.

The people indeed are not at all utopian... they have no faith in the absolute and they reject every apriori system...[9]

There was no easy way out - no Terrestrial Paradise, things might improve, but we still have to work. Such was his hard-headed realism in contrast to all the fancy dreaming and system-mongering of the intellectuals. Poverty, by which he meant lack of luxury, not destitution, was the foundation of the good life.

In rejecting absolutism, Proudhon never waffled on the question of freedom. As opposed to the modern left which pits equality against liberty, and demands the restriction of the latter for the sake of the former, Proudhon was a resolute libertarian:

Lois Blanc has gone so far as to reverse the republican motto. He no longer says Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, he says, Equality, Fraternity,
Liberty!... Equality! I had thought that it was the natural fruit of Liberty, which has no need of theory nor constraint.[10] ...the abolition of taxes, of central authority, with great increase of local power. There lies the way of escape from Jacobinism and Communism.[11]


Proudhon proposed mutualism as an alternative both to capitalism and socialism. Mutualism was not a scheme, but was based upon his observation of existing mutual aid societies and co-operatives as formed by the workers of Lyon. But the co-operative association in industry was applicable only under certain conditions - large scale production.

...mutualism intends men to associate only insofar as this is required by the demands of production, the cheapness of goods, the needs of consumption and security of the producers themselves, i.e., in those cases where it is not possible for the public to rely upon private industry... Thus no systematized outlook... party spirit or vain sentimentality unites the persons concerned.[27]

In cases in which production requires great division of labour, it is necessary to form an ASSOCIATION among the workers... because without that they would remain isolated as subordinates and superiors, and there would ensue two industrial castes of masters and wage workers, which is repugnant in a free and democratic society. But where the product can be obtained by the action of an individual or a family... there is no opportunity for association.[28]

Proudhon was in favor of private ownership of small-scale property. He opposed individual ownership of large industries because workers would lose their rights and ownership. Property was essential to building a strong democracy and the only way to do this on the large-scale was through co-operative associations.

Where shall we find a power capable of counter-balancing the... State? There is none other than property... The absolute right of the State is in conflict with the absolute right of the property owner. Property is the greatest revolutionary force which exists.[29]

...the more ground the principles of democracy have gained, the more I have seen the working classes interpret these principles favorably to individual ownership.[30]

[Mutualism] ...will make capital and the State subordinate to labor.[31]

Alienation and exploitation in large-scale industry was to be overcome by the introduction of workers' co-operative associations. These associations were to be run on a democratic basis, otherwise workers would find themselves subordinated just as with capitalist industry. A pragmatist, Proudhon thought all positions should be filled according to suitability and pay was to be graduated according to talent and responsibility.

That every individual in the association... has an undivided share in the company... a right to fill any position according to suitability... all positions are elective, and the by-laws subject to approval of the members. That pay is to be proportional to the nature of the position, the importance of the talents, and the extent of responsibility.[32]

Proudhon was an enemy of state capitalism and state socialism. At the very most, government could institute or aid the development of a new enterprise, but never own or control it.

In a free society, the role of the government is essentially that of legislating, instituting, creating, beginning, establishing, as little as possible should it be executive... The state is not an entrepreneur... Once a beginning has been made, the machinery established, the state withdraws, leaving the execution of the task to local authorities and citizens.[33]

[Coinage] is an industry left to the towns. That there should be an inspector to supervise its manufacture I admit, but the role of the state extends no farther than that.[34]

The following quote is a good summary of Proudhon's economic and political ideas:

All my economic ideas, developed over the last 25 years, can be defined in three words, agro-industrial federation; all my political views... political federation or decentralization, all my hopes for the present and future... progressive federation.[35]

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agorism, counter-economics, left libertarian, new libertarian or Movement of the Libertarian Left.

Child Care Not Jobs

That's what the Social Development Minister Diane Finley said on Politics with Don Newman today. "We want to provide child care not jobs".

She was under a lot of pressure from Olivia Chow of the NDP and Carolyn Bennett of the Liberals. Flustered she blurted out the truth. Its not about choice but jobs,that is the Conservatives are opposed to job creation by the State. I am shocked. For them there are two clear cut models of child care, one where children are together supervised by child care workers and the other is where the little woman stays home and takes care of the kids. Thats the Tories real choice for Canadian families.

Stuck with their neo-con ideological blinders on they refuse to see that the private sector does not create child care, it expects the state to do it, in order to shift the burden from the capitalists to the worker/taxpayer. Which is why the provinces and business supported the Liberal plan.

And we know the Tory plan won't create jobs. Cause the Tories have only one plan to give out a baby bonus, which will barely pay for babysitting. Their tax credit plan for business to create day care spaces won't work. Didn't in Ontario under Mike Harris.

But their point is made, they are about choice. Not for working mothers, or for women working in Child Care. Choice for stay at home moms rich enough to afford nannies. For everyone else well leave your kids with baba.

It was ironic that she said this on International Womens Day when Stats Canada identified that Canadian women are still stuck in the pink ghetto, low wages lack of advancement. Like child care workers.
Women still paid less, says 10-year study

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Liberal S'Tory

Liberal throws in the towel chortels Tory Thoughts. In Alberta. I am shocked. Not. But what is interesting in this turn of events is that this particular wet behind the ears Liberal/liberal blogger has correctly spotted Jim Dinning as the Liberal/liberal running for leadership of the PC's (Party of Calgary).

I have joined the Progressive Conservative Party and will throw my support behind Jim Dinning.

Dinning is in the Lougheed school of politics. He is Calgary liberal, cosmpolitan, a CEO rather than a country bumpkin (Lyle Oberg) or a right wing ideologue (Ted Morton) who are also conteders for Kleins throne.

Dinning is the Great Liberal Hope of Calgary. The Liberals were out of power after their grand defeat in 1921 at the hands of the Farmer Labour Government which was the UFA. They remained out of power until the eighties when resurected by Nick they finally became a challenge to the Party of Calgary in the early ninties when the battle of the Mayors occurred. Ralph Klein newly elected Leader of the PCs versus Lawernce Decore newly elected Leader of the Liberals. Klein had been Mayor of Calgary, Decore Mayor of Edmonton. Klein ran on Brutal Cuts and Decore ran on Massive Cuts. Both had a deficit cutting agenda. As it was Klein won and Dinning imposed massive and brutal cuts. When the budget balanced he left office a hero of the neo-conservatives Liberal and Tory.

But for twenty years prior the Liberals were nowhere to be seen provinicially. Because Lougheed cobbled together a PC party made up of Liberals in the Calgary establishment and Conservatives. Lougheed also added the more cosmopolitan urban arm of Social Credit, thanks to a back room deal with Ernest Manning who stepped down for a position in a Calgary law Firm leaving the Socreds with a lame duck leader for Premier. And with the three way amalgamation, based on the new power of urban Alberta, swept the election of 1971.

Since that time the Tories knowing their weakness and their base is the old Socred base in rural Alberta, has shored up its seats by geremandering rural districts, and by removing seats from Redmonton, which votes against the PC's, and giving more seats to Calgary.

Today Jim Dinning is forging a Lougheed like alliance between social liberals and fiscal conservatives, and like Lougheed leaving the extreme right wing to its own fractured leadership contenders. There are several. They will split the vote. Dinning has been out of office and connection with the Klein government for a decade. He brings a 'fresh' face to PC politics, and he has the ear of the Calgary and Edmonton business establishment. Friends like former Liberal neo-con Mike Piercy at the U of A. He appeals to the youthful exuperance of up and coming Tories and business graduates.

During the recent Finning strike, he is a member of the board, he took time to meet with striking workers and their union on a couple of occassions. Unheard of in Alberta politics.

If Dinning wins, he is the front runner, he will be a liberal in a roost full of neo-con ideologues and good ol boy Tories. The party will fracture. Internal politics will be played out, and those on the right will have to chose to shut up and be part of the parties turn to the centre or join the emerging tiny right wing rump party the Alberta Alliance.

It will also mean a move by liberals/Liberals into the PC party and the final nail in the coffin of the Liberal party. A party based in Edmonton, and too far left for ebullent well off Calgary liberals. As our former Liberal blogger shows.

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Just The Facts

And here they are, for those of you still using IE change to Firefox quick. Then you will be actually able to read this page.

Firefox Whips Internet Explorer In Vulnerability Tally

Symantec changes the way it tallies potential security gaps in browsers and concludes that Mozilla Firefox has fewer vulnerabilities.

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Live Fast Die Young

And leave a beautiful corpse as the saying goes. Or in this case a record in time from deep space. Here is the earliest know explosion near the begining of the universe and thus the begining of Time. And you can watch it on your computer. I am in awe.

Flash from the Beginning of Time Reveals Strange Event
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 08 March 2006
01:00 pm ET

The most distant explosion ever recorded, signaling the birth of a black hole near the beginning of time, was more chaotic and lasted longer than astronomers would have expected.

The event was first reported last fall. Today scientists released new findings and an animation that depicts a strange sequence of events in which the explosion of a massive star first settles down but then fires back up several times toward the end.

Astronomers speculate that the black hole did not form instantly, as theory predicts, but that it was a prolonged process.

ANIMATION: Surprising multiple outbursts during black hole formation.

"This was a massive star that lived fast and died young," said David Burrows, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State and author of one of three papers in the March 9 issue of the journal Nature.

The burst, named GRB 050904, originated 12.8 billion light-years away, which means it occurred 12.8 billion years ago and the light took that long to reach us. It erupted very nearly at the beginning of time—the universe is about 13.7 billion years old.

The event provides the first glimpse of a star when the universe was in its infant stages. Until now, only entire galaxies had been observed so far away.

"Because the burst was brighter than a billion suns, many telescopes could study it even from such a huge distance," Burrows said.

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We Are Still Evolving

Yep that's a headline that should cheer us all up, well with the exception of the creationists. And despite President Bush's vain attempt to prove the contrary on every occasion.

Human selection is alive and kicking

Geneticists track evolutionary forces in three populations.

Michael Hopkin

Written in the genes: researchers can see evidence of recent human evolution.

© Getty
Humanity's response to the challenges of the past few millennia, from adapting to different environments to taming crops and animals, are writ large in human society. Now geneticists have shown that they are also writ small - in our DNA.

Researchers at the University of Chicago, Illinois, have identified the regions of our genetic sequence that show the strongest marks of natural selection. Their work highlights the genes that have been most important in adapting to new lifestyles, and could help to identify the genetic factors involved in complex medical conditions such as high blood pressure and alcoholism.

Genes that show the most evidence of recent selection include those involved in milk digestion. Although most mammals drink milk only in infancy, humans seem to have adapted genetically to digest it throughout life.

Genes for skin pigmentation also bear the hallmarks of rapid evolution - highlighting the fact that many populations have become more fair-skinned as they have colonized more extreme latitudes with less sunshine.

But wait we are not alone as recent studies have shown, Great Apes in Zoos are evolving too. And apparently so are Whales.

Sperm whales use fishing boats as floating buffets

Scientists recently realized that sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska zero in on boat engines to locate miles of fishing lines hung with valuable sablefish.

"That's the whales' cue," said Jan Straley, an assistant professor at the University of Alaska Southeast who since 2002 has helped lead the study.

Sperm whales don't tune in to just any engine noise to track what are essentially miles of sablefish shish kebabs. The endangered whales key in on the engines' sporadic bubbling as fishermen turn them on and off while hauling in longlines, the ongoing study said.

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Hacker Capitalism

Once the Agents of Doom for corporate capitalists like Microsoft, or the Imperialist death machine like the Pentagon and CIA, hackers have now become simply gangsta's of the internet. Viruses decline as hackers target PC users for money

But they are in good company with folks like Shaw Cable who gouge and screw Canadians every chance they get, using the CRTC regulations to dominate the cable market and now the VOIP market. Its downright criminal, legal but criminal. Its called Monopolizing the marketplace, something Shaw whines about when it talks about the Telcos.

Shaw fingered in CRTC complaint

Thinly-veiled taxes levied by Shaw against Vonage users are falsely inflating prices for those using Internet-based telephone services, charges a complaint a complaint filed with the CRTC.

By charging $10 per month to customers who choose to subscribe to the Vonage VoIP service, Shaw is unfairly trying to push out competition in the voice-over Internet provider (VoIP) service, Vonage spokesman Joe Parent said yesterday.

"We're left to draw the conclusion that this is a tax for not using their VoIP service, which competes with ours," he said.

"They're suggesting that any of their customers who decide to subscribe to a voice service, other than their own, pay an additional $10 fee."

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Blonde Lobster, No Joke

New animal resembles furry lobster

New animal resembles furry lobster

Divers have discovered a new crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky, blond fur, French researchers said Tuesday.The animal is white and 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) long -- about the size of a salad plate.

Perfect.It fits the plate. mmmm lobster Homer Simpson would say.

Just kidding. Besides the Lobster Liberation Front might be a tad teed off. Free the Lobsters!

It makes a better picture than a meal. And since this newly discovered species lives deep in the ocean off Tahiti it is unlikely to be fished.

They could have named this blond lobster after Linda McCartney, since she and her husband Sir Paul opposed Lobster fishing before he even found out about seals. Or since it is a French blonde perhaps they should have named it after Bridgette Bardot another anti-sealing, anti-immigrant activist. or Pamela Anderson, no she is Canadian, but she is blonde.

International stars Pamela Anderson Lee, Brigitte Bardot and Mary Tyler Moore have all reported thrown their weight behind lobster liberation. Sir Paul McCartney and his late wife, Linda, are also supposed to have spent thousands of pounds saving captive lobsters from the plate. BBC News | UK | The cost of posh nosh

Even folks who eat Lobsters are aware that there are limits such as in this case; Sympathetic Customers Save Giant Lobsters From the Pot Unfortunately not all such rescues succeed.

Earlier this month, 23-pound Bubba attracted national attention when shoppers spotted him in a tank at a Pittsburgh seafood market and urged the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium to intervene. Bubba ended up in a quarantined tank at the zoo on March 1. But he died less than 24 hours later, presumably from the stress of being moved many times.

On the other hand while we like our lobster we recognize that it is a matter of sustainable eco-nomics (ecological economics), the balance between fishers and the lobsters, as in the case of any costal peoples who rely upon the economy of the sea for their existence under capitalism. What was once a sustainable local economy under capitalism becomes overfishing, a threat to the continuation not only of sea animals but those who fish them. Even scientific studies of marine animal populations have to be suspect when the studies are done without input from the fishers themselves.

The Secret Lives of Lobsters

Cowan sees the conservancy’s mission as “protecting and conserving
lobster populations, and the industry that supports lobsters.” She is also
committed to breaking down the barriers between the scientists who
study marine life and the fishermen who make their livings from lobsters.
After all, it was local people who led her to one of her greatest discoveries
about lobsters. While looking for a spot to launch her kayak, she saw
two boys flipping rocks on the beach. When she asked what they were up
to they replied, “We’re playing with baby lobsters.” Cowan was stunned. For
years, scientists had thought juvenile lobsters lived in deep water, not
intertidal mudflats; however, these two sons of local lobstermen had
always known where to find baby lobsters.

Recent years of record high catches are making state officials uneasy.
Many of the lobsters brought to market are too young to have
reproduced, so there is talk of increased regulation to prevent a
population crash. Cowan is supplying the hard scientific data that will
help protect the lobsters and the industry. Lobsters are a $200 million
a year industry in Maine, providing a livelihood for thousands of people.
As more nurseries were discovered on New England beaches, Cowan put out
a call for volunteers.

Lobstermen and their families were the first to sign up, and have proven
to be her best helpmates. They know where to look for the babies
and how to handle them. Their knowledge of lobster behavior is extensive,
some of it passed down through generations of their families.
Lobstermen also provide specimens for her research station. With
permits from the state, Cowan can accept large lobsters that are beyond
the legal catch limit. It is not uncommon to see a boat motor up
to the dock and a burly Maine lobsterman deposit a monstrous lobster
with claws the size of boxing gloves into Cowan’s outstretched arms.
Big lobsters have big appetites, so the lobstermen stop by at
the end of the day with fish, mussels, and crabs—dinner for the big guys.

And capitalism is rapacious, demanding unsafe fishing practices and increasing the numbers of lobsters fished which counters any ecological balance. Saving the lobsters for fishers is saving their communities, it is an economic and social neccisity.

What can be done to save the lobsters?

Local people organize for a greater say over their economic future

By Roger Hamilton, Corn Island, Nicaragu

The fishermen's complaint, said Pineda, was not that there are too many regulations, but rather that there are not enough. They insisted on the need for tough, well-enforced restrictions to protect the lobster. Although he called this year's catch "phenomenal," he said it could just be a natural fluctuation. "The government studies say that the lobsters are not overfished, but we see that overall, the fishery is down."

As a first step, the fishermen want lobster fishing to be banned during the February-March-April spawning period. But such a ban would have to apply to all fishermen, including foreign boats that operate on government-granted concessions. "We can live with the limitations, if they will save the fishery," said Pineda. "But if the law doesn't apply to everyone, why should we obey it?"

Diving for lobsters is another problem. The practice is encouraged by the big packinghouses because of its efficiency. But diving is hard on both the lobster population and the divers themselves.
Saving the Lobsters for Sir Paul McCartney is a moral issue, like saving the seals, which has no impact on his life since he is a vegan.

Most importantly, Paul and Heather promoted the Boycott of Canadian Seafood products and pointed out that the boycott of snow crabs from Newfoundland alone had cost the Canadian seafood industry 129 million dollars, a fact that Williams could not deny. They specifically mentioned the boycott of Red Lobster twice, which will put considerable pressure on the restaurant chain to stop their purchase of Canadian fish. Last week, Trader Joe’s joined Whole Food Market and thousands of restaurants that have signed onto the Boycott of Canadian Seafood.

See Green Opportunism: The Anti-Sealing Lobby

As with the anti-seal hunt Lobster Liberation Front moralists have little care for the impact they have on the human communities that live in a precarious balance with the sea.

They are obviously picking on small fisherman. It's my livelihood. I'm only a one-man band trying to muddle my way through life bringing up my two children. My job happens to be that I'm a fisherman. I don't know what they are trying to do. They say they are trying to save the lobsters but they will do more harm than good.

Saving the Lobsters for fishers is saving their heritage and the real eco-onomy of the community. It is also a matter of needing greater self management since clearly neither State regulations nor scientific studies in the past have been based on community input or community needs.

Researchers ponder old menus to save fisheries. 24/10/2005. ABC ...

Australian stocks of orange roughy are among some of the fish species coming under increasing pressure from over-fishing, according to a new report.

A snapshot of the world's fish stocks points not only to the current state of fisheries but also how changes in tastes over the years have impacted on the supply of seafood.

Marine historians picking through 200,000 US restaurant menus since the 1850s, schooner logs and archaeological sites are finding that capricious human tastes have let some species thrive while other stocks have been over-fished for centuries.

Americans scorned lobster until the 1880s while the ancient Romans loved fish so much that their catches depleted the Mediterranean, according to the study that may give clues about how to restore damaged world fish stocks.

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Shame on anyone, especially Liberals, for questioning Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Pulling out now would be reckless and cowardly. At the same time, shame on the Conservatives for surpressing debate. Says Syncategorematic

Well I question our involvement in Afghanistan, now and when we first went in. The attack on Afghanistan was based on Bush Administration lies much like the attack on Iraq. The alternative was to find Osama bin Laden and try him.

First Bush said it was to take out Osama bin Laden, who is at this date still at large. Then it was to take out the Taliban for supporting Osama, given a short window of opportunity to give him up according to an American time table the same ploy used to justify the invasion of Iraq; a shrot time table for Saddam to give up his non existant WMD. And lets not forget the Americans invaded because the Taliban oppressed everyone especially women.

So the U.S. special forces, the CIA and their Northern Alliance Warlords invaded, taking out the Taliban, with the usual air bombings killing civilians and of course our own troops. But the fact is once the U.S. and the Northern Alliance seized Kabul, the job was done. The U.S. now demanded more support from NATO so as to allow them to invade Iraq.

Well women are not free in Afghanistan. Elections were for Warlords, the Taliban are not gone, and Osama is free. This is not a liberation struggle by the people, no one asked the U.S. and NATO to invade. Nor are many happy with us staying there.

Opium production has increased, and Warlords maintain their power. So yes we do have to ask what the hell we are doing there.

I do not support our Government who sent our troops there, either the Liberals or the Tories. And no I do not support the gung ho military war mongers like General Hillier, or his syncophantic commanders like Fraser.

What should our troops be doing? Defending our Northern Soverignty, our 200 mile offshore limit on both coasts and seizing foreign fishing Trawlers.Defending our airspace from secret CIA flights. Peace Keeping. And oh yes cleaning Toronto streets next time there is a major snow storm, that's what.

All the same if one is going to support our Troops in the field with blind jingoism, my country right or wrong we do a disservice to them since they cannot express a free opinion since they are indentured servants of the State.

The State sends them to fight and die and they have to follow orders regardless of what they think. As citizens we have the duty to speak out against those orders that would endanger them if we do not support those orders. They cannot.

No one asked us, the citizens of Canada, about sending our troops to Afghanistan, nor are we being consulted now. Nor will the troops be, because democracy and the military are corollary opposites. So anyone who says challenging why we are in Afghanistan is betraying our troops is doing a far worse betrayal, a betrayal of democracy, which those troops are supposedly fighting and dying for.

“We have a saying in the army . . . we defend democracy, we don't practice it,” Gen. Rick Hillier

More on Afghanistan

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Nessie was an Elephant?

It is being reported today that another theory of the Loch Ness monster has appeared, that Nessie was an elephant.

Well I like my theory that like other Fresh Water Lake Monsters it is a Lake Sturgeon.

course then there is the guy that claimed to have found Nessies tooth.

And then there was the idea that maybe it is a crocodile. Crocodiles, elephants wandering around on the loose, it gives new meaning to Scotland the Free.

A tip o the blog to Nunc Scio for this,he tells his own Nessie tale as well.

Elephantine Theory Stirs Misty Waters of Loch Ness

By Mary Jordan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, March 8, 2006; Page A14

LONDON, March 7 -- So maybe the Loch Ness monster was actually a circus elephant.

Neil Clark, curator of paleontology at the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, sees striking similarities between descriptions of Nessie and what an Indian elephant looks like while swimming. And perhaps not coincidentally, a traveling circus featuring elephants passed by the misty lake in the 1930s at the height of the monster sightings.

According to a curator of paleontology, a swimming Indian elephant, left, looks strikingly similar to the Loch Ness monster, allegedly pictured in a 1934 photo by R. Kenneth Wilson taken at the height of the monster sightings.
According to a curator of paleontology, a swimming Indian elephant, left, looks strikingly similar to the Loch Ness monster, allegedly pictured in a 1934 photo by R. Kenneth Wilson taken at the height of the monster sightings. (By John Mcconnico -- Associated Press)

"It is quite possible that people not used to seeing a swimming elephant -- the vast bulk of the animal is submerged, with only a thick trunk and a couple of humps visible," thought they saw a monster, Clark said in an interview Tuesday.

By publishing his theory in the current issue of a British scientific journal, Clark has reignited passionate discussion here about the great Scottish mystery.

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