Monday, February 20, 2023

“Shocking Findings” – Painstaking Study of 50-Plus Years of Seafloor Sediment Cores Has Surprise Payoff

Burial and Deep Subduction of Organic Carbon

A schematic depiction of the burial and deep subduction of organic carbon. Credit: R. Dasgupta/Rice University

Rising global temperatures are leading to a decrease in the amount of organic carbon being deposited in the ocean floor.

An international group of researchers meticulously collected data from over 50 years of oceanic scientific drilling expeditions to carry out a groundbreaking study of organic carbon that sinks to the ocean floor and is drawn deep into the earth.

According to their study, published recently in the journal Nature, global warming may result in a decrease in the burial of organic carbon and a rise in the amount of carbon released back into the atmosphere. This is due to the potential effect of higher ocean temperatures in boosting the metabolic rates of bacteria.

Researchers from Rice UniversityTexas A&M University, the University of Leeds, and the University of Bremen analyzed data from drilled cores of muddy seafloor sediments that were gathered during 81 of the more than 1,500 shipboard expeditions mounted by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessors.

Their study provides the most detailed accounting to date of organic carbon burial over the past 30 million years, and it suggests scientists have much to learn about the dynamics of Earth’s long-term carbon cycle.

JOIDES Resolution

The JOIDES Resolution is a scientific research vessel operated by Texas A&M University for the International Ocean Discovery Program that drills into the ocean floor to collect and study core samples. Credit: International Ocean Discovery Program

“What we’re finding is that burial of organic carbon is very active,” said study co-author Mark Torres of Rice. “It changes a lot, and it responds to the Earth’s climatic system much more than scientists previously thought.”

The paper’s corresponding author, Texas A&M oceanographer Yige Zhang, said, “If our new records turn out to be right, then they’re going to change a lot of our understanding about the organic carbon cycle. As we warm up the ocean, it will make it harder for organic carbon to find its way to be buried in the marine sediment system.”

Mark Torres

Mark Torres is an assistant professor in Rice University’s Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Credit: Tommy LaVergne/Rice University

Carbon is the main component of life, and carbon constantly cycles between Earth’s atmosphere and biosphere as plants and animals grow and decompose. Carbon can also cycle through the Earth on a journey that takes millions of years. It begins at tectonic subduction zones where the relatively thin tectonic plates atop oceans are dragged down below thicker plates that sit atop continents. Downward diving oceanic crust heats up as it sinks, and most of its carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) from volcanoes

Scientists have long studied the amount of carbon that gets buried in ocean sediments. Drilled cores from the ocean floor contain layers of sediments laid down over tens of millions of years. Using radiometric dating and other methods, researchers can determine when specific sediments were laid down. Scientists can also learn a lot about past conditions on Earth by studying minerals and microscopic skeletons of organisms trapped in sediments.

“There are two isotopes of carbon — carbon-12 and carbon-13,” said Torres, an assistant professor in Rice’s Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences. “The difference is just one neutron. So carbon-13 is just a bit heavier.

“But life is lazy, and if something’s heavier — even that tiny bit — it’s harder to move,” Torres said. “So life prefers the lighter isotope, carbon-12. And if you grow a plant and give it CO2, it will actually preferentially take up the lighter isotope. That means the ratio of carbon-13 to -12 in the plant is going to be lower — contain less 13 — than in the CO2 you fed the plant.”

For decades scientists have used isotopic ratios to study the relative amounts of inorganic and organic carbon that was undergoing burial at specific points in Earth’s history. Based on those studies and computational models, Torres said scientists have largely believed the amount of carbon undergoing burial had changed very little over the past 30 million years

Zhang said, “We had this idea of using the actual data and calculating their organic carbon burial rates to come up with the global carbon burial. We wanted to see if this ‘bottom-up’ method agreed with the traditional method of isotopic calculations, which is more ‘top down.’”

The job of compiling data from IODP expeditions fell to study first author, Ziye Li of Bremen, who was then a visiting student in Zhang’s lab at A&M.

Zhang said the study findings were shocking.

“Our new results are very different — they’re the opposite of what the isotope calculations are suggesting,” he said.

Zhang said this is particularly the case during a period called the mid-Miocene, about 15 million years ago. Conventional scientific wisdom held that a large amount of organic carbon was buried around this interval, exemplified by the organic-rich “Monterey Formation” in California. The team’s findings suggest instead that the smallest amount of organic carbon was buried during this interval over the last 23 million years or so.

He described the team’s paper as the beginning of a potentially impactful new way to analyze data that may aid in understanding and addressing climate change.

“It’s people’s curiosity, but I also want to make it more informative about what’s going to happen in the future,” Zhang said. “We’re doing several things quite creatively to really use paleo data to inform us about the present and future.”

Reference: “Neogene burial of organic carbon in the global ocean” by Ziye Li, Yi Ge Zhang, Mark Torres and Benjamin J. W. Mills, 4 January 2023, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05413-6

The study was funded by the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund. On behalf of the National Science Foundation, Texas A&M has served as the science operator of the IODP drill ship JOIDES Resolution for the past 36 years as part of the largest federal research grant currently managed by the university.

Climate change disrupts the distribution of marine species

A new modeling study published in the journal Global Change Biology has found that, if climate change continues at the current pace, most of marine species will lose significant amounts of their suitable habitat ranges by 2100. 

“Ocean’s biodiversity changes faster than in terrestrial ecosystems. To be able to protect marine species and with them all the marine resources that humans depend on, it is important to understand where and how marine species communities may change,” explained study co-lead author Irene Roca, a biologist at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB).  

While many marine species have already started shifting their distributional ranges due to global warming, estimating what marine biodiversity will look like in the future is challenging, particularly since previous studies have focused solely on temperature as the main environmental factor leading to future changes in biodiversity.

Now, the scientists examined occurrence data of over 33,500 marine species and took into consideration seven environmental factors, including water depth, water temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentrations. Based on this data, they estimated whether and where these species are likely to occur in the future in the case of three different CO2 emissions scenarios.

The analysis revealed that species’ core habitat ranges – the marine areas in which chances are higher than 50 percent that a species occurs based on its preferred environmental conditions – may not only shift but also considerably decline in a high emissions scenario.

Besides habitat loss, the preferred habitat area of a variety of species will be disrupted. “Especially along the equator, our model projections revealed areas which are ill-suited for most marine species, for instance because of high temperatures,” Roca said. 

According to the researchers, fragmented habitats will lead to diminished population sizes which can threaten many species with extinction (although new species could also develop in changed climatic conditions). Another significant problem is that different species can keep up with changing environmental conditions to varying degrees, thus leading to a restructuring of food webs and changes in the relationship between habitat-forming species such as coral and their inhabitants.

“Even though our model does not account for such interspecific interactions, the results provide valuable clues on how differently marine environments and communities are likely to change depending on the future CO2 emission scenarios,” said study co-lead author Dorothee Hodapp, a marine ecologist at HIFMB.

Understanding this high risk of critical reorganization of marine life will pose further challenges to conservation efforts. “We need to think ahead and work on effectively implementing the recent international agreements on biodiversity protection,” Hodapp concluded.


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Satellite Tracking Data Paints A First Picture Of Antarctic Blue Whales

By Sam Helmy

Scientists have released the finding of satellite tracking data of two Antarctic blue whales.

The creatures are the only two to ever have satellite tracking tags attached. The feat was achieved by Dr. Virginia Andrews-Goff back in 2013 and, to this day, is the only case of tags being attached to these majestic creatures.

The data shows that these creatures are capable of covering great distances at great speeds. The animals seem to have a traveling speed of around 4.2km per hour/~2.6 miles per hour and a foraging/feeding speed of around 2.5kph/~1.55mph.

The data also showed that the animals covered incredible distances, with them coving 1390km/~864mi in 13 days and a massive 5550km/~3449mi in 74 days. This ability makes them even harder to protect since they are difficult to find and can circumnavigate Antarctica in one feeding season.

According to Dr. Andrews-Goff:

“This is a unique data set that was incredibly challenging to get, and, unfortunately, for 10 years no-one has been able to generate more data. We know very little about the movement and distribution of Antarctic blue whales, where they migrate, where they forage and breed, and we don’t understand the threats they might face as they recover from whaling.”

While discussing the enormous distances covered by the animals, Dr. Andrews-Goff added:

“The two whales did entirely different things, but what became obvious is that these animals can travel really quickly. If you consider how far and fast these animals moved, protecting the broader population against potential threats will be tricky because they could potentially circumnavigate Antarctica within a single feeding season. It looks like the whales might hang around in one area to feed and then move quickly to another area and hang around there for another feed. There may be certain areas that are better feeding grounds than others. From a management perspective, it would be good to understand what is it that makes these areas important?”

You can find the original research here.
Marine Ecosystems Cannot Be Restored By Marine Reserves Alone

By Sam Helmy
1 day ago

A recent study has found that marine reserves or protected marine areas cannot restore marine ecosystems on their own.

While they play a crucial role in restoring ecosystems and are an important policy component, they cannot do the job by themselves.

Researchers from the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) at the University of Barcelona, working with scientists from the Group of Ecosystem Oceanography (GRECO) at the Oceanographic Center of the Balearic Islands published their latest work in the ICES Journal of Marine Science.

According to the article’s first signature, Lluís Cardona, from IRBio:

“This study shows that with only the small-scale marine reserves, it is not enough to conserve the functionality of marine ecosystems. In areas with an intense fishing pressure, both professional and recreational, exploited areas have more influence on small reserves.”

He added:

“Marine reserves favor the recovery of species such as the dusky grouper, but not other highly mobile and large species such as sharks, dolphins and seals. Even species such as the sea bass have problems recovering in Galicia’s marine reserves. The lack of these species is what prevents the emergence of differences in food webs between reserves and areas open to fishing, in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, beyond the recovery of the biomass of some sedentary species … reducing the impact on highly mobile and large species in the areas that are open to fishing, since marine reserves alone can do little to protect these species.”

You can find the original research here.

A Lifeline for Corals: How Better Access to Sunlight Can Save the Reefs

Penn State researchers analyzed the productivity and biodiversity in the world’s symbiotic coral communities and found that the maintenance of water optical quality in coral reefs is fundamental to protecting coral biodiversity and preventing reef degradation. Credit: Tomás López-Londoño / Penn State

New research at Penn State suggests that when preserving the world’s coral reefs, both above and below the surface activity is equally important.

A recent study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that maintaining water clarity in coral reefs is crucial for preserving coral biodiversity and avoiding reef degradation. The study analyzed the productivity and biodiversity of the world’s symbiotic coral communities

“Coral reefs are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth,” said Tomás López-Londoño, a postdoctoral scholar at Penn State and lead author on the study. “To better understand that diversity, we looked at the role sunlight plays in the symbiotic relationship between coral and the algae that provide the oxygen for its survival. We found that underwater light intensity plays a critical role in the energy expended by the coral’s symbiotic algae to maintain its photosynthetic activity.”

The findings, although novel, are hardly a revelation, he explained. Science has long shown that sunlight is the major source of energy for virtually all biochemical reactions that sustain life on Earth, but sunlight’s impact had not yet been fully understood in coral, he said.

“What’s new here is we developed a model that provides a mechanistic explanation for the biodiversity patterns in coral,” said López-Londoño. “Central to that explanation is water clarity, meaning that preserving the underwater light climate should be a priority for coral reef conservation. It’s as vital as pollution mitigation, limiting ocean acidification, and reducing thermal stress.”

The researchers studied coral grown in an aquarium, simulating depth and gradations of sunlight, to develop a mathematical model that describes the association between the depth‐dependent variation in photosynthetic energy to corals and gradients of species diversity.

They then tested the model on existing published data, comparing reefs with contrasting water clarity and biodiversity patterns in hotspots of marine biodiversity across the globe. The team’s productivity‐biodiversity model explained between 64% and 95% of the depth‐related variation in coral species richness, indicating that much of the variation in species richness with depth is driven by changes in exposure to sunlight.

“The model is very elegant in that it takes into consideration only two things,” said Roberto Iglesias-Prieto, Penn State professor of biology and co-author on the study. “It looks at productivity, the potential that an alga has to extract energy from the sun, and the cost of living, the cost of the repair of the photosynthetic machinery. It’s a very simple notion and we found it explains the existing empirical data.”

Running their model against global data sets, the researchers found that variation in sunlight-supported algal energy supply plays an important role in the spatial variation of species diversity within coral communities. The results show that highly productive submarine environments, with plentiful access to sunlight, are a vital safeguard against the risk of species extinction from demographic and environmental changes.

The findings offer a new tactic for reef conservation: preserving the clarity of the water. The researchers found that “the maintenance of water optical quality in coral reefs is fundamental to protect coral biodiversity and prevent reef degradation.”

“We tend to react reflexively against large-scale threats like ocean acidification and thermal stress from climate change,” said Iglesias-Prieto. “We say ‘this is a serious issue, but what can I really do locally?’ In the case of mitigating optical pollution, the answer is ‘everything.’”

He explained that communities can protect the clarity of the local seawater by reducing the sedimentation and pollution associated with human development — and anyone can participate in that work.

“Unlike so much of the environmental threats that corals face, this is something that can and should be managed locally,” said Iglesias-Prieto.

Reference: “Photosynthetic usable energy explains vertical patterns of biodiversity in zooxanthellate corals” by Tomás López-Londoño, Kelly Gómez-Campo, Xavier Hernández-Pech, Susana Enríquez and Roberto Iglesias-Prieto, 2 December 2022, Scientific Reports.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-25094-5

The work was supported by Penn State startup funds.

Russia Sinks Damaged Space Cargo Ship In Pacific Ocean

February 19, 2023

Feb 19 (Reuters) – Russia sank a damaged space cargo ship in the Pacific Ocean after it undocked from the International Space Station, Interfax news service reported on Sunday, citing the Roscosmos space agency.

International Space Station Configuration. Six spaceships are parked at the space station including the SpaceX Dragons Endurance and Endeavour; the Northrop Grumman Cygnus space freighter; and Russia’s Soyuz MS-21 crew ship and the Progress 79 and 80 resupply ships. Photo via NASA

“The Progress MS-21 (ship) was deorbited, entered the atmosphere and collapsed. Unburned elements of its structure fell in the non-navigational area of the South Pacific Ocean” on Saturday, the space agency was quoted as saying in a statement.

Roscosmos reported loss of pressure in the ship on Feb. 11. Investigations into the incident have delayed the launch of craft to take two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut back from the space station to as late as March 10 from a previous plan to launch on Monday.

(Reporting by Lidia Kelly in Melbourne;)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2023.

Russia has two leaky space station ships. One is about to burn up over the ocean

Meanwhile, an astronaut and two cosmonauts wait for a return ride to Earth.

By Elisha Sauers on February 18, 2023

A Russian spacecraft spewed coolant into space in December. A second Russian cargo ship sprung a leak two months later. Credit: NASA Screen Grab

Science > Space

Russia will dispose of a leaky supply ship that had been docked at the International Space Station this weekend, allowing it to burn up over the Pacific Ocean, according to NASA.

Managers of the Russian space agency Roscosmos decided to bring the Progress 82 cargo capsule back with an engine burn scheduled at 10:15 p.m. ET Saturday. They made the decision after undocking the ship Friday night to get a better look at its radiator.

No astronauts will be aboard the deorbiting spacecraft, as it's not intended for passengers. NASA said the ship is loaded with trash

SEE ALSO: The space station sprung a leak. NASA and Russia just revealed why.

The sendoff follows the discovery of a coolant leak onboard the spacecraft on Feb. 11(Opens in a new tab), making it the second Russian spacecraft to spring a leak at the space station over the past two months.

A Soyuz capsule for carrying humans also suffered a coolant leak in Dec. 2022, leaving three crew members without a return ride. After an investigation into the first leak, Russian and U.S. space officials believed a micrometeoroid smaller than a sharpened pencil tip had caused the puncture, not a manufacturing defect. The coolant seeping into space, caught on live video(Opens in a new tab), was intended to keep the cabin at a comfortable temperature.

But officials have not yet elaborated on the culprit of the cargo ship leak.

"The entire NASA and Roscosmos team have continued to work together to investigate the cause of this situation, and we will continue to do so," said Jeff Arend, manager of NASA's space station engineering office, during an unrelated news conference Friday. "We'll know more in the coming days." "We'll know more in the coming days."

Roscosmos investigated a coolant leak onboard a spacecraft that was intended to send an astronaut and two cosmonauts home in March 2023. Credit: NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA / AFP Via Getty Images

Both agencies previously determined the leaky crew capsule would be unfit to bring three men home. NASA astronaut Frank Rubio(Opens in a new tab) and Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin, who arrived at the space station in Sept. 2022, were supposed to be at the Earth-orbiting laboratory for six months, with a return trip set for March.

But it hasn't been clear when they will fly home.

Despite the Russia-Ukraine war and geopolitical tensions between Russia and the United States, the two nations' space agencies have continued to work collaboratively at the space station.

Joel Montalbano, NASA's space station program manager, said in January that the crew had taken the news well that their return ride was still TBD, were excited to be doing research in space, and were prepared to stay a full year if necessary.

"I may have to fly some more ice cream to reward them," he said then.

Earlier on Saturday, Roscosmos said it wants to launch an empty ship for the marooned crew on Feb. 24, according to news wire reports(Opens in a new tab). A state commission has to approve the new date, according to an Agence France-Presse report on Saturday.

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Elisha Sauers is the space and future tech reporter for Mashable, interested in asteroids, astronauts, and astro nuts. In over 15 years of reporting, she's covered a variety of topics, including health, business, and government, with a penchant for FOIA and other public records requests. She previously worked for The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, Virginia, and The Capital in Annapolis, Maryland, now known as The Capital-Gazette. She's won numerous state awards for beat reporting and national recognition(Opens in a new tab) for narrative storytelling. 
Uranus is hiding secrets and astronomers really want to crack the case

By Joshua Hawkins
Published Feb 19th, 2023

Image: NASA, ESA, A. Simon, and M.H. Wong and A. Hsu

It has been over 30 years since humanity last visited Uranus in any capacity. In fact, the last time that humanity paid a brief visit to the ice giant was January 24, 1986, when NASA’s Voyager 2 probe flew past the planet on its way to Neptune. It was the first time we got a proper view of the planet and its moons. Now, scientists are once again calling for a dedicated mission to Uranus to help solve its mysteries.

Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and its twin, Neptune, are packed with gasses like hydrogen and helium. However, Neptune and Uranus have more elements that are heavier relative to hydrogen than the other two giants of our solar system. As such, we’ve come to refer to them as ice giants. And the images that Voyager 2 gave us have only left astronomers wanting to know more about Uranus.

And yet, over 30 years later, here we are with no better looks at the planet than we’ve ever had before. The need for a dedicated mission to Uranus isn’t news. In fact, it’s something I’ve covered before here on the site. Back in April of 2022, science advisors in the U.S. were pushing hard for a mission to probe Uranus. A mission that would undoubtedly teach us more about this icy giant.

Image source: Vadimsadovski / Adobe

The lack of a mission to Uranus has been identified as a problem before in NASA’s decadal review. Learning more about the ice giants that call our solar system home is a top priority for the coming decade. This is why it wouldn’t be surprising to see NASA or others announcing dedicated missions to Uranus. It just seems like it’s going to take some time.

An essay, published in mid-February by Kathleen Mandt points out that both the Mars Sample Return and Europa Clipper missions were ranked above a Uranus Orbiter and Probe in the 2003-2013 decadal survey, as well as the 2013-2023 decadal survey. Both those missions are well into their development, which means a dedicated mission to Uranus could be next on the books.

But it isn’t just astronomers’ curiosity that has them wanting to send a probe to study Uranus. It’s the fact that understanding how the ice giants formed and migrated could have “broad implications for explaining the distribution of small bodies in our solar system,” as Mandt explains in her essay.

Sending a dedicated mission to Uranus could help us in a lot of ways, including understanding how life-supporting elements were delivered to the inner solar system, and even beyond it. And it’s this increased possibility of understanding that has made astronomers care so much about a UOP.

Planetary scientist lays out arguments for sending a dedicated probe to Uranus (Update)

Uranus as seen by Voyager 2. Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Kathleen Mandt, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory has published a Perspectives piece in the journal Science arguing that NASA should send a dedicated probe to the planet Uranus. She notes that a window is opening in 2032 for the launch of such a probe.

Planetary scientists have spent far more time studying Mars than they have other planets, partly due to its  and partly due to the fact that Mars has a surface upon which craft can land. Planets that have thick atmospheres, on the other hand, are more difficult to study, especially if they provide no place to land.

Still, Mandt argues, such research is important. And initiating the development of a  to study Uranus, she adds, would be a good start. She further notes that now would be a good time to begin such plans because the next good window for launching a Uranus probe would be in 2032, when Jupiter's alignment with Earth will allow a slingshot maneuver toward Uranus. She even suggests a name for the probe: the Uranus Orbiter and Probe (UOP).

Uranus is considered to be the odd duck of the solar system because of its 90-degree tilt relative to its orbit path—its tilt gives it the appearance of rolling along a plane. The tilt also gives the planet extreme seasonal variation as it circles the sun once every 84 years. And it makes observations from Earth cloudy and hazy, which is not very conducive to research efforts. Only one craft has ever ventured to Uranus—Voyager II, back in 1986—and it only flew by on its way to Neptune.

Uranus is considered an ice giant because of the two  that make up the bulk of its atmosphere: helium and hydrogen. It also has 27 moons that circle the planet, following its odd tilt. Uranus also has what Mandt describes as "strange rings."

She also notes that not much else is known about the planet, which is why NASA needs to place a probe into permanent orbit around it. The probe would reveal the true nature of the planet's atmosphere, determine if its core is made of rock or ice, and perhaps explain how it came to have such a strange tilt. It also might help in efforts aimed at learning how ice giants form.

More information: Kathleen E. Mandt, The first dedicated ice giants mission, Science (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.ade8446

Journal information: Science 

© 2023 Science X Network

Scientists are baffled by this dark galaxy that emits no visible light

By Joshua Hawkins
Published Feb 19th, 2023

Image: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, J. Lee and the PHANGS-JWST Team;
ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Chandar Acknowledgement: J. Schmidt

When you think of galaxies, you probably imagine bright and flowing images similar to the colorful ones we’ve seen in recent months from NASA and the ESA’s James Webb space telescope. But, not all galaxies are created equal, it seems, as astronomers have discovered what they believe is a “dark galaxy,” a galaxy that doesn’t give off visible light.

In most cases, galaxies share the same basic ingredients. They’re usually made up of tons of gas and stars, with dark matter surrounding them all and a black hole spinning in the center. Because most have stars, you can usually see the light those stars give off, like in the image above. However, in dark galaxies, that isn’t the case.

Most galaxies give off visible light thanks to the assortment of stars found within them. Dark galaxies are mostly made of dark matter, and thus have no stars to give off visible light. Image source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Greene Acknowledgement: R. Colombari

And that’s exactly what FAST J0139+4328, a small dwarf galaxy located just 94 million light-years away is doing right now. The possible dark galaxy was discovered by a group of astronomers led by Jin-Long Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Their findings have been accepted into The Astrophysical Journal Letters and are already available on the prepublish server arXiv.

While the discovery of a possible dark galaxy is exciting, it’s important to understand that galaxies go through different stages of development. Most galaxies shine bright with visible light because they have tons of stars within them. These stars are formed within a rotating disk of gas that rests within the galaxy.

FAST J1039-4328 has such a disk, but it’s dominated by dark matter at the moment. As such, it’s possible that this dwarf galaxy could be in the earliest stages of galaxy formation, and that no stars have yet formed within the disk of gas that is found within.

If that’s the case, then eventually, the number of stars and the amount of dark matter within this dark galaxy will even out, and it’ll look more like the other galaxies astronomers have imaged in the past.

It’s Pluto Day 2023: A Wonderful Look At This Complex World Of Ice Mountains

  • Pluto is an icy dwarf planet that usually lies beyond the orbit of Neptune in the Kuiper Belt. 
  • The dwarf planet is smaller than Earth's Moon, with red snow-capped mountains as tall as the Rockies. 
  • NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made its historic flight through the Pluto system in 2015, providing the first close-up images of the planet and its moons.
Pluto Day is observed annually on February 18 to celebrate the discovery of the dwarf planet in 1930. When it was first discovered, it was classified as the ninth planet in the solar system. An 11-year-old girl by the name of Venetia Burney is credited with naming the planet.

In 1992 its classification was called into question when other objects of similar size were discovered in the Kuiper Belt, a ring of bodies that lies beyond Neptune's orbit. As of right now, Pluto remains the largest known world in the Kuiper Belt.

Pluto was officially downgraded to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union on August 24, 2006, which is now known as Pluto Demoted Day.

About The Dwarf Planet Pluto

Pluto is approximately 1,400 miles (2,380km) wide. That is about half the width of the United States, or 2/3 the width of the Earth's moon. It orbits the Sun at a distance of around 3.6 billion miles (5.8 billion km), 40 times as far as Earth. A typical day on the dwarf planet lasts about 153 Earth hours, with a year lasting about 248 Earth years.

Image Credit: NASA

The dwarf planet has a thin atmosphere of nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. The atmosphere is almost entirely free of clouds, while scientists from NASA's New Horizons mission have identified some cloud candidates using images taken from the spacecraft's Long Range Reconnaissance Imager. The surface of Pluto is extremely cold, -378 to -396 degrees Fahrenheit (-228 to -238 degrees Celsius).

Pluto has 5 moons, with the largest being Charon. Charon is so immense that Pluto and Charon orbit each other like a double planet.

New Horizons

The New Horizons mission performed a flyby of Pluto in the summer of 2015. It revealed for the first time the potential complexity of dwarf planet systems in the Kuiper Belt. The spacecraft gathered over 50Gb of data while passing by Pluto, revealing it as a geologically and meteorologically active world.

The spacecraft showed that Pluto's topography is very rugged, with some water-ice mountain blocks reaching 5km in height. The density of impact craters covering Pluto varies from heavily cratered terrains in Cthulu Regio that date from the earliest days of the Solar System, to Sputnik Plantia which does not show any impact craters at all.

Analysis by New Horizons scientists highlights the subtle color differences in Pluto's regions.

New Horizons also provided data on Pluto's 5 moons: Charon (largest), Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. The smaller 4 moons were discovered after the New Horizons mission started, and were imaged on a best-effort basis.

Celebrating Pluto Day

If you are looking for ways to celebrate Pluto Day, you can head over to NASA's Solar System Exploration website for some more in-depth information. For those who would like to educate their children on the dwarf planet, the website also has a link to a "For Kids: About Pluto".

If you are fond of documentaries, there are some good ones you can search for, such as "The Year of Pluto", "Mission Pluto", and "Chasing Pluto". If nothing else, you can share your love of space and the dwarf planet by using #PlutoDay on your social media posts.