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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query WOMENS MARCH. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, March 06, 2021


One size doesn't fit all when it comes to products for preventing HIV from anal sex


Research News

The initial insights from the study, aptly named DESIRE (Developing and Evaluating Short-acting Innovations for Rectal Use), are being reported on March 6 in a Science Spotlight session at the virtual meeting of the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), March 6-10. The presentation will be available for registered participants and media to view throughout the meeting.

Conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Microbicide Trials Network (MTN), DESIRE focused on potential delivery methods for rectal microbicides - topical products being developed and tested to reduce a person's risk of acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted infections from anal sex. MTN researchers are particularly interested in on-demand options - used around the time of sex - and behaviorally congruent options that deliver anti-HIV drugs via products people may already be using as part of their sex routine.

"DESIRE stands out as a unique study because we took a step back and said, 'Let's figure out the modality without automatically pairing it with a drug'," explained José A. Bauermeister, Ph.D., M.P.H., study protocol chair and Albert M. Greenfield Professor of Human Relations at the University of Pennsylvania. "It gave us the ability to manipulate the delivery method without having to worry about how reactions to a particular drug might confound the results. We also had people trying out these methods in their own lives, and only then asked them to weigh the attributes of each." As such, he said, participants weren't making choices based on theoretical concepts, but instead using real experiences to guide their preferences.

Launched in 2019, DESIRE, also referred to as MTN-035, is the first study to explore multiple placebo methods for delivering a rectal microbicide. The three delivery methods assessed included a fast-dissolving placebo insert approximately two-thirds of an inch in length, a placebo suppository approximately an inch and a half in length, and a commercially available 120 mL douche bottle that participants were instructed to fill with clean tap or bottled water prior to use.

The study enrolled 217 participants who used each rectal delivery method for a month at a time, with a week-long break in between. Study participants, whose average age was 25 years, included cisgender men who have sex with men (79 percent) as well as transgender women (19 percent) and transgender men (2 percent) who have sex with men. The participants, based in Malawi, Peru, South Africa, Thailand and the United States (Birmingham, Pittsburgh and San Francisco), were instructed to use each method between 30 minutes and 3 hours prior to engaging in receptive anal sex, or once a week if they had not engaged in receptive anal sex in a given week.

To evaluate the acceptability of each method, participants were asked to complete a four-item survey once a week by text, commonly referred to as short message service (SMS), in their preferred language. After a month of using a particular delivery method, they were asked to complete a computer-assisted interview, with a subset of participants also completing an in-depth interview led by one of the study researchers.

At their final study visit, participants ranked attributes of a hypothetical product for preventing HIV from anal sex, and researchers used conjoint analysis - a market research approach that measures the value consumers place on features of a product or service - to calculate the percentage of weight participants gave to each attribute. They found that efficacy was the strongest determinant of participants' stated modality choice at 30 percent, followed by delivery method (18 percent) and side effects (17 percent). Other factors - timing of use before sex, duration of protection, frequency of use, and the need for a prescription - were not weighted as having as much importance by study participants. Through further analysis, researchers identified the participants' most preferred package based on the product features: A douche used 30 minutes before sex with 95 percent efficacy that offers three to five days of protection. This ideal product would also only need to be used once a week, have no side effects, and be available over the counter.

While this market research approach offered insights into the most common package of features, participants also underscored how each of the modalities could offer unique advantages in their daily lives.

"As you might expect, the context of the participants' lives informed their product choice," said Dr. Bauermeister. "When asked to rank the most preferred product attributes, they based their answers on their own experiences and the tradeoffs they might make in real-life situations." In some instances, he explained, discretion might be important, so a small tablet in the form of a fast-dissolving rectal insert that could be carried in your pocket might be the best option. At other times, hygiene may be a priority and a douche would be preferred. As a pre-lubricated product, even the suppository had unexpected advantages with some participants commenting about it's potential as an alternative to sexual lubricant.

"The lesson we learned from MTN-035 is that even though the douche was preferred overall, we shouldn't assume it's right for everyone every time they plan to have sex," said Dr. Bauermeister. "Depending on who you are, what you do and where you live, it may not be a viable, or even a desirable, option for HIV prevention. At the end of the day, people could see all three of these modalities fitting into their lives."

Researchers like Dr. Bauermeister are hopeful these results will inform the development of rectal microbicides moving forward, and lead to expanded choices in preventing HIV from anal sex.


MTN-035 was conducted at the following clinical research sites (CRSs): the College of Medicine-Johns Hopkins Research Project in Blantyre, Malawi; the IMPACTA CRS in Lima, Peru; the Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute in Johannesburg, South Africa; the Chiang Mai University HIV Prevention CRS in Thailand; and, in the United States, the University of Pittsburgh CRS, Bridge HIV CRS in San Francisco, and University of Alabama at Birmingham CRS.

The MTN is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health, all part of the NIH. The placebo rectal insert used in the study was developed by CONRAD, a not-for-profit research and development organization based at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Va.

Dr. Bauermeister's presentation "Developing and Evaluating Short-Acting Innovations for Rectal Use (Desire): Acceptability and choice for three placebo products used with receptive anal intercourse among young MSM and TG people" will be viewable beginning at 12:01 a.m. (EST), Saturday, March 6. Please visit for more information.

The MTN is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health grants UM1AI068633, UM1AI068615, UM1AI106707. CONRAD's support for MTN-035 and provision of the placebo insert is made possible by the generous support of the American people through a Cooperative Agreement (AID-OAA-A-14-00010) with the U.S. Agency for International Development/U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

About the Microbicide Trials Network

The Microbicide Trials Network (MTN) is an HIV/AIDS clinical trials network established in 2006 by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases with co-funding from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the National Institute of Mental Health, all components of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Based at Magee-Womens Research Institute and the University of Pittsburgh, the MTN brings together international investigators and community and industry partners whose work is focused on the rigorous evaluation of promising microbicides - products applied inside the vagina or rectum that are intended to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV - from the earliest phases of clinical study to large-scale trials that support potential licensure of these products for widespread use. More information about the MTN is available at

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sir Robert Bond Idiot

In a shotgun attack on the NDP postion on Afghanistan the blog; Sir Robert Bond Papers says this;

And when the Taliban come back to power and make it a crime to teach girls and young women anything, including how to read?

He does not allow comments so I thought I would comment here. First what the hell is this right wing dweeb doing on the Progressive Bloggers list? Hmmm. Oh yes he is a Liberal.

Now that I got that off my chest, this is clearly the same messaging we get from the Harper Government.

I have already commented here and here on the myth that we are in this war as a campaign of Womens Liberation. But to reiterate for Sir Robert a couple of points.

The Taliban are not the only problem, the regional War Lords and ex Taliban that make up the Karzai government have also attacked women, and girls schools.

That Kandahar is a porous region with the Taliban operating with impunity out of southern Pakistan, with support of the SSI the Pakistani secret police.

The Pakistan government made a peace agreement with the Taliban in the North West this week.

They assasinated the leader of the autonomy movement in Baluchistan an area in Southern Pakistan that borders Afghanistan in order to destabilize that area, and in collusion with the Taliban are hoping to put down the Baluchistan opposition. These are our allies.

Women in Afghanistan have been subjected to rape, murder, political assasination, girls schools have been burned not by the Taliban but by the Karzai governments allies.

No capitalist infrastructure exists in Kandahar. No alternative corp production is possible. The opium crops are what are being burned in these operations of search and destroy of the Taliban. Creating localized resistance from villagers, warlords and drug lords, not just the Taliban. These American orchestrated search and destroy missions have failed to win the hearts and minds of the Afghani people in the region.

In Kabul the capitalist structure is non-existant, so much so that there are NO BANKS operating. So even the most basic of a capitalist economy is not present in Afghanistan after five years. Instead funds are doled out by NGO's to the Karzai government who then funds their cronies and pals.

Ex-Taliban are in the Karzai government, so Kabul is very willing to negotiate with the Taliban as it has been with the warlords and druglords.

Kabul is a city state, Afghanistan is a failed state, the Americans abandoned nation building in the rush to Bahgdad. Only now is a sembalence of capitalism begining to take root, and only in Kabul.

Karzai's government is not a secular democratic government, nor a capitalist one, it is an Islamic government. It has renewed the old Taliban Vice and Virtue committee. It has persecuted and imprisoned the editor/publisher of the nations only womens magazine, for blasphamy. It has allowed the Mullahs to order the death of converts to Christianity. It is no different than its predecesor state, except for the troops which guard it and media that whitewash it.

There are 20,000 American troops still in Afghanistan, this was their war, why should be be fighting and dying for them. They left behind a counterinsurgency force to obstensably do two things; hunt for bin Laden, whom they have failed to find, destroy the Taliban leadership, which they have failed to do. The Americans cut and ran from Afghanistan to go into Iraq.

The Brits the Americans allies in Iraq, have refused to deploy 800 combat ready soldiers they promised last spring to NATO. Now who is cutting and running.

German, Italian, Greek components of NATO are in Kabul and will NOT be sent to fight in Kandahar.

Kanadahar was a war mission of the U.S. who demanded NATO become involved in the summer. The summer. Harper sent our troops to be part of this in May. That was when he also called for a vote on hsi open ended two year extension of the mission. A deliberately undefined mission, though he knew well enough he was sending our troops to be canon fodder in the frontlines of Operation Endurning Freedom.

As did Canada's very own Colonel Blimp,
General Rick Hillier. He wanted 1000 troops to go and fight to prove we were combat ready, and more than just whimpy liberal peace keeper. Mr. Macho defined the enemy as scumbags. Say no more.

Why Canadians are confused is that between March of this year and May the mission changed. In March a PRT unit of Canadians went to Kandahar obsentisbly to support and defend and infrastructure program. A desperately needed program that had not been provided for five years of U.S. occupation of the province.

Ours was not to be solely a combat mission, it was to be a reconstruction mission.

NATO command is appealing to member countries to contribute to the combat offense and getting no support.

Brig. Gen. David Fraser, future multinational commander, speaks during a press conference Thursday in Ottawa "This mission is about Canadians helping Afghans," Fraser said yesterday as he repeatedly stressed the mission is "not just about combat operations."

But by May that had changed, but the Harpocrites refused then and still refuse to explain why we accepted comand and control of Operation Enduring Freedom and its follow up Operation Medusa. That was NOT our mission in Kandahar. Or at least not the mission as publicly portrayed.

In May when questioned in the house debate over extending the mission for two years the NDP asked Defense Minister O'Connor if we were at War. He refused to anwser.

The mission in Afghanistan is NOT UN sanctioned it is an American campaign, Operation Enduring Freedom, which was their own operation. NATO who joined after the war in Afghanistan, has set its mission as being the defense of Kabul.

That was our original mission until the Harper Government put our troops in harms way by moving from Kabul to Kandahar and involving us in Operation Enduring Freedom.

2000 Canadians are being used by American and NATO forces as we were in Dunkrik and Dieppe to fight and die while the Imperial powers hide behind us.

Neither the Americans, NATO nor Karzai can say if this extended combat operation in Kandahar will be a success. What we do know is that since the spring as combat operations in Kandahar increased so has domestic insurgency, suicide bombings, riots, and a re-armed Taliban counter offensive. Karzai even admits that the situation has gone from bad to worse.

We have every right to remove our troops as we have had to involve them in this combat operation.The response of the NDP parliamentary Caucus to the Withdrawl Immediately of our Troops, will be nuanced to include peace making, defense of Kabul, increased support for economic reconstruction. Just watch, we were given a taste of it by Alexa during the convention in her speech at the mike and later discussions with Peter Vandusen of CPAC. This is not cut and run, nor appeasement. It is a challenge to the Harpocrites to explain why our troops are being viewed as expendable in an unwinable combat operation.

I have documented all this and it can be found here: Afghanistan

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Tuesday, March 08, 2022

EXPLAINER: Why WNBA players go overseas to play in offseason
Phoenix Mercury center Brittney Griner (42) looks to pass as Chicago Sky center Candace Parker defends during the first half of game 1 of the WNBA basketball Finals , Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021, in Phoenix. Griner was arrested in Russia last month at a Moscow airport after a search of her luggage revealed vape cartridges. The Russian Customs Service said Saturday, March 5, 2022, that the cartridges were identified as containing oil derived from cannabis, which could carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. The customs service identified the person arrested as a female player for the U.S. national team and did not specify the date of her arrest. 
(AP Photo/Ralph Freso, File) | Photo: AP

Updated: March 06, 2022

Russia has been a popular destination for WNBA players like Brittney Griner over the past two decades because of the money they can make playing there in the winter.

With top players earning more than $1 million - nearly quadruple what they can make as a base salary in the WNBA - Griner, Breanna Stewart, Diana Taurasi, Sue Bird and Jonquel Jones have been willing to spend their offseason playing far from home. It's tough for WNBA players to turn down that kind of money despite safety concerns and politics in some of the countries where they play.

The 31-year-old Griner, a seven-time All-Star for the Phoenix Mercury, has played in Russia since 2014. She was returning from a break for the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup qualifying tournaments when she was arrested at an airport near Moscow last month after Russian authorities said a search of her luggage revealed vape cartridges.

On Saturday, the State Department issued a "do not travel" advisory for Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine and urged all U.S. citizens to depart immediately, citing factors including "the potential for harassment against U.S. citizens by Russian government security officials" and "the Embassy's limited ability to assist" Americans in Russia.

Turkey, Australia, China and France also have strong women's basketball domestic leagues where some of the WNBA's best play in their offseason.


Russian sports leagues have been able to pay top players these high salaries because some of the teams are funded by government municipalities while others are owned by oligarchs who care more about winning championships and trophies than being profitable. There are stories of Russian owners putting up players in luxury accommodations and taking them on shopping sprees and buying them expensive gifts in addition to paying their salaries.

In 2015, Taurasi's team, UMMC Ekaterinburg - the same one Griner plays for - paid her to skip the WNBA season and rest.

"We had to go to a communist country to get paid like capitalists, which is so backward to everything that was in the history books in sixth grade," Taurasi said a few years ago.

The Russian league has a completely different financial structure from the WNBA, where there is a salary cap, players' union and collective bargaining agreement.

The WNBA has made strides to increase player salaries and find other ways to compensate players in the last CBA, which was ratified in 2020. The contract, which runs through 2027, pays players an average of $130,000, with the top stars able to earn more than $500,000 through salary, marketing agreements, an in-season tournament and bonuses.

The CBA also provides full salaries while players are on maternity leave, enhanced family benefits, travel standards and other health and wellness improvements.


More than a dozen WNBA players were playing in Russia and Ukraine this winter, including league MVP Jones and Courtney Vandersloot and Allie Quigley of the champion Chicago Sky. The WNBA confirmed Saturday that all players besides Griner had left both countries.

Almost half of the WNBA's 144 players were overseas this offseason, although stars Candace Parker, Bird, Chiney Ogwumike and Chelsea Gray opted to stay stateside.


From purely a basketball stand point, the CBA will make it more difficult for WNBA players to compete overseas in the future. Beginning in 2023, there will be new WNBA prioritization rules that will be enforced by the league. Any player with more than three years of service who arrives late to training camp will be fined at a rate of 1% of base salary per day late. In addition, any player who does not arrive before the first day of the regular season will be ineligible to play at all that season. In 2024 and thereafter, any player who does not arrive before the first day of training camp (or, with respect to unsigned players, finish playing overseas) will be ineligible to play for the entire season.

The WNBA typically begins training camp in late April and the regular season starts in early May. Some foreign leagues don't end before those dates.


More AP women's basketball: and

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Brazilian players at the Women's World Cup urge fans back home to skip work to watch their matches

BRISBANE, Australia (AP) — Brazil’s players urged their fans back in South America to stay home from work and watch them begin their Women's World Cup campaign against Panama.

The fact that their fans even have that option marks a step forward in the players’ ongoing fight for equality with their male counterparts.

Brazil president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recently announced that civil servants could arrive at work up to two hours after the final whistle of Brazil’s games in the the tournament. He encouraged private businesses to do the same.

The Brazil-Panama match starts at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Adelaide, Australia. There is a roughly 12-hour time difference between the countries.

“I hope people really follow (the games) and don’t use it just to skip work,” Brazilian defender Antonia said from the team's camp in Brisbane. “I hope people really follow us.”

Taking time off work to watch important soccer matches is nothing new for fans of Brazil’s men’s team, but this is a first for the women’s national team

“It’s an important step for women’s football,” Antonia said. “I believe that it is a little behind, but it happened and we have to value that.”

While it’s a step toward equality, it brings added pressure. The team is aiming for its first World Cup title to prove themselves to their country and the world as a top team in women’s soccer.

Related video: Soccer fans hope USA women's team can make history with World Cup threepeat (Tribune Content Agency)  Duration 1:49   View on Watch

“It’s already a very big movement,” midfielder Angelina said of the team’s support in Brazil, “and the expectation is only increasing.”

Brazil has competed in every Women’s World Cup with their best result in 2007 finishing runners-up to Germany. They have won two silver medals at the Olympics, in 2004 and in 2008. Marta, one of the world’s most well-known and accomplished players, will be playing in her last World Cup. Marta holds the record for most World Cup goals scored by men or women with 17 and the most international goals scored for Brazil with 115.

In March, Lula endorsed Brazil’s bid to host the 2027 Women’s World Cup alongside Brazil’s sports minister, Ana Moser, and the president of the Brazil's soccer confederation, Ednaldo Rodrigues.

“It will motivate the construction of a political conscience of the Brazilian people so they understand women’s effective participation in every field they can and want to take a part of,” Lula said at the time.

Moser will be visiting Australia and New Zealand during the World Cup, cheering on the team but also strengthening Brazil’s 2027 bid. Brazil is competing against South Africa, as well as two combined bids — from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, and from the United States and Mexico.

Brazil’s players recognize that they're playing for a brighter future for women’s soccer in their country at this World Cup.

“Taking this first step," Antonia said. “I believe it is very important and that it continues to evolve, that it continues like this and that people really wake up and start to follow women’s football from now on.”


Molly Lee is a student at the University of Georgia’s Carmical Sports Media Institute.


AP Women’s World Cup coverage: and

Molly Lee, The Associated Press

Monday, March 08, 2021

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: How she took on an authoritarian leader despite her fears

In just a few months the opposition figure went from unknown stay-at-home mom to the leader of democratic Belarus. She told DW she's proud of both roles, and says that for millions of women, "the inner strength awoke."

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was a political unknown just one year ago. Today, she has become the leader of the biggest protest movement in Belarus since the country gained independence. The wave of action she led has been awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought by the European Parliament, and she has now been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as well.

"I can do everything. I can do it. I already proved it to the whole world. I'm not afraid. You think I can't take a leadership position? " she said in a DW interview ahead of International Womens' Day, which is observed annually on March 8.

Tsikhanouskaya holds a picture of activist Nina Baginskaya during the EU Parliament's 2020 Sakharov Prize ceremony

'I was a housewife ... What should I be ashamed of?'

Tsikhanouskaya emerged in 2020 as the face of the opposition to longtime authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko, and subsequently as the self-styled "leader of democratic Belarus." In May, when her husband Sergei Tsikhanousky, a well-known blogger and democracy activist, was barred from challenging Lukashenko for the presidency and arrested, she ran instead.

The strongman president, who had been in office since 1994, did not take her seriously as an opponent and claimed publicly that "a woman can't be a president." He attempted to demean her experience as a stay-at-home parent: "She just cooked a tasty cutlet, maybe fed the children, and the cutlet smelled nice."

But Tsikhanouskaya's determination to hit back at institutionalized misogyny struck a chord with millions of women in Belarus and abroad. Asked about Lukashenko's insults, she spoke of how he mocked "that I'm a housewife, I belong in the kitchen. He was trying to make fun of me," she said in a DW interview. But Tsikhanouskaya refused to even acknowledge the premise of his derision. "I was never offended by that because it is what it is. I was in fact a housewife for a number of reasons. That's true. Yes. If he wanted to insult me, he didn't succeed. It's the truth. What should I be ashamed of?"

With flowers and earrings
For months now, women in Belarus have been protesting for democracy and the resignation of the autocratic president, Alexander Lukashenko. Nadia, the young woman who is looking into the eyes of the policeman, spent 10 days in jail, according to a description of the image at the exhibition "The Future of Belarus, Fueled by Women," in Vilnius, Lithuania.
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It may be beyond Lukashenko's imagination that a woman could rule the country. But the opposition leader has no doubt that her country disagrees with his sexist rhetoric about a woman taking over the office of president. "Yes, I'm more than convinced that it's possible. Because my allies and I, and all Belarusian women who took to the streets have proven their resilience, their strong character. So Belarusians won't have any doubts that a woman can become the future president of Belarus."

2020 marked a turning point in many ways for the former Soviet republic — and especially for Belarusian women. Lukashenko's security forces initially spared women, but that changed once they became the driving force during democratic protests. Images and reports emerged of women — from teenagers to grandmothers — being arrested, beaten and even tortured. Several prominent women activists were detained and driven into exile.

Tsikhanouskaya said it was "an impulse of the heart" that propelled millions of Belarusian women to protest the electoral fraud. "Going out against violence — it was like an instinct. When we saw how many we were, we started being proud of ourselves. 'Here I am, I did it.' The inner strength awoke." 

Police across Belarus have made mass arrests at pro-democracy marches; reports of violence and torture have emerged

'The fear was always there'

Tsikhanouskaya described her remarkable ascent to leadership as that of having no choice. "The fear was always there: that you end up in prison, what would happen to your children then? Every morning you live with a feeling of fear. It doesn't mean that I have overcome my fear. It means that you do something in spite of your fear, because there is no other way."

Tsikhanouskaya and her children were put under immense pressure and were forced to flee the country. She has been living in exile in Lithuania since the election, from where she keeps on fighting for democracy.

The European Union and the United States have not recognized Lukashenko's claim that he won the election. Meanwhile, Tsikhanouskaya has become her country's representative on the international stage. Several world leaders have met with her — among them German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Tsikhanouskaya met with Merkel in Berlin in October and described the longtime leader as "extremely friendly" during the conversation. "It was obvious that she has a sense of empathy, that she understands our pain, that she would really like to help us."

Tsikhanouskaya and Merkel discussed the democratic movement in Belarus at their October meeting in Berlin

The opposition leader said that the 30-minute meeting focused on how Germany could help broker a possible dialogue between demonstrators and Belarusian authorities. "She's so straightforward," Tsikhanouskaya said of the longtime chancellor. Merkel shows "absolutely no arrogance and there's a sense of warmth coming from her. That doesn't contradict the notion of the strong woman she is known to be ... And it doesn't take tough talk to understand that she is a strong leader."

Yet like the German leader, who has famously said she does not view herself as a feminist, Tsikhanouskaya said the term does not particularly apply to her, either. She emphasized her recent actions as instead being out of circumstance and necessity after her husband's arrest: "I wouldn't consider myself a feminist," she told DW.

What does the future hold for Belarus?

Will Tsikhanouskaya continue her own quest for the presidency? At the beginning of March, Belarusian authorities put her on a wanted list for allegedly "preparing for unrest." She told DW that "she is ready to be with the Belarusians for as long as they need me" but that she will not necessarily pursue the job herself. "If circumstances change and we'll have new elections — that's our goal — I don't plan to run again. But we don't know what the situation will be. It could be that ... the people will decide that, yes, we trust her again. I always say: 'If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.'"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Black History Month; P.B. Randolph

Paschal Beverly Randolph (P.B. Randolph) was a 19th Century magickian, a spiritualist and founder of the Rosicrucian movement in the United Sates.

Like Paul Lafargue he was a mulatto but one who initially denied his Negro roots.

( 8 Oct. 1825 - 29 July 1875 ), physician, philosopher, and author, was born in New York City , the son of William Beverly Randolph, a plantation owner, and Flora Beverly, a barmaid. At the age of five or seven Randolph lost his mother to smallpox, and with her the only love he had known. Randolph later stated, "I was born in love, of a loving mother, and what she felt, that I lived." His father's devotion is questionable. In 1873 Randolph hinted at his own illegitimacy, stating that his parents "did not stop to pay fees to the justice or to the priest."

Randolph 's mother possessed a strong temperament, unusual physical beauty, and intense passions, characteristics that Randolph inherited. Later many, especially his enemies, perceived Randolph as being of "Negro descent," which he denied. Sent to live with his half-sister, Randolph was ignored, unloved, and abused and eventually turned to begging on the streets.

Being born in New York to a 'free black' woman, his reluctance to be considered a Negro at the time is understandable. And since his upbringing was in the time and area of the Gangs of New York, plagued by nativism as it was, it is also understandable.

But by the time of the Civil War he was an outspoken advocate of Negro Rights.

Born poor and of mixed race in 1825 and raised (more or less) by prostitutes in the Five Points slum of New York, Randolph was self-educated and prickly proud. Creating himself, he picked and chose just how "black " to be. He could de-emphasize his African heritage in the face of prejudice--after his suicide, a newspaper said he was "part Spaniard, and inherited all the suspicious distrusting qualities of the people of that nationality. " At other times, he emphasized it, as during his Civil War Black Nationalist phase, when he worked briefly as a teacher for the short-lived Freedman 's Bureau, an agency designed to educate freed slaves but only halfheartedly supported by the federal government.

Yet when some Northerners advocated a scheme to ship freed slaves to Africa, Randolph, speaking for the slaves, emphasized "American: " "We men of color were born here; so were our fathers and mothers down a long line of ancestry....Are all our sufferings to be rewarded by our removal to African deserts and barbaric climes and places?...No! Never! Here is our home, and here we mean to stay, and on this soil will die, and in it be buried. "

And like Lafargue he was an internationalist, traveling and training as well as lecturing in Europe. As with many in the occult movement of the 19th Century he was a social reformer. And like his contemporary Virginia Woodhull, Mrs. Satan, he was an advocate of womens rights and Free Love.

Randolph is to be remembered for his philosophical works on love, marriage, and womanhood. He provided new and unique insight into the then taboo world of sexual love. He aided the education, rights, and equality of both women and blacks. He foresaw the evils of tobacco and drug abuse. Finally, Randolph, through his position as the Americas' first Supreme Grand Master of the Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis, directly or indirectly touched the lives of more than 200,000 neophytes (students) comprising the Fraternitas and other Rosicrucian orders.

P.B. Randolph 's life story demonstrates also how reform-minded American Spiritualism turned into "occultism. " Spiritualism was well-intentioned, "scientific " but also passive, linked to social reform (early feminism, the abolition of slavery) but also to faddishness, most notably "free love, " which could, depending on who was talking, mean anything from a partnership of equals to mere spouse-swapping. ( "You and I were meant to be soul mates. ") Occultism, on the other hand, is individualistic, rooted in personal development and self-improvement, and generally not connected to any social or political philosophy.

With the democratic decline in Europe after the revolutions of 1848 and the Paris Commune secret societies were formed for the purposes of pursuing democratic as well as socialist revolution. In England and the Commonwealth they were formed for the purposes of pursuing trade unionism which had been banned as an illegal combination.

That secret societies should form for finding and revealing secret knowledge, was thus a natural outgrowth of this period and was coincidental with the growth and popularity of fraternal orders after the Civil War in America and across Europe.

His patron both in Spiritualism as well as getting him work with Lincoln was Colonel Ethan A. Hitchcock, a noted military officer as well as practicing alchemist. Like other occultists, John Dee comes to mind, he too was also a spy. The secrecy of the occult overlaps with the secret society of intelligence gathering. They share a similar cosmological outlook that is the search for hidden or secret knowledge.

As happens in the Occult community, as in the political one, sectarian differences are frequent and lead to rivalries and mutual denunciations. Such was the case with P. B. Randolph, who is credited with founding the Rosicrucian movement in the United States.

He faced attack by rivals for hegemony over the occult movement in America denouncing him for his Luciferian ideas from the likes of Madam Blavatsky and her Theosophists and from the white supremacist founder of the American Scottish Right of Freemasonry; Albert Pike. Ironic because both of them are also accused of being Luciferians.

Such is the case of 19th Century occult wars not only in America but in Europe where again competing orders of Rosicrucian's charged and counter charged each other as being in league with Lucifer.

The Luciferian charge comes about from Randolph's advocacy of free love, which was also embraced by American Anarchists at the time. His theories were outlined in his book
Eulis and in his other famous treatise; Magia Sexualis

Today we would call his practices sex therapy, where he discussed sexual dysfunction with his patients, and as a Doctor he practiced mesermism, the passing of hands over the body to affect the magnetic energies. He also advocated the tantra practice of heightened sensuality by controlling the male orgasm and ejaculation.
In 1870 he founded the Order of Eulis, which kept its teachings
secret because of the sex and drugs. Some people must've talked,
though: H. P. Blavatsky denounced Randolph as immoral, a charge also
leveled at the Luciferian Freemason Sir Albert Pike. An occult war
followed. In 1872 his "Rosicrucian Rooms" were raided by police and
he was jailed for distributing "Free Love" literature. Fires,
robberies, and disease followed, and on July 29, 1975, he shot
himself. His friends and followers claimed that Blavatsky's curses
had nailed him. Blavatsky founded the philosophical society the same

By the 1870s many of Randolph's writings dealt with
occult aspects of love and sexuality.

Randolph, as a physician, also counseled many of his patients on matters of
family relations, marital bliss and the art of love. These acts of kindness and
concern were sometimes taken as conduct condoning "free love."

In February 1872, he was arrested and imprisoned for promoting
"free love" or immorality. Although acquitted of all charges, as it was discovered in
court that the indictment was merely a clever attempt by former
business partners (now enemies) to obtain his book copyrights, Randolph
never recovered from the humiliation of the proceeding.

Although dying at age 49, Randolph was a prolific writer, producing many books
and pamphlets on love, health, mysticism and the occult.

And further confusion was sown with his initiation into a mystical Gnostic cult from Syria/Iraq which mistakenly has been associated with the Yezedi.

The Yezedi created a sensation amongst some 19th Century scholars who had finally discovered a genuine devil worshiping cult. And the devil they worshiped was Lucifer.

Despite my best googling efforts the only references I could find to Ansaireh is that referred back to the region in Syria/Iraq which is named after a Mountain.

Gertrude Bell in her diary refers to visiting the region
and the Yezedi who dwelled there. Which may have been the reason the author of the introduction to Magica Sexualis thought Randolph had been initiated into their religious teachings.

During his journeys to Paris, Pascal became aware of several works which were being published in France and Germany dealing with the Ansaireth or Nusairis of Syria. 25 There was much discussion, in the Rosicrucian circles that Randolph traveled in, of the purity and sublimity of the teachings of the Ansaireh. Books by Niebuhr, M. Catafago, Victor Langlois and others told of these mysterious hill dwellers in Northern Syria who were neither Jews, Christians or Muslims. They may well have been the people that modern anthropology has identified as the Yezidi, the devotees of the Peucock god, Melek Ta'aus.

PBR tells how the chief of the Ansaireth, Narek El Gebel, arrived at the Rosicrucian Third Dome in Paris with letters of introduction and then, recognizing Randolph's abilities and character, invited him to come to Syria and to study with the Ansaireth. Randolph went to Syria and was initiated into the Ansairetic Brotherhood. Upon his return to America, he established the Priesthood of Aeth based on the Ansairetic Mysteries

There were a variety of Christian and Islamic sects in the region. Including the Druze and Nusairis and one of the last surviving gnostic sects the Mandaens. As well as Kurds and Yezedi, Sabians all of whom faced persecution from the Turks for being dhimmis.

In another part of this Consular District there seems to have been little change from the old times of rapine and bloodshed in Turkey. I allude to the Ansaireh mountains, stretching from the valley of the Orontes to Mount Lebanon. On a late occasion a member of the Medjlis of Tripoli, passing through a Christian village in pursuit of the revolted Ansaireh, set fire to it, and, when the inhabitants conveyed their moveable property of value into their Church (…), it was broken open and plundered. This case, with many others equally abominable, of simultaneous occurrence, was laid before Her Majesty’s Consul General for Syria, the perpetrators of the outrages being under the jurisdiction of the Pasha of Beyrouth, and will thus have already come under Your Excellency’s notice. (Aleppo, 31st March, 1859; FO 78/1452 (No. 11), Skene to Bulwer, Constantinople)

The author of the introduction to Magica Sexualis is mistaken in associating the Ansairth with the Yezedi. As I said the Yezedi at the time had become somewhat of a sensation amongst certain Christian religious and historical scholars. And the Nusairis refer to an Islamic Shi'a Sunni sect.

Randolphs Rosicrucian Order and his fellow occultists of the time were fascinated with the recent discoveries of Gnosticism and the Gnostic's. Finding a living Gnostic religion which offered initiation would have been more in keeping with their occult traditions.

I suspect Randolph had been initiated into the the mystery religion of the Mandaens. Whose followers were in the same region of Syria at the time.

Within the Middle East, but outside of their community, the Mandaeans are more commonly known as the ubba (singular ubbī). Likewise, their Muslim neighbors will refer to them collectively as the Sabians (Arabic al-Ṣābiʾūn), in reference to the Ṣabians of the Qur'an. Occasionally, the Mandaeans are also called the "Christians of St. John" (a misnomer, since they are not Christians by any standard), based upon preliminary reports made by members of the Barefoot Carmelite mission in Basra during the 16th century.

Other groups which have been identified with the Mandaeans include the "Nasoraeans" described by Epiphanius and the Dositheans mentioned by Theodore Bar Kōnī in his Scholion. Ibn al-Nadim also mentions a group called the Mughtasila, "the self-ablutionists," who may be identified with one or the other of these groups. The members of this sect, like the Mandaeans, wore white and performed baptisms.

The similarity of beliefs about healthy living, not eating meat, avoiding tobacco, reincarnation and sexuality strike me as Mandaean rather than Yezedi.

According to E.S. Drower in the introduction to The Secret Adam, Mandaeans believe in marriage and procreation, and in the importance of leading an ethical and moral lifestyle in this world, placing a high priority upon family life. Consequently, Mandaeans do not practice celibacy or asceticism. Mandaeans will, however, abstain from strong drink and red meat. While they agree with other gnostic sects that the world is a prison governed by the planetary archons, they do not view it as a cruel and inhospitable one.

The Rosicrucian movement he founded still exists today publishing his works;

SEERSHIP; Guide to Soul Sight

The importance of Randolph cannot be underestimated. His works influenced later magickal and occult practitioners including Eliphas Levi as well as the Ordo Templi Orientis in particular Theodore Reuss and Aleister Crowley.

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Thursday, July 15, 2021


Why is India deploying female soldiers to Kashmir?

Female soldiers were sent to the region for the first time in May, but critics say the military still has a long way to go on gender equality.

Military officials say female soldiers can 'break the ice' during search operations that involve local women

India deployed female soldiers to the restive Indian-administered Kashmir for the first time, in a bid to improve local relations and promote gender equality within the ranks of its paramilitary.

However, the efforts have drawn widespread criticism and questions over how effective the move is, both in strengthening ties with local women and improving gender equality within the armed forces.

In May, India's Federal Home Ministry quietly shifted an armed battalion of Assam Rifles (a paramilitary force) comprising several women from the northeastern state of Manipur to Kashmir. The 34th battalion was stationed at Ganderbal, about 38 kilometers (23.6 miles) north of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-administered Kashmir.

The female paramilitary troops were deployed at several motor vehicle checkpoints in Ganderbal, the route leading to the sensitive Ladakh region.

Soon after their arrival, the soldiers were seen frisking local women at checkpoints and trekking to different places to interact with local women and schoolgirls. They also held interactive sessions, in which the soldiers demonstrated their combat skills, and exchanged views on social issues. The female soldiers, who work together with their male counterparts, say they have an edge over male soldiers when it comes to interacting with women in the region.

"We are trying to give a sense of confidence to local women," said 24-year-old riflewoman Rupali Dhangar from the central Indian state of Maharashtra. "The aim is to encourage them to move out of their routine household work."
Addressing harassment complaints

Military officials said the introduction of female soldiers is likely to make the Indian government's anti-militancy operations in strife-torn Kashmir more effective, especially when dealing with local women during searches in residential areas.

Watch video 09:43 India-Pakistan conflict: A ticking time bomb

India's all-male force received several complaints about sexual harassment of local women in Kashmir.

"Our primary task is to ensure that women don't face any inconvenience or difficulty during the anti-militancy operations. We will try to make them feel comfortable during search operations," said riflewoman Rekha Kumari, 27, from West Bengal.

However, it remains to be seen whether the womens' involvement during the night raids and other anti-militancy operations is effective in allaying local women's fears.

Ghazala Wahab, the executive editor of Force magazine, believes that the military deployed women to the region "to address the allegations of sexual violence."

Human rights activists say the Indian military has received complaints of male soldiers making sexually lewd remarks or gestures, inappropriate groping, and even rape during the search operations in Kashmir.

"The involvement of Indian armed forces in these crimes was alarming in the 1990s, but now there has been a decrease [in such crimes] due to pressure from rights bodies," said Sabia Dar, an activist with the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP).

Dar told DW that the deployment of riflewomen is an attempt to showcase Indian armed forces as sensitive towards the rights of Kashmiri women.

During a visit to Kashmir in September 2019, women's advocacy network Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression found that "school-going girls have to walk past army camps and are sexually harassed by the men in uniform. Often, security forces stand at the roadside with their pants unzipped and make lewd comments and gestures."

With the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in place in Kashmir, armed personnel involved in any crime cannot be prosecuted without the Indian government's consent.

Women 'help break the ice'

The female soldiers could help "to break the ice" during search operations, said Commanding Officer of the 34 Assam Rifles, Colonel RS Karakoti.

"It is easier for us when riflewomen are part of the search operations. They help us to break the ice so that the searches go unhampered," Karakoti told DW.

However, the military drew widespread criticism when images of female soldiers frisking local women went viral on social media.

Athar Zia, a political anthropologist with the University of Northern Colorado, said the introduction of female soldiers is akin to the "gender-washing of war crimes in Kashmir," and selling "genocide as gender justice."

"What is the riflewoman to the female political prisoners languishing in jails, to women who face grave human rights abuses and rape as a weapon of war, to women surveilled 24/7 along with their communities?" he asked.

Riflewoman Kumari, however, said the soldiers were not subjecting women to any inconveniences during the search operations. "We ensure that their rights are not violated and their feelings are not hurt," she said.

Discriminatory policies within the army

The female soldiers said that local girls now want to join them, although women are often the subject of discriminatory policies within the armed forces.

"They are giving us a good response and are eager to meet us again. Many of them want to join the Indian army," said Kumari, who joined the Assam Rifles in 2017.

Riflewoman Dhangar believes, however, that there is still a long way to go in terms of gender equality in the military.

"Gender equality is still a far-fetched dream in the Indian army, and to deal with it, we have made ourselves mentally strong," she said.

Female officers have been denied senior commanding positions, along with lifelong job and retirement security, unlike their male counterparts.

In March, the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the army's evaluation criteria for granting the benefits to women was systematically discriminatory.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Barack Obama reveals it was a 'mistake' to not give Dolly Parton the Presidential Medal of Freedom


PUBLISHED: 2 December 2020

Barack Obama handed out 123 Presidential Medals of Freedom during his eight-year tenure as President, though he admitted it was a 'mistake' to not give one to Dolly Parton.

Parton, 74, made headlines last month when it was revealed that her $1 million donation helped fund the research that ultimately lead to Moderna's vaccine.

While Obama's 123 Presidental Medals of Freedom is the most ever handed out since the award was established in 1963, Obama admitted on A Late Show With Stephen Colbert that he should have given her one. 

Mistake: Barack Obama handed out 123 Presidential Medals of Freedom during his eight-year tenure as President, though he admitted it was a 'mistake' to not give one to Dolly Parton

Donation: Parton, 74, made headlines last month when it was revealed that her $1 million donation helped fund the research that ultimately lead to Moderna's vaccine

Obama, 59, took part in a recurring segment of Colbert's, where he asks his guests questions he doesn't think they've ever been asked before.

When Colbert asked Obama, 'How does Dolly Parton not have a Presidential Medal of Freedom,' the former President seemed taken aback.

'That was a mistake. I'm shocked,' Obama said, when Colbert began to joke, 'Looking back on the eight years, do you realize that's the mistake you made?'

Segment: Obama, 59, took part in a recurring segment of Colbert's, where he asks his guests questions he doesn't think they've ever been asked before

Taken aback: When Colbert asked Obama, 'How does Dolly Parton not have a Presidential Medal of Freedom,' the former President seemed taken aback

Obama added, 'Actually, that was a screw-up. I'm surprised. I think I assumed that she had already got one, and that was incorrect.'

He added that, 'she deserves one. I'll call Biden,' referring to President-Elect Joe Biden, his former Vice President.

It's possible Parton could be one of Biden's first Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients when he takes office in 2021.

Screw-up: Obama added, 'Actually, that was a screw-up. I'm surprised. I think I assumed that she had already got one, and that was incorrect.

Calling Biden: He added that, 'she deserves one. I'll call Biden,' referring to President-Elect Joe Biden, his former Vice President

The Presidential Medal of Freedom was first established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

The medal is awarded to those who have provided an, 'especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.'

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is one of the highest awards given to civilians of the United States, along with the Congressional Gold Medal.

Medal: The Presidential Medal of Freedom was first established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963

Parton donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University back in April, just weeks after COVID-19 was officially declared a worldwide pandemic.

Those funds helped contribute to Moderna's vaccine, which has reported to be upwards of 94.5% effective in combating COVID-19.

The country singer revealed in an interview she was, 'a very proud girl today to know I had anything at all to do with something that's going to help us through this crazy pandemic.'

Donation: Parton donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University back in April, just weeks after COVID-19 was officially declared a worldwide pandemic

Vaccine: Those funds helped contribute to Moderna's vaccine, which has reported to be upwards of 94.5% effective in combating COVID-19

Proud: The country singer revealed in an interview she was, 'a very proud girl today to know I had anything at all to do with something that's going to help us through this crazy pandemic'

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Barack Obama reveals it was a 'mistake' to not give Dolly Parton the Presidential Medal of Freedom


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Geri Horner oozes glamour in a cream Gucci coat and beret after claiming her all-white ensembles are her 'uniform' as she films new YouTube series
Kristen Stewart's new film Happiest Season breaks records for streaming service Hulu with its debutThe film was Hulu's most-watched original film for its debut weekend
Tiffany Haddish says 'nutrition is everything' as she reveals how she dropped 40lbs during quarantine Girls Trip star, 40, talks about her transformation
Modern Family star Sarah Hyland puts on a VERY cheeky display as she showcases her incredible bikini body during boat party
Royal Star Baker! Sophie Wessex makes flapjacks and Christmas decorations on visit to a disability support centerPrince Edward's wife marked World Day of People with Disabilities
RHOBH star Erika Jayne, 49, and lawyer husband, 81, are sued for 'embezzling funds meant for Lion Air plane crash victims' families' - and using 'sham divorce' to protect cash
Gwen Stefani says she and Blake Shelton watch Hallmark Channel movies together as she promotes her Christmas single
The Masked Singer: Tori Kelly, Taylor Dane and Chloe Kim reveal themselves during season four semis
David Boreanaz reveals he is 'too old' to play Angel again from Buffy the Vampire Slayer... but he's 'all for people redoing it'
Usher sweetly carries newborn daughter Sovereign Bo in cloud-print baby björn during family hike with girlfriend Jennifer Goicoechea in LA
RHOC star Braunwyn Windham-Burke comes out as first gay housewife... and 'plans on staying married' to husband Sean who supports her 'always'
Helena Christensen, 51, showcases her incredible supermodel frame in racy lingerie for Victoria's Secret Christmas campaign
Britney Spears drops her catchy never-before-released single Swimming In the Stars on her 39th birthday
Katie Holmes takes on winter in NYC with chic black trench coat as she enjoys a romantic stroll with boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr
Ariana Grande passionately kisses her real estate beau Dalton GomezThe Grammy winner has reportedly been dating him since January
Mischa Barton is looking cool in blue as she wears azure face mask and matching sweatshirt for leisurely neighborhood walk
Miley Cyrus reveals she is looking 'to be anchored by someone' after saying her marriage to Liam Hemsworth had 'too much conflict'
Zoe Kravitz is a happy 'birthday boy' in sweet selfies as she celebrates turning 32 with shout-outs from Reese Witherspoon and Emily Ratajkowski
Cobie Smulders and husband Taran Killam share a sweet kiss as they decorate their home with colorful Christmas lights
Tom Bergeron reveals he will never return to Dancing With the Stars again: 'The train has left the station'
Florence Pugh looks sleek in an all-black ensemble while taking a break on the set of her new thriller Don't Worry Darling
Kaia Gerber showcases model figure in baggy sweatshirt and sports tights as she grabs smoothies with Jacob Elordi
Jim Parsons reveals that he auditioned to be on NBC's The Office before career-making run on The Big Bang Theory
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills stars Kyle Richards, Kathy Hilton and Dorit Kemsley have ALL tested positive for COVID-19 amid set shut down
Aubrey Plaza joins Jason Statham in upcoming American-British spy thriller directed by Guy Ritchie
'I have to make it my own': Mads Mikkelsen admits taking over Gellert Grindelwald role in Fantastic Beasts 3 from Johnny Depp is 'tricky'
Scout Willis puts on a leggy display while carrying her dog on a trip to visit a friend in Los Angeles
Hamilton's Leslie Odom Jr. drops out of Christmas in Rockefeller Center 2020... as Kelly Clarkson, Gwen Stefani and others are set to perform
'Bring back manly men!' Harry Styles poses in feminine high-fashion looks as he pokes fun at the controversy surrounding THAT dress
Tina Louise, 39, flaunts her ample assets as she puffs on a joint while dancing at home... following her amorous display with rapper Diddy
Brooklyn Beckham 'sets his sights on a modelling career by signing up to an agency as he steps away from his photography aspirations'
Mandy Moore looks cozy as she covers up her growing baby bump in a brown sweater while stepping out in Los Angeles
Kate Hudson and Octavia Spencer film a dinner scene at a Marina del Rey restaurant for Season 2 of Truth Be Told
Lisa Rinna shares she hasn't seen mom Lois 'since last Christmas' due to pandemic... as three RHOBH co-stars test positive for COVID-19
Shawn Mendes gets soaking wet as he goes for a dip and plays in the rain for the cover of his upcoming fourth album Wonder
Steve Bing's estate is hit with yet another demand - this time from charity that he pledged $30M to before committing suicide
Drake announces Nike sub-label NOCTA collection debuting December 18: 'An exciting new chapter in my life'
Beyonce wishes pal Britney Spears a happy 39th birthday with darling shot of the star as a babyBey and Britney have been friends for quite some time
Larsa Pippen's, 46, new NBA star beau Malik Beasley, 24, seen openly shooting his shot on social media weeks before THAT outing together... as his wife is left 'blindsided'
Umbrella Academy fans say it's 'political correctness gone crazy' that Elliot Page will continue playing cis female role in Netflix series after coming out as a transgender man
Jennifer Lopez reveals she has postponed wedding to Alex Rodriguez TWICE due to COVID-19 pandemic: 'There's no rush'
Busy Philipps shows her flower power in bright floral print dress during NYC outing with husband Marc Silverstein and daughters Birdie and Cricket
Olivia Colman 'set to star in socially distanced Cinderella pantomime alongside The Crown co-star Helena Bonham Carter'
Toni Braxton dons leggy, plunging Rebecca Vallance dress and chats Lupus and her love of performingThe 53-year-old has since unveiled a platinum-blonde pixie cut
David Beckham is digitally aged up to look 70-years-old as he calls for action to help prevent deaths caused by Malaria in new campaign
Kaley Cuoco shoots down rumors she is feuding with Margot Robbie and admits she 'loves' the Harley Quinn actress: 'I've never even met her'
Hawkeye set photos reveal first look at Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop alongside Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton
The Sixth Sense director M. Night Shyamalan executive produces daughter Saleka's music video for her single Mr. Inspiration
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: On Her Majesty's Secret Furlough! 007 producers' got $133k from the taxpayer during lockdown
The Masked Singer series 2 FIRST LOOK: Show reveals new cast of monsters including characters inspired by Harlequin, a Bushbaby and Grandfather clock
Snoop Dogg working on boxing league called The Fight Club with Triller's Ryan Kavanaugh
Yolanda Hadid gets into the holiday spirit posting a snowy throwback snap with daughter Gigi Hadid as a baby
Isla Fisher reveals how husband Sacha Baron Cohen helped her make a career comeback - as she stars in Christmas comedy Godmothered
Bella Hadid stocks up on houseplants during big day out for the 24-year-old supermodel in New York City Spotted in SoHo
Timothee Chalamet gives a smoldering stare as he covers Document Journal in artsy shots by fashion icon Hedi Slimane
Sasha Obama, 19, sings 'b***h' as she dances along to profanity-filled song with her friends in TikTok video - a month after going viral for rapping the N-word
Jennifer Lopez, 51, says the main product used in her skin line is something that can be found in a kitchen cabinet: 'It's nature's secret ingredient'
A snack is born! Oreo launches LADY GAGA-themed cookies that are pink on the outside and GREEN on the inside in honor of her album Chromatica
Mindy Kaling admits she experienced 'a lot of growing pains' coping with life in self-isolation as she appears on the cover of Vogue India
Gal Gadot announces tickets are on sale for Wonder Woman 1984's theatrical release: 'I'm so thrilled and excited to share this with you'
From Euphoria to The Hunger Games? Singer and actress Zendaya adds yet another string to her bow by trying her hand at ARCHERY for stunning new Lancome campaign
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit vet Molly Sims, 47, looks slender in a bathing suit while enjoying a boat trip: 'My last outfit before we quarantine'
Kaia Gerber looks as if she could use a nap after a workout session with her new boyfriend Jacob Elordi of Kissing Booth fame
DJ Khaled is fabulous in floral as he matches with wife Nicole Tuck and their two sons for cover of Parents... and reveals he only lets kids listen to 'clean versions' of hip-hop music

Prince Harry sparks real FURY with latest Covid statement

The U.S. Sun·12hrs ago
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Body found near I'm A Celeb castle

Daily Mirror·7hrs ago
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I'm A Celeb 'fix' claims as fans suggest Jordan 'knew' AJ was leaving after odd remark

Daily Mirror·1hr ago
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Holly Willoughby earnings revealed

MailOnline·28mins ago
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Shane Richie’s 'rookie error' that exposed affair to Coleen Nolan - but she cheated too

Daily Mirror·59mins ago
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Ruth Langsford gushes about ‘wonderful’ Eamonn Holmes on his 61st as pair are replaced on This Morning

The Sun·3hrs ago
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Christine McGuinness sends temperatures soaring as she puts on a VERY busty display in tiny purple sheer lingerie for new sizzling snap

MailOnline·7hrs ago
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Cheryl sends emotional message to Sarah Harding amid her cancer battle

Daily Mirror·3hrs ago
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'I love you... this is our song, baby girl': Strictly's Ranvir Singh, 43, and Giovanni Pernice, 30, continue to fuel romance rumours as intimate unheard clip emerges

MailOnline·4hrs ago
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Kate Beckinsale, 47, told she looks 20 in skimpy age-defying bikini display

Daily Mirror·2hrs ago
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Click here to view more

Kim Kardashian displays her hourglass curves wearing a strapless dress with her FACE printed across the front from makeup collection launch
Taylor Swift teases updated version of Love Story in a hilariously hellish commercial written by her friend Ryan Reynolds.... as fans point out subtle dig to Scooter Braun
Gloria Estefan reveals she recently contracted and beat COVID-19... after she was exposed to an unmasked fan at an outdoor restaurant in Miami
The Godfather Part III: Director Francis Ford Coppola revisits his 1990 film and unveils a stunning new twist in The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone
Brooke Burke shows off sculpted abs in a bra top as she works up a sweat filming Quarant-Tone challenge in front of a Christmas treeWorking out In LA
Irina Shayk takes her daughter Lea Cooper out for a stroll in New York City... and seems to IGNORE her 'beau' Vito Schnabel
'He's a hypocrite!' Maskless Dave Chappelle gets into a heated altercation with an actor after scolding a woman for approaching him without a mask
Harrison Ford, 78, is dapper in jeans and a tucked-in shirt as he stops in at a liquor store Spotted in Venice, California
'She was paralyzed with grief': Kathie Lee Gifford recalls comforting a devastated Ethel Kennedy with a Bible verse as she mourned the loss of her 'favorite child' Michael
Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez sets pulses racing as she slips into a white satin bodysuit in sizzling snap
Mad Max: Fury Road's Hugh Keays-Byrne who played Immortan Joe has died aged 73... as co-star Charlize Theron leads tributes to the late actor
'I'm sick of him and I'm sure he's sick of me': Dolly Parton discusses her 54-year marriage to Carl Thomas Dean as she admits her weaknesses are 'men, sex and food'
Disney's Pocahontas star Irene Bedard arrested twice in three days after 'drunken incidents'The 53-year-old was first arrested on Friday night
Ozzy Osbourne sports a black velvet robe and slicks back his silver hair while leaving a music studio in Beverly HillsTurns 72 on Thursday!
Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon land a new co-star for The Morning Show: ER veteran Julianna Margulies
Caitlyn Jenner sends love and support to Elliot Page after coming out as transgender: 'Wishing you peace in your soul'
Lea Michele is smitten with her three-month-old son Ever during a 'date with her guy' to the beachOut in Los Angeles
Megan Fox hopes divorce from ex Brian Austin Green will 'happen quickly' so she can plan for the 'future' with Machine Gun Kelly
Fifty Shades Freed actor Brant Daugherty and his wife Kim announce they are expecting their first child: 'Ready for the next chapter'
'Christmas Eve has always been a special occasion for our family': Kate Middleton's mother hints at Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis' 'sweet excitement' over Santa
Boudoir chic, baby! Mariah Carey pairs affordable kimono with DIAMONDS, Chrissy Teigen dons feather accented robe - and other ways celebs are looking GLAM at home
Drew Barrymore seems ecstatic she 'made the list' to get free Ivy Park clothes from Beyonce: 'Coolest moment of my life!'
'This was the first time I've read out loud without hesitation': Jessica Simpson reveals she's dyslexic as she credits her audiobook for 'turning my fears into wisdom'
'I feel very lucky in so many ways to have met her': George Clooney reveals he has NEVER had an argument with Amal... as he urges their children to 'stand up for what they believe in'
Lily Allen looks chic in a floral dress as she steps out for dinner with new husband David Harbour in LondonOut in London with the Stranger Things star
Matilda de Angelis, 25, felt 'liberated' being naked in first TV role, kissed Nicole Kidman AND Hugh Grant and is set for sizzling scenes with Aidan Turner in new da Vinci drama
Nicole Kidman shares a behind-the-scene snap with Hugh Grant as she pays homage to their hit HBO series The Undoing: 'I'm forever grateful'
Laguna Beach star Talan Torriero welcomes baby daughter Hudson with wife Danielle: 'Mom and baby are both happy and healthy!'
The Rock, John Cena and Nikki Bella lead tributes to late WWE legend and wrestling's first gay star Pat Patterson who died at the age of 79
Don't Be Tardy: Kim Zolciak goes mansion shopping in Arizona ahead of potential move from AtlantaThe 42-year-old reality star could be close to her daughter at college
Halle Berry shares 'aftermath' of filling beau Van Hunt with 'luv n liquor & films'... after declaring she is NOT 'bad in bed' on podcastHalle recently shut down rumors
Emily In Paris hunk Lucas Bravo poses shirtless in a smouldering shoot as he praises Lily Collins for being a 'great and generous' co-star
Schitt's Creek funnymen Eugene and Dan Levy prove talent runs in the family as they cover EW's Entertainers Of The Year issue
Bikini-clad Delilah Belle Hamlin and ripped Eyal Booker lock lips during steamy dip in the pool as they continue Mexican business trip
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas get into the spirit of the season as they enjoy the WonderLAnd Drive-Thru holiday adventure
LeBron James 'signs two-year, $85million extension' with defending-champion Lakers that will let him become a free agent in 2023 when his son Bronny could join NBA
Lottie Moss puts on a racy display in lacy stockings and mini dress as she heads for dinner after end of national lockdown
Cardi B defends her status as a 'role model' for bridging the gap between sexual lyricist and social activistStar status won't stop her from pursuing social justice issues
'You don't have to be a certain size to get a boyfriend!' Rebel Wilson says she met 'very private' beau Jacob Busch before losing 66lbs
Selena Gomez lands a People Of The Year cover as she talks mental health so others 'know they're not alone': 'We're not all a certain way and we're not meant to be'
Victoria Beckham gets into the festive spirit in a sparkly sweater and reveals her flagship store has reopened after lockdown
Santa's little helper! Sarah Ferguson dons an elf hat and offers a glimpse of her Christmas decorations in new clip - causing fans to insist she'll be a 'fantastic grandmother'
Kim Kardashian flaunts her 24in waistline as she poses in a fake winter wonderland for latest pinup pictures: 'Snow in Calabasas!'
Former Princess Tessy of Luxembourg reveals she has tested positive for coronavirus as she says she 'started December with a bang' and 'is in a lot of pain'
Devon Windsor looks incredible in a dark green bikini as she cosies up to husband Jonathan Barbara in romantic beach snaps
Kristen Bell lets her natural beauty shine through as she shares radiant make-up free selfie during filmingThe actress, 40, shared a radiant snap
Gal Gadot shows off her makeup-free face and relaxes in a patterned sundress as she embraces 'the calm before the storm'Relaxed
Carol Alt is 60! The Sports Illustrated model shows off her toned legs as she enjoys a night out... after revealing she stays trim by eating 'good fats'
Tom Felton gets teary-eyed while watching the opening scenes of Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone for the first time in 20 years
YouTuber Gabi DeMartino is accused of selling CHILD PORN after posting a video of herself as a toddler for $3 on OnlyFans and saying she 'won't put her panties on'
Tracey Emin admits she's 'not very well' as she's seen for the first time since revealing she has aggressive bladder cancer - and presents virtual Attitude Award from her bed
Jasmine Sanders looks incredible as she poses in a black bikini while soaking up the sun in MiamiThe model, 29, looked incredible
Fab decor! Sprawling mansion where John Lennon wrote I Am The Walrus and moved in Yoko Ono while still married to first wife Cynthia is listed for sale for $12million
Grimes shares a sweet new snap of son X Æ A-Xii playing with a book about space as he appears to follow in his father Elon Musk's footsteps
What happens in Vegas (doesn't) stay in Vegas! Lily Allen says her wedding to David Harbour was supposed to be 'very private' but Clark County tweeted the marriage certificate
Demi Lovato looks fierce in a yellow coat with feathered sleeves as she shows off her edgy blonde pixie cutDemi was unmissable in a yellow overcoat
Leigh-Anne Pinnock looks sensational as she shows off her enviable figure in a backless blue satin mini dress in stunning snapsLittle Mix singer
Elliot Page 'will continue to play Vanya Hargreeves' in The Umbrella Academy after actor came out as transgender
'I cried all day': Pregnant Elsa Hosk discusses her struggle with anxiety and talks of her 'strong and beautiful' changing body in candid Q&A
Still hungover? Sheepish Poppy Delevingne looks like she's feeling the effects of Rita Ora's lockdown-flouting 30th party as she becomes the first guest to break cover
Pregnant Emily Ratajkowski displays her growing baby bump in a patterned crop top as model prepares to welcome her first childStunning
Alexandra Daddario showcases her fit figure in black bikini as she goes snorkeling on a break from filming The White Lotus in Hawaii
Kylie Jenner boards her $73M private jet with daughter Stormi... after report Travis Scott 'earned $100M' this yearThe 23-year-old reality star jetted off
Pat Patterson, wrestling's first gay star, dies at 79: Colleagues remember the visionary brainchild behind WWE's Royal Rumble as 'a true legend'
West End star Elaine Paige's name trended on Twitter because people thought SHE had come out as transgender, following Hollywood actor Elliot Page's announcement
Larsa Pippen's mystery man revealed to be married NBA star Malik Beasley, 24... whose wife was 'blindsided' by the PDA-packed pictures
Prince William shares a teaser from this year's virtual Tusk Conservation Awards as he pays tribute to Africa's leading wildlife protectors whose hard work 'often goes under the radar'
Spectacular Blue Smith says he 'has the right to remain silent' as he is arrested for allegedly sneezing on Walt Disney World employee after claiming to have COVID-19
Kathie Lee Gifford, 67, reveals she got permission from Michael Kennedy's widow to write about his tragic death in her new book
'I'm not stripping off anymore': Sir Cliff Richard, 80, declares he will no longer pose shirtless - and reveals he learned how to clean a toilet in lockdown
The Undoing's Matilda De Angelis says she found filming naked for the show 'liberating' and that she sees Nicole Kidman as her 'first on-screen kiss'
The Queen cancels Christmas gift-giving ceremony for royal staff for first time in her reign due to Covid - as she prepares for a 'quiet' yuletide at Windsor
The Voice: John Legend gains edge as his country singer Bailey Rae wins Wild Card Instant SaveThe 41-year-old coach scored big
Malin Akerman celebrates second wedding anniversary with gushing tribute to hubby Jack Donnelly'2 years ago today I married this gem'
'Please don't wait for them to reach out': Dua Lipa breaks down as she urges people to 'wrap their arms' around LGBTQ+ youth at the 2020 Attitude Awards
Nicholas Hoult and his girlfriend Bryana Holly cut low-key figures as they enjoy a family stroll with their son, two, in London Stepping out
The Queen was 'more concerned about blood on her bed sheets than her own safety' when intruder Michael Fagan broke into her Buckingham Palace bedroom
Ready for business! Queen Maxima of the Netherlands cuts a stylish figure in a crisp white knit and grey wide leg trousers as she meets with entrepreneurs
Nicky Hilton is stylish in long-sleeve red mini dress as she joins Olivia Palermo for holiday market launch
The Bachelorette: Ben Smith strips down ALL NUDE for Tayshia Adams to display vulnerability on dateThe 30-year-old reality star faced the naked truth
Donald Sutherland's sprawling NYC apartment in The Undoing is a $21 million pre-war facing Central Park - as the real locations used in the hit show are revealed
Ellen DeGeneres sends 'love to my friend' Elliot Page... as celebs praise Oscar-nominated star for his 'strength and bravery' after coming out as trans
Iris Law, 20, showcases her washboard abs in a tiny teal patterned crop top and high-waisted jeans for new sultry snapsJude's daughter
'Happily engaged.' Former Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel reveals he's off the market - just five months after his new fiancée gave birth
Milo Ventimiglia shows off his muscles while on his way out of an evening workout session in Los Angeles
'The hardest for me is the kids': Kelly Clarkson on her 'horrible' divorce from Brandon Blackstock... as her ex requests $436K a month in support
'Somedays I can barely get out of bed': The Bachelorette alum Ryan Sutter details his ongoing health crisis
Big Brother alums Christmas Abbott and Memphis Garrett confirm they are dating and are 'excited for the future' and 'did not expect to find love'
Tori Kelly says kids with husband Andre Murillo would be 'so special at some point, whenever we decide' to have them: 'We're not in any rush'
Brielle Biermann showcases her curves in tiny black bikini for racy mirror selfie: 'Need the beach asap!'
Queen's cousin blasts asylum plot in The Crown as 'fantasy' and says it caused 'frustration' in the familyDavid Bowes-Lyon, 73, said it is 'completely wrong'
Ashley Roberts wears lilac PVC trousers and slogan jumper as she leaves the Heart FM radio studios She's known for her sexy sense of style
'So good to be back': David Beckham wastes no time in returning to the gym as Lockdown 2.0 ends... after documenting his home workouts
Keke Palmer reveals she has polycystic ovary syndrome and shares pics of her acne to help others: 'You're not alone'
New romance! Selena Gomez 'is dating NBA star Jimmy Butler'... as the two are spotted enjoying a romantic dinner togetherFeeling the Miami Heat!
Joe Manganiello jokes about Sofia Vergara's reaction to his blue Mohawk: 'She had to think the weirdness would come out at some point'
Selma Blair sizzles in sweater and fishnets as she poses with gold-topped cane in Instagram snaps taken in Los Angeles
Rebel Wilson tearfully admits she 'almost died' at her lowest weight as she discusses her battle with self-esteem prior to shedding 28kgRebel became emotional
Ellen Page, 33, publicly comes out as a transgender male named Elliot telling fans in a statement: 'My pronouns are he/they'Juno star married Emma Porter in 2018
Love Story stars Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal say they still have 'chemistry' five decades after the film's releaseO'Neal, 79, joked: 'It's been a fast 50'
Steven Spielberg gets a restraining order against a stalker he claims has been sending him death threats
Katie Holmes looks ready for winter in her stylish houndstooth overcoat as she strolls arm-in-arm with her beau Emilio Vitolo Jr.
The Voice contestant Ryan Gallagher 'forced to leave show for breaking COVID-19 protocols'
Lil Wayne's daughter rings in 22nd birthday with star-studded bash in Atlanta... despite surge in COVID-19 cases and lack of social distancing
Khloe Kardashian goes NUDE in nothing but knee high boots to promote upcoming debut of Good American shoe collection
Author of book The Undoing is based on reveals she was suspicious of Lily Rabe's character Sylvia - and hopes questions will be answered in a second season
'Office mommy and me vibes': Serena Williams shares cute selfie with adorable daughter Olympia, 3
Leonardo DiCaprio is seen for the first time on set with red-headed co-star Jennifer Lawrence as they film comedy movie Don't Look Up
Britney Spears wishes herself a happy 39th birthday (a day early) in PDA snaps with toyboy Sam AsghariThe troubled pop star captioned the images: 'Happy b-day to me!'
Madonna marks World AIDS Day by paying tribute to five fallen friends and sharing 1991 amfAR speech
Nick Jonas shares snapshots from his glamorous wedding to wife Priyanka Chopra in celebration of the couple's two year marriage anniversary
Ashley Tisdale covers up her baby bump in flowing dress as she gets her Christmas tree shopping done with husband Christopher French
Harry Styles looks dapper in a vintage suit alongside Florence Pugh as they film Don't Worry Darling in Palm Springs
Getting serious! Bristol Palin reveals her contractor boyfriend Zach Towers has met her children - as she shares a sweet snapshot
She gets it from her mama! Barefoot Elsa Pataky steps out with her remarkably youthful mother Cristina as she takes her children for frozen yoghurt in Byron Bay
High and low! Ivanka Trump steps out in an off-the-rack camel pantsuit from Zara and carries a $5,500 Lady Dior handbag as she heads to the office
Jada Pinkett Smith raves about daughter Willow Smith stepping 'into her womanhood' during Rihanna's Savage X Fenty lingerie show
Nevermind the sunset! Victoria's Secret model Kelly Gale poses completely nude in the desert for stunning photo taken by her actor beau Joel Kinnaman
Nicole 'Snooki LaValle and Deena Cortese get sued by The Meatball Shop for alleged trademark violations
Hailey Bieber looks back on a tumultuous 2020 as she urges her followers to 'reflect on everything this year brought good and bad'
Billie Eilish is named as Spotify's 'most streamed' female artist of 2020... with Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande trailing close behind
Top young movers and shakers of 2021: Forbes reveals 600 scientists, entertainers, activists, and entrepreneurs about to make it big NBA's Ben Simmons and singer Ava Max appear
Scandal actress Katie Lowes and her husband Adam Shapiro announce the birth of their daughter Vera Fay: 'Just like that, we're a family of 4!'
Morgan Freeman and Whoopi Goldberg join Ed Asner in incendiary video calling out SAG-AFTRA union healthcare cuts as lawsuit is filed
Robert Irwin shares a heartbreaking video featuring his late father Steve as he reflects on the Crocodile Hunter's legacy on his 17th birthday
Helena Christensen steps out in a hypnotic polka-dot raincoat as she braves the rain for a walk with her dog Kuma in New York City
Like mother, like daughter! Pink's nine-year-old Willow wows social media with her 'beautiful voice' in The Disney Holiday Singalong duet
Priyanka Chopra and husband Nick Jonas look loved-up as they walk arm-in-arm during stroll in London on their second wedding anniversary
Ashley Tisdale debuts her new 'bronde' locks on Instagram as she plays with her caramel tressesShe flashed her sunkissed tresses in her Los Angeles backyard
Netflix's first African Original series Queen Sono has its second season rescinded in belated cancellation of the spy caper
'Everyone should be able to live out their love story': Taylor Swift shares heartfelt speech and promises to 'always' advocate for LGBTQ+ rights at Attitude Awards 2020
Isla Fisher hints there will be a Wedding Crashers sequel... weeks after Vince Vaughn let slip he was in 'serious' talks about the project
TV personality Ross Mathews debuts his impressive 50lb weight loss after reclaiming his health in June: 'Work in progress'
Arnold Schwarzenegger and daughter Christina match in black while riding bikes in LAThe Hollywood action hero, 73, donned an all-black ensemble
Mark Consuelos shows off a new bicep tattoo of a skeleton wearing a sombrero holding a gun and a pocketwatch
Nikki Bella faced with uncomfortable conversation with fiance Artem Chigvintsev after learning he does not have a will in Total Bellas sneak peek
Carrie Underwood shares first snap of Little Drummer Boy duet with son Isaiah, 5, from her Christmas special
Gwyneth Paltrow shares a passionate kiss with husband Brad Falchuk as pair enjoy romantic walk in the Hamptons
Bella Hadid mixes up her look in a Harley Davidson jacket and Playboy T-shirt as she grabs a green juice in NYC
'I'm making a stand for freedom': Eton teacher sacked in lecture row says his campaign to be re-instated is a fight for free speech
Glee star Jane Lynch says she's still in shock over the death of her 'loyal' friend Naya Rivera as she remembers her friendship with the late actress
Jodie Foster and Benedict Cumberbatch face off over Guantanamo Bay detainee in tense legal drama The Mauritanian
Academy says 'in-person telecast will happen' as 2021 Oscar organizers says they will not utilize Zoom for ceremony ... after show was delayed until April
Jennifer Aniston sports a clear plastic face shield and goes 'back to work' on set of The Morning Show
Armie Hammer is set to portray producer in miniseries about the making of The GodfatherThe 34-year-old actor will headline the 10-part cinematic project
Jeannie Mai basks in the sun wearing a sexy swimsuit on holiday... one month after emergency neck surgery which ended her DWTS journey
Garcelle Beauvais had to spend her 54th birthday in isolation after RHOBH crew members tested positive for coronavirus
Rita Ora launches 'Wagatha Christie'-style probe into which friend leaked news of her lockdown-breaching 30th birthday bash to the press - as police seize CCTV
Pregnant Emma Roberts masks up and wears all-grey ensemble to go house hunting in LAShe's eight months along with her son
Texas frontwoman Sharleen Spiteri claims she 'got high with the whole of the Wu-Tang Clan' while recording latest collaboration

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Elliot Page's wife Emma Portner refuses to discuss her own 'gender identity and sexuality', insisting...
The one where Bill was clueless! President Clinton was so out of touch after leaving office, he had to have...
'Britain joined vaccine marathon in the LAST mile': Dr Fauci accuses UK of rushing through Pfizer vaccine...
US records its highest daily COVID death toll EVER: 2,800 people died from virus yesterday - as CDC data...
Hospital doctor who turned up for work so drunk she had to be treated in A&E and had 'no idea where she was'...
One in every 800 North Dakota residents is now dead from COVID as it becomes the eighth deadliest state in...
Nearly 9.5 million Americans took to the skies over a 10-day period around Thanksgiving - and up to 87,000...
LA residents are ordered to stay in their homes: Mayor Garcetti tells 4million citizens to remain indoors,...
Obama, Bush and Clinton say they will take the coronavirus vaccine live on camera to build public trust...
Can the next coronavirus hotspot be predicted? New tracking system claims Wisconsin is on track for an...
Sacramento County Sheriff tests positive for COVID-19 after he refused to enforce the state's mask mandate...
Why cats and cattle can catch Covid but pigs and chickens can't: Study shows some animals are immune to the...
Vladimir Putin rolls out Russia's coronavirus jab with sailors, doctors and teachers among the first to get...


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