Sunday, October 06, 2024


Facilitators of Imperialist Terror, Enemies of Socialism

“Human Rights Watch”

Photo Above, Yemen, January 2024: U.S and British forces, backed by the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand imperialists, hit Yemeni people and Yemen’s Houthi forces with deadly air and missile strikes. Human Rights Watch facilitated the attacks by producing a report accusing Yemen’s Houthis of “war crimes” for their laudable efforts to defend the people of Gaza through blocking Israel-linked shipping traversing through the Red Sea. By helping to attack actions in support of the Palestinian people of Gaza, Human Rights Watch is complicit in Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide.7 April 2024: Today, in the course of giving his Israeli ally the gentlest of slaps on its wrists for murdering aid workers, Britain’s foreign minister, David Cameron, referred to Israel as “a proud and successful democracy.” This compliment was given while Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza! And while the Israeli regime is forcing the Palestinian people in the West Bank to live under brutal Apartheid conditions! As for the capitalist ruling class of Britain itself and that of the U.S., Australia, Germany, France and other “Western democracies”, their self-description as “liberal-democracies” supposedly gave them the license to invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of her people on the basis of a false pretext; and today to arm, support and help direct Israel’s genocide in Gaza. It is in the name of “standing up for democracy” that these Western ruling classes are threatening China in the waters of the South China Sea off her own coast and massively arming the anti-China, Western-puppet Taiwanese regime. And it is supposedly a quest to “defend our democratic values” that is driving the Western regimes to engage in a massive military build-up towards war against socialistic China and her North Korean socialistic ally. Here in Australia, the capitalist rulers believe that their status as a supposed “Western democracy” allows their state institutions to continue to strip Aboriginal children from their families and culture in the name of “child protection” and their governments to impose curfews and compulsory “income management” schemes discriminatorily targeting Aboriginal people. Australia’s capitalist government thinks that its self-proclaimed status as a “democracy” allows it to maintain housing policies that enable the capitalist bigwigs that they serve – and other wealthy individuals – to rip off huge fortunes from speculative property investments and exorbitant rents, while shoving millions of low-income renters into poverty and sometimes even homelessness. All of this is supposedly acceptable, because the people are said to have “freely” decided themselves through “democracy”.

However, the truth is that in these “Western-style democracies” the masses are not truly deciding. To be sure, the “democratic” form of capitalist tyranny is preferable to other, still more repressive, forms of capitalist rule. For it allows the working class masses to more easily organise resistance against their own exploitation. However, in truth, the democracy that exists in capitalist “liberal democracies” is only a “democracy” for the capitalist class. Just like other forms of capitalist rule – like fascism, military dictatorship, absolute monarchy and theocratic dictatorship – the “democratic” form of capitalism is still in essence the dictatorship of the capitalist class over working class people. For in the “democratic” form of capitalist state as in the fascist form, the enforcement arms of the state – the police, army, courts, prisons and bureaucracy – are themselves tied to the financially dominant capitalist class and inevitably serve the exclusive interests of this class. This remains the case no matter who wins elections. Moreover, although “parliamentary democracy” under capitalism allows “one person one vote”, the means to shape public opinion – and in the end that means how people vote too – overwhelmingly resides with the super-rich capitalists. It is this class that owns the media. It is they who, in great disproportion to their numbers, have the financial resources to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, hire lobbyists and establish “independent” think tanks. Whereas in the fascist and military dictatorship form of capitalist rule, capitalist interests are enforced mostly through naked force, in the “democratic” form of capitalist rule, capitalist power is, in the first instance, mostly enforced through deception (and when this doesn’t work, they can of course revert to brutal repression and, if necessary, will even seek to overthrow their own “democracy” and replace it with the fascist form of capitalist rule).

Of all the different means of deception that the capitalists have at their disposal, their most effective tools are their supposedly “independent”, “human rights organisations”. These are especially crucial for the capitalists of the richer, imperialist ruling classes to make their “own” masses support their predatory interests abroad. Among such “human rights organisations”, there is one that stands out for its level of influence, Human Rights Watch (HRW). When the mainstream Western media or a Western ruling class politician wants to attack an overseas enemy of the capitalist ruling class that they serve, the “credible source” that they will most often quote is HRW. This in turn boosts the authority of HRW.

HRW’s number one aim is to vilify the socialistic states: the Peoples Republic of China, Cuba, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK – “North Korea”), Vietnam and Laos. HRW also targets any other state that happens to be in the gun sights of the U.S.-led Western imperialists. In 2011, HRW played a key role in facilitating the NATO operation in Libya to overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi, who the Western imperialists had decided was not bowing down enough before their demands to be allowed to continue to rule such an oil-rich country. In the lead up to the NATO intervention in Libya that began on 19 March 2011, HRW unleashed a torrent of hyped-up “reports” of alleged human rights atrocities by the Libyan government that provided the “human rights cover” for NATO’s intervention.  There was, for example, this “report” that HRW released just six days before NATO’s terror bombing was unleashed. Then as NATO continued to rain death upon the people of Libya, HRW produced more “reports” of supposed atrocities by Libyan government forces (for example) that served to justify the continuation of the blood-soaked Western imperialist, “regime-change” operation.

Tripoli, Libya, 19 June 2011: Doctors stand near the bodies of a man and a child killed when NATO destroyed yet another residential building in the Libyan capital during their neo-colonial 2011 military intervention in Libya. Through greatly hyped-up and one-sided “human rights reports” in the days leading up to the NATO attack, Human Rights Watch’s propaganda provided the “human rights” “justification” for the brutal NATO onslaught.
Photo: Ivan Sekretarev/AP

The Devious Nature of Human Rights Watch’s “Even Handedness”

To give themselves credibility, HRW will occasionally also report on human rights violations by the U.S. and other Western ruling classes. But they will mostly only report problems that everyone already knows about and which have been substantiated many times over. That way their “exposés” of human rights atrocities of Western capitalist regimes do minimal damage. In contrast, when HRW launches an attack on China, Cuba or another socialistic state, or on a capitalist state that is being too independent of the Western imperialist rulers, they will produce either entirely new claims or spread, as fact, highly disputed claims made by others – most of which are usually completely unsubstantiated or simply plain lies. Moreover, whenever attacking supposed human rights violations in a workers state or other country in the firing sights of Western imperialism, HRW will not only use the most extreme language as possible but will always make their shrill statements in the context of accusing the targeted state of having an “abysmal human rights record”. By contrast, whenever HRW feels compelled to acknowledge human rights problems in Western capitalist countries they use moderate language and emphasise that the issues occur in the context of the state having an otherwise “strong record of protecting civil and political rights”. Having a “strong record of protecting civil and political rights” is precisely how the Human Rights Watch (HRW) World Report 2022 described the human rights record of Australia’s capitalist regime. The very regime whose special forces murdered dozens of Afghan civilians in cold-blooded, racist executions during their war-crime-ridden participation in the two decade-long U.S./NATO occupation, whose racist police and prison guards have killed, or otherwise caused, the deaths of hundreds of Aboriginal people in custody over the last three decades and which brutally imprisons asylum seekers in offshore hell-holes.

The full range of HRW’s methods of deception were unleashed during their propaganda campaign buttressing the 2011 NATO operation in Libya. For example, HRW acknowledged that NATO killed civilians during their Libya operation but greatly downplayed the numbers. HRW stated that NATO killed “at least 72 civilians”, when even other pro-Western sources acknowledge that the NATO airstrikes killed at least several hundred civilians – and other sources report the number of civilians killed by NATO in the thousands. In contrast, HRW greatly exaggerated the number of civilians killed by the Gaddafi government enemies of NATO.

As well as greatly downplaying the numbers of civilians killed by NATO, HRW despicably praised NATO for supposedly making genuine efforts to protect civilians during its 2011 Libya intervention! Check out this disgusting HRW apology for NATO war crimes in Libya disguised as a “criticism”:

“NATO says it took extensive measures to minimize civilian harm, and those measures seem to have had a positive effect: the number of civilian deaths in Libya from NATO strikes was low given the extent of the bombing and duration of the campaign. Nevertheless, NATO air strikes killed at least 72 civilians, one-third of them children under age 18. To date, NATO has failed to acknowledge these casualties or to examine how and why they occurred.”

Unacknowledged Deaths”, 12 May 2012, HRW website

The truth is that the 2011 NATO regime-change operation that HRW deviously facilitated with its “human rights” reports not only directly killed thousands of civilians in air strikes but produced a horrific, new imperialist-created “order” in Libya. That “order” immediately resulted in murderous racist violence against black African residents of Libya. In the following years, it produced multi-sided sectarian violence and clashes between rival warlords that killed tens of thousands of Libyan people. Human Rights Watch has a lot of blood on its hands!

HRW followed its Libya playbook when “reporting” on the upheaval in Syria that erupted in 2011. Initially the anti-government protests in Syria had a multi-directional quality. But by early 2012, the U.S.-led imperial powers had taken effective political hegemony of the movement and turned it into an armed proxy war aimed at toppling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad government and replacing it with one more subservient to the Western imperialists. As they poured arms, intelligence and training into their armed proxies, HRW filled the information space with one-sided, hyped-up and often false reports accusing Syrian government forces of horrific crimes. Without ever openly stating their intentions, HRW were key propagandists who justified the imperial powers’ proxy war to subordinate Syria. This proxy war caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrian people and the forced displacement of millions more. HRW has much complicity in this carnage!

Today, HRW are at it again! This time they are facilitating the attacks of the U.S., British, Australian and other Western imperialists against the most effective international solidarity actions with the embattled Palestinian people over these last six months – the Yemeni Houthi actions to stop Israeli related shipping from traversing the Red Sea. As the U.S.-led imperialist powers took political steps to justify their impending air strikes against the Yemeni supporters of the Palestinian people, HRW provided the “human rights” justification for the attacks by despicably accusing the Yemeni Houthis of “war crimes” for the Houthis’ laudable actions to resist the Gaza genocide by targeting Israeli-linked shipping. To be sure, with Israel’s ongoing genocide of the people of Gaza obvious to most of the world, HRW also has to make stern criticisms of Israel. If they did not do so, they would lose all credibility and thus all ability to serve Western imperialism. However, by equating resistance actions in support of Israel’s victims with Israel’s genocidal terror, HRW is obscuring the one-sided genocide that is taking placeTo facilitate attacks on pro-Palestinian resistance actions when a horrific slaughter of Palestinian people is taking place is to be complicit in the mass murder of the Palestinian people. Therefore, HRW shares responsibility for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

18 April 2024: Palestinian people survey the damage in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip following yet another murdering Israel strike.
Photo: Xinhua

Funded and Led By Wealthy Western Capitalists and Serving Their Class Interests

Although HRW would like to portray itself as a “grassroots” organisation standing up for “human rights”, it is the very opposite of that. Headquartered in the U.S., HRW is a multi-hundred million dollar operation funded by super wealthy American and other Western donors and corporations. It is indeed run like a corporation. The outfit’s CEO, Kenneth Roth, is paid an annual salary package in excess of $A1.05 million per year (!!) … hardly the practice of an organisation that claims to be devoted to “bringing greater justice and security to the oppressed around the world”! For the last two years, HRW’s annual revenue averaged over $A163 million per year – overwhelmingly from contributions from rich donors and millions more from fundraising events.

HRW goes to great lengths to hide exactly who the wealthy donors and corporations backing it are. Despite its frequent criticism of various adversaries of Western imperialism for “lack of transparency”, HRW is itself a very shadowy organisation. One massive donor to HRW that the organisation has had to confirm is anti-communist billionaire, George Soros. In September 2010, HRW announced that Soros would be donating a massive $US100 million to the group over ten years. That means that this leaching hedge fund manager, known for his extreme criticisms of socialistic China and his earlier funding for the political forces that destroyed the East European and Soviet workers states through capitalist counterrevolution, has been providing a large proportion of HRW’s funding. Indeed, such corporate bigwigs also make up a big and leading part of HRW’s Board of Directors. Like Soros, many of them extracted their wealth from the especially parasitic finance sector. Thus, one of the two Co-Chairs of HRW’s Board is co-founder and General Partner of venture capitalist group Index Ventures, Neil Rimer. The other Co-Chair, Amy Rao, is a former CEO of a Silicon Valley company. Many of the Board’s Vice Chairs are also bigwigs of investment firms, including the chairman of Japanese financial services company, Monex Group, Oki Matsumoto. This HRW Vice Chair owns $A180 million of shares in his company. Another Vice Chair is Principal at financial services firm KME Consulting, Kimberly Marteau Emerson. Emerson had earlier worked in Bill Clinton’s administration as a senior political appointee and as a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department; which exemplifies the close links between the HRW and the U.S. regime. Indeed, one of the only officers in HRW’s Board who has not been a corporate bigwig is the former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria and the Republic of Congo, Robin Sanders. Meanwhile, the Australian in the HRW Board and indeed a Vice Chair of the Board, is one of the two owners and co-chairs of Australian private equity firm, CHAMP Private Equity, Joseph Skrzynski. Skrzynski, who was once also the chairman of SBS, is known for his ownership of extravagant beach-side mansions in Palm Beach and Elizabeth Bay.

Given that it is both funded by capitalist tycoons and other wealthy Western donors and led by corporate bigwigs it is little surprise that HRW takes a political line of strident opposition to the workers states created through the overthrow of capitalism. Indeed, anti-communist opposition to socialistic states goes to the very roots of HRW. HRW began in 1978 with Helsinki Watch – an organisation formed to support anti-communist forces seeking to overthrow the workers states then ruling the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This fundamental purpose of HRW, to provide the “human rights” cover to forces seeking the counterrevolutionary overthrow of socialistic states, has not changed to this very day.

With HRW, together with the rest of the imperialist ruling classes, having succeeded in destroying the former Soviet and East European workers states, their focus has now turned to the goal of destroying the remaining workers states. That HRW has gained much greater prominence in recent years is a reflection of the increasing desperation of the imperialist rulers to achieve this goal. With socialistic China’s spectacular successes in lifting her people out of poverty and improving the economic and cultural lives of her population such a stark contrast to the periodic economic crises, stagnant real wages, growing homelessness, divided societies, social malaise and decay of the capitalist world, the imperialist rulers know that they must destroy socialistic rule in China in order to ensure their own tyrannies at home. They are looking to the likes of HRW to rise to the occasion and spearhead the “human rights propaganda” front of their all-sided Cold War against Red China and the other socialistic states. And unfortunately, HRW is indeed rising to the task! HRW has played a lead role in selling the lie that Red China is persecuting her Uyghur minority and blares anti-communist, anti-PRC propaganda over Tibet, Hong Kong, COVID and a whole lot of other matters.

It is notable that HRW lists the Ford Foundation as one of their key partners. Established in 1936 by the big-time capitalist Ford family that owned the Ford Motor company, the Ford Foundation has always been devoted to buttressing capitalist rule and opposing communism. It worked closely with the CIA to both spread anti-communist propaganda and to assist CIA covert interference operations around the world. In the 1960s, the Ford Foundation trained elite students in Indonesia in both pro-capitalist political and economic ideology and anti-communist military operations. These students would play an important role in the CIA-backed, 1965 far-right coup in Indonesia that saw the Indonesian military and anti-communist mobs slaughter between one million to two million Indonesian communists, trade unionists, women’s rights activists and members of the Chinese and other minority communities. That HRW and the Ford Foundation should today be working closely together is thus completely natural. It is a bond between organisations that serve the same masters – the U.S. and other Western capitalist classes – share the same anti-communist ideology and have similar blood-soaked histories of providing the “human rights” and “pro-democracy” cover for hideous imperialist-orchestrated terror.

Separately and Independently Serving Western Imperialist Interests

It is worth noting that the biggest single backer of HRW, liberal billionaire George Soros, happens to be a favourite hostile target of the reactionary far-right sections of the Western ruling classes. The far right of the capitalist establishment and its liberal wing, exemplified by the likes of Soros and HRW, truly hate each other on many issues. However, when it comes to China and other socialistic states, these feuding wings of the imperialist ruling classes – and the mainstream conservatives in between – unite as one to oppose these workers states. And they also unite as one to oppose most other states that refuse to submit to the “rules-based world order” – which, in practice, is really a “might is right” tyranny – created and dominated by the U.S. and its junior imperialist partners.

In Australia, too, we see such collaboration between the organisations and representatives of the different ruling class-supporting factions in order to advance the interests of the capitalist class – especially when it comes to attacking the socialistic states. Thus, the ALP, the Teal “independents”, the Liberals and the Far-Right parties will openly cooperate to advance the Australian capitalist regime’s aggressive, U.S.-allied, military buildup targeting socialistic China. They also come together to push through legislation and other measures that allow the regime to forcefully repress and intimidate any people from Australia’s Chinese community and beyond who dare to make statements positive about the PRC. Often such collaboration extends to the Greens – such as in making lying attacks on China and North Korea over “human rights violations” or in preventing the PRC-sponsored, language-teaching Confucius Institutes from teaching Chinese language in Australian schools (the latter McCarthyist campaign was actually driven by Greens politician, David Shoebridge).

As well as open collaboration between the squabbling wings of Western ruling classes (and the social democratic organisations supporting them), they coordinate behind the scenes. You can bet that senior U.S. ruling class politicians and CIA and State Department officials are making clear to leaders of HRW what they would like the “independent human rights organisation” to emphasise. Often this may be done in an informal manner such as when they run into each other at social functions or at events promoting one of the political forces that they both support. However, for the most part, HRW does not take direct orders from the U.S. regime. There is no overall conspiracy as such. For HRW doesn’t need to receive direct orders! What makes HRW, other prominent Western “human rights” NGOs, all the arms of the U.S. and allied regimes, the different factions of the U.S., British, Australian and other U.S.-allied ruling classes, all the mainstream Western media and all well-funded think tanks in Western countries (like Australia’s ASPI and Lowy Institute) all sing basically the same tune is that they are all institutions ultimately controlled by, often directly funded by and always serving the interests of the very same people – that is, the closely-allied, Western imperialist exploiting classes. In other words, all these institutions and organisations are designed to serve either the U.S. capitalist class or allied capitalist ruling classes – like the Australian one. The fact that they are all not, for the most part, acting together in a giant conspiracy but rather act independently for the same cause, each with their own separate emphasis and nuances and sometimes even openly bickering with each other on the details, actually makes them all the more effective in advancing the predatory interests of the U.S., British and Australian imperialist ruling classes and their allies. For this makes it easier for the likes of HRW to claim that they are “independent”, “non-partisan” organisations.

HRW likes to present itself as a grass-roots organisation supporting the under-dog that is driven by nice, compassionate people who truly care about “human rights”. But the truth is that Human Rights Watch is an incredibly rich organisation directly funded by American and other Western capitalists and by wealthy, upper-middle class Western individuals. It is led by corporate bigwigs and dedicated to serving the predatory interests of the mass murdering, genocide-in-Gaza-supporting, U.S, British, Australian and allied imperialist ruling classes. We must push back against and discredit the extremely harmful, pro-imperialist propaganda that is being spouted out by Human Rights Watch! This includes through exposé’s of HRW’s deeds facilitating war-criminal-ridden, Western interventions in Libya and Syria; and now through providing the “human rights” cover for U.S./British/Australian/Canadian/New Zealand attacks aimed at crushing Yemeni support for the embattled Palestinian people of Gaza. We must also encourage any current, or former, volunteers and staff working for HRW, who mistakenly thought that they were joining a genuine human rights organisation and who are now disgruntled, to blow the whistle on the highly secretive organisation, expose all its funding sources and make the public aware of all of HRW’s connections to Western regime officials and unsavoury, imperialist-backed “rebel” groups in socialistic countries and other Western-targeted states. We in Trotskyist Platform also call on all genuine opponents of capitalism and imperialism to build street protests and pickets against Human Rights Watch. Let us work hard to obliterate blood-soaked Human Rights Watch through all political means available!Email

Trotskyist Platform stands against the capitalist system. We struggle towards a socialist society where exploitation of labour, racism, oppression of women and colonial subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past. Read other articles by Trotskyist Platform, or visit Trotskyist Platform's website.

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