Monday, September 09, 2024


Researchers find ideal place to take reptiles’ pulse rate

Cornell University

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ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell University researchers have discovered they can consistently measure reptiles’ pulse rate in an easy-to-reach spot on the back of the head, and that pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate in healthy reptiles. The technique requires an ultrasonic Doppler flow detector, a common instrument found in most veterinary clinics.

While the location to obtain a python’s heart rate is well known, a location to obtain a pulse rate had not yet been accurately described, said Nicola Di Girolamo, associate professor of exotic animal medicine. The ability to measure pulse rate allows for a more complete cardiovascular examination.

It started with a sick bearded dragon. The lizard had an aneurysm, which caused the temporoorbital artery at the back of its head to become enlarged.

“You could put the Doppler there, and you would hear the pulse rate very well,” said Di Girolamo, corresponding author of the study. “We thought it was only happening because the vessel was so distended, but then we checked another bearded dragon kind of randomly in the same area, and we realized that it had the pulse there.”

The researchers found the pulse in the same location in other species: leopard geckos, turtles, tortoises and snakes.

Di Girolamo said he is seeing more reptile owners who are willing to seek advanced care for their pets, including surgery. This method provides another way to listen to a reptile’s heartbeat while it’s under anesthesia or to treat an animal that’s feeling defensive. “It can be easier and less stressful to do it this way,” he said.

The findings published in the journal Veterinary Record of the British Veterinary Association.

For additional information, read this Cornell Chronicle story.

Cornell University has dedicated television and audio studios available for media interviews.



Aquatic invasive species are more widespread in Wisconsin than previously thought

University of Wisconsin-Madison

MADISON — A report on more than 40 years of research on Wisconsin lakes is highlighting some of the lessons scientists have learned about aquatic invasive species, including that far more ecosystems are playing host to non-native species than previously thought.

However, the researchers note, those species aren’t necessarily detrimental to their new habitat and, in some cases, the negative “impacts of invasive species control may be greater than the impacts of the invasive species” themselves.  

That doesn’t mean scientists aren’t concerned about different species moving into new ecosystems, says Jake Vander Zanden, director of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Center for Limnology and lead author on the report.

“There are many examples where an invasive species has remarkable ecosystem impacts. They can result in fisheries decline, water quality decrease and more, which negatively impacts humans and the environment,” Vander Zanden says.

But ecological destruction is far from a foregone conclusion in invasive species stories. 

The researchers, who recently published their analysis in the journal BioScience, highlight several lessons learned through four decades of data collection, research and experiments conducted by the North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research program. Housed at the Center for Limnology, the program is one of 27 such sites funded by the National Science Foundation.

Research grants typically fund a few years of work, Vander Zanden explains, “But that would never allow you to detect these types of changes. It’s only through long-term research that we can get insights into these big questions like where invasive species are, how they are changing our ecosystems and how it all connects to things like climate change.” 

One such insight is that the presence of non-native aquatic species in Wisconsin lakes is more widespread than scientists and resource managers initially thought.

The long-term research program has helped inform Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources maps and datasets on six target species since the 1990s: Eurasian watermilfoil, zebra mussels, spiny water fleas, rusty crayfish, Chinese mystery snail and the banded mystery snail. 

Combining long-term monitoring records on its 11 core study lakes with field-based research and community-based science on dozens of other water bodies, researchers revealed that existing estimates of about 8% of Wisconsin lakes containing one or more of the six species was way off. In fact, the number is closer to 39%.  

Additionally, certain invasive populations have been in waters much longer than initially thought. For example, researchers detected spiny water fleas in Lake Mendota in 2009, but scientists combing through sediment cores and old samples discovered that the disruptive invasive species had been present in the lake at least a decade sooner, with populations only erupting due to favorable changes in climate that summer. These findings suggest that invasive species are often simply present in an ecosystem without triggering negative impacts.

What’s more, when invasive species do result in negative impacts, those impacts are often tied to existing problems, according to Jake Walsh, a co-author of the new paper and postdoctoral associate in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology.

“Lake Mendota was especially primed for large, costly effects from spiny water flea,” says Walsh. “They worsened water quality problems that were already present and tied to excess nutrients in the lake.”

Seeing this fuller picture was only possible through long-term research, Walsh adds. “As long as we have this long-range program, invasions are experiments that can teach us about how ecosystems work and how we can best manage them,” he says. This has given us a deep understanding of the water quality issues facing Lake Mendota and a ‘road map’ to follow for offsetting spiny water flea’s impact.”

Long-term science doesn’t just help scientists piece together the history of environmental change, Vander Zanden adds. With it, researchers can also highlight looming questions and design studies to answer them. From using environmental DNA, to exploring long-term invasive species removal benefits, more discoveries are on the horizon. 

And it’s not just the science that benefits from this long-term, interdisciplinary approach. Undergraduate field technicians who spent their summers sampling the same sites over and over have gone on to become professors overseeing their own research projects and managing their own students. Data scientists and staff dedicate huge chunks of time to making their datasets publicly available and accessible to other researchers in the freshwater sciences. 

It’s a spirit of collaboration and exploration that, Vander Zanden hopes, can extend to other fields. 

“I wonder if some of these patterns that we see from long-term data could be relevant to somebody who studies soil, or grassland flowers, or marine biology,” he says. “If invasive species are already there and more widespread than we think they are, things like human activity and climate change could soon be triggering more population shifts.”


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-- Adam Hinterthuer,; Madelyn Anderson


Lack of workplace support after medication errors can worsen outcomes among healthcare professionals

University of Eastern Finland

Psychological distress is the most common negative outcome experienced by healthcare professionals after making medication errors, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. After such events, turnover intentions and absenteeism were more common among those experiencing inadequate organisational support and so called second victim distress.

During this past decade, an abundance of research has been conducted regarding the prevalence and severity of the second victim phenomenon. The term “second victim”, coined by Dr. Albert Wu from Johns Hopkins University, refers to those healthcare professionals who experience emotional distress after getting involved in or witnessing severe patient safety incidents.

In the present study, a survey was conducted among nurses and physicians working at two university hospitals in Finland between September 2022 and May 2023. The 149 respondents were mainly nurses. The findings were published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing.

The study revealed that the level of organisational support received by healthcare professionals after getting involved in a medication error affects negative work-related outcomes. An increase in turnover intentions and a tendency to take absence from work was observed when there was a perceived lack of organisational support and a higher level of second victim distress among healthcare professionals. Organisational support after medication errors was perceived as low by more than a third of the respondents, which highlights the need for cultivating a more supportive work environment for healthcare providers following medication errors.

“It is time for healthcare organisations to recognise the significance of the second victim phenomenon and act towards establishing structured support systems for second victims,” says the first author of the study, Doctoral Researcher Sanu Mahat.

The study provides valuable insight into how organisational support mediates the link between the distress experienced by healthcare providers and their intention to leave their jobs and absenteeism. However, further research is needed among different healthcare professionals in Finland.

The authors point out that understanding the impact of the second victim phenomenon can help create a blame-free and just culture that prioritises learning from errors rather than blaming those who make mistakes. This enables healthcare systems to focus not only on patient safety but also on the well-being of those who provide care.

“In an organisation where just culture prevails and a constructive response to errors is encouraged, healthcare providers become more resilient, develop positive coping abilities, and can enhance their professional competencies”, the authors conclude.

Research article:

Mahat, S., Lehmusto, H., Rafferty, A. M., Vehviläinen‐Julkunen, K., Mikkonen, S., & Härkänen, M. (2024). Impact of second victim distress on healthcare professionals' intent to leave, absenteeism and resilience: A mediation model of organizational support. Journal of Advanced Nursing

Unlocking the secrets of diamond: new insights into nitrogen-vacancy center formation

Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory
NV center Formation by lrradiation and Annealing Approach 


NV center Formation by lrradiation and Annealing Approach

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Credit: Taiqiao Liu, Wei Shen, and Zhaofu Zhang from Wuhan University. Fanglin Lyu and Andy Hsitien Shen from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).

Research teams from Wuhan University and the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) have revealed new insights into the formation mechanism of nitrogen-vacancies (NV) centers in type-Ib diamonds, a phenomenon critical to quantum sensing and computing advancements. Using a novel irradiation and annealing method, the teams demonstrated how controlled temperature and orientation can significantly increase the density and depth of NV centres, paving the way for new applications in biological imaging and quantum technologies. This study not only advances our understanding of diamond materials, but it also opens up new possibilities for using their unique properties in cutting-edge scientific and technological applications. As diamonds continue to shine in the field of materials science, this study represents a significant step toward realizing their full potential.

The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds, known for their exceptional sensitivity and spatial resolution, hold a crucial position in the fields of quantum sensing, quantum computing, biofluorescent labeling, temperature sensing, and magnetic field measurements. Over recent years, researchers have explored a variety of techniques for the preparation of NV centers, including chemical vapor deposition (CVD), high-energy particle irradiation, ion implantation, and femtosecond laser irradiation followed by annealing. Among these methods, post-irradiation annealing has emerged as particularly promising, owing to its capacity to produce NV centers in high concentrations and at significant depths in diamond. However, the formation of NV centers is influenced by numerous factors, including the energy of the incident particles, annealing temperature, nitrogen concentration, and the concentration of vacancies created during irradiation. Existing studies have demonstrated that high-energy particle irradiation followed by annealing can substantially increase the concentration of NV centers. Nonetheless, optimizing the process parameters for NV center formation remains challenging due to the complexity and high cost of the experiments, coupled with the lack of comprehensive theoretical support. As a result, the atomic-scale processes governing NV center formation remain insufficiently understood.

The Solution: The researchers employ MD simulations, first-principles calculations, and experimental verifications to reveal the microscopic mechanisms and defect evolution process of NV centers prepared by irradiation-annealing of type-Ib diamond. Different incident directions ([111], [110] and [100]) and annealing temperatures (973 K, 1073 K and 1173 K) are considered. The results indicate that NV centers can be formed by three microscopic mechanisms, namely irradiation-induced NV formation (INF), irradiation with further annealing (IFA) and vacancy migration (VM) toward nitrogen to form NV centers. The threshold annealing temperature for vacancy migration depends on the orientation, with average values of 613.6 K, 700.5 K, and 531.8 K along the [111], [110], and [100] directions, respectively. It is important to note that a higher annealing temperature does not guarantee a higher yield of NV center formation, as it also depends on the crystallographic orientation. This work provides valuable insights into the formation mechanism and further controlled preparation of NV centers.

The Future: Future research will aim to enhance the controllable preparation of NV centers, with an emphasis on minimizing experimental costs.

These three formation mechanisms featured by MD simulations, first principles calculation and experiments of irradiation and annealing, enhancing the comprehension of the formation mechanism of NV centers. Three formation strategies of NV centers are as follows: irradiation-induced NV formation, irradiation with further annealing to form NV, and vacancy migration to form NV. The vacancy interchanges with nearby carbon atom by stepwise, rather than by hopping. Additionally, the annealing temperature exhibits orientation-dependent effects on vacancy migration and NV center formation, indicating that higher annealing temperatures do not necessarily result in a higher yield of NV centers.

The Impact: This work provides a comprehensive atomic-level understanding of NV center formation in diamonds, presenting a promising approach for the controllable preparation of NV centers.

The research has been recently published in the online edition of Materials Futures, a prominent international journal in the field of interdisciplinary materials science research.

Taiqiao Liu, Fanglin Lyu, Tian Shao, Diwei Zou, Wei Shen*, Yuzheng Guo, Yuan Zhong, Chaoyang Chen, Liangchen Yi, Zhaofu Zhang* and Andy Hsitien Shen*, “Insights into the Nitrogen-vacancy Center Formation in Type-Ib Diamond by Irradiation and Annealing Approach
DOI: 10.1088/2752-5724/ad727a

Insights into the Nitrogen-vacancy Center Formation in Type-Ib Diamond by Irradiation and Annealing Approach 


HKUST engineering researchers discover an effective and environment-friendly disinfectan

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Schematic illustration of screening halogenated phenolic DBPs for potential disinfectants 


Schematic illustration of screening halogenated phenolic DBPs for potential disinfectants based on their structural properties and photodegradation kinetics.

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Credit: HKUST


A widely used disinfectant worldwide, chloroxylenol, has been associated with eco-toxicological threats in water environments due to its relatively high chemical stability and massive consumption. Researchers at the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have discovered a promising alternative known as 2,6-dichlorobenzoquinone (2,6-DCQ), which works more effectively in combating certain common bacteria, fungi and viruses, and can be rapidly degraded and detoxified in receiving waters.

This groundbreaking study is led by Prof. ZHANG Xiangru from HKUST's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, who has been studying disinfection byproducts (DBPs) for many years. During the pandemic outbreak, Prof. Zhang noticed that chloroxylenol is structurally similar to some halo-phenolic DBPs previously discovered by his team, which have been shown to rapidly degrade by solar photolysis.

Inspired by the structural property and degradability of some halo-phenolic DBPs, the research team managed to select an effective broad-spectrum disinfectant from the DBPs that can be rapidly degraded and detoxified in receiving waters. The research team tested the efficacy of 10 different DBPs in inactivating various pathogens, including E. coli (a type of bacteria associated with colorectal cancer), Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria), Candida albicans (fungi), and bacteriophage MS2 (viruses). They found that 2,6-DCQ was 9 to 22 times more effective than chloroxylenol in inactivating these bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Furthermore, they found that the developmental toxicity of 2,6-DCQ to marine polychaete embryos decreased quickly due to its rapid degradation via hydrolysis in receiving seawater, even in the absence of sunlight. Two days after being discharged into seawater, 2,6-DCQ exhibited 31 times lower developmental toxicity compared to chloroxylenol.

“We discovered that the selected DBP exhibited substantially stronger antimicrobial efficacy than chloroxylenol and that its concentration and associated developmental toxicity in receiving seawater decreased rapidly, even in darkness,” Prof. Zhang said.

He emphasized the pressing need for more effective and eco-friendly disinfectants, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Chloroxylenol has been frequently detected in aquatic environments; for instance, its concentration has reached up to 10.6 μg/L in river water in Hong Kong. Toxicological studies have reported adverse effects of chloroxylenol on aquatic organisms, including endocrine disruption, embryonic mortality, and malformations. Chronic exposure to chloroxylenol at environmental concentrations (~4.2 μg/L) can cause gene regulation and morphological changes in rainbow trout.”

The team's discovery of 2,6-DCQ as a promising alternative is an important step towards addressing this global need. The results suggest that 2,6-DCQ may be used as a disinfectant on a wide range of occasions, including personal care products (such as hand cleansers, detergent, and soap), paint, textiles, metal working fluids, medical scrubs, as well as sanitation for households, food processing equipment, surgical instruments, and public places.

“This innovative study not only provides a potential solution to better support human biosecurity while prioritizing environmental sustainability, but also carries significant implications for the development of green disinfectants and other green industrial products by exploiting the slightly alkaline nature of seawater. For example, scientists may design and develop other industrial products such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products that can be rapidly degraded by hydrolysis in receiving seawater,” Prof. Zhang elaborated.

Their findings have been published in the first-rate multidisciplinary journal Nature Communications. The research team included Dr. HAN Jiarui, currently a Research Assistant Professor at HKUST, and Dr. LI Wanxin, currently an Assistant Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. They are both PhD graduates from HKUST's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and were postdoctoral fellows in Prof. Zhang’s group during the study. 

Looking ahead, Prof. Zhang plans to explore the relationships between disinfection efficiency and degradability of halophenols with their molecular fingerprints through machine learning. He hopes future investigations will shed light on the further development of optimal disinfectants.


Study reveals new female-determining pathway in turtles

Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters
The red-eared slider turtle. 


A newly-born red-eared slider turtle.

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Credit: Image by FU Jiong

The signaling pathways leading to female development are not well known in many animal species, probably because development of embryos into females was traditionally considered the default developmental pathway.

Recently, in a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a research group led by Prof. DU Weiguo from the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that the transcription factor pSTAT3 initiates the female pathway in temperature-dependent sex determination.

The research group studied the molecular mechanisms of sex determination in the red-eared slider turtle, a species with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In this species, embryos develop into males if incubated at 26 °C or into females if incubated at 31 °C.

Researchers found that the expression level of the transcription factor pSTAT3 and the sex-determining gene FoxI2 were temperature-dependent and differed between the sexes. 

Their study revealed that inhibition and activation of pSTAT3 led to female-to-male or male-to-female sex reversal in embryos at the female-producing temperature of 31 °C or male-producing temperature of 26 °C, respectively. 

Nonetheless, the sex reversal of these embryos could be rescued by knocking down or overexpressing FoxI2, respectively. 

Researchers discovered that pSTAT3 directly binds to the promoter locus of FoxI2 and thereby initiates the female pathway.

“This is the first time that we have established a direct genetic link between warm-temperature-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and female pathway initiation in a TSD system,” said first author Dr. WU Pengfei.

More importantly, these findings provide a mechanistic explanation of sex determination in fluctuating temperatures, revealing that it results from antagonism between male and female signals, with the female outcome not being the default.


One antibody to neutralize them all?

Antibody developed in part by Associate Professor Greg Ippolito, Ph.D., works against a wide range of COVID-19 variants and related coronaviruses, including past, present and potentially future strains

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Texas Biomedical Research Institute

SC27 antibody binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein 


Like two hands working together to form a tight grip, monoclonal antibody SC27 attaches to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (purple) using both of its binding domains (orange and yellow). This may explain, in part, the exquisite potency of SC27 and its ability to protect against all tested COVID-19 variants.


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Credit: Greg Ippolito, Ph.D.

SAN ANTONIO -- A monoclonal antibody appears effective at neutralizing the numerous variants of SARS-CoV-2, as well as related viruses in animals that could pose a threat if they were to begin spreading in people. The antibody, called SC27, was recently described in Cell Reports Medicine.

The finding opens the possibility of broader, more effective treatments to work against current and future COVID variants.

Monoclonal antibody SC27 was identified, developed and provisionally patented by a team of researchers led by Greg Ippolito, Ph.D., who recently joined Texas Biomedical Research Institute (Texas Biomed) from University of Texas at Austin. Other team leaders included Jason Lavinder, Ph.D., at UT and Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“Other COVID-19 antibodies have been rendered ineffective as SARS-CoV-2 has evolved over the past several years,” says Dr. Ippolito, an Associate Professor. “Our new study suggests the virus is less likely to escape this treatment because SC27 targets and attaches to multiple parts of the virus’s spike protein, including sections that are not mutating as frequently.”

SC27 appears to work in two ways: it blocks the ACE2 binding site, which the virus uses to bind to, enter and infect cells. It also binds to a hidden or “cryptic” site on the underside of the spike protein that is largely unchanged or “conserved” between variants, which means SC27 can broadly recognize variants and related viruses. This is critical because if an antibody’s shape does not match enough with a virus – like two puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit – the antibody can’t effectively neutralize the virus and the virus sneaks by the body’s immune defense system.

The researchers tested SC27 against 12 viruses, from the original SARS-CoV-2 to currently circulating variants, as well as related SARS-1 and several other coronaviruses found in bats and pangolins. The antibody was effective against all of them in a petri dish and protected mice against both variants tested.

“This makes it broader and more effective than any other monoclonal antibody reported in scientific literature to date and the former FDA-approved cocktails,” says Dr. Ippolito, adding the caveat that SC27 still needs to be tested in human clinical trials.

The team is looking to collaborate with industry to further develop the SC27 monoclonal antibody treatment, which could potentially benefit immunocompromised patients who are unable to get vaccines. It also could serve as an emergency treatment during future outbreaks of new variants or coronaviruses. Next steps would include preclinical studies in larger animal models, including nonhuman primates, which are the gold standard to evaluate how complete immune systems respond to a treatment before safely moving to human clinical trials.

Notably, SC27 was found in individuals following vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Previously, this type of “class 1/4” antibody – which attaches to two distinct areas or “epitopes” of the spike protein – was only detected following natural infection from SARS-1.

“This is fantastic news that vaccines can prompt the generation of these more robust and effective antibodies,” explains Dr. Ippolito. “It means that future vaccine development can be tailored to generate these antibodies and have a clear metric for measuring which vaccines will be most effective.”



About Texas Biomed

Texas Biomed is a nonprofit research institute dedicated to protecting the global community from infectious diseases. Through basic research, preclinical testing and applied innovation, we accelerate diagnostics, therapies and vaccines for the world’s deadliest pathogens. Our San Antonio campus hosts high containment laboratories and the Southwest National Primate Research Center. Our scientists collaborate with industry and researchers globally, and have helped deliver the first COVID-19 vaccine, the first Ebola treatment and first Hepatitis C therapy. For more information, visit


Hijacking the command center of the cell: nuclear parasites in deep-sea mussels

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology reveal how a bacterial parasite thrives inside the nuclei of deep-sea mussels

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology

Deep-sea mussels 


Deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels are found worldwide at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. The mussels live in symbiosis with beneficial bacteria that provide them with nutrition. The mussels also have a pathogenic bacterium that infects their nuclei. Intriguingly, the only cells not infected by the pathogen are those with symbiotic bacteria.

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Credit: MARUM, University of Bremen

Most animals live in intimate relationships with bacteria. Some of these bacteria live inside the cells of their hosts, but only very few are able to live inside cell organelles (structures inside the cell, like organs in the body). One group of bacteria have figured out how to colonize the nuclei of their hosts, a remarkable feat given that the nucleus is the control center of the cell.

To date, nothing is known about the molecular and cellular processes that these intranuclear bacteria use to infect and reproduce in animal hosts. A group of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany, now presents the first in-depth analysis of an intranuclear parasite of animals in a study published in Nature Microbiology.

How to massively reproduce within a cell without killing it

This intranuclear parasite, Candidatus Endonucleobacter, infects the nuclei of deep-sea mussels from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps around the world. A single bacterial cell penetrates into the mussels' nucleus and then reproduces to over 80,000 cells, causing the nucleus to swell to 50 times its original size. “We wanted to understand how the bacterium infects and reproduces inside nuclei, and in particular how these bacteria acquire the nutrients they need for their massive replication, yet keep their host cells from dying,“ says Niko Leisch, co-senior author together with Nicole Dubilier from the Symbiosis Department at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. 

Using a suite of molecular and imaging methods, the scientists revealed that Ca. Endonucleobacter lives on sugars, lipids and other cell components from its host. It does not digest its host nucleic acids, like many other intranuclear bacteria. This feeding strategy ensures that the host cell functions long enough to provide Ca. Endonucleobacter with the nutrients it needs to reproduce to such massive numbers.

Arms race for the control of the cell

A common response of animal cells to infection is apoptosis – a suicide program that cells initiate when they are damaged or infected by bacteria or viruses. “Interestingly, these bacteria have come up with a sophisticated strategy to keep their host cells from killing themselves,” says first author Miguel Ángel González Porras. “They produce proteins that suppress apoptosis called inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs).” An arms race for the control of cell death then ensues: As the bacteria produce more and more IAPs, the host cell ramps up its production of proteins that induce apoptosis. Eventually, after the parasite has had enough time to multiply in masses, the host cell ruptures, releasing the bacteria and allowing them to infect new host cells.

Nicole Dubilier adds: “The discovery of IAPs in Ca. Endonucleobacter was one of the most surprising results of our study, because these proteins are only known from animals and a few viruses, but have never been found in bacteria.” The authors' analyses of the evolutionary relationships of the IAPs revealed that the parasite likely acquired these genes from its host through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). While HGT from bacteria to eukaryotes is well known, only very few examples of HGT in the opposite direction – as the authors now found – are known. 

Implications from evolution to medicine

“Our discovery expands our understanding of host-microbe interactions and highlights the complex strategies parasites have evolved to thrive in their hosts”, explains Nicole Dubilier. These findings could have broader implications for studying parasitic infections and immune evasion strategies in other organisms. “Our research sheds light on an overlooked mechanism of genetic exchange — HGT from eukaryotes to bacteria — potentially influencing how we understand microbial evolution and pathogenesis. Moreover, our study offers insights into apoptosis regulation, which is relevant to cancer research and cell biology,” Niko Leisch concludes.

The bacteria under the microscope