Tuesday, July 02, 2024


We condemn the failed military coup against the Bolivian people -International statement

“We call for the international solidarity of our sisters and brothers around the world with the Bolivian people.”

By Wiphalas Across The World

Wiphalas Por El Mundo/Wiphalas Across The World condemns the failed military coup against the Bolivian People on Wednesday June 26, 2024.

We call for the international solidarity of our sisters and brothers around the world with the Bolivian people, calling to defend:

• Democracy, the Constitutional Order and Self determination of Bolivia.

• Respect for the Popular Vote that elected as President Luis Arce Catacora with more than 55% of the votes.

• The defence of Social Organizations, the Movement towards Socialisma Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the People MAS IPSP and its leader Evo Morales Ayma.

• The complete rejection of coup attempts by the military and any attempt at military insurrection, orchestrated by imperialism.

We want to alert the peoples of the world of the clear intentions of imperialism to reactivate a new Condor Plan in our Abya Yala (Latin America).

Jallalla the Plurinational State of Bolivia! The people united will never be defeated!

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