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Showing posts sorted by date for query BACTERIOPHAGE. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024


Case study highlights the potential—and challenges—of phage therapy

February 28, 2024

For over two decades, Lynn Cole was in a protracted battle with bacteria and her own immune system.

Diagnosed as having the autoimmune disease Sjogren's syndrome in 1999, Cole suffered from pulmonary fibrosis, was oxygen dependent and highly susceptible to pneumonia, and frequently needed antibiotics for recurrent lung and urinary tract infections. Her daughter, Mya, was there for all of it.

"Most of my childhood was doctor's appointments, inpatient hospital stays, treatments…all that kind of stuff," Mya Cole told CIDRAP News.

But around 2010, Lynn Cole began to have recurrent bloodstream infections caused by the bacterium Enterococcus faecium. From 2013 to 2020, she underwent several hospitalizations at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) for E faecium bloodstream infections and received multiple courses of intravenous antibiotics. At some point in her complex medical history, the bacterium had colonized her gut and become the source of the recurrent infections.

Over that period, Cole, whose case was described in a recent report published in the journal mBio, would typically be sent home with a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line to continue the antibiotic treatment. But within a few days of finishing the antibiotics and removing the PICC line, Cole's blood cultures would be positive for E faecium again.

"We just continued that cycle over and over again, which was frustrating," Mya Cole said.

The cycle continued, with increased frequency, into late 2020, when Cole experienced 26 days of persistent E faecium bacteremia despite treatment with multiple antibiotics that showed in vitro activity against the bacteria.

At that point Cole's treatment team suggested bacteriophages—bacteria-killing viruses—as a potential solution. Cole, after conferring with Mya and her partner, Tina Melotti, said yes.

"We did a little research, and then we talked as a family and agreed that if it could give us a chance, we would try it," Mya said.

A phage cocktail suppresses the infection

To find a phage that might work for Lynn Cole's infection, her doctors turned to researchers at UPMC's Van Tyne lab, which studies how bacteria evolve to resist antibiotics and develops new approaches to treat resistant infections. After receiving the request from Cole's doctors in June 2020, when it had become clear that antibiotics were not going to solve the problem, the lab set out to find a phage that matched the strain of E faecium that was causing the recurrent infections.

Phages aren't hard to find, because they're one of the most abundant organisms on the planet. They can be found in soil, plants, sewage water, and even in the human body. But unlike antibiotics, which work against a narrow or broad spectrum of bacteria, phages have to match the exact strain of bacterium they are targeting to have an effect. That requires testing isolates from a patient's infection to find a match.

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
Dan Higgins / CDC

Once a match is found, the identified phage then has to be grown, purified, and prepared for use in a patient. And that's only part of the lengthy process. Because phages are not approved for use in the United States, an Emergency Investigational New Drug (eIND) application for each individual case has to submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration to get the go-ahead. 

Ultimately, scientists at the University of Colorado found a phage—9184—that had activity against isolates collected from Cole's infection and sent it the Van Tyne lab, where it was propagated and purified. In December 2020, after spending 20 days in the intensive care unit, Cole began receiving three daily doses of the phage in combination with systemic antibiotics.

"And then, within 24 hours, the blood cultures were clear for the first time that month," said Madison Stellfox, MD, PhD, a member of the Van Tyne lab and co-author of the case report.

After being sent home from the hospital, Cole continued receiving antibiotics and the phage therapy through the PICC line under the supervision of Mya and Tina, both of whom work in healthcare. After a few breakthrough infections that were able to be managed at home, Stellfox and her colleagues added another phage—Hi3—to the treatment regimen.

We did a little research, and then we talked as a family and agreed that if it could give us a chance, we would try it.

Mya Cole

For several months, the phage cocktail appeared to be working. Later analysis of bloodstream isolates and rectal swabs by the Van Tyne lab would show that the abundance of E faecium in Cole's gastrointestinal tract—which the antibiotics alone could not tackle—decreased and remained suppressed when she began receiving the combination of the two phages and the antibiotics.

During that time, Cole was free of the bloodstream infections and able to travel. Her improvement enabled her doctors to step-down the antibiotic and phage regimen. Things were looking up.

"You could definitely tell that she was feeling better," Mya Cole said. "She had a lot more color in her face and a lot more personality."

An unforeseen immune response

If the story ended there, it would add to the list of successful compassionate-use cases whereby phages, in combination with antibiotics, have saved severely ill patients who have multidrug-resistant infections and have run out of options. That success has led to an increase in phage therapy requests.

But that's not where the story ends. On day 395 of her treatment, Cole suffered another E faecium bloodstream infection. At the Van Tyne lab, which had been regularly testing samples of Cole's blood serum that were collected by Mya and Tina to see if the cocktail was still working, they began to see a "precipitous decrease" in phage activity.

Lynn Cole and family
Lynn Cole (L), Tina Melotti (C), and Mya Cole (R)

When it became clear that the phage therapy was no longer suppressing the infection, Cole and her family decided to cut back on the treatment. She died of pneumonia in 2022, seven-and-a-half months after stopping phage treatment.

While Cole's infection had not become resistant to the phages or the phage-antibiotic combination, Stellfox explains, posthumous analysis of the isolates suggested that the addition of the second phage triggered an immune system response that may have blocked phage activity against the bacteria and resulted in a return of the recurrent bloodstream infections.

"We did see some binding of antibodies to those phages," Stellfox said. "I think that probably played some role."

Case highlights promise, pitfalls

In the paper, Stellfox and her colleagues note that Lynn Cole's experience may not be generalizable to a larger patient population. But she says the case nonetheless highlights both the potential and the pitfalls of phage therapy, which is being increasingly sought out with the emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections and the weak pipeline for new antibiotics.

One major point for her is that phage therapy is safe: The Van Tyne lab has now treated more than 20 patients with phages they've prepared, including 2 others with the same cocktail given to Lynn Cole, and they've seen no severe adverse events.

"I think it shows that if you take the time to do the matchmaking and find that right phage, [phage therapy] can really have a great role in the future," she said.

The challenge of working with phages, however, is that they are not chemicals with set structures, Stellfox noted. And the field lacks the kind of standardized procedures that exist with antibiotics and other approved drugs.

"They're living entities…they adapt, they change, and that's a great thing about them," she said. "But it can also make things trickier."

The immune system is one place where things can get tricky. That's because little is known about what kind of immune response phage therapy will provoke, says Steffanie Strathdee, PhD, co-director of the Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics (iPATH) at the University of California, San Diego. For the most part, the focus has been on the interaction between the bacteria and the phage, with the human immune response the "missing part of the triangle."

They're living entities…they adapt, they change, and that's a great thing about them....But it can also make things trickier."

Madison Stellfox, MD, PhD

Strathdee, who co-authored the book The Perfect Predator, which describes her husband's life-threatening Acinetobacter baumannii infection and the phage cocktail that saved him, says that in the compassionate-use cases where phages are needed to save a patient's life, clinicians don't have the luxury of time.

"I don't think it's any surprise that we're going to see cases where antibody is generated against phage," Strathdee said. "But there's no time to say 'hold on, let's assess the patient's immune system to see if there are pre-existing antibodies directed against the phage.' "

Phage therapy 3.0

But just because phages can generate an immune system reaction isn't a reason to "throw out the baby with the bathwater," Strathdee adds, explaining that there have been some cases in which phage therapy has provoked an immune response that wasn't clinically relevant and the patient improved. In addition, she noted, the limitless supply of natural or genetically modified phages means researchers can source new phages that the human immune system hasn't seen yet.

Ultimately, Strathdee believes that what researchers learn from this case and others, along with clinical trials that are under way, will help inform the next stage of phage therapy, or phage therapy 3.0, as she calls it.

"Now we can get smarter about it," she said. "As phage therapy starts to become more mainstream, this issue of the human immune system and its role in phage therapy will become more important."

As phage therapy starts to become more mainstream, this issue of the human immune system and its role in phage therapy will become more important.

Steffanie Strathdee, PhD

Stellfox hopes the case report will help inform future phage research, and says some of the credit should go to Mya and Tina, whose regular collection of blood serum enabled her and her colleagues to get a better understanding of what happened and present their findings.

"They helped us so much, and we are indebted to them," she said.

Mya Cole says that although her mother knew there was no guarantee that phage therapy would cure her or prolong her life, she wanted people to know about and learn from her experience.

"She was very adamant that even though [a cure] couldn't be guaranteed, she wanted her story and her experiences to continue on, even if she did not, so that it could help other patients," she said.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024


The value of information gathering for phages

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Viruses that infect bacteria and their lifecycles 



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Phages, the viruses that infect bacteria, will pay a high growth-rate cost to access environmental information that can help them choose which lifecycle to pursue, according to a study. Yigal Meir and colleagues developed a model of a bacteria-phage system to investigate how much the viruses should be willing to invest to acquire information about their local environment. A temperate phage, once inside a bacterium, can choose one of two life cycles. In the lytic cycle, the phage turns the bacterium into a factory for additional phages, until the cell is full of phages and the bacterium bursts and dies. In the lysogenic cycle, the phage inserts its DNA into the bacterial genome. This lysogenic strategy is useful for situations where there are few proximate infection opportunities, either because there are few bacteria nearby or because all nearby bacteria are already infected with related phages. Once phage DNA is inserted into the bacterium, its progeny will also carry phage DNA, and can produce phages in the future when there are more uninfected targets available. Knowing the extent of infection opportunities can determine which lifecycle would lead to more descendants of the phage in the long run. Some phages do have means of sensing the abundance of bacteria nearby, as well as the abundance of phage infection events nearby—but these sensing abilities require genes that come at a cost to the phage. The authors theoretically investigate the “price,” in terms of lysogenic growth rate or number of phages released per burst, that phage should be willing to pay to gain environmental information. According to the authors, a lysogenic phage that has incurred a 50% growth rate penalty to access environmental information will still outcompete a phage that does not sense the abundance of nearby phages or bacteria. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Malta Targeting Phage Therapy 2024: The next clinical revolution

Meeting Announcement


Malta Will Host Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 in June 



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Building on the momentum of the 6th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy, that gathered more than 150 attendees from over 30 countries and featured over 71 presentations, the highly anticipated Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 is set to unfold.

Mark Your Agendas for the 7th World Congress on Targeting Phage Therapy

  • Date: June 20-21, 2024
  • Location: Corinthia Palace, Malta

What to Expect:

  1. Cutting-edge insights into phage therapy advancements and its potential to revolutionize medicine.
  2. Engaging keynotes and expert panels tackling current challenges head-on.
  3. Focused discussions on regulatory frameworks, phage selection, and the critical role of clinical trials.

Gain insights into the direction of Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 by exploring the concluding remarks of 2023.

How to contribute?

We welcome submissions for innovative sessions and talks. If you have groundbreaking insights to share, be part of shaping tomorrow's medical landscape.


A Look Back at Targeting Phage Therapy 2023: Award Winners

1. Best Scientific Contribution

Martha Clockie, Editor in Chief of PHAGE Journal, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Topic: Challenges and Opportunities for Bacteriophage Therapy

2. Best Scientific Innovation

Amanda (Curtis) Burkardt, CEO of PHIOGEN, USA

Topic: Creating Patient Ready Products in a Remedy Ready World.

3. Best Short Oral:

Brieuc Van Nieuwenhuyse, UC Louvain, Belgium

Topic: Bacteriophage-Antibiotic Combination to Allow Liver Transplantation

4. Best Poster:

Pantiora Panagiota, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Topic: Thermostable Bactericidal Endolysin Discovery


Revisit Targeting Phage Therapy 2023: Replay is Available

Explore the Targeting Phage Therapy 2023 replay to preview what's in store for 2024. Whether you missed the event or want to rewatch it, the replay is available. Access 40+ talks and innovations from key industries like Phiogen, Armata Pharmaceuticals, BiomX, Cellexus, and more.

The Abstracts Book is also accessible for additional insights.

Learn more about available materials.


Wishing you a joyous holiday season, we anticipate the pleasure of meeting you at Targeting Phage Therapy 2024 in Malta. For more information about the event, please visit our website.


Saturday, December 16, 2023


New software makes rapid inroads to find viral weapons for germ warfare

Phables computational tool 'beats existing viral identification methods'

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Dr Vijini Mallawaarachchi 



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A new bioinformatics software program at Flinders University is paving the way for a rapid expansion of research into bacteriophages, the viruses or phages that play key roles in controlling bacteria.

Experts at the Flinders University College of Science and Engineering have released a computational tool for researchers around the world to find ‘bacteriophages’ or phages through more accurate genome sequencing.

The new ‘Phables’ computational tool can identify and characterise 49% more complete phage genomes compared to existing viral identification tools, according to a new article in Bioinformatics.

Research into isolating and harnessing bacteriophages paves the way for progress in the emerging field of ‘phage therapy’, a more natural way to target specific bacteria which post a constant risk to immune-compromised, young and elderly patients, as well as ‘super’ bacteria which has become resistant to regular antibiotics.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global risk when broad-spectrum antibiotics no longer work on  ‘superbugs’ created when common bacteria goes through multiple genetic changes.  The WHO has warned that AMR is one of the top public health threats facing humanity in the 21st century and was associated with the death of close to 5 million people in 2019.

“Understanding phages is essential because they can influence everything from the health of ecosystems to the treatment of bacterial infections in humans,” says Flinders University research associate Dr Vijini Mallawaarachchi, from the Flinders Accelerator for Microbiome Exploration (FAME) Lab.

“Traditional methods of studying phages from environmental sequencing data have been limited, often failing to fully capture the complete genetic information of phages. This incomplete picture has been a barrier to fully understanding their roles and impacts.” 

FAME Lab director Professor Robert Edwards, a coauthor of the latest article, says the Phables software can computationally reconstruct the genetic content of phages from environmental sequencing data.

“This marks a major advancement in phage bioinformatics, allowing us to computationally reconstruct complete phage genomes,” says Professor Edwards, from the College of Science and Engineering.  

“It will facilitate the discovery of novel phages and enable their laboratory isolation, which will lead to advancements in medical treatments, environmental management, and a deeper understanding of microbial life. 

“This revolutionary tool not only enhances our understanding of the microbial world but also paves the way for innovative solutions to some of the most pressing health and environmental challenges of our time.” 

Phables uses a new, more effective approach to piece together the genetic information of phages with tests on various datasets showing the new tool can identify more complete contiguous genomes of phages than existing state-of-the-art software tools.

Phables has almost 9000 downloads across different software repositories. The tool was launched at the Australian Society for Microbiology Annual National Meeting 2023 and the Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society Conference 2023. 

Next year, the Flinders University research team aims to use the Phables tool to discover novel phages, and potentially use these isolated phages in therapies, including new treatment options for individuals with conditions such as cystic fibrosis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Read the article – Phables: From fragmented assemblies to high-quality bacteriophage genomes (2023) by Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Michael J Roach, Przemyslaw Decewicz, Bhavya Papudeshi, Sarah K Giles, Susanna R Grigson, George Bouras, Ryan D Hesse, Laura K Inglis, Abbey L K Hutton, Elizabeth A Dinsdale, and Robert A Edwards has been published in Bioinformatics (Oxford University Press). First published 21 September 2023. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad586

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Australian Research Council [DP220102915], and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.