Libertarian communism is the idea of workers councils, workers self management, the syndicalist ideal of workers control, Soviet power, Soviets without Bolsheviks that is. The Soviet Union Versus Socialism, by Noam Chomsky
Fire your Boss and Do It Yourself, the economics of self liberation.
Brad Spangler does it again from his position as a free market Libertarian he defends what others think is non-libertarian, oh you unbelievers you. Better yet he says that workers councils and workers control of the means of production is the highest expression of free market libertarianism.
This results in a dawning realization that quasi-Bolshevist seizure of state-allied corporations by their own non-managerial workers, such as Carson suggests, is entirely justified on libertarian grounds and that there is nothing in such actions incompatible with respect for genuine property rights and dedication to the free market ideal. Indeed, it would be the highest expression of that ideal.
The Emerging Anarcho-Centrist Agenda for Socialist Revolution with Free Market Characteristics
Or as Herr Dr. Marx put it the workers struggle is the struggle of the working class to eliminate itself as a class to become the human race. To eliminate classes by the radical realization of each individual as having self and social worth. Not just value as part of the creation of capitalism.
From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs, can only result when the producers/consumers are individuals and not wage slaves. Where the social abundance produced by all of us is not privatized for the use of only one class but for all.
That is to become the owners of the socialized means of production. You need to understand socialized to be the corporatized structure of advanced capitalism not state ownership. Thats where most rightwhingnuts get confused.
workers councils
The single biggest thing we could do to empower the working class against their "white collar" masters is to end the personal income tax--even if that means replacing it with a different, far simpler tax.
The income tax is basically a subsidy for accoutants, lawyers, investors, and high paid CEOs, because even the smallest of businesses have to follow the IRS's draconian regulations--which costs about the same amount of money regardless of the size of the business. Get the government out of our books, and we empower workers to tell their bosses "where to go," and go into business for themselves.
Except that large corporations which exist should be run by the workers directly. Going into business yourself is not an option for most folks. Read Brad's piece. As for income taxes I agree are you surprized. See my article
A Peoples Program for Alberta where I say
Flat Tax of 10% on all incomes of $100,000 and over
No Income Tax on anyone earning less than $100,000
If you click on the link below you will see the debate on this occuring at Andrews Bound by Gravity page.
Great discussion at BBG, but I want to go a different direction for a second.
Even Marx said he wasn't a Marxist.
here is the problem I see inherint in the Marxist theory, I could be wrong Eugene you probably know more about it than I do...
A certain % of hours a person works in a day pays for his wages, the rest goes to the Capitalist, so the worker revolts and takes over. The problem is that without someone in charge, the system begins to fall apart, society crumbles and reverts to the barter system, which leads to capitalism, which leads to worker unrest, which leads to Marxism, and the whole cycle starts over again.
The way I see it, the only reason a worker wants to take over is personal gain, which makes him a capitalist does it not?
Ever notice Star Trek seems to work on the Marxist theory doesn't it?
The other problem I see is why would someone want to be a doctor when working at 7-11 nets you the same thing in the end, in Marxism, aren't all jobs pretty much considered equal and recieve the same pay? Man is inherintly greedy for the most part in my opinion.
In my defence, I have a computer degree, am a journyman partsman, but hang blinds for a living. Why you ask? I could make more money with computers, but I actually like my job, I don't mind going to work everyday. I would actually make a pretty good Marxist if I didn't know that most other people do not think this way.
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