Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Top U.S. airlines starting 32,000 furloughs as bailout hopes fade

By Tracy Rucinski, David Shepardson

CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American Airlines and United Airlines, two of the largest U.S. carriers, said they were beginning furloughs of over 32,000 workers on Thursday as hopes faded for a last-minute bailout from Washington.

Both airlines told employees, however, in memos seen by Reuters on Wednesday that they stood ready to reverse the furloughs, which affect about 13% of their workforces before the pandemic, if a deal was reached.

Tens of thousands of other employees at those airlines and others including Delta Air Lines and Southwest Airlines have accepted buyouts or leaves of absence aimed at reducing headcount as carriers battle a health crisis that has upended the global travel industry.

U.S. airlines have been pleading for another $25 billion in payroll support to protect jobs for a further six months once the current package, which banned furloughs, expires at midnight EDT.

Earlier, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said talks with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi had made progress on a bipartisan aid plan, although no deal was reached and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called a $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief proposal “outlandish.”

In a memo to employees, American Chief Executive Doug Parker said Mnuchin told him that he and Pelosi were continuing to negotiate on a bipartisan COVID-19 relief package that would include an extension of aid for airlines and could reach an agreement in coming days.

“Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that any of these efforts will come to fruition,” Parker said.

American will furlough 19,000 employees, including some 1,600 pilots. More than 13,000 United employees will be on furlough, but not any pilots following an agreement reached this week.

“Tomorrow, tens of thousands of essential aviation workers will wake up without a job or healthcare and tens of thousands more will be without a paycheck,” Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson said in a statement that urged lawmakers to reach a deal.

Nick Calio, who heads the airline trade group Airlines for America, said earlier that the industry was still pursuing all potential avenues for new assistance as time runs short.

“People keep talking, but we need results,” Calio told Reuters. “We are hopeful but not confident about them reaching a deal on a larger bill.”

U.S. airline shares ended flat on Wednesday.

Weeks of intense airline lobbying has won over many but not all Washington lawmakers, while drawing attention to the plight of other pandemic-hit industries as the crisis persists.

U.S. airlines are operating about half their 2019 flying schedules and suffering a 68% decline in passenger volumes.

The impact of the coronavirus on travel may cost as many as 46 million jobs globally, according to projections published on Wednesday by the Air Transport Action Group.

Airlines have argued they need trained employees to help drive an economic recovery as the pandemic subsides. American Airlines’ Parker told CNN he believed one more round of aid would be sufficient.

Reporting by Tracy Rucinski and David Shepardson; Editing by Peter Henderson and Peter Cooney

Up to 50,000 airline workers could lose their job tonight if Congress doesn't approve more aid

With just hours to go before mass layoffs decimate the airline industry slammed by coronavirus travel cutbacks, workers are pleading with Congress to pass a last-minute deal to save as many as 50,000 people from losing their paycheck.
© Provided by NBC News

“I feel like I’m being left behind and there’s nothing we can do. It’s extremely out of our hands, and we’re just sitting around terrified,” said Amanda Steinbrunn, a flight attendant who has been with United Airlines for five years.

She herself contracted Covid-19, recovered — and went on to help transport nurses and doctors. Last month the airline told her that she would "absolutely" be losing her job Oct. 1 if there was no extension passed to the payroll support program, she said. “I don’t have a backup plan. I’m going to be on the unemployment line like so many other people."

In May, Congress passed HEROES Act legislation that bailed out nearly 75 percent of the airline’s payroll expenses with $25 billion in grants and $25 billion in loans, with another $10 billion for cargo airlines, with the stipulation that airlines not let any workers go until Oct. 1. At stake are close to 50,000 jobs for pilots, flight attendants, baggage handlers, counter agents and other airline and airport personnel.

It was expected that, by October, the U.S. would have had enough time to get the coronavirus under control and return to more typical travel and expenditure levels. However, garbled national guidance and inconsistent adherence to safety precautions squandered the bought time for travel and other industries.

Inconsistent adherence to safety precautions across the country has led to a spike in infections — squandering the bought time for travel and other industries waiting for an economic recovery.

Now, airline workers are hanging on for hopes of assistance from Congress to save their livelihoods.

“Without aid from the federal government, I will be laid off on October 1 and will lose my paycheck and my health insurance,” said Toni Valentine, who works for United Airlines Reservations in Detroit. “Hundreds of thousands of airline workers are facing financial ruin through no fault of our own. How will we take care of our families without a paycheck and health insurance?” she said.

After hitting rock bottom during coronavirus lockdowns, airline travel began to slowly rise again, but has plateaued well below previous year-over-year average levels. Despite new cleaning procedures from the airlines, passengers so far are largely unwilling to fly unless they have to, absent a safe and widely available vaccine.

Airlines have been feverishly negotiating with their labor unions and offering deals to employees to try to pursue all available options to reduce or delay costs and cuts, such as early retirement and long-term sabbaticals. Hard-hit commercial legacy carriers in particular have been under pressure.

United Airlines negotiated a deal with its pilot union to avoid furloughs until at least June 2021, but the rest of their workforce still faces furloughs, the company announced Monday. Last week, Delta announced it would delay furloughs until Nov. 1, allowing the airline more time to assess its financial situation. American Airlines is still on track to begin furloughs on Oct. 1 across its workforce.

“The airline industry and many of its employees are like Thelma and Louise, racing toward the abyss,” independent aviation analyst Bob Mann told NBC News in an email. “We've seen the movie. So, absent a rescue, we know the ending.”

But he said that reaching deeper into the government pockets to keep the industry afloat was well within the country’s interest.

“Does the nation want an airline industry ready to drive the economy when vaccines have been widely administered? If so, pay up, now, to keep the industry vital until then,” he said.

The critical national infrastructure that the airline industry provides — and that will be key to the nation's economic recovery — could be severely affected by the sweeping industry cuts, American Airlines CEO Doug Parker told NBC News earlier this month. "We want to make sure that when the economy recovers, we are here."

Many airline hubs are located in swing states, so the proposed cuts are in areas President Donald Trump needs to win, come Nov. 3. That could put pressure on his Republican allies in Congress to make a deal with Democrats.

As Democrats and Republicans zero in on the terms for a potential new coronavirus relief package, this week the Treasury department closed major loans with seven of the country’s top airlines.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC Tuesday that the administration does support further assistance for the airlines. “That's something that's critical to keep our airline workers,” he said. “Hopefully the airlines will postpone their actions.”

But he did not expect there would be a special carveout provision just for airlines. “There's a lot of support we've already delivered for that industry,” Mnuchin said.

Labor unions strongly urged Congress to step up.

“The Machinists Union stands shoulder to shoulder with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in their effort to get a coronavirus relief package passed for all Americans,” said Robert Martinez Jr., president of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

“It is an outrage that working families have already waited more than four months since the House passed the HEROES Act,” Martinez said. “The Machinists Union will do anything to support our membership and the tens of thousands of our airline members who will be laid off on Oct. 1.”

A major U.S. carrier could even be forced out of business, one industry leader cautioned earlier in the pandemic.

"I don't want to get too predictive on that subject. But yes, most likely," Boeing CEO David Calhoun said in an interview with Savannah Guthrie on NBC's "TODAY" show in May, when asked if he thought a major U.S. carrier would have to go out of business.

"Something will happen when September comes around [and the aid expires]. Traffic levels will not be back to 100 percent. They won't even be back to 25 percent. So there will definitely be adjustments that have to be made on the part of the airlines," Calhoun said.

Bob Dylan - 1976 - Desire


Track listing Side one 1. "Hurricane" 2. "Isis" 3. "Mozambique" 4. "One More Cup of Coffee" 5. "Oh, Sister" Side two 1. "Joey" 2. "Romance in Durango" 3. "Black Diamond Bay" 4. "Sara" Desire is the seventeenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, released on January 5, 1976 by Columbia Records. It is one of Dylan's most collaborative efforts, featuring the same caravan of musicians as the acclaimed Rolling Thunder Revue tours the previous year (later documented on The Bootleg Series Vol. 5). Many of the songs also featured backing vocals by Emmylou Harris and Ronee Blakley. Most of the album was co-written by Jacques Levy, and is composed of lengthy story-songs, two of which quickly generated controversy: the 11-minute-long "Joey", which is seen as glorifying the violent gangster "Crazy Joey" Gallo, and "Hurricane", the opening track that tells a passionate account of the murder case against boxer Rubin Carter, whom the song asserts was framed. Carter was released in 1985, after a judge overturned his conviction on appeal. A well-received follow-up to Blood on the Tracks, Desire reached No. 1 on the Billboard Pop Albums chart for five weeks, becoming one of Dylan's bestselling studio albums, and was certified double Platinum; the album reached No. 3 in the UK. It claimed the No. 1 slot on NME Album of the Year. Rolling Stone named Desire No. 174 on its list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. It was voted number 761 in the third edition of Colin Larkin's All Time Top 1000 Albums (2000) Personnel Bob Dylan – vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica, piano on "Isis" Scarlet Rivera – violin Emmylou Harris – background vocals Rob Stoner – bass guitar, background vocals Howard Wyeth – drums, piano Dominic Cortese – accordion, mandolin Vinnie Bell – bouzouki Luther Rix – congas on "Hurricane" Ronee Blakley – background vocals on "Hurricane" Steven Soles – background vocals on "Hurricane" Eric Clapton – guitar on "Romance In Durango"[14]

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange bugged at Ecuadorian Embassy, including in the toilet, London court hears at extradition hearing

 Oct 01 2020

Current Time 0:54
Duration 0:54

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested and dragged out of embassy

Assange is wanted in the UK for breaching his conditions of bail in 2012 — his bail was granted amid a case that would see him extradited to Sweden to face charges of rape and sexual assault.

Julian Assange's conversations in the latter part of his 7-year stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London were systematically bugged, even in the toilet, a London court heard on Wednesday.

In written statements at Assange's extradition hearing, two anonymous witnesses who worked for a Spanish firm with a security contract at the embassy said the WikiLeaks founder faced an intensifying bugging operation from 2017 onwards after Donald Trump became US president.

Judge Vanessa Baraitser on Tuesday granted the two witnesses anonymity amid fears for their safety. Lawyers acting on behalf of the US government did not contest the submission of the anonymous statements but said they were largely irrelevant to the matter under consideration in London's Old Bailey court.

The two witnesses alleged that David Morales, the director of Spanish security firm Undercover Global, switched to “the dark side'' and had instructed the installation of cameras with sophisticated audio capabilities to secretly record Assange's meetings at the embassy, particularly those with his lawyers.

Current Time 2:29
Duration 2:29

WikiLeaks founder Assange to fight US extradition bid in UK court

The hearing which was delayed due to coronavirus pandemic will resume on Monday and is due to run until early October.

Rape case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reopened
Jailed Julian Assange could be looking at two year extradition battle
Donald Trump goes from 'I love WikiLeaks!' to 'I know nothing'

Assange lived in the embassy for seven years from 2012 after seeking refuge there while fearing his potential extradition to the US. He was evicted in April 2019 and has been in a London prison since.

The anonymous witnesses both claimed that Morales said the surveillance was initiated at the behest of “our American friends” and that he had been handsomely rewarded.

One of the witnesses said Morales travelled to Las Vegas around July 2016 to showcase the security firm and subsequently obtained a “flashy contract” with the Las Vegas Sands, which was owned by Sheldon Adelson, a wealthy associate of Trump's.

“After returning from one of his trips to the United States, David Morales gathered all the workers in the office in Jerez and told us that ‘We have moved up and from now on we will be playing in the big league,’” the witness said.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange appears at the window before speaking on the balcony of the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, back in 2016.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange appears at the window before speaking on the balcony of the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, back in 2016.

The other anonymous witness, who was employed as an IT expert from 2015, alleged that while in Jerez, the city in southern Spain where UC Global's had its headquarters, Morales had said in December 2017 that “the Americans were desperate''. The witness said a suggestion was made that “more extreme measures should be employed against the ‘guest' to put an end to the situation of Assange's permanence in the embassy''.

Specifically, the witness said the idea was raised for the door to the embassy being left open, “which would allow the argument that this had been an accidental mistake, which would allow persons to enter from outside the embassy and kidnap the asylee.'' There was, the witness claimed, even a suggestion that Assange could be poisoned.

“All of these suggestions Morales said were under consideration during his dealing with his contacts in the United States,'' the witness said.

The witness also alleged that Morales had asked him soon after to install a microphone in an extinguisher in an embassy meeting room, as well as in a toilet where Assange had been holding meetings due to concern he was the target of espionage.

“I used a nearby socket to conceal a microphone in a cable in the toilet in the back of the embassy,'' the witness said. “This was never removed, and may still be there.''

US prosecutors have indicted the 49-year-old Assange on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks' publication of secret American military documents a decade ago. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.

Supporters of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gather outside the Old Bailey on September 14, 2020 in London.
Supporters of the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gather outside the Old Bailey on September 14, 2020 in London.

Assange's defence team says he is entitled to First Amendment protections for the publication of leaked documents that exposed US military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They have also said he is suffering from wide-ranging mental health issues, including suicidal tendencies, that could be exacerbated if he ends up in inhospitable prison conditions in the US.

Assange's extradition hearing, which was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, is due


Canadians in £3bn hostile bid for 'deeply troubled G4S': Private equity-backed rival claims UK security giant needs new management

G4S has come under fire from a Canadian rival mounting a £3billion hostile takeover bid.

In its latest salvo, Garda World described the British security services group as a 'deeply troubled company' which needs fresh management to deal with 'scandals, crises and lawsuits'.

The private equity-backed firm stuck with its offer of 190p per share, despite the approach being unanimously rejected by the G4S board just over two weeks ago.

Garda World described G4S as a 'deeply troubled company' which needs fresh management to deal with 'scandals, crises and lawsuits'

Garda World described G4S as a 'deeply troubled company' which needs fresh management to deal with 'scandals, crises and lawsuits'

G4S yesterday urged investors to 'take absolutely no action in relation to the unattractive and opportunistic offer' and described its timing during the pandemic as 'highly opportunistic'.Share

But investors piled in, sending shares in the FTSE 250 firm surging above £2 for the first time since February, before the Covid-19 crisis triggered a rout on global stockmarkets. 

They are now up 37 per cent since news of the £3billion takeover bid emerged just over a fortnight ago.

In the coming days Garda World will start contacting G4S shareholders, which include fund manager Schroders and New York investment firm Sachem Head Capital Management.

A key part of its pitch will include accusations that G4S bosses have 'destroyed nearly £1billion of shareholder value' over the last seven years, spending hundreds of millions of pounds on restructuring programmes without managing to improve its margins.

But it will also warn that G4S 'remains dogged by scandals, crises and lawsuits' which could lead to 'further claims, provisions and contingent liabilities'.

And G4S is hampered by a £276million funding shortfall in its pension fund, Garda World said.

The firm's boss Stephan Cretier said: 'G4S is a deeply troubled business which needs a committed owner-operator team that understands the sector and has a definitive and comprehensive plan. 

'Stakeholders can take no confidence in the promises of a senior management team that has been in place for seven years and has not delivered.'

He added that the 'G4S board has behaved in a cavalier way by rejecting our potential offer out of hand'. 

The 190p a share offer amounts to a 31 per cent premium on the 145p that shares had been trading at just before the offer was initially made last month. 

David Buik, a veteran city commentator and consultant at Aquis Exchange, said: 'From a management perspective heading all the way back to the London Olympics in 2012, G4S has been a shambles. 

Garda World are prepared to pay a reasonable premium for it. I'd be very surprised if shareholders don't go for it.'

The Montreal-based firm – which is 51 per cent backed by London-based private equity giant BC Partners – said the deal would be funded with equity from BC Partners and loans from three banks. It has made several attempts to engage with the G4S board over the past three months.

The firm also made an approach last year but walked away without making an offer.

G4S employs around 533,000 people in more than 80 countries, including 25,000 in the UK.

It runs security and cash handling services, while also managing Covid test centres around the UK, and four prisons.

But it has been mired in scandal in recent years, such as failing to provide enough staff for the London 2012 Olympics.

G4S also landed itself in hot water after it emerged it had been overcharging taxpayers for tagging criminals, some of whom were dead or back in prison.

Over the summer it announced plans to cut 1,150 jobs, mainly in its cash handling business amid a move to online banking and digital payments.

Garda World employs more than 102,000 globally. It guards British embassies in places such as Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Somalia.

The pandemic could undo years of gains for women in the workforce, a new study finds (Marguerite Ward)

© Robin Utrecht/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images A woman on her laptop appears to be stressed during the coronavirus pandemic on May 30, 2020 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The woman is not associated with the story. Robin Utrecht/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

A survey of some 40,000 employees by McKinsey and Co. and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s nonprofit Lean In found that 1 out of every 4 working women is considering leaving the workforce or scaling back their hours.


Women cite struggling with childcare and household duties as a major concern.
While 51% of employers communicate the importance of avoiding burnout, only 37% have changed their performance review process amid the pandemic.


In order to prevent a mass exodus of women in the workforce, managers should give employees more time off, increase flexible hours, and reassess performance goals and metrics set before the pandemic.

One out of every 4 working women is considering leaving the workforce or scaling back their careers because of the pandemic, according to a survey of over 40,000 professionals by McKinsey and Co. and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's nonprofit Lean In.

It's the first time in the six years the study has been conducted that women report intending to leave their jobs at higher rates than men.

Women cite having to be "always on" and cite juggling childcare and household duties with work as major concerns. More than 70% of fathers think they are splitting household labor equally with their partner during the pandemic — but only 44% of mothers say the same, the report found.

It makes sense. In most households with children, both parents work, Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 2018 and 2019 show. Even so, mothers still take on the majority of childcare responsibilities. Research has indicated that mothers perform about 60% of childcare. That equates to about 7.2 hours per week for fathers compared with 13.7 hours (almost double) for mothers. This was before the pandemic forced hundreds of thousands of childcare centers to close ... many for good.

And while some companies have expanded childcare and mental health benefits, many women are struggling to meet goals.

"We are still expected to meet, if not exceed, all of our targets. The COVID-19 pandemic hasn't affected anything as far as what we're required to get done," one Latina worker with a 1-year-old child said in the report.

While 51% of employers communicate the importance of avoiding burnout, only 37% have changed their performance review process during the pandemic.

That's a problem for women, who feel significantly less comfortable than men talking to their managers about personal problems, for fear of being judged or being negatively impacted in their careers, per the report.
Black and Latina women face even more struggles

Having to balance work and childcare/household responsibilities has taken a particularly onerous toll on Black and Latina women, who already face greater disadvantages in the workforce and are often paid less than their white counterparts.

Latina mothers are 1.6 times more likely than white mothers to be responsible for all childcare and housework, and Black mothers are twice as likely to be handling all of this for their families.

Black and Latina women are also more likely to be grieving right now. Black and Latinx people have been dying at higher rates than white people, and grief can have a substantial impact on one's ability to work.

Some 13% of Black women say the loss of a loved one has been a top issue recently and 7% of Latinas say the same, compared to 4% of white women and 4% for all men, per the report.

In addition to the pandemic, Black women are dealing with the reality of heightened racial violence against Black people. And they're not feeling supported at work.

Fewer than one in three Black women report that their manager has checked in on them in light of the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. And Black women continue to be far less likely than white colleagues to say they have strong allies at work, per the report.

While 31% of men report feeling exhausted, 40% of Black women report feeling the same.
What managers can do

So what can managers do to support women, especially women of color, who are struggling to get by?

Authors of the report suggest managers give employees more time off, make hours more flexible, and consider adjusting goals and metrics used in performance reviews.

"Given the shift to remote work and the heightened challenges employees are coping with in their personal lives, performance criteria set before Covid-19 may no longer be appropriate," the report reads.

"Bringing criteria into line with what employees can reasonably achieve may help to prevent burnout and anxiety — and this may ultimately lead to better performance and higher productivity." 

Brazil's Bolsonaro rejects Biden's offer of $20 billion to protect the Amazon

By Flora Charner and Ivana Kottasová, CNN

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro has slammed US presidential candidate Joe Biden for his remarks about the Amazon rainforest during Tuesday's presidential debate, saying it was "difficult to understand such a disastrous and unnecessary declaration."
© Provided by CNN

Bolsonaro, an ally of President Donald Trump, tweeted on Wednesday saying Biden "stated yesterday that he could pay us as much as US$20 billion to stop the 'destruction' of the Amazon Rainforest adding that, if we did not accept this offer, he would then impose serious economic sanctions on our country."

Bolsonaro wrote that he "unlike the left-wing presidents of the past, does not accept bribes, criminal land demarcations or coward threats toward our territorial and economic integrity," adding that Brazil's sovereignty was non-negotiable.

During the climate section of the debate, Biden said the "rainforests of Brazil are being torn down, are being ripped down." He then went on to say that he would be "gathering up and making sure we had the countries of the world coming up with $20 billion to say 'here's $20 billion, stop tearing down the forest and if you don't, you are going to have significant economic consequences.'"

Bolsonaro said his government is putting forward "unprecedented" action to protect the Amazon and the environment, and that cooperation with the United States is welcome, such as initiatives he said he has been negotiating with Trump.

"The greed of some countries towards the Amazon is a well-known fact," his post went on to say, adding, "However, the explicit demonstration of this greed by someone who is running for the presidency of his country is a clear sign of contempt for cordial and fruitful coexistence between two sovereign nations."

Bolsonaro, who became known as the "Trump of the Tropics" during his presidential run, has shown warm regard for Trump. During a visit to the White House in March, he said Brazil and the US share a "respect to traditional and family lifestyles, respect to God, our creator, against the gender ideology of the politically correct attitudes and fake news."

He also predicted that Trump would win re-election in November.

Bolsonaro's right-wing government has been widely criticized for its approach to environmental regulations and its handling of destructive fires in the rainforest. Last year, the G7 group which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States used its summit in France to call on Bolsonaro to step up efforts to protect the Amazon.

But Bolsonaro has repeatedly rejected criticism of his government's stance, accusing foreign actors of a "brutal disinformation campaign" even as data from his own agency shows a growing problem, especially in the Amazon and the Pantanal.

In 2019, his first year in office, Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) counted 126,089 fires in the Amazon -- a rise of nearly 40% over the year before he took office.

Last week, Bolsonaro told the UN General Assembly that no other country protected as much wild territory as Brazil. The previous week, his administration indeed made gestures toward protecting those lands. The Ministry of Environment announced the creation of the Secretariat of the Amazon, to deal with subjects directly linked to the rainforest, and the Secretariat of Protected Areas, to manage environmental conservation lands.

This year, Bolsonaro also signed two executive orders to curb deforestation: one prohibiting clearing the forest by fire -- a common tactic of illegal ranchers, loggers and farmers -- and another order authorizing an army group to patrol the Amazon for prevent banned clearing and burning operations. The decree authorized the military to operate inside indigenous lands and within environmental conservation areas. But so far, the bans have proven toothless -- INPE reported more fires in August and September than in the same period a year ago.

The rainforest plays a key role in climate change mitigation, absorbing billions of tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. Its vast tree canopy serves as an "air conditioner" for the planet, scientists say, influencing global temperature and rainfall patterns.