Sunday, December 05, 2021

Growing environmental footprint of plastics driven by coal combustion


Research on the environmental impacts from the global value chain of plastics has typically focused on the disposal phase, considered most harmful to the environment and human health. However, the production of plastics is also responsible for substantial environmental, health and socioeconomic impacts. We show that the carbon and particulate-matter-related health footprint of plastics has doubled since 1995, due mainly to growth in plastics production in coal-based economies. Coal-based emissions have quadrupled since 1995, causing almost half of the plastics-related carbon and particulate-matter-related health footprint in 2015. Plastics-related carbon footprints of China’s transportation, Indonesia’s electronics industry and India’s construction sector have increased more than 50-fold since 1995. In 2015, plastics caused 4.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, 6% of global coal electricity is used for plastics production. The European Union and the United States have increasingly consumed plastics produced in coal-based economies. In 2015, 85% of the workforce required for plastics consumed by the European Union and the United States was employed abroad, but 80% of the related value added was generated domestically. As high-income regions have outsourced the energy-intensive steps of plastics production to coal-based economies, renewable energy investments throughout the plastics value chain are critical for sustainable production and consumption of plastics.


The global demand for plastics has quadrupled over the past four decades1 and is projected to further increase in the future, intensifying the impacts on the environment and human health2,3,4,5. Strategies for the sustainable production and consumption of plastics require information on the value chain of plastics6,7,8,9, such as fossil resource extraction and processing, resin production, manufacturing into plastics products, plastics use and end-of-life treatments. Many studies have addressed the environmental impacts of (micro)plastics pollution2,4,5,6,8,10,11,12,13,14 and plastics incineration7,15,16. Less attention has been paid to plastics production, which also has substantial environmental impacts, such as those caused by the release of greenhouse gas (GHG)17,18,19,20 emissions. Furthermore, plastics production induces health impacts, such as through the release of particulate-matter (PM) emissions, and socioeconomic impacts, such as by employing a workforce and creating value added.

Since the value chain of plastics spans the entire globe, plastics are often produced in a different country from the one in which they are ultimately consumed21. Therefore, the environmental, health and socioeconomic impacts resulting from one country’s plastics consumption can occur elsewhere around the globe. Multiregional input-output (MRIO) analysis allows these impacts to be assessed along the global value chain22,23,24,25,26,27,28. However, the accuracy of results from standard MRIO analysis has been limited when analysing the cumulative impacts of materials such as plastics due to double counting29,30,31,32. For example, when assessing cumulative GHG emissions (including upstream emissions) of primary plastics production and plastics recycling, double counting occurs because some primary plastics are ultimately recycled. In standard MRIO analysis32, the emissions of these primary plastics are counted again as upstream emissions in plastics recycling (a detailed explanation is provided in Cabernard et al.31).

In this article, we apply an enhanced method based on MRIO analysis that prevents double counting29,30,31,33 to assess the environmental impacts of global plastics production from 1995 to 2030 and extend this method to evaluate the role of coal combustion (Methods). We assess GHG emissions that occur in the global plastics value chain, called the carbon footprint of plastics. In this context, the study highlights the importance of plastics production, including resin production, manufacturing into plastics products and related upstream activities. Moreover, we analyse fossil resources used as a fuel and feedstock for plastics production, called here the fossil resource footprint of plastics. To evaluate the role of trade, the link between plastics-producing and consuming regions is mapped. Further, we analyse the future evolution of the global carbon footprint of plastics assuming that the world follows the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) projection for a 2 °C or 6 °C scenario34,35. Finally, this study analyses the PM health impacts, the workforce employed and value added created in the global plastics production chain to provide an overview of the health and socioeconomic impacts (Methods).


Global carbon footprint of plastics and value-chain analysis

Since 1995, the carbon footprint of plastics has doubled, reaching 2 GtCO2-equivalent (CO2e) in 2015, accounting for 4.5% of global GHG emissions (Extended Data Fig. 1). The major driver of the rising carbon footprint of plastics has been the increased combustion of coal for plastics production, including resin production, manufacturing into plastics products and related upstream activities (Fig. 1a,b). As coal-based emissions for plastics production have quadrupled since 1995, plastics production accounted for the majority (96%) of the carbon footprint of plastics, while the end-of-life stages, including recycling, incineration and landfills, induced a minor fraction (6%, year 2015, Extended Data Fig. 1). Consequently, coal-based emissions caused almost half of the carbon footprint of global plastics production in 2015, due mainly to electricity and heat supply from coal for resin production and manufacturing into plastics products (Fig. 1a,b). In total, 6% of global coal electricity was used for plastics production in 2015.

Fig. 1: Global value-chain analysis of the carbon footprint (GHG emissions) of global plastics production in 2015.

ae, The sum of each horizontal bar of the flow chart refers to the carbon footprint of global plastics production in 2015 (1.9 GtCO2e, 100%) and allocates it to the different perspectives in the global value chain: the sectors where GHG emissions are released (a); the processes that release GHG emissions, that is, combustion (88%) and non-combustion (7%) processes of fossil fuels (left side: 95% in total) and other processes (right side: 5 % in total): biogenic emissions (2.7%), hydrofluorocarbon emissions (1.7%) and cement production (0.8%) (b); the regions where GHG emissions are released (production perspective) (c); the regions where plastics are finally used (consumption perspective) (d); and the end products or sectors where plastics are finally used: plastics packaging material is allocated to the end product or sector where it is used (for example, food packaging in the food sector) (e). The flows show the linkages between the perspectives. To enhance clarity, linkages contributing to less than 0.1% of the plastics-related carbon footprint are not shown. The small graphs on the right show the temporal evolution of the carbon footprint of global plastics production for each perspective (ae) over the past two decades (1995–2015) and in the future (2020–2030) if the world follows the IEA’s projection for a 2 °C or 6 °C scenario34,35 (but not accounting for the decrease in global GHG emissions in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as in Liu et al.66). The colours of the graphs on the right correspond to the bars of the flow chart. The red line in each graph represents the global share. The end-of-life stages of plastics (recycling, incineration and landfills) contributed another 120 MtCO2e in 2015, not illustrated in this figure. A detailed value-chain analysis of the carbon footprint of global plastics recycling is shown in Extended Data Fig. 2.

Due to the increased reliance on coal, the fossil resource footprint of plastics, including fossil resources used as fuel and feedstock for plastics production, has tripled since 1995 (Fig. 2a). Fossil fuels combusted for global plastics production released a total of 1.7 GtCO2e in 2015 (Fig. 1b, 88%). The carbon contained in fossil resources used as feedstock for plastics production accounted for another 890 MtCO2e (meaning this amount would be released if all plastics produced in 2015 were combusted without credits from energy recovery). Thus, twice as much fossil carbon is combusted as fuel for plastics production (1.7 GtCO2e) than contained as feedstock in plastics (890 MtCO2e). Our results further indicate that if all plastics produced in 2015 were incinerated, this would increase the annual carbon footprint of plastics by 19% (350 MtCO2e, subtracting credits from energy recovery36). While the GHG emissions of plastics incineration are commonly known7,8,15, our results show that even in a worst-case scenario in which all plastics were combusted, the major share of GHG emissions would still occur in the production phase.

Fig. 2: Value-chain analysis of the fossil resource footprint of global plastics production, including the extraction of fossil resources used as a fuel and feedstock for plastics production.

ad, The sum of each horizontal bar of the flow chart on the left refers to the fossil resource footprint of global plastics production in 2015 (540 Mt in 2015, 100%) and allocates it to the different perspectives in the global value chain: type of extracted fossil resource (a); region where fossil resources are extracted (b); region where fossil resources are used for plastics production (as fuel or feedstock) (c); region where plastics are consumed (d). The small graphs on the right show the temporal evolution of the fossil fuel footprint of global plastics production for each perspective (ad) over the past two decades. The colours of the graphs on the right correspond to the bars of the flow chart. The red line in each represents the global share. EU, European Union; ME, Middle East; SA, South Africa; USA, United States; OR, other regions.

Growth in plastics production in coal-based emerging economies, such as China, Indonesia and South Africa, was the major driver of the increasing carbon footprint of plastics (Fig. 1). Since 1995, China’s plastics-related carbon footprint has more than tripled from both a production and a consumption perspective (Fig. 1b–d). In 2015, 40% of the global plastics-related carbon footprint and more than 60% of the related coal-based emissions were caused in China. In Indonesia, coal mining for plastics production has increased by a factor of 300 since 1995 (Fig. 2b). In 2015, 15% of Indonesia’s totally mined coal was used for plastics production, either domestically or abroad. More than 10% of Indonesia’s total domestic GHG emissions were attributed to plastics production in 2015. South Africa’s plastics-related carbon footprint has increased tenfold since 1995, and 95% of it was caused by domestic coal consumption in 2015. The reason for this is that South Africa uses coal not only to supply electricity and heat but also as a feedstock for plastics production37. Almost half of the plastics produced in China and South Africa were exported, such as to the European Union and to the United States (Fig. 1c,d).

High-income regions, such as the European Union and the United States, contributed substantially to the increasing global carbon footprint of plastics by their rising demand for plastics produced in lower-income regions, particularly in coal-based economies such as China (Figs. 1 and 3 and Extended Data Fig. 3). Due to the outsourcing of plastics production to lower-income regions, the European Union’s plastics-related carbon footprint increased although their domestic plastics-related GHG emissions decreased (Extended Data Fig. 4). In 2015, two-thirds of the European Union’s plastics-related carbon footprint was emitted abroad, mainly in lower-income regions with less-stringent environmental policies. The fraction of the plastics-related carbon footprint caused abroad was even higher for Australia, Canada and the United States (>80% in 2015, Fig. 3b). Since 1995, the United States’ plastics-related carbon footprint generated abroad quadrupled, while their plastics-related domestic GHG emissions decreased (Extended Data Fig. 5). Consequently, the fraction of the United States’ plastics-related carbon footprint induced abroad increased from 39% in 1995 to 78% in 2015. One-third of the United States’ plastics-related carbon footprint in 2015 occurred in China (Fig. 1c,d; see Supplementary Results 1 for further results on the Middle East and Supplementary Results 2 and Supplementary Fig. 2 for results on the carbon intensity of plastics resin production per region).

Fig. 3: Plastics-related carbon footprints of nations and the role of imports in 1995 and 2015.

a, Change in the per capita carbon footprints of plastics from a consumption perspective. b, Change in the fraction of the carbon footprint of plastics induced abroad due to imports plotted against the GDP and grouped by income67 from 1995 to 2015 (as single data points for these two years). The carbon footprints of plastics shown in this figure allocate the GHG emissions to the region where the plastics were finally used (consumption perspective). Net traded GHG emissions of plastics (production-based minus consumption-based GHG emissions) are shown in Extended Data Fig. 3.

In addition to increased plastics exports, emerging economies contributed to the rising global carbon footprint of plastics by their growing plastics demand, due mainly to their growing infrastructures, transportation systems and digitalization. Since 1995, the plastics-related carbon footprint of China’s transportation system, Indonesia’s electronics industry and India’s construction sector has increased more than 50-fold. In 2015, 15% of the global carbon footprint of plastics was attributed to plastics used for construction, and almost half of these emissions were attributed to China’s construction (Fig. 1d,e). In addition, plastics are responsible for 15% of the carbon footprint of the global automotive industry, and more than one-third of these GHG emissions were attributed to China’s automotive industry. While China also manufactured most of the plastics embodied in electronics (65%), a smaller portion (42%) was used by China itself, and the majority (58%) was exported to other regions.

Climate change scenarios

If the world follows the IEA’s projection for a 6 °C scenario34,35, the global carbon footprint of plastics would grow by 31% from 2015 to 2030, and thus almost at the same speed as projected plastics production (+40%, Fig. 1, see Extended Data Fig. 6 for per capita projections). The strongest increase is expected for coal-based economies, such as China, India and South Africa, while the largest international customers of plastics produced in these coal-based economies continue to be the European Union and the United States. Following the IEA’s projection for a 2 °C scenario34,35 would reduce the global carbon footprint of plastics by 10% from 2015 to 2030, while plastics production would increase by 40%. This would be attributed to investment in renewable energy production, mainly clean electricity, and improved energy efficiency in resin production. However, coal combustion would still contribute more than a third of the carbon footprint of plastics in 2030 if the world followed the IEA’s projection for a 2 °C scenario34,35. This highlights the potential of a rapid phase-out of coal to further reduce the carbon footprint of plastics in the future, as keeping global warming below 1.5 °C is critical for preventing major climate-related hazards38.

Despite the growing demand for plastics in emerging economies, the carbon footprints of plastics remain distinctly higher in high-income regions on a per capita level (Fig. 3a), and this imbalance is projected to persist into the future (Extended Data Fig. 6). Taking into account the projected reduction in plastics-related carbon footprints per region if the IEA’s measures for a 2 °C scenario34,35 were implemented, high-income regions in particular would have a high saving potential at the per capita level, which would also reduce income-related differences in the carbon footprints of plastics.

Health and socioeconomic impacts of plastics production

Since 1995, the global PM health footprint of plastics has increased by 70%, causing the loss of 2.2 million disability-adjusted life years (DALY) and representing 2.8% of global PM health impacts in 2015 (based on EXIOBASE322 and Cabernard et al.31, Extended Data Figs. 7 and 8). Similar to GHG emissions, plastics production accounted for the majority (96%) of the plastics-related PM health footprint, half of which was attributed to coal combustion (year 2015, Fig. 4a,b). Moreover, the majority (75%) of PM health impacts were caused in China, India, Indonesia and other Asia, while high-income regions increasingly consumed plastics produced in these regions (Fig. 4c,d). In 2015, the majority of the European Union’s (80%) and the United States’ (91%) plastics-related PM health footprint was caused abroad, mainly in Asia. Thus, only 8% of the global plastics-related PM health footprint effectively occurred in high-income regions (Extended Data Fig. 9c), although one-third of global plastics was consumed in high-income regions.

CONTINUE READING HERE Growing environmental footprint of plastics driven by coal combustion | Nature Sustainability

Coal termed hedge against world fuel price volatility
Published December 5, 2021 -

Donkeys stand at the entrance of a coal mine in Choa Saidan Shah, Punjab 
on May 5, 2014. — Reuters/File

KARACHI: Coal is on its way out globally as the impact of climate change becomes more obvious by the day.

But the energy companies involved in mining and coal-based power generation in Pakistan are scaling up their production capacities to ensure “reliable and affordable” electricity going forward.

“Coal provides us with a hedge against international fuel price volatility. It’s indigenous and its price is not pegged to the international market,” said Engro Energy Ltd CEO Ahsan Zafar Syed while speaking to Dawn in a recent interview.

His company owns 11.9 per cent shareholding in Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company Ltd (SECMC), which has been mining 3.8 million tonnes of coal every year since 2019. It sells its entire output to Engro Powergen Thar Ltd (EPTL), the country’s only coal-based 660-megawatt power plant that burns indigenous fuel. Engro Energy Ltd owns 50.1pc shares in EPTL.

“Covid-19 showed us how one event could affect the international fuel supply chains. Economic progress requires indigenous fuel sources to ensure energy security and protection from supply-chain disruptions,” he said.

Engro Energy CEO says Covid showed how one event can disrupt international supply chains

The contribution of coal to the electricity fuel mix has surged in recent years as an increasing number of power plants on both imported and indigenous coal became part of the national grid. Its share in the total power generation in the first 10 months of 2021 was 20pc.

Despite a global movement against the use of coal, Mr Syed said SECMC is poised to double its output to 7.6m tonnes per annum by June 2022. The mine’s expansion under the ongoing second phase will coincide with the commissioning of a 330MW power plant by Thar Energy Ltd, whose majority shareholding is with The Hub Power Company (Hubco).

Another Hubco-sponsored power plant of 330MW, ThalNova Power Thar Ltd, is expected to come on line in September-October next year. Its commissioning will ensure 100pc consumption of the enhanced output of the Thar coal mine.

The third phase of the mine expansion will then take the output to 12.2m tonnes of coal per annum by June 2023, said Mr Syed. The increased output will supply fuel to the 660MW power plant that the Lucky Group is building at Port Qasim.

“You can’t even think about abandoning this [mining] project. We must take it to a point where it achieves economic viability. Only then you can pause and think about other options,” said Mr Syed.

Based on the pricing structure in place for Thar coal, SECMC earns an internal rate of return or IRR of 20pc above the project cost. The price of indigenous coal is currently $61 per tonne, about half of the rate prevailing in the international market.

Thar coal’s price will come down to $42 per tonne upon the completion of the ongoing second phase, he said. Thanks to the economies of scale, it’ll further drop to $27 per tonne when the third phase is completed.

“International commodity prices aren’t coming back to their normal levels until mid-2022 at least. But even after they normalise, our post-expansion coal will still be the cheapest source of energy at $27 per tonne,” said Mr Syed, noting that the mine’s output must be increased to 12.2m tonnes per annum for it to fully achieve the economic and financial viability.

Focus on renewable energy

Mr Syed went to great pains to state that he and his company firmly believe in climate change and consider coal to be a dirty fuel source. But burning coal is unavoidable to meet the developing economy’s base-load power requirements, he insisted.

However, renewable sources of energy should be promoted simultaneously, he said, noting that his company is now focusing more on wind and solar projects.

Engro Energy is going to establish a 400MW wind and solar power project at Jhimpir to sell 20pc cheaper electricity to bulk consumers based in Port Qasim and Dhabeji under a business-to-business (B2B) model by 2024.

In addition, the company has signed 17 letters of intent with the Balochistan government to set up 10 wind power and seven solar power plants of up to 1,700MW in Chagai district.

“We’ve set up wind masts. They’ve been collecting [meteorological] data for two years now,” he said.

Published in Dawn, December 5th, 2021
Hawaii Is Under A Blizzard Warning & The Weather Forecast Calls For A Foot Of Snow

Winter is coming for Hawaii 😭

Part of Hawaii is under a blizzard warning. Really.

The National Weather Service (NWS) warns that high winds and heavy snow are coming for the Big Island summits, and things could get pretty nasty over the weekend.

Up to 12 inches of snow are expected to fall in the area from Friday evening until Sunday morning, according to the NWS.

Wind gusts are also expected at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.

“Travel could be very difficult to impossible,” the warning says. “Blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility at times, with periods of zero visibility.”

The weather agency adds that the strong winds will “likely cause significant drifting snow.”

The news will likely not delight vacationers who are trying to escape the frigid winter weather this December, especially since the NWS is recommending that people stay indoors during the storm.
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“Travel should be restricted to emergencies only,” it said. “If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you. If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle."

Hawaii is known to get snow a few times a year, according to the South Kohala Management tourism site.

The summits of the island's volcanos typically get the worst of it, with 8 inches forecast in 2017.

But it's not all bad. The bare slopes of the volcanoes can apparently make for some pretty awesome sledding after a snowstorm.
IKEA Customers Slept Over In The Store's Beds During A Danish Snowstorm & Lived The Dream

Admit it: you've secretly thought about doing this.

@ikeaaalborg | Instagram
Josh Elliott
December 03, 2021 

IKEA typically doesn't let you sleep in the cozy display beds at its stores — but a few lucky people are now the exception to the rule.

More than two dozen people spent the night in a Denmark IKEA's showroom this week after a winter storm trapped them in the store, The Associated Press reports.

The storm hit late Wednesday in Aalborg, Denmark, leaving six customers, many IKEA employees and staff from a nearby toy shop stranded.

But don't feel too badly for them, because they had a blast.

The customers and staff enjoyed dinner from IKEA's cantina, kicked back and watched some TV and then they each picked out a bed where they would spend the night, AP reports.

The people were able to "pick the exact bed they always have wanted to try."

"The evening went very fast before we went to bed between [11 p.m.] and 1 a.m.," store manager Peter Elmose told Ekstra Bladet, a Danish newspaper.

Customer Erik Bangsgaard, who had to stay at the store for their night along with his wife, said they enjoyed sleeping on the fold-out sofa that they chose. However, the bright showroom lights stayed on throughout the night.

"They could not dampen it, so we just had to try to sleep anyway," he told TV2Nord.

Everyone went home in the morning and IKEA changed the sheets on all the beds afterward, but not before sharing a few photos and videos of the scene after a very unusual night.

Toy store employee Michelle Barrett told Denmark's public broadcaster DR that it was an unusual but unforgettable scenario.

"We just laughed at the situation, because we will probably not experience it again," Barrett said.