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Showing posts sorted by date for query CRASH 2008. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The election debates need to interrogate politicians about the human cost of their policies

21 June, 2024 
Columnist Left Foot Forward  Opinion

Party manifestos are disconnected from the lives of the people.

An interesting feature of the debates leading to the UK general election is the almost total absence of any discussion of human consequences of the policies proposed by parties. People have been made invisible as parties focus on taxes, public debt and cuts in public services.

Party manifestos are disconnected from the lives of the people. The average real wage is lower than in 2008 and the result is misery. Due to low incomes, some 12m Britons live in poverty, including 4.3m children. People are increasingly relying upon charity. In 2023/24 there were nearly 3,000 foodbanks compared to almost none in 2007. In 2023/24 Trussell Trust, the largest chain with nearly 1,700 food banks, provided nearly 3.1m food parcels compared to just 25,809 in 2008/09. Life expectancy in Britain has flatlined in the last ten years. Yet no major party is promising to alleviate poverty by redistributing income and wealth, adoption of progressive taxation, increasing workers’ share of gross domestic product and maintaining real value of social security benefits.

To appease corporate interests, major parties promise deregulation but ignore the resulting social cost. For example, some 1.8m workers were suffering from work-related ill health, with approximately half of the cases down to stress, depression or anxiety. Deregulation of the finance industry is mooted again without any mention of the social cost. After the 2007-08 crash the state had to find £1,162bn of cash and guarantees (£133bn cash + £1,029bn of guarantees) to bail out banks, and millions suffered from the resulting austerity.

Both Conservative and Labour want to maintain the two-child benefit cap which deprives 550,000 households of at least £3,455 each year. The removal of the cap would cost £2.1bn in 2024/25, rising to 790,000 households and £3.4bn by 2029-30. Children as young as 11 are being sectioned for mental health problems. In 2023/24, 36,000 children were referred to mental health services for urgent attention. Yet child welfare is just a financial number to major parties as they remain silent on the human cost of this policy. Would more children and their families be forced to live in poverty? Would the resulting anxiety and insecurity stunt children’s and the nation’s future?

Political automatons recite the mantras of self-imposed fiscal rules to justify further cuts in public spending though none ever obstructed corporate bailouts and subsidies. Fiscal rules are seemingly there to curb aspirations of the less well-off. Spending cuts always result in loss of hard-won rights and lower real wages which reduce people’s access to good food, housing, healthcare and welfare. If people are undernourished and ill, how can that help to reinvigorate the economy? How will low wages and cuts in spending impact the supply of skilled labour? Political elites seem unwilling or unable to connect the dots and explain the human impact of their policy choices even though the last 14 years have shown that austerity, low wages and failure to invest in public services have delivered deadly consequences. Here are a few examples.

Underinvestment in the National Health Services (NHS) means that people can’t get a timely access to family doctors, dentists, ambulances and hospitals. This also makes the healthcare system less resilient. Such fears were confirmed in 2016 by an investigation codenamed Exercise Cygnus. It concluded that the NHS would not be able to cope with a flu pandemic. The government, focused on reducing public spending, responded by reducing the stock of personal protection equipment and the number of hospital beds. Some areas in England lost 40% of the hospital beds. Today England has an average of around 2.3 beds per 1,000 of population. Some have considerably less. For example, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has 0.9 beds per 1,000 people. Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has just 1.7 hospital beds per 1,000 people. The average for Japan is 12.6; 7.8 for Germany; 6.9 for Austria; 5.7 for France; 5.5 for Belgium; 5.2 for Latvia and average of 4.3 beds for OECD countries. The lack of investment had tragic consequences. Some 232,000 people died in the Covid pandemic, considerably more per capita than most European countries.

At the end of April 2024, there were some 7.57m unfulfilled NHS England hospital appointments, compared to 2.5m in 2010 and 4.5m in February 2020 just ahead of the pandemic. Some 2.7m working-age adults are chronically ill and unable to work. If the current obsession with low wages, austerity and reducing public services continues that number is expected to rise to 3.7m by 2040.

Between 2018 and 2022, some 1.5 million people in England died whilst waiting for a hospital appointment in England. That is a staggering 300,000 a year. The victims are mainly people suffering from delays and cancellations to hospital appointments and the less well-off. Some 14,000 people a year die whilst waiting in poorly resourced accident and emergency departments in hospitals.

Britons die sooner from cancer and heart disease than people in many other rich countries, partly because of the NHS’s lack of beds, staff and scanners. The number of people dying before the age of 75 in England from heart and circulatory diseases is at the highest level since 2008. 39,000 died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions including heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke. Delayed health checks for people with diabetes have caused 7,000 excess deaths a year.

A study published in a peer reviewed scholarly journal reported that between 2012 and 2019, government imposed austerity caused 335,000 excess deaths in England and Scotland i.e. nearly 48,000 a year. One-third of these deaths were among people under 65. Another study reported that each year some 93,000 people, 68,000 pensioners and 25,000 people of working age, die from poverty. Evidence shows that 28,655 older people died in 2022/23 before ever receiving the social care for which they were waiting. This is an average of 79 deaths a day, 550 a week, and 2,388 a month. 1,300 people died while homeless in UK during 2022.

In 2023, some 800,000 patients were admitted to hospital with malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies, a threefold increase on 10 years ago. Children born to undernourished parents are likely to have low birthweight and suffer from ailments throughout their life. Infant mortality rate in the UK is nearly 4 deaths per 1,000 live births, compared to 1.7 in Japan, 1.8 in Finland, Slovenia and Sweden. Children from poorest families are almost 13 times more likely to experience poor health and educational outcomes by the age of 17. They are less likely to go for higher education and have lower social mobility. In later life they are more likely to suffer from heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and other debilitating health issues which lead to greater pressures on welfare and healthcare services.

A study by the Institute of Health Equity reported that between 2011 and 2019 England experienced nearly 1.2m excess deaths due to a combination of Covid, poverty and austerity. A poor English girl could on average expect to live 7.7 years less than a rich girl; and a boy 9.5 years less. Public services are a key part of the tragedy. The Economist reported that “during the 2010s, spending per person decreased by 16% in the richest councils, but by 31% in the poorest. Benefits were also cut … places with the largest relative declines in adult social-care spending and housing services were the ones that suffered the greatest headwinds to life expectancy”. Yet major parties reel-off fiscal rules and more austerity without a word about human consequences.

This election, in common with the last few, has lots of radio and televised debates. Politicians well coached by PR experts come and read their rehearsed lines, and interviewers add their tuppence worth. However, there is little discussion of the human cost of policies. People are treated as invisible casualty of politics. It is the same in parliament too. Government bills are routinely accompanied by an ‘impact assessment’ but none ever refers to the human consequences of regressive taxation, austerity, cuts in public services or tax handouts to the rich. We need to change political debates so that the stark consequences of political choices are discussed and human life is prioritised over the interests of markets and corporations.

Prem Sikka is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Essex and the University of Sheffield, a Labour member of the House of Lords, and Contributing Editor at Left Foot Forward.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Shareholders OK with soaring executive pay in US
June 16, 2024

Executive salaries at major US corporations are soaring — but shareholders happy with stock prices and greater transparency over remuneration are not pushing back.

Between 2017 and 2023 the average annual compensation for a CEO at an S&P 500 company rose nearly 40 percent to $16.3 million, according to the consulting firm Equilar.

That compares to a 27 percent increase for the average US worker.

But shareholders do not seem to mind. Only twice this year — or 0.5 percent of the time — did they vote down executive pay packages proposed at annual meetings, said the business consulting firm ISS-Corporate.

In 2021 and 2022, a string of big Wall Street firms were hit with flak over juicy executive compensation, including Starbucks, JPMorgan Chase, Intel and General Electric.

“Investors are finally pushing back on massive CEO pay hikes,” Time magazine wrote in June 2022. But this angry sentiment vanished as quickly as it had popped up.

“Shareholders tend to vote down plans after a poor performance or stock price performance in particular,” said Kevin Murphy, a finance professor at the University of Southern California who specializes in executive pay.

The coronavirus pandemic hit the US economy and financial markets hard.

“That was sort of a funny year because we obviously had the big drop in March of 2020, the stock market crash during pandemic and for the most part, stock prices rebounded but it wasn’t even across all firms,” he said.

But in today’s market, with stocks hitting record after record, shareholders are not in a rebellious mood.

Just last week Tesla shareholders approved a compensation package for Elon Musk of just under $50 billion.

Under the so called Dodd-Frank Act that came out of the financial crisis of 2008, companies have to submit their executive pay packages to a shareholder vote at least every three years, a practice known as “say on pay.”

The votes are non-binding, but in most cases when a pay package is rejected, corporate boards back down and trim them.

The idea of “say on pay” has introduced transparency in the business world.

“So in terms of the worst practices, a lot of them have been limited. A lot of the more extreme ones,” said Rosanna Landis Weaver of the shareholder advocacy group As You Sow.

“There are very few cases in recent memory in which a CEO was dismissed but walked away with an outrageously large pay package,” said David Yermack, a professor of finance at New York University.

– Follow the pack –

The Dodd-Frank law also forces companies to disclose the ratio between their top executive’s compensation and the median salary.

In 2023, that ratio rose to 196 times, compared to 158 times five years earlier, according to Equilar.

A study published this week by Bentley University and pollster Gallup said that 82 percent of Americans feel it is important to avoid a major pay gap between CEOs and average employees.

“The CEO-employee pay gap is a controversial issue. While high CEO salaries can attract top talent, they can also be seen as excessive,” Kristina Minnick, a professor of finance at Bentley University, said as part of this study.

Still, advocates of limiting CEO pay are the minority in the broader American electorate.

Bills to this effect that were proposed in recent months by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Bernie Sanders, prominent figures of the American left, have gone nowhere in the US House of Representatives.

The idea of “say on pay” has prompted many companies to turn to consulting firms to guide them on CEO pay and use benchmarks to compare their packages to those of other companies.

These advisory firms are paid by companies to which they make recommendations on whether to approve or reject CEO pay before a yearly shareholder meeting. The best known ones are Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis.

“So the combination of having say on pay and having ISS seem so influential as a proxy advisor, has been that over the last 10 years, compensation programs have become more similar,” said Marc Hodak of Farient Advisors.

Sums up Kevin Murphy, “the easiest way to not make waves is to do what everybody else is doing.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Why the conspiracy of silence from our political parties when it comes to corporate greed?

14 June, 2024 

Political parties stigmatise people for claiming welfare support but pay no attention of the spiralling cost of corporate welfare which is enriching shareholders and company executives

Election manifestos of all political parties are out as the battle for votes intensifies.

Just like the Conservatives, Labour is planning to squeeze the sick, disabled and poor by cutting benefits though it is dressed-up in vague words. There is no plan to reverse the two-child benefit cap and lift children out of poverty. There is a commitment to “reviewing Universal Credit”, plan “to support more disabled people and those with health conditions into work” and allusions to new “Work Capability Assessments”. Labour has shunned new taxes on the rich or corporations and committed to reduced borrowing, the self-imposed fiscal rules will inevitably squeeze welfare spending. The Resolution Foundation estimates that Labour will need to impose spending cuts of £18bn on unprotected departments such as transport, justice and the Home Office. The real value of welfare payments won’t be maintained.

Of course, any political party can (re)examine public spending and consider welfare reforms but the consequence for individuals and households are not spelled out. All major parties are united in silence on the size of the corporate welfare programme, its effect on the public purse, taxes, household budgets, inflation and more. There is no plan to review subsidies, grants and handouts or protect households from profiteering by companies exploiting their dominant market position.

Big business funds political parties, hands consultancy jobs to legislators and its interests are deeply embedded into the political system. Ever since the 1980s, under the influence of business-funded think-tanks the state has been reconstructed. Instead of directly investing in new industries, such as information technology, biotechnology and aerospace, it has become a guarantor of corporate profits. Numerous publicly-owned entities, such as water, rail, mail, oil, gas and care homes, have been privatised at knock-down prices and eventually sold to foreign investors. This has been accompanied by outsourcing of public services, the private finance initiative (PFI) and corporate bailouts.

Banks are a classic example. At the height of the 2007-08 financial crash, the state suddenly found £1,162bn of cash and guarantees (£133bn cash + £1,029bn of guarantees) to bail out ailing banks. To assist capital markets and speculators it also conjured up £895bn of quantitative easing. In 2022, compensation of £120m was handed to investors in London Capital and Finance. Finance industry profits remain privatised and the cap on bankers’ bonus, which was designed to curb reckless risk-taking, has been scrapped. The economy is yet to fully recover from the bailouts.

Between 2015 and 2023 renewable energy sector received £60bn in public subsidies. Fossil fuel companies for the same period received £80bn. In return, the people don’t own anything. Companies keep the resulting assets and income streams.

In 2022-23, the energy price spike threatened to increase fuel poverty and bad debts of energy companies. The government could have acted to reduce profit margins of energy companies, but didn’t. It instead handed over £78bn to energy companies. British Gas increased its profits ten-fold. BP and shell more than doubled their profits. Under public pressure £39.9bn was recouped through windfall taxes on energy producers. The state is still committed to footing some £24bn of the cost of decommissioning oil and gas rigs through a variety of tax reliefs. Drax burns wood from forests to produce electricity and is contracted to receive subsidy of £10.4bn for the period 2012-2027. Oil giant Equinor could receive subsidies of £3.75bn.

The state routinely hands out hard cash to businesses which were privatised. Avanti West Coast managers famously referred to this as “free money” and “too good to be true”. In the last decade, privatised train companies have received subsidy of over £75.2bn. Labour’s manifesto promises to bring rail companies into public ownership. However that commitment only applies to passenger operating companies and excludes lucrative freight and rolling stock companies.

The government has given £500m to Jaguar and Land Rover for production of batteries for electric vehicles. £500m has been handed to Tata Steel and another £500m to Jingye Steel. The government has provided £5bn subsidy to telecom companies to persuade them to provide internet services to rural areas.

Bailouts, cash, grants and subsidies are not the only avenues of corporate welfare. There are 1,180 tax reliefs, but just 365 have official costings. Many are given to corporations to achieve some economic or social objectives but there is little monitoring. The Chancellor stated that Research and Development (R&D) tax reliefs had been subject to “abuse and fraud. In 2020-21, R&D losses due to error and fraud were £1.13bn. A former head of HMRC urged the government to scrap the “entrepreneurs’ relief”, costing £2bn a year, because it provided “no incentive for real entrepreneurship”.

In 2014, the government created the video games tax relief for games with “culturally British accreditation”. Companies adopted creative strategies to claim the relief. Games such as “Batman”, “Goat Simulator”, “Grand Theft Auto” and “Sonic the Hedgehog” could hardly be described as “culturally British” but received tax relief. James Bond films receive massive subsidies from the UK taxpayers, but the company behind it routinely declares losses and pays little or no corporation tax.

The National Audit Office noted that “there are too many examples where these reliefs either do not achieve their economic objectives or are subject to significant error and fraud, costing the Exchequer billions of pounds. … We have seen examples of tax reliefs where the costs have increased quickly … the government cannot know the cause if it has not carried out adequate compliance work to ensure only legitimate claimants received the reliefs”.

Corporate welfare programmes allow corporations to ride roughshod over workers and customers. Some 4.1m UK workers are in precarious jobs as the use of zero hour contracts and fire and rehire has proliferated. Real average wage is lower than in 2008. People use foodbanks, charity and social security benefits to make ends meet. 38% of the people on Universal Credit are in employment. Their wages are being subsidised by the public purse whilst corporate profit margins have soared.

Water companies have long been permitted to abuse customers. The pricing formula used by water regulator OFWAT guarantees real returns to companies each year. It takes no account of the quality of water or sewage dumping. Too many internet and mobile phone companies are increasing customer bills by the rate of inflation + 3.9% each year even though there is no real increase in their operating costs. It is a similar story at Royal Mail, which was privatised in 2013. At the time of privatisation, first-class postage stamp cost 60p and second-class 50p. Some 11 years later, the first-class postage has rocketed to £1.35 and second-class to 85p, an increase of 70%-125%. The frequency of mail delivery has declined. Royal Mail only meets 74.5% of its targets but that hasn’t persuaded regulators to curb price rises. The companies are effectively raising capital from consumers, whilst companies and shareholders own the resulting assets and receive returns.

The public purse is gouged by drug companies selling medicines to the NHS at inflated prices. For example, a pharmaceutical company charged the NHS £80 for a single pack of tablets that had previously cost less than £1. Another inflated the price of hydrocortisone tablets by more than 10,000% compared with the original branded version.

Companies are allowed to manufacture and sell deadly products certain to inflict disability and premature death. For example, tobacco, alcohol, ultra-processed foods and fossil fuels kill 2.7m people a year in Europe. Neither shareholders nor companies bear the social cost, which falls on society. The public purse funds social irresponsibility and effectively transfers wealth from people to companies.

The Public Accounts Committee reported that the government lost up to £28.5bn to fraud and error in procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) due to lax checks and controls. A Treasury Minister resigned live in the Lords and accused the government of “arrogance, indolence and ignorance” in its attitude to tackling fraud. He added that banks handing out Covid loans “have been assisted by the Treasury, who appear to have no knowledge or little interest in the consequences of fraud to our economy or our society …Schoolboy errors were made: for example, allowing over 1,000 companies to receive bounce-back loans that were not even trading when Covid struck.”

Political parties stigmatise people for claiming welfare support but pay no attention of the spiralling cost of corporate welfare which is enriching shareholders and company executives. Public services are being cut to fund corporate welfare. Successive governments have failed to publish the full cost of corporate subsidies, grants and tax reliefs and there is considerable fraud. There is little monitoring to check that the handouts deliver the assumed economic objectives. As long as political parties are funded by corporations, there is little chance of critical scrutiny of corporate welfare programmes.

Prem Sikka is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Essex and the University of Sheffield, a Labour member of the House of Lords, and Contributing Editor at Left Foot Forward.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Zero-down mortgages are back sparking fears of being the new subprime loans which caused the 2008 market crash

Story by Mike Bedigan •  THE INDEPENDENT UK

A new “zero-down” mortgage program has sparked concern of fueling another housing bubble given its similarities to the disastrous subprime loans that contributed to the 2008 housing market crash.

The programs, announced two weeks ago and offered by United Wholesale Mortgage, allow qualified borrowers to receive up to $15,000 in down payment assistance.

The interest-free loan program does not require monthly payments and aims to “help more borrowers become homeowners without an upfront down payment,” the company said.

However, experts have warned that the programs – which, according to company, have already proved incredibly popular – could backfire on homeowners should the US housing market begin to cool, and prices begin to drop.

To qualify for the loans, borrowers must be at or below 80 percent of the Area Median Income for the property they are buying, or one borrower must be a first-time homebuyer.

The assistance loan, given as a second lien, offers flexibility in repayment and must be paid in full by the end of the loan term or when the first lien loan is paid off - for many homeowners, that would be at the end of 30 years of paying their mortgage.

“UWM’s 0% Down Purchase program is going to change the game this purchase season,” UWM chief executive Mat Ishbia said.

“No other wholesale lender in the country is offering this, meaning independent mortgage brokers now have a significant advantage with consumers and real estate agents. Thousands of borrowers are sitting on the sidelines because they don’t have a downpayment – this program removes that barrier.”

However, one of the risks of prospective homeowners paying no down payment, is that they will begin with no home equity – i.e the current market value of a home, minus any liens such as a mortgage.

Should house prices begin to drop, borrowers could find themselves owing more than the home is worth on repayments. This could lead to a failure to comply with the mortgage terms, known as being in “default.”

Further problems could arise if the homeowner needs to sell the property quickly, but are unable to repay the second mortgage.

Patricia McCoy, a professor at Boston College Law School and former mortgage regulator, told CNN that scenario is “exactly what happened” during the subprime crisis, when millions of homeowners were unable to make payments and went into default.

The housing bubble that popped around 2006 was fueled in part by a boom on the amount of subprime mortgages, and adjustable rate mortgages being offered.

A subprime mortgage is generally a loan that is meant to be offered to prospective borrowers with impaired credit records. The higher interest rate is intended to compensate the lender for accepting the greater risk in lending to such borrowers.

A new “zero-down” mortgage purchase program has sparked concern within the industry, due to similarities with the disastrous subprime loans that contributed to the 2008 housing market crash (AP)© Provided by The Independent

Jonathan Adams, an assistant professor at Saint Joseph’s University teaching real estate finance, said the zero-down loan program has “all the features that made subprime bad,” noting that those who qualified for the program are likely to suffer when home prices are falling.

“One of the lessons of the subprime crisis was that you are not doing any favors to borrowers by making it too easy to borrow,” Adams told CNN.

The company rejected the concerns over potential fallout from its programs, saying that borrowers must still go through strict underwriting guidelines.

“People who make these claims are uneducated about the current state of the industry,” Alex Elezaj, the company’s chief strategy officer, told CNN. “In today’s environment, UWM is responsible for underwriting the loan, which gives us confidence that these are high quality loans.

“This is a huge positive. It’s helping consumers and is a great win across the board.

“Think about all the people who are renting and would love to buy a house, but they face this roadblock of coming up with $10,000 or $15,000 for a down payment. This eliminates that.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Joseph Stiglitz and ‘progressive capitalism’

“If an economy is made more equal, would it stop future slumps under capitalism or future Great Recessions? More equal economies in the past did not avoid these slumps. Progressive capitalism is an oxymoron in the 21st century.”

By Michael Roberts

The liberal leftist economist and Nobel (Riksbank) prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has another book out to proclaim the benefits of what he calls ‘progressive capitalism’. The Road to Freedom is a play on the title of Friedrich Hayek’s infamous book, The Road to Serfdom, published in 1944, which claimed that government intervention into the ‘freedom of markets’ would cause shortages and misallocations of resources and eventually to the end of democracy and freedom in a dictatorship a la Stalinist Soviet Union. John Maynard Keynes expressed his agreement with Hayek after reading his book. He wrote to Hayek that: “morally and philosophically I find myself in agreement with virtually the whole of it; and not only in agreement with it, but in a deeply moved agreement.”

But Stiglitz certainly does not. For him, Hayek’s claim that ‘free markets’ mean freedom for the individual really means ‘freedom for the wolves and death to the sheep’ (Isaiah Berlin). Free markets are designed to make profits not to meet the social needs of the many. “Externalities are everywhere,” Stiglitz writes. “The biggest and most famous negative externalities are air pollution and climate change, which derive from the freedom of businesses and individuals to take actions that create harmful emissions.” The argument for restricting this freedom, Stiglitz points out, is that doing so will “expand the freedom of people in later generations to exist on a livable planet without having to spend a huge amount of money to adapt to massive changes in climate and sea levels.”

For Stiglitz, the enemy of human freedom is not capitalism as such, but ‘neoliberalism’ which has bred soaring inequality, environmental degradation, the entrenchment of corporate monopolies, the 2008 financial crisis, and the rise of dangerous right-wing populists like Donald Trump. These baleful outcomes weren’t ordained by any laws of nature or laws of economics, he says. Rather, they were “a matter of choice, a result of the rules and regulations that had governed our economy. They had been shaped by decades of neoliberalism, and it was neoliberalism that was at fault.”

Stiglitz has argued before in previous books that it is not capitalism that is at fault but the decisions of governments and their corporate backers to ‘change the rules of the game’ that had existed in the post-war period of managed capitalism. The rules were changed to deregulate; to privatise; to crush labour unions etc.  But Stiglitz never explains why the ruling elite felt it necessary to change the rules of the game.  What happened to swing the post-war rules into the neoliberal ones?

Anyway, Stigliz reiterates his call for the creation of a “progressive capitalism”. Under the rules of this form of capitalism, the government would employ a full range of tax, spending, and regulatory policies to reduce inequality, rein in corporate power, and develop the sorts of capital for social needs not profits like ‘human capital’ (education), ‘social capital’ (cooperatives), and ‘natural capital’ (environmental resources).

Stiglitz does not want to get rid of capitalism but to regulate it, so it works for the many (sheep) over the few (wolves). “We need environmental regulations, traffic regulations, zoning regulation, financial regulations, we need regulations in all the constituents of our economy,” he writes. But Stiglitz is either naïve or applying sophistry here.  The history of regulation is a history of failure in controlling capitalism or making banks and corporations apply policies and investment in the interests of people over profit.

How can anyone not see that, after the global financial crash of 2008, or the subsequent financial scandals galore; or the failure to stop or regulate fossil fuel production and finance? Regulation has not stopped regular and recurring crises of production under capitalism, whether in the imagined ‘progressive era’ of 1945-75 or in the neoliberal era since.  Stiglitz has nothing to say on this.

Indeed, he almost recognizes that his policy proposals of taxing the rich, regulating finance and the environment and increasing public spending to achieve progressive capitalism are not likely to be adopted by governments and big business.  But when asked that, maybe, the only real alternative to achieve human freedom is a revolutionary transformation of the economy and society, he replied at a LSE presentation of his book, that revolutions are violent and risky and so should be avoided in favour of gradualist change.

His answer reminds me of Geoff Mann’s comment in his excellent book, In the Long Run We are all Dead“the Left wants democracy without populism, it wants transformational politics without the risks of transformation; it wants revolution without revolutionaries”. (p21).  Stiglitz really echoes Keynes who once said, “For the most part, I think that Capitalism, wisely managed, can probably be made more efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative system yet in sight, but that in itself it is in many ways extremely objectionable. Our problem is to work out a social organisation which shall be as efficient as possible without offending our notions of a satisfactory way of life.”

How would regulation and more equality deal with the impending disaster that is global warming as capitalism accumulates rapaciously without any regard for the planet’s resources and viability? Programmes of redistribution will do little for this. And if an economy is made more equal, would it stop future slumps under capitalism or future Great Recessions? More equal economies in the past did not avoid these slumps. Progressive capitalism is an oxymoron in the 21st century. And even Stiglitz doubts that it is possible to achieve.

  • Michael Roberts is an economist and author, you can follow Michael Roberts’ blog on Facebook and YouTube.
  • This article was originally published by Michael Roberts’ blog The Next Recession on May 13th, 2024.

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Red states are using the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade to expand the death penalty

Death penalty states want the Supreme Court to throw out its precedents and allow the execution of child rapists

Ron DeSantis | Prison Cellhouse interior (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

Even as support for the death penalty wanes across the country, Republican governors, led by Florida’s Ron DeSantis, are signing into law legislation expanding the death penalty.

Earlier this month, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill authorizing the death penalty for aggravated rape of a child. The law goes into effect on July 1. Lee’s decision makes Tennessee the second state, following Florida, to apply capital punishment to cases where no one is killed. A third red state, Idaho, is now considering similar legislation.

These laws, as the Death Penalty Information Center explains, “contradict longstanding Supreme Court precedent holding the death penalty unconstitutional for non-homicide crimes.” In fact, they are intended to tee up a case allowing the Supreme Court’s conservative, activist majority to overturn long-established precedent, just as it has done in other high-profile cases.

What the Supreme Court did in overturning its own precedents when it allowed states to prohibit abortion, has sent a clear message and prompted Tennessee, Florida (and maybe Idaho) to defy its long-established precedents in the area of capital punishment.

Proponents of the new laws hope that the court will extend the reach of capital punishment. They also hope to put death penalty opponents on the defensive by painting them as soft-on-crime defenders of child rapists.

Death penalty opponents must work hard to avoid falling into that trap. Their best political strategy, though it might not be a winning legal strategy, will be to say that the court should respect its own precedent rather than mounting a full-fledged campaign to explain why child rapists should not be put to death.

Before looking more closely at the Tennessee law and the political strategy behind it and the others, let’s recall what the Supreme Court has said about using the death penalty for non-homicide cases like rape.In a 7-2 decision handed down in 1977, the court found that capital punishment was “grossly disproportionate” to the crime of rape. Justice Bryon White, who wrote the majority opinion in Coker v. Georgia, turned to history to help explain that judgment.

“At no time in the last 50 years,” White said, “have a majority of the States authorized death as a punishment for rape. In 1925, 18 States, the District of Columbia, and the Federal Government authorized capital punishment for the rape of an adult female. By 1971, … that number had declined, but not substantially, to 16 States plus the Federal Government.”

That situation changed dramatically in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 1972 decision in Furman v. Georgia striking down the death penalty as then applied. Subsequently, more than 30 states reenacted their death penalty statutes, but few reauthorized it as a punishment for rape.

As White explained, it “should also be a telling datum that the public judgment with respect to rape, as reflected in the statutes providing the punishment for that crime, has been dramatically different. In reviving death penalty laws to satisfy Furman's mandate, none of the States that had not previously authorized death for rape chose to include rape among capital felonies.”

White recognized “the seriousness of rape as a crime.” As he put it, “It is highly reprehensible, both in a moral sense and in its almost total contempt for the personal integrity and autonomy of the female victim and for the latter's privilege of choosing those with whom intimate relationships are to be established. Short of homicide, it is the ‘ultimate violation of self.’”

Still, White insisted that “in terms of moral depravity and of the injury to the person and to the public,…(rape) does not compare with murder, which does involve the unjustified taking of human life…. The murderer kills; the rapist, if no more than that, does not…. We have the abiding conviction that the death penalty, which ‘is unique in its severity and irrevocability,’ is an excessive penalty for the rapist who, as such, does not take human life.”

Chief Justice Warren Burger and Justice William Rehnquist, who dissented in Coker, accused the majority of “engraft(ing) their conceptions of proper public policy onto the considered legislative judgments of the States.” They branded the decision to bar the death penalty in rape cases “very disturbing.”

Three decades after Coker, in a case called Kennedy v. Louisiana, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that ruling and extended it to cover the rape of a child. Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for a five-justice majority, conceded that “Petitioner’s crime was one that cannot be recounted in these pages in a way sufficient to capture in full the hurt and horror inflicted on his victim or to convey the revulsion society….”

But he argued that “in determining whether the death penalty is excessive, there is a distinction between intentional first-degree murder on the one hand and nonhomicide crimes against individual persons, even including child rape, on the other. The latter crimes may be devastating in their harm, as here, but ‘in terms of moral depravity and of the injury to the person and to the public,’… they cannot be compared to murder in their ‘severity and irrevocability.’”

Justice Samuel Alito, in a blistering dissent, said that he found it incredible that that death could never be an appropriate punishment “no matter how young the child, no matter how many times the child is raped, no matter how many children the perpetrator rapes, no matter how sadistic the crime, no matter how much physical or psychological trauma is inflicted, and no matter how heinous the perpetrator’s prior criminal record may be.”

Understanding the political danger of supporting the court’s decision, in 2008 both of the major party presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, condemned it. “I think,” Obama observed, “that the rape of a small child, 6 or 8 years old, is a heinous crime, and if a state makes a decision that… the death penalty is at least potentially applicable, that that does not violate our Constitution."

This brings us back to the present.

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The fact that Kennedy and the other justices in the Kennedy v. Louisiana majority are no longer on the Supreme Court(Alito and two of the other dissenters remain) has not been lost on the people now openly defying the Coker and Kennedy decisions. They have also been spurred on by court’s increasingly cavalier attitude toward its own precedents. Nor has the political danger that Obama recognized for those who openly oppose the death penalty for child rapists escaped notice.

Tennessee State Sen. Jack Johnson, who sponsored the bill, highlighted that both when he wrote in an op-ed he wrote last month in The Tennessean. Setting the political trap, he asked “Was the life of a rapist more valuable than the life of an innocent child who will be permanently scarred forever? In Tennessee, the answer is no.”

“Child rape,” he continued escalating the rhetorical stakes, “is the most disgraceful, indefensible act one can commit, leaving lasting emotional and psychological wounds on its victims. As a legislator, and more importantly, as a human being, our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable comes first.”

Critics of this legislation, Johnson continued, “argue that the death penalty is an unjustifiable punishment and ineffective. However, in cases where a rapist is preying on the vulnerability of a child and inflicting permanent harm on them, a severe form of justice is the consequence they must face.”

Johnson was even more direct in talking about the difference the Supreme Court's composition might make when a challenge to the Tennessee law reaches the court.

“All five justices who supported the 2008 opinion are no longer members of the U.S. Supreme Court (Kennedy, Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer). Three of the four justices who authored the dissenting opinion are still sitting justices (Roberts, Alito, and Thomas). Given the makeup of the current court, there is a strong possibility that Kennedy v. Louisiana could be overturned.”

As Johnson put it, “I feel very certain that the Supreme Court believes there is a strong, compelling state interest to protect children, and we believe this Court will support Tennessee's efforts."

He may be right.

What the Supreme Court did in overturning its own precedents when it allowed states to prohibit abortion, has sent a clear message and prompted Tennessee, Florida (and maybe Idaho) to defy its long-established precedents in the area of capital punishment. As Johnson made clear, they are banking that the court will now allow death penalty states to expand the reach of capital punishment.

Doing so would not only be a backward step in the ongoing effort to end the death penalty in this country, but it would also be another sign that, as former Justice Thurgood Marshall once noted, “Power, not reason, is the new currency of this Court's decision-making.”

By AUSTIN SARAT is William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science at Amherst College. His most recent book is "Lethal Injection and the False Promise of Humane Execution." His opinion articles have appeared in USA Today, Slate, the Guardian, the Washington Post and elsewhere.

Friday, May 24, 2024


2024: People Starve As The Rich Get Richer

 MAY 24, 2024

Image by Hennie Stander.

Earning enough to pay the rent or mortgage, cover utility bills and travel costs, buy food and have the occasional coffee is impossible for many. But its not hard for everyone, is it; there are a small number of people living among us who don’t have to worry about the bills, are not troubled when food prices increase or rents balloon.

They are the rich and the obscenely rich. On the surface they look like the rest of us, but they live in a completely different world to the one most of us inhabit. A pristine space of privilege and political influence, for in our corrupt world bereft of principled political leaders, money and power are bedmates.

The statistics around wealth and income inequality are manifold and horrifying.

There are, according to Forbes more billionaires in the world than ever before; 2,781 individuals with fortunes in excess of $1Bn (up 141 on 2023), of which 14 are ‘centi-billionaires’ i.e. fortunes over $100 Bn. Mostly the super rich are men, Oxfam record that, “Globally, men own US $105 trillion more wealth than women.”

During the last ten years, (which saw the 2008 financial crash, Covid and the Ukraine/Russia) the collective wealth of this tiny shiny gang has increased by 120%. As Forbes puts it, “Even during times of financial uncertainty for many, the super-rich continue to thrive.” At the same time, on the same planet, as the hyper rich drown in money and stuff, around five billion people around the world are poorer now than they were in 2019.

The poorest everywhere are women, people of colour (“in the USA, the wealth of a typical Black household is just 15.8% of that of a typical white household”) and marginalised groups; the same sections of society coincidentally that were most severely impacted by Covid.

Remember all the talk during the pandemic of a socio-economic reset, of tackling social injustices, creating fairer more integrated ways of working and living etc, blah, blah blah. Well, Oxfam reveal that, in subsequent years while “average real wages of nearly 800 million workers have fallen” across 52 countries, the worlds billionaires are $3.3Tn richer than they were pre pandemic……and their wealth has grown three times faster than the rate of inflation.”

Unimaginable wealth for a tiny number of individuals while the majority of humanity live in varying levels of poverty or economic hardship. “The wealth of the world’s five richest billionaires has more than doubled since the start of this decade, while 60% of humanity has grown poorer.” ‘Trickle down economics’ (“gush up” as Arundhati Roy rightly describes it) is a dystopian fantasy peddled by those who are swimming in cash.

In parallel to unprecedented concentrations of wealth, the corporations that many of these individuals lead or own have also been making unprecedented profits. Oxfam: “148 of the world’s biggest corporations together raked in $1.8 trillion…in total net profits in the year to June 2023, a 52 per cent jump compared to average net profits in 2018-2021.”

Record profits as the majority are struggling to feed themselves, are in many cases falling into debt and destitution, whilst being told to ‘tighten their belts’, by obnoxious, often wealthy, politicians beholden to corporate leaders.

Virtually all profits are dished out to shareholders, with companies refusing to pay their staff properly; less than 0.5% “of over 1,600 of the world’s largest companies “pay their workers a living wage.” Corporate greed knows no limits, nor the level of worker exploitation.

Corporate political power fuels inequality not just by shareholder payouts, but by keeping wages low, avoiding paying taxes, absorbing and running public services and feeding climate change.

Multiple inequalities

In addition to growing inequality within countries, the gap between the Global north and the Global south is also increasing.

There are various forms of inequality that flow from the underlying cause, financial inequality: climate change, political influence, housing, access to the arts and internet, good health care and stimulating education among others.

Under the socio-economic system of the day, all is dependent on money. Financial hardship/poverty places individuals and nations in a position of disadvantage, making it impossible for example to live in a comfortable home, eat a balanced healthy diet, to attend a good school, visit art galleries and the theatre, access the internet; travel, have a voice that is listened to by the political class.

The systemic cause of this madness is of course the inherent injustice/s sewn into the DNA of the pervasive socio-economic model. The more extreme, the more fundamental the form of capitalism becomes concentrations of wealth intensify and narrow, inequality increases, democracy flounders, social divisions and anger grow.

Since the 1990s, thanks largely to that fanatical duo, Thatcher and Reagan, and intensifying year on year, the socio-economic paradigm has moved from twilight to utter darkness. Neo-Liberalism or Market fundamentalism, has expanded its reach, until it now dominates virtually all areas of life, in almost every corner of the world.

The Paradigm of Greed and Destruction champions excess; sufficiency, simplicity and moderation are dismissed. Everything is seen as a commodity, including health care, education, and people, to be monetised, exploited to the last drop and profited from. Everyone is regarded as a consumer, every nation, city or village analysed as a potential marketplace.

It is a deeply materialistic, extremely crude, albeit complex way of organising society, that humanity is enthralled too and entrapped by. Obsession with objects and sensory experiences has resulted in mankind being divorced from him/herself, from the natural world and that underlying reality, which we call god. It is choking the life out of humanity, poisoning the planet and driving climate change.

Yes, the underlying cause of climate change and ecological vandalism is consumerism, therefore greed. Not consumerism within poor developing nations (including China) of course, but relentless irresponsible consumerism in rich western nations (US leads the pack by some margin), particularly the richest members within these societies. “The richest 1% globally emit as much carbon pollution as the poorest two-thirds of humanity [roughly 5.4billion].”

It doesn’t have to be like this

Keeping the masses poor, physically exhausted and emotionally drained, whilst concentrating wealth into the pockets of the already rich is not a new game of course. As Priya Sahni-Nicholas of the Equality Trust explains, “The super-rich have spent centuries diverting wealth into their hands, making our democracy less responsive to people’s needs and damaging our communities. The result is we [society/nations] are poorer, sicker, less productive, unhappier, more polarised, and less trusting.”

The values of the market are destroying communities and literally making people ill – physically and psychologically (and of course the two are inter-twinned). These insidious tools of control create the conditions for all kinds of conflict, individually and collectively. They fuel tribalism, deny/pervert democracy, encourage corruption, and make peace impossible. All of which is by design; the last thing the ruling elites want is a contented happy, and well informed populace.

Despite the dogmatic rhetoric from politicians of all colours this is not the only way to live, the only option. We can change this, and if we are to prosper.

At the heart of any re-imagining must be that simple attitude and action that parents routinely encourage in their children, – Sharing. We need to learn to share; fundamentally to share the essentials required to live – water, food, shelter; share the knowledge, information, and technology. Ensure everyone, irrespective of income has access to good quality health care and stimulating education, and begin to create a just world where trust can blossom, differences dissolve and relationships form.

Sharing is the first step of such a shift. If introduced as a guiding principle it would have a profound impact, not just in the way basic needs are met, but in the collective consciousness. It would facilitate a kinder, fairer, society and allow a space to open up in which stress could gradually dissolve. The mechanisms for building sharing into the machine could easily be designed and introduced, if, and of course its a colossal if, the political will was there.

In parallel with structural simplification, purpose needs to be rediscovered and actions cleansed. Humanity must – or potentially face extinction – move away from the relentless pursuit of material, sensory pleasure, which demands constant stimulation through consumption, and therefore, ensures perpetual discontent and environmental catastrophe, to a quieter, simpler mode of living.

This may sound ridiculously ambitious, and given the determination by corporations, the exceedingly rich and weak politicians with vested interests, and public apathy, it may well be. But unless purpose is re-imagined, and unless ‘root and branch’ economic ‘reform’ takes place, the social-economic-political divisions will not just continue, they will intensify, and the unbelievable extremes will become normalised, baked into everyday life and everyday politics.

This is the time for such a move; everything is in a state of collapse; all the forms, all the systems and, in societies throughout the world, particularly the West, many of the people are falling apart. If not now, when?

Graham Peebles is a British freelance writer and charity worker. He set up The Create Trust in 2005 and has run education projects in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and India.  E:  W: