Saturday, February 26, 2022

Sanctions swing toward Putin himself as anger grows over Ukraine invasion

Russian President Vladimir Putin is the latest target of international sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine, with the US, Canada and European allies all announcing they are adding direct measures against him and his foreign minister.

With Russian forces on the outskirts of Ukraine’s capital, diplomatic appeals appeared to come second to imposing financial pain on Russia as global condemnation grew.

Asked if US President Joe Biden has planned any more direct diplomatic overtures towards Mr Putin, White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday told reporters he had not, but “it does not mean we have ruled out diplomacy forever”.

She said the US was preparing individual sanctions on Mr Putin and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, likely to include travel bans.

The announcement came hours after the European Union announced it intended to freeze Mr Putin’s assets, and Boris Johnson told Nato leaders the UK would also sanction the president and Mr Lavrov.

Ms Psaki said the US would also newly sanction the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which functions as a sovereign wealth fund meant to draw capital into the Russian economy.

The US and European allies earlier announced sweeping asset freezes and other penalties against Russia’s banks, state-owned enterprises and elites.

The American measures block Mr Putin and Mr Lavrov – whom the Treasury Department’s formal announcement of the sanctions described as Mr Putin’s “chief propagandist” – from access to any assets within reach of US officials, and bar anyone in the States from doing business with them. Members of Russia’s security council were also sanctioned.

The sanctions would not ban contact between, for example, Mr Putin and Mr Biden, or US secretary of state Antony Blinken and Mr Lavrov.

It is unclear what the practical impact on Mr Putin and Mr Lavrov would be and how important their assets in Europe were.

Sergei Lavrov (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/AP)

EU ministers have said further sanctions are possible, including kicking Russia out of Swift, the dominant system for global financial transactions.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country supports the removal of Russia from Swift.

Russia has imposed its own tit-for-tat measures, banning British flights to and over its territory in retaliation to a similar UK ban on Aeroflot flights.

Russian authorities also announced the “partial restriction” of access to Facebook after the social media network limited the accounts of several Kremlin-backed media.

Moscow also vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding that it stop its attack on Ukraine and withdraw all troops.

The international measures against Russia have also included:

– An extraordinary visit by Pope Francis to the Russian embassy to “express his concern about the war”

– The Uefa Champions League final being stripped from St Petersburg

– Formula One dropping this season’s Russian Grand Prix in Sochi

– Russia banned from the Eurovision Song Contest in Italy in May

Countries in Asia and the Pacific have joined others in sanctioning Russian banks and leading companies and setting up export controls aimed at starving Russia’s industries and military of semiconductors and other hi-tech products.

Australia on Saturday said it was imposing sanctions against all 339 members of the Russian parliament as well as eight Russian oligarchs close to Mr Putin and is considering sanctions against the president and Mr Lavrov.

Japan and South Korea on Saturday said their foreign ministers had spoken with Mr Blinken, but Japanese foreign minister Yoshimasa Hayashi declined to say whether Tokyo plans to impose sanctions on Mr Putin or Mr Lavrov.

South Korea’s foreign ministry said Mr Blinken thanked Seoul over its willingness to participate in international sanctions against Russia, without giving details.

China has continued to denounce sanctions against Russia and blamed the US and its allies for provoking Moscow. Beijing, worried about American power in Asia, has increasingly aligned its foreign policy with Russia to challenge the West.

Biden unveils 'severe' economic sanctions to make Putin a 'pariah on international stage'

The US President conceded there was a lack of Western unity for enacting an even tougher measure.

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden
Image: Alamy Stock Photo

US PRESIDENT JOE Biden has announced “severe” economic sanctions to make Russian President Vladimir Putin a “pariah” for invading Ukraine, but conceded there was a lack of Western unity for enacting an even tougher measure.

In a speech from the White House, Biden said four more banks – including the two biggest, Sberbank & VTB – would be hit with sanctions by Western sanctions. In addition, export controls slapped on sensitive components will “cut off more than half of Russia’s high-tech imports”.

“This is going to impose severe cost on the Russian economy, both immediately and over time,” Biden said.

Those measures, on top of a raft of other sanctions already announced this week, will make Putin “a pariah on the international stage,” Biden said.

“Any nation that countenances Russia’s naked aggression against Ukraine will be stained by association,” he said.

Biden confirmed that for now there was no attempt to put sanctions directly on Putin, who is widely reported to have amassed a huge, secret fortune during his two decades in power.

He also said that a much talked about move to cut Russia from the SWIFT international payments system – essentially crippling its banking sector - was not happening.

Ukraine pleaded for yanking Russia from SWIFT on Thursday, but Biden said that the Western coalition could not come to an agreement.

“It is always an option but right now that’s not the position that the rest of Europe wishes to take,” he said.

G7 closes ranks

Biden spoke to the nation after having attended a virtual, closed-door meeting which lasted an hour and 10 minutes with the Group of Seven.

The group of rich Western democracies – Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States – said it was standing firm against Russia’s “threat to the rules-based international order”.

Biden tweeted that G7 leaders “agreed to move forward on devastating packages of sanctions and other economic measures to hold Russia to account. We stand with the brave people of Ukraine”.

In a joint statement, the seven industrial powers also said they were “ready to act” to minimize disruptions to world energy markets as a result of Moscow’s assault on Ukraine and with sanctions already targeting a major pipeline from heavyweight energy producer Russia.

In London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Britain was freezing the UK assets of Russian titans in banking and arms manufacturing, sanctioning five more oligarchs, and banning Aeroflot.

And Germany’s vice chancellor, Robert Habeck, signalled on Thursday that the Western sanctions aimed to “cut off the Russian economy from industrial progress (and) dramatically limit access to the European and American markets.”

Next step

A first round of Western sanctions was unleashed on Tuesday, after Putin announced he would send troops as “peacekeepers” to two small areas already controlled by Moscow-backed separatists.

The US government joined European allies in imposing sanctions on two Russian banks, Moscow’s sovereign debt, several oligarchs and other measures.

Then on Wednesday, as the Russian invasion force became clearly primed to attack, Biden announced he was imposing sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany – one of Moscow’s highest-profile geopolitical projects.

Germany had earlier announced it would block the pipeline from opening for deliveries.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price warned this week that “no Russian financial institution is safe”.

But there are limitations to what Western countries can do at a time when the world is emerging from the Covid pandemic.

Energy and other big Russian sectors are for now considered off limits for sanctions. Even so, oil prices are soaring at over $100 a barrel – a surge that will hurt Western political leaders as voters feel pain at filling stations.

The United States is “not going to do anything which causes an unintended disruption to the flow of energy as the global economic recovery is still underway,” said deputy national security advisor, Daleep Singh.

Ukrainian refugees start arriving in an unprepared Hungary

Ethnic Hungarians from the Transcarpathian region of Western Ukraine have crossed the border, many of them by foot or by bicycle.
By bne IntelliNews February 26, 2022

Hungary is ill-prepared to welcome Ukrainian refugees, mostly ethnic Hungarians, who have been arrriving at its borders, local media reported on February 25. So far, several thousand people, the majority of them ethnic Hungarians from the Transcarpathian region of Western Ukraine, have crossed the border, many of them by foot or by bicycle. Their number is far less than in Poland.

According to media reports, the state is not prepared for their arrival. There are no shelters, no information booths, only drivers offering trips to Budapest for €100-150, ten times the train ticket price.

Border towns are opening up their schools as temporary shelters, but there is no one at the borders to inform them. A number of refugees entering Hungary are staying with relatives, but many have nowhere to go.

Hungarian officials appear unprepared for the start of the Russian invasion. Hungary’s defence ministry just a day before the operation started was talking about the improbability of a Russian invasion. Pro-government pundits and columnist were poking fun of US officials speculating on the date of the  invasion.

Hungary's five border crossings with Ukraine are operating at full capacity, lines waiting on the Ukrainian side of the border now extend 3-5 km, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said in a video message on February 25.

Hungary has acted on requests by a number of countries to open a humanitarian corridor for their citizens leaving Ukraine, among them India, Iran, Ecuador, Israel, Zimbabwe, the Maldives, Mongolia and Jordan.

He added that legal measures have been taken allowing those people to enter Hungary without a visa and travel to the nearest airport to fly home. Szijjarto noted that Debrecen, Hungary's second-biggest city, has the closest international airport to the border with Ukraine. He said border crossing procedures for humanitarian deliveries to Ukraine crossing Hungary will be expedited, at the request of Ukraine.

On Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orban consulted with Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels at a meeting of heads of state and government of Nato members.

Together with Nato, Hungary is protecting Europe's bordersHungary's security comes first, according to a short statement after the meeting.

Hungary’s government's tepid reaction to the attack on Ukraine reinforced views that Orban is walking a tight rope when it comes to criticising Vladimir Putin. 

Hungary is seen as Russia’s strongest ally in the EU. The government argues it wants to build strong ties to secure Hungary’s energy needs. The country gets 90% of its gas from Russia.

Hungarian prime minister fails to call Russian invasion an aggression
Hungary’s strongman, who was a guest of the Kremlin just three weeks ago and hailed his trip as being on a peace mission, has been one of the last EU leaders to condemn Russia’s invasion

By bne IntelliNews February 25, 2022

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest ally in the EU, has failed to call out the Russian invasion as aggression, instead stressing that Hungary must stay out of the military conflict. Orban is in a precarious situation as he faces a tight election in less than six weeks and has made Hungary dependent on Russian energy and nuclear technology.

"What matters most to us is the security of the Hungarian people," he said in a short message posted on Facebook, after an extraordinary session of the National Security Operative Corps. No details were published of the meeting.

"Sending either troops or military equipment to Ukraine was out of the question, though we will, of course, provide humanitarian aid,” Orban said, reflecting on comments by Peter Marki-Zay, the prime ministerial candidate of the united opposition, who hinted that if he was in power, he would comply with Nato's request to help Ukraine with guns and even with troops.

Orban claimed the opposition's proposals would endanger Hungary's gas and energy supplies and the utility price cuts.

Hungary’s strongman, who was a guest of the Kremlin just three weeks ago and hailed his trip as being on a peace mission, has been one of the last EU leaders to condemn Russia’s invasion. It was just a short comment in his Facebook video and did not go beyond that, unlike his V4 or EU peers, who used strong words to denounce Russia’s military action.

The government's communication showed signs of wavering, as a Facebook post well into the morning was talking just about a "military operation in Ukraine". The pro-government press still echoed the pro-Russian stance when the conflict started. Defence Minister Tibor Benko on Wednesday evening basically repeated the Russian position on the two breakaway regions, blaming Ukraine for the threat of war.

Just a couple of days ago, Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto was talking about the need to tone down the hysteria, referring to US and Nato warnings about a possible Russian attack. On the morning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he posted from Bahrain, saying war was the worst-case scenario and the task now is to ensure the security of all Hungarians

Political analysts say Orban is treading a careful line as he is under pressure to supports sanctions imposed by the EU, but also being closely aligned with Moscow, he has a lot to lose economically if they are too strong. Stressing the importance of energy supply and maintaing low gas prices was clearly a message to voters before the April 3rd elections.

Fidesz' base also remains predominantly pro-Russian and by condemning Putin with harsh worlds, he risks losing voters to radical rightwing Our Homeland, which is just barely below the 5% ceiling.

Orban went to Moscow on the first day of February to hammer out a deal to increase Russian gas supplies by 1 bcm to 5.5 bcm, but no agreement was reached. Hungary signed a 15-year contract with Gazprom in October.

The expansion of the Paks power plant could be in jeopardy if Russian businesses are hard-hit by sanctions. The main constructor of the project, Rosatom, has failed to receive the final permit for building two 1,200 MW blocks and the €12.5bn investment is five to six years behind schedule. VTB, the bank financing the €10bn loan, is on the sanction list.

Opposition parties criticised Orban for "his refusal to condemn the war started by Russia" and the steps taken by Putin "even when the lives of Transcarpathian Hungarians are in danger". An estimated 150,000 ethnic Hungarians live in the western part of the country.

Hungary has attacked Ukraine’s education law for being discriminatory, creating a bitter dispute between the two countries. Hungary has blocked Ukraine’s talks on Nato accession unless Kiev changes the regulations.

"As a member of the EU and Nato, Orban should condemn Putin's aggression against Ukraine and join EU sanctions against Russia by suspending the expansion of the Paks power plant and expel with immediate effect the Russian spy bank", Marki-Zay said on Thursday, referring to Budapest-based International Investment Bank (IIB), which moved its HQ from Moscow in 2019.

The opposition alliance is planning a rally in a show of solidary for Ukraine in front of the Russian embassy in Budapest.

Hungarian authorities, churches, and charity groups are preparing for the flood of refugees. Traffic has jammed up at the half dozen border crossings on the 130km long border with Ukraine, with a waiting time of one to two hours, according to police reports from the late afternoon.

Ukraine President Zelensky turns down US offer to flee Kyiv, says need ammunition, not a ride

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the US government’s offer to evacuate, insisting that he would stay and fight the Russians as they invade his country.

India Today Web Desk 

New Delhi

February 26, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the US government’s offer to evacuate Kyiv (AP photo)

As Russian troops circled Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky turned down the US government’s offer to evacuate, insisting that he would stay and fight.

“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky said, reported AP citing a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation.

The US offer to Zelensky was based off of intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to overthrow Ukraine’s government and replace it with a regime of his own.

Zelensky has previously stated that he is Moscow’s “No. 1 target” and that Russian "sabotage forces" were in Kyiv and hunting for him and his family.

READ | 1,000 Russian troops killed, 211 Ukraine military structures attacked: Claims and counter-claims

During a video conference with European Union (EU) leaders on Thursday, the Ukrainian premier reportedly told them that "this might be the last time you see me alive".

Russian troops enter Kyiv after taking control of Chernobyl nuclear power plant, says Ukrainian 

Despite a relentless onslaught from the militarily mightier Russia, Ukrainian forces have continued to resist Russian troops' advance into Kyiv. Even as casualties mount on both sides, Zelensky has remained resolute and physically present in his nation's capital, telling Ukrainians to stand their ground as "the fate of Ukraine is being decided now."

READ | ‘We have to run’: Russian invasion triggers exodus from Ukraine

Russian forces launched coordinated missile and artillery attacks on Ukrainian cities on Saturday including the capital, Kyiv, where gunfire erupted near government buildings in the city centre, reported Reuters.

Ukrainian authorities have urged citizens to help defend Kyiv from advancing Russian forces. Residents of the capital were told by the defence ministry to make petrol bombs to repel the invaders.

In a chilling message, Vladimir Putin has called on the Ukrainian army to overthrow the country's democratically elected leadership in Kyiv. The Russian President referred to the Ukrainian leadership as "terrorists" and "a gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis".

WATCH | Russian troops disguised as national police shot Ukrainian soldiers near Vasylkiv, say reports

Weapons from partners on the way, says Ukraine's Zelensky as Russian missiles pound Kyiv

As Russian missiles pounded Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said weapons from partners are on the way.

India Today Web Desk 
New Delhi
February 26, 2022

As Russian missiles pounded Kyiv, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said weapons from partners are on the way.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine entered day three with heightened military aggression, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said weapons from partners are on the way.

He tweeted, "A new day on the diplomatic frontline began with a conversation with @EmmanuelMacron. Weapons and equipment from our partners are on the way to Ukraine. The anti-war coalition is working!"

Earlier, Zelensky released a self-shot video from central Kyiv vowing alongside key aides to stay and defend the capital against the Russian invasion.

"We're all here. Our military is here. Citizens in society are here. We're all here defending our independence, our country, and it will stay this way," Zelensky said standing outside the presidency building.

On Thursday, he called on all citizens who were ready to defend the country from Russian forces to come forward, saying Kyiv would issue weapons to everyone who wants them.

Russia launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, air and sea on Thursday, the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two and confirmation of the worst fears of the West.

Street fighting begins in Kyiv as Ukraine president refuses to evacuate

Russian troops continued to storm toward Ukraine’s capital early on Saturday as explosions reverberated through the city

Kyiv officials are warning residents that street fighting is underway against Russian forces

 as Ukraine’s president refused to leave the city (Emilio Morenatti/AP)


  • Russia vetoes UN resolution to end Ukraine invasion - READ MORE 
  • UK and US impose sanctions on Putin as the noose tightens around KyivREAD MORE 
  • Ukraine and Russia discussing location and time for talks - Zelenskiy spokesman - READ MORE
Street fighting underway in Kyiv

Kyiv officials are warning residents that street fighting is underway against Russian forces as Ukraine’s president refused to leave the city.

The warning issued on Saturday advised residents to remain in shelters, to avoid going near windows or on balconies and to take precautions against being hit by debris or bullets.

Russian troops continued to storm toward Ukraine’s capital early on Saturday as explosions reverberated through the city and the president urged the country to “stand firm” against the siege that could determine its future. He refused American help to evacuate, saying: “The fight is here.”

Hundreds of casualties were reported in the fighting, which included shelling that sliced through a Kyiv apartment building and pummelled bridges and schools. There also were growing signs that Russia may be seeking to overthrow Ukraine’s government, which US officials have described as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ultimate objective.

Natali Sevriukova reacts next to her house following a rocket attack the city of Kyiv, Ukraine (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has survived a night of Russian assaults on Kyiv and instructed people not to believe “fake news”.

“Good morning everybody. Do not believe fake news. I am here,” Mr Zelensky said in Ukrainian in a selfie video posted to social media.

“We will not lay down our weapons. We will defend our Country. Our weapons are our strength. This is our land. Our country. Our children. We will protect all of them,” he added in the video, which appeared to be shot in downtown Kyiv.

Mr Zelensky was urged to evacuate Kyiv at the behest of the US government but turned down the offer, according to a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation. The official quoted the president as saying that “the fight is here” and that he needed anti-tank ammunition but “not a ride”.

Ukraine holds military airbase

The mayor of a city south of the Ukrainian capital says the country’s military has fended off a Russian attempt to take control of a military air base.

Natalia Balansynovych, mayor of Vasylkiv, about 25 miles south of Kyiv, said Russian airborne forces landed near the city overnight and tried to seize the base. She added that fierce fighting also raged in Vasylkiv’s central street.

She said Ukrainian forces repelled the Russian attacks, and the situation is now calm. Ms Balansynovych said there were heavy casualties, but did not give any numbers.

Meanwhile, the mayor of the Ukrainian capital said a missile has hit an apartment building but no casualties were immediately reported.

Vitali Klitschko said the missile slammed into a high-rise building on the south-western outskirts of Kyiv near Zhuliany airport. He said rescue workers were heading there.

He posted an image on a messaging app showing a gaping hole on one side of the building that ravaged apartment units and several stores.

For their part, US defence officials believe the Russian offensive has encountered considerable resistance and is proceeding slower than Moscow had envisioned, though that could change quickly.

A man walks past a building damaged following a rocket attack in Kyiv (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

The Kremlin accepted Kyiv’s offer to hold talks, but it appeared to be an effort to squeeze concessions out of Ukraine’s embattled leader instead of a gesture toward a diplomatic solution.

As fighting persisted, Ukraine’s military reported shooting down an II-76 Russian transport plane carrying paratroopers near Vasylkiv, a city 25 miles south of Kyiv, an account confirmed by a senior American intelligence official. It was unclear how many were on board, with transport planes able to carry up to 125 paratroopers.

A second Russian military transport plane was shot down near Bila Tserkva, 50 miles south of Kyiv, according to two American officials with direct knowledge of conditions on the ground in Ukraine who spoke to the Associated Press.

The Russian military has not commented on either plane.

A family sit in the Kyiv subway, using it as a bomb shelter (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

It remains unclear how many people overall have died so far. Ukrainian officials reported at least 137 deaths on their side from the first full day of fighting and claimed hundreds on the Russian one. Russian authorities released no casualty figures.

UN officials reported 25 civilian deaths, mostly from shelling and airstrikes, and said that 100,000 people were believed to have left their homes. They estimate that up to four million could flee if the fighting escalates.

Mr Zelensky tweeted that he and US President Joe Biden spoke by phone and discussed “strengthening sanctions, concrete defence assistance and an antiwar coalition.”

Mr Biden subsequently signed a memo clearing the way for the US to expedite up to 600 million dollars (£448 million) in emergency military assistance to the Ukrainian government, though it was not immediately clear how quickly the aid would flow.

Mr Zelensky’s whereabouts were kept secret after he told European leaders in a call Thursday that he was Russia’s No 1 target — and that they might not see him again alive.

His office later released a video of him standing with senior aides outside the presidential office and saying that he and other government officials would stay in the capital.

He later appealed for cease-fire and warned in a bleak statement that multiple cities were under attack, but also posted a video just before 8am (6am London) to show he was still alive.

Facebook bans Russian media from advertising

Facebook has said it is prohibiting Russian state media from running any advertising on or monetising from its platform.

The firm’s head of security policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, said in a statement: “We are now prohibiting Russian state media from running ads or monetising on our platform anywhere in the world.

“We also continue to apply labels to additional Russian state media.

“These changes have already begun rolling out and will continue into the weekend.” Mr Gleicher added Facebook was “closely monitoring” the situation in Ukraine and would “keep sharing steps we’re taking to protect people on our platform”.

(PA Graphics)

‘This is the night they will storm’, Ukrainian president warns world from bunker

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has issued a chilling warning to the world about Russia, stating: “This is the night they will storm”.

His warning came as invading Russian forces closed in on Ukraine’s capital on Friday, in an apparent encircling movement after a barrage of airstrikes on cities and military bases around the country.

In a video released Friday of himself and his senior aides outside the presidential office in Kyiv, Mr Zelenskyy reassured Ukrainians that he and other top officials would stay in the capital.

He later appealed for cease-fire and warned in a bleak statement that multiple cities were under attack.

With growing signs that Russia aims to overthrow him, Mr Zelenskyy told European Union leaders in a video link-up from his bunker late Thursday that it might be the last time they saw him alive.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Matt Dunham/PA)

Amid reports of hundreds of casualties — including shelling that sliced through a Kyiv apartment building and pummelled bridges and schools — there also were growing signs that Russia may be seeking to overthrow Ukraine’s government, which US officials have described as Vladimir Putin’s ultimate objective. It would be his boldest effort yet to redraw the world map and revive Moscow’s Cold War-era influence.

As fighting persisted, Ukraine’s military reported shooting down an II-76 Russian transport plane carrying paratroopers near Vasylkiv, a city 25 miles south of Kyiv, an account confirmed by a senior American intelligence official. It was unclear how many were on board. Transport planes can carry up to 125 paratroopers.

Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution telling Moscow to stop attacking Ukraine and withdraw all troops immediately.

The veto was expected, but the United States and its supporters argued that the effort would highlight Moscow’s international isolation.

The 11-1 vote — with China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstaining — showed significant but not total opposition to Russia’s invasion of its smaller, militarily weaker neighbour.

The resolution’s failure paves the way for backers to call for a swift vote on a similar measure in the 193-member UN General Assembly, where there are no vetoes.

There was no immediate timetable for a potential Assembly vote.

Spearheaded by the US and Albania, the Security Council resolution would have deplored Russia’s “aggression” against Ukraine.

It called for Moscow immediately to pull out its military and stop using force against Ukraine, and to reverse a decision to recognise two separatist areas in eastern Ukraine as independent.

Unlike Security Council resolutions, General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding, but they can function as statements of world opinion.

In an Assembly meeting on Wednesday as Moscow’s invasion loomed, dozens of countries condemned Russia or expressed solidarity with Ukraine.

Russia and ally Syria defended Moscow’s moves.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says citizens will not lay down their arms, Kyiv residents urged to take shelter

An apartment building damaged by shelling in Kyiv.

Kyiv officials have warned residents that street fighting against Russian forces has begun and urged people to seek shelter, as the country's President released a new video vowing to stay in the capital.

Key points:
Cities in Ukraine were reportedly hit by Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched from the Black Sea

A missile hit an apartment building on the south-western outskirts of Kyiv

Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding it stop attacking Ukraine

The warning issued on Saturday advised residents to remain in shelters, avoid going near windows or balconies, and to take precautions against being hit by debris or bullets.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's military command said areas near the cities of Sumy, Poltava and Mariupol were hit by air strikes on Friday, with Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched at the country from the Black Sea.

On Saturday morning, Russian and Ukrainian forces clashed on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaking in a video message from outside his Kyiv office on Saturday morning, was defiant.

"We will not put down weapons, we will defend our state," Mr Zelenskyy said.

Mr Zelenskyy said earlier that Russian troops would attempt to take Kyiv before dawn, warning the nation's fighters to be on alert and saying: "We cannot lose the capital."
Smoke rises over Kyiv after Russia shells the city.(Reuters: Gleb Garanich)

"This night will be more difficult than the day. Many cities of our state are under attack," he said in an earlier video address.

The Ukrainian military said in a Facebook post on Saturday that Russian troops attacked an army base in Kyiv but the assault was repelled.LIVE UPDATES: Read our blog for the latest on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said a missile hit an apartment building on the south-western outskirts of the city near Zhuliany airport.

Mr Klitschko said there were no casualties immediately reported but that rescue workers were heading to the scene.

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Ukrainians will defend their country.

The Russian military laid claim on Friday to the southern Ukraine city of Melitopol.

Still, it was unclear how much of Ukraine was still under Kyiv's control and how much or little Russian forces had seized.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin unleashed a full-scale invasion on Thursday that has killed dozens of people, forced more than 100,000 to flee Ukraine, according to the UN, and sparked fears of a new cold war in Europe.
NATO bolsters eastern nations

As fighting persisted, Ukraine's military said it had shot down an II-76 Russian transport plane carrying paratroopers near Vasylkiv, a city 40 kilometres south of Kyiv, an account confirmed by a senior American intelligence official, according to the Associated Press.

It was unclear how many were on board. Transport planes can carry up to 125 paratroopers.

New satellite images from February 25 show large deployments of forces in southern Belarus, near Ukraine's border.
(Supplied: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies)

A second Russian military transport plane was shot down near Bila Tserkva, 85 kilometres south of Kyiv, according to two American officials with direct knowledge of conditions on the ground in Ukraine.

The Russian military has not commented on either plane.

US President Joe Biden and his NATO partners (shown in green in the map below) agreed to send thousands of troops to help protect allies along the alliance's eastern edge.

Mr Biden spoke later with Mr Zelenskyy to convey his support and "commended the brave actions of the Ukrainian people who were fighting to defend their country", the White House said.

Late on Friday, Mr Biden signed a memo authorising up to $350 million in additional security assistance to Ukraine, bringing the total security assistance approved for Ukraine to $1 billion over the past year.

It was not immediately clear how quickly the aid would flow.

Mr Zelenskyy told European Union leaders in a video call from his bunker late on Thursday that amid growing signs that Russia aimed to overthrow him, it might be the last time they saw him alive.

But on Friday Mr Zelenskyy released a video of himself and his senior aides outside the presidential office in Kyiv to reassure Ukrainians that he and other top officials would stay in the capital.

Mr Zelenskyy was urged to evacuate Kyiv at the behest of the US government but turned down the offer, according to a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation.

The official quoted the President as saying, "The fight is here," and he needed anti-tank ammunition but "not a ride".
Residents in Ukraine have been sheltering from Russian strikes.
(AP: Emilio Morenatti)

The Russian assault, anticipated for weeks by the West, amounts to Europe's largest ground conflict since World War II.

In a window into how the increasingly isolated Mr Putin views Ukraine and its leadership, he urged Ukraine’s military to surrender, saying: "We would find it easier to agree with you than with that gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis who have holed up in Kyiv and have taken the entire Ukrainian people hostage."

Mr Putin has not disclosed his ultimate plans for Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: "We want to allow the Ukrainian people to determine its own fate".

Mr Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia recognised Mr Zelenskyy as the President, but would not say how long the Russian invasion could last.
Russia vetoes UN Security Council resolution

Western countries have announced a barrage of sanctions on Russia, including blacklisting its banks and banning technology exports.

But they have stopped short of forcing it out of the SWIFT system for international bank payments.

Russian missiles have landed in civilians areas in Kyiv.
(AP: Ukrainian Police Department Press Service)

The US imposed sanctions on Mr Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov.

The EU and Britain earlier froze any assets Mr Putin and Mr Lavrov held in their territory. Canada took similar steps.

Sports leagues moved to punish Russia, and even the Eurovision song contest banned the nation from the May finals in Italy.

Through it all, Russia remained unbowed, vetoing a UN Security Council resolution demanding that it stop attacking Ukraine and withdraw troops immediately.

Russia vetoes a UN Security Council draft resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine.

The veto was expected, but the US and its supporters argued that the effort would highlight Moscow’s international isolation.

"We are united behind Ukraine and its people, despite a reckless, irresponsible permanent member of the Security Council abusing its power to attack its neighbour and subvert the UN and our international system," US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said after Russia cast its veto.The 11-1 vote, with China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstaining, showed significant but not total opposition to Russia's invasion of its smaller, militarily weaker neighbour.

Russia's UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia thanked the Security Council members who did not support the draft, which he described as anti-Russian.

"Your draft resolution is nothing other than yet another brutal, inhumane move in this Ukrainian chessboard," Mr Nebenzia said.

A green ‘sea change’ as water transport makes its move

February 25, 2022
By Newsroom
‘Flying’ Seabubbles boat on a test run in Lake Geneva. © Axel Phélipon

All aboard! Europe’s ferry industry has set sail for an emissions-free future. It’s leading the eco-friendly revolution with electric and hydrogen-powered boats that are destined to make urban transport more sustainable.

In just a few months’ time, passengers in Stavanger, Norway, will be able to begin commuting on a revolutionary ferry that doesn’t produce any greenhouse gas emissions. Called Medstraum, which means both “to go with the flow” and “with electricity” in Norwegian, it will be the first high-speed vessel in the world that runs purely on electric power, replacing a diesel-powered ferry that currently shuttles people to surrounding islands.

If the trial goes well, similar vessels could soon operate in other cities too. ‘We’re in a very exciting period,’ said Mikal Dahle, a project manager at public transport company Kolumbus AS in Stavanger, Norway, and coordinator of the TrAM project which is developing the catamaran ferry. ‘We are now finalising the vessel and getting it ready.’

Medstraum is an example of the new and sustainable modes of transport set to transform urban mobility. In the EU, emissions from transport account for about 25% of total greenhouse gas emissions and are the main cause of air pollution in cities.

Furthermore, most people use roads to get around in urban areas where traffic jams have become a huge problem and cost an estimated €110 billion a year in Europe. ‘Waterways are underused for the time being and could be a great alternative,’ said Virginie Seurat, the VP at Seabubbles, a company developing a hydrogen-powered boat.

Our waterborne travel also needs to get a lot greener to meet the EU’s goal of reducing transport-related emissions by 90% by 2050. Existing high-speed craft, for example, are typically powered by fossil fuels and produce significant amounts of emissions.

‘It’s much more polluting to travel with (conventional) fast ferries compared to aeroplanes,’ noted Dahle. ‘A proper reduction in CO2 emissions is one of the main challenges for inshore vessels.’

Rethinking electric boat production

Dahle and his colleagues in the TrAM project are tackling this challenge with a novel design and production method for zero-emission electric vessels operating in coastal waters and inland waterways. Cost is still a barrier since these vessels are more expensive to build compared to those powered by diesel fuel, but the new approach should make them more affordable.

‘The goal is to establish and validate a methodology for the design and production of (electric) craft that reduces the overall cost by 25%,’ said Dahle. ‘We want to make it possible for a large market to invest in zero-emission vessels.’

Their new approach is based on modularisation, where a boat is divided into different functional parts, such as the hull and passenger section, which are in turn subdivided into individual components, like the batteries and electrical equipment in the energy module.

The idea is that a new vessel could be designed and built by piecing together pre-existing modules instead of starting from scratch, making the process more efficient and cost-effective. ‘Some (parts) are standardised, like the seats in the vessel, so we can pick out exactly what we need for a boat at relatively low cost since they are produced in certain volumes,’ explained Dahle. ‘Then we have other things that need to be adjusted for each vessel like the hull shape and the motors.’

Setting sail for new electric vessels

Medstraum is the first vessel being created using this approach, and aims to demonstrate its feasibility. Built from lightweight aluminium to reduce energy consumption will also allow the vessel to be easily recycled after use and contribute to the circular economy. The vessel will be able to carry around 150 passengers at speeds of up to 42 km/h and will make 16 round trips per day. The ferry’s electric battery will be charged each time it stops at Stavanger.

Dahle and his colleagues will use the same approach to develop two other boats. One will be designed to transport either passengers or goods on the River Thames in London, while the other will be used on inland waterways in Belgium and will therefore need to be adapted for different purposes and environments. The London craft will be required to travel at a higher speed and have a larger capacity than the Stavanger vessel, for example, while the boat to be used in Belgium will need to meet different rules and regulations.

A ‘flying’ boat powered by hydrogen

City commuters could also soon use a ‘flying’ water taxi to get around thanks to another team aiming to lower the environmental impact of water transport. Seurat’s colleagues have developed the first zero-emission hydrofoil craft that glides above waves powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and battery as part of the Seabubbles project.

‘The idea is to offer citizens new solutions that are a step forward in terms of a green way of life,’ said Baptiste Arribe, the strategy director at Seabubbles in Annecy, France.

The futuristic-looking craft, which is made of composite fibres, can operate in two different modes and has been developed for waterways, lakes and marine zones. When travelling at less than 12 km/h, its hydrofoils are retracted and it navigates like a conventional vessel. However, at higher speeds its foils are deployed and the hull is lifted 60 centimetres above the water’s surface, which results in a smooth ride even in choppy waters. ‘People are excited about the passenger experience because there are zero waves and no noise,’ said Seurat.

The ‘flying’ mode has environmental advantages too. It uses 35% less energy compared to the conventional mode since gliding on the foils reduces the surface area of the boat immersed in water and hence the amount of friction.

Charging versus refuelling

When they developed the prototype, the team initially planned to power the craft with electricity produced from solar panels and hydropower. But they later decided to switch to hydrogen power since a boat could travel further on a full tank of the gas compared to a single charge. It would also take less time to refuel; a hydrogen top-up that takes just a few minutes allows the boat to run for about two and a half hours.

While the latest Seabubble boat still runs on electricity, it is generated by a hydrogen fuel cell. It also contains a battery that is charged by the fuel cell when the craft is cruising to provide extra power when needed, for example during acceleration. Artificial intelligence is used to optimise the use of energy between the battery and fuel cell to make the boat as energy efficient as possible. ‘We combine the avant-garde in energy and (the latest) technology with our control system,’ Seurat explained.

Constructing the first Seabubbles

The first Seabubble boats are currently being assembled at a shipyard on the shores of Lake Annecy in France. They will be available to European buyers in a few months’ time and later to the international market.

Able to carry up to 12 passengers, the vessels are of particular interest to private services for use as a shuttle for hotels located on the waterfront or as a quiet craft to take visitors around a nature reserve without disturbing wildlife.

While these vessels could also be used for public transport, cost remains a barrier. However, the EU’s commitment to supporting the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030 should make it easier to implement Seabubbles more widely. ‘In the beginning, we need the support of governments to create the overall hydrogen infrastructure,’ concluded Seurat. ‘Then everything will come together, and I think we will change the mobility field.’

Les recherches réalisées dans le cadre de cet article ont été financées par l’UE. Cet article a été publié initialement dans Horizon, le magazine de l’UE dédié à la recherche et à l’innovation. 
Cave-Dwelling Crocodiles Could Shed Light on Maya Reverence for the Predators

To Maya, crocodiles were considered integral to the underworld.


A population of cave-dwelling crocodiles in Belize could shed light on the ancient Maya civilization that once worshiped them, the Crocodile Research Coalition has said.

Researchers from the non-profit organization were exploring Maya caves at rainforest preserve, Runaway Creek, when they came across a 7 foot, 5 inch crocodile lurking in the water. The explorers also found the tracks of other crocodiles living in the caves.

The Maya civilization was an indigenous society in Mexico and Central America that existed from around 350 BC. Archeologists believe the Maya Empire reached its height from 250 AD to 900 AD.

Marica Tellez with the tracks of crocodiles found in the caves

Belize was at one point the center of the ancient Maya world. Today is it well known for its caves that were once integral to Maya culture. The indigenous people believed the caves were a gateway to the gods and often held religious ceremonies in them. Runaway Creek has over 50 caves, in which many artifacts have been found, providing glimpses into the ancient civilization. These include large and small clay pots, ax heads, arrowheads, grinding stones and various pottery shards.

Marisa Tellez, co-founder of the Crocodile Research Coalition, told Newsweek it has long been suspected that crocodiles "were not feared but revered" by the Maya. The cave-dwelling crocodiles could further prove suspicions that the reptiles were considered an animal with a special connection to the gods.

"In Maya religion or folklore, caves were the entrance to the underworld, Xibalba. Crocs were seen as guides to Xibalba," Tellez said. "So if a croc was observed in a cave, it was believed that croc was waiting for the spirit of someone who had recently died, so that the crocodile may guide them to the underworld where that spirit can reconnect with its ancestors as well as the gods."

In a Facebook post, the Crocodile Research Coalition said they will embark on a long-term project that will hopefully provide some insight into crocodile biology and physiology.

Studying these cave systems could also help researchers find new information on the crocodile's role in ancient Maya culture, Tellez said.

The crocodile in the cave was 7.5 foot long.

"[These caves] could provide a glimpse of ceremonies and the local Maya's spiritual connection to caves and nature, information that has been lost due to time and colonization," Tellez said. "And of course, wildlife is part of our culture, part of our identity. Maybe we will also find more evidence of the respect the ancient Maya had for crocodiles that can further interest in local tolerance and conservation."

Crocodiles are not often found in caves, more usually preferring lakes, rivers and wetlands. Those that are found in caves are usually hiding from danger, rather than searching for prey.

In 2021, it was estimated that there are less than 200 American crocodiles left in Belize. The Crocodile Research Coalition is working to conserve the Belize population through research and habitat conservation.

Ontario to mandate disclosure of employee electronic surveillance

TORONTO -- Ontario is planning to require employers to tell their workers if they are being electronically monitored.

The government is set to introduce a new piece of labour legislation this month that will include the proposed policy.

It would require businesses to tell their employees -- whether they are in the workplace, in the field or working from home -- how the company monitors computers, cellphones, GPS systems and other electronic devices.

Labour Minister Monte McNaughton says that especially since so many people have been working from home, employees expect and deserve to have their privacy protected.

The law would apply to businesses with 25 or more workers and would require them to have a written policy on whether they electronically monitor their staff, and if so how, and the purpose of collecting the information.

McNaughton says it will be the first such legislation in Canada.

McNaughton has been making a concerted effort to position the Progressive Conservative government as worker friendly, with legislation last year that increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour, required employers to create right-to-disconnect policies for their employees, banned non-compete agreements and required temporary help agencies to be licensed.

"I became the Minister of Labour back in June of 2019 and intentionally picked a side and that's the side of workers," he said.

"I also believe that government has to keep up and often we see not only in Ontario, but around the country and even across North America, where government tends to lag (in) technological changes and the world of work.

Canada's Emergency Powers end but questions linger on future of protest and legacy of actions

OTTAWA - The secure perimeter around downtown Ottawa, guarded by police checkpoints, will remain through the weekend as the local force tries to maintain peace and order in Canada's capital city without the extra powers they were granted through the Emergencies Act.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday the extraordinary, time-limited powers would be pulled back now that the immediate crisis is over. They were brought in last week to respond to protests and blockades against COVID-19 restrictions and the Liberal government.

Interim Ottawa police Chief Steve Bell said Thursday the removal of the powers stoked some initial concern among the upper ranks of the force about how they would keep demonstrators out of the city.

The powers proved valuable in helping officers dislodge the massive demonstration that had gridlocked downtown Ottawa after three weeks, Bell said, including by allowing police to designate a no-go zone around Parliament Hill.

The area remains fenced off to anyone who does not live or work there, with police checkpoints dotting the downtown core.

Bell said the checkpoints will stay through the weekend, but police will only intervene in cases where people are taking part in illegal activity, such as blocking streets.

One of the main tools stemming from the Emergencies Act that police relied on, Bell said, was the ability to direct financial institutions to freeze the accounts of people who refused to leave the protest zone downtown. He said the threat was a powerful incentive for people to leave.

Now that the demonstrators are gone, Bell said police no longer need that power.

“There are still financial investigations that will go on,'' he said.

Some demonstrators, and their trucks, have decamped to farmers' fields, small towns and truck stops in rural areas surrounding Ottawa, and Bell said police have a new plan to prevent them from regaining a foothold should they decide to return to the city.

While the powers under the Emergencies Act have been lifted, questions remain about the long-term effects of invoking such extraordinary measures to quell protests.

The Emergencies Act legislation demands a prompt inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the decision to invoke the extraordinary powers. The report must be tabled in each House of Parliament within 360 days after the emergency is revoked.

A joint committee of members of Parliament will examine the circumstances that led government to invoke the act, and why it was needed, Trudeau said Wednesday.

“It could look at policing. The inquiry could also examine the funding influence and disinformation that supported the illegal blockades and occupations, both foreign and domestic,'' he said.

Ottawa's city council and police services board also plan to commission their own reviews of the response to the protests, and Bell said one element will include whether the Emergencies Act was necessary to put an end to them.

The financial measures carried out under the act have been a particular target for criticism and one observer warns the damage will linger long after the initial protests are finished.

Financial intelligence expert Kim Manchester said banks will likely keep tracking those individuals flagged by the RCMP and their names could end up on private-sector third-party databases that banks rely on to mitigate anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.

Banks and other financial institutions were also directed to look into whether any clients seemed to be supporting the protests, and those monitoring actions could well continue, he said.

On a larger scale, Manchester said the actions set a dangerous precedent for how government decides to go after protests, and leaves open the door to using the same tactics in the future.

He said allies will also be watching how the federal government used Fintrac and compare the actions against the protesters to the relatively few resources directed to financial crime generally.

“There are lasting consequences to this. You don't just pull out a fountain pen and sign a piece of paper and hope that it all goes away. It doesn't work like that,'' said Manchester, managing director of financial intelligence training company ManchesterCF.

For its part, the Canadian Bankers Association said financial institutions moved quickly to unfreeze accounts after the RCMP cleared the individuals and entities flagged for concern, but that some accounts may still be frozen.

“While most customer accounts have been unfrozen, it is important to remember that some accounts may be frozen for a variety of other reasons, including to comply with court orders or proceedings related to illegal activities or other unrelated legal matters,'' said spokesman Mathieu Labreche, who declined to comment specifically on the lifting of the Emergency Act.