Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Where have all the workers gone? Don't blame COVID, economists say

Boomers are exiting the workforce in droves, leaving more

 job vacancies than there are people to fill them

According to Statistics Canada, the unemployment-to-job vacancy rate is at a historic low across the country, indicating there are currently more available jobs than there are workers to fill them. (Chris Wattie /Reuters)

Canada is in the throes of a serious labour shortage, but economists say it's not all the pandemic's fault — it's the inevitable culmination of a seismic demographic shift decades in the making.

"It's the slowest-moving train on the planet. It was predictable 60 to 65 years ago, and we have done nothing about it," said Armine Yalnizyan, an economist and Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers. "We knew this transition was going to happen."

The numbers behind all those help wanted signs are startling.

According to Statistics Canada, the unemployment-to-job vacancy ratio — a key measure comparing the number of Canadians looking for work to the number of available jobs — is currently hovering at a historic low in every province. In fact, the ratio is significantly lower now than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

The reason isn't that there are fewer jobs opening up — remember the help wanted signs? It's that there are fewer workers available to fill them. And the reason for that, economists say, can be traced back to the post-war baby boom.

Construction workers prepare a form in downtown Toronto in May. According to Statistics Canada, their industry is the among the hardest-hit by the current labour shortage. (Alex Lupul/CBC)

Not enough replacements

While those 55 and older have been steadily exiting the Canadian workforce — an exodus that some economists believe was accelerated by the pandemic, as many older workers opted for early retirement — there simply aren't enough younger workers to replace them.

In fact, participation in the workforce among those ages 25-54 approached 88 per cent in May, up more than one percentage point from February 2020, before the pandemic had taken hold in Canada.

"That's what happens when a baby boom finally starts exiting from stage left, and there's not enough people entering from stage right," Yalnizyan said. "We've actually got a higher share of the working-age population working than ever."

Armine Yalnizyan is an economist and Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers. (Christopher Katsarov/The Atkinson Foundation)

That contradicts the theory that some sort of "great resignation" among working-age Canadians, many of whom took advantage of pandemic income supports, is to blame for all those job vacancies, according to Ian Lee, associate professor at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business.

"I just found that very suspicious because unless you're independently wealthy … most of us have to have income to survive," Lee said. "It just didn't make sense."

"Your first suspicion as a labour economist is, well, are people just not in the labour force anymore?" said Gordon Betcherman, professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa's school of international development and global studies. "But that's not the case. It's back up to levels that we had before COVID."

An employees' market

Instead, economists say the data points to the emergence of an employees' market where workers are enjoying an enormous amount of leverage over employers.

"It's undeniable this trend we're in where the balance between job seekers and job vacancies has definitely shifted," Betcherman said.

According to Statistics Canada, that has led to virtually unprecedented labour shortages across nearly every employment sector.

There just aren't enough people willing to do poorly paid jobs that are marginal at best.- Armine Yalnizyan, economist

In particular, the construction and manufacturing sectors are having a difficult time recruiting skilled workers, followed closely by accommodation and food services, which includes hotels, restaurants and bars. 

"People are finding other places to work. There just aren't enough people willing to do poorly paid jobs that are marginal at best," Yalnizyan noted. 

"Workers have a lot more choices now," Lee agreed. "If you have more choices and you don't have to work in that industry, you'll go and work in an industry where there's a better career stream and where the wages are higher and the hours are more predictable."

That could force employers in certain industries to raise wages, Lee said.

"I'm not suggesting that the demand for these jobs is going to go away. It's not," he said. "It suggests to me that we're going to see some pretty serious wage inflation in these industries over the years ahead."

The restaurant sector is also struggling to attract new hires as many opt for higher-paying jobs with better working conditions. (Paige Parsons/CBC)

Wages predicted to rise

According to Yalnizyan, this competitive new environment means employers in certain sectors will need to raise wages if they hope to retain skilled workers.

"We are losing people who are trained as early childhood educators because we won't pay them more than we pay pet groomers. Well why would they stay if they can get a better job in some other sector?"

That's borne out by Statistics Canada data showing the reservation wage — the minimum hourly rate at which job seekers are willing to accept a position — surpassing the current offered wage in nearly every sector, whereas Canadian workers have historically been willing to settle for less.

Economists believe there are other possible outcomes — increasing automation to fill the vacuum left by the labour shortage, for one. Some industries could also bring in more temporary foreign workers to help fill gaps at the lower end of the labour market, potentially blunting the gains made by domestic workers.

Ian Lee is an associate professor at Carleton University's Sprott School of Business. (CBC)

But Yalnizyan said rising wages could help erase some of the inequalities caused by a labour market that has for years paid some workers well and the rest poorly.

"If we actually improve wages and working conditions, particularly at the bottom, we could be creating the conditions for making a more resilient middle class that can actually afford to buy stuff. That's what we've been missing out on for quite a while now," she said.

"Population aging can be our friend, not our enemy. But we have to treat it as something more than just a labour shortage for business. We have to treat it as an opportunity to make every job a good job."                                                                                      

New Brunswick

They fought a rent increase and won, then received an eviction notice

Landlord says eviction for Fredericton couple is 'absolutely necessary to save our investment'

Jeanne Armstrong · CBC News · Posted: Jul 25, 2022 

Pauline Tramble, 67, and Charles Tramble, 85, are getting evicted after appealing a rent increase for an apartment they've lived in for 33 years. (Jeanne Armstrong/CBC)

Pauline Tramble's 85-year-old husband Charles has dementia. Every day since June, "three, four, five times a day," she's had to explain that they're getting evicted.

Tramble says her biggest concern is whether her husband will be able to adapt to a new environment, after 33 years in their second-storey unit on Shore Street in Fredericton.

"Some of the places have elevators and long halls. He'd be so confused. That's what really bothers me. He knows his directions [here], he goes for his walks. So it's just an ideal situation that way for us.

Landlords must prove Airbnb conversions aren't retaliation against tenants

It's the latest chapter in the rental woes for the couple, who faced a 67 per cent increase in their rent last December. That story prompted the New Brunswick government to beef up tenant protections, and put in place a one-year rent cap.

The Trambles were relieved to see a rent cap. But in June, everything changed when the eviction notice came.

"I just feel lost," the 67-year-old said through tears. "We're so uncertain of where we're going to go."
From 'courtesy letter' to 'notice of termination'

On June 13, DNV Properties Inc. sent the Trambles a "courtesy letter" letting them know they should start looking for somewhere else to live, because their unit was being converted into a short-term rental.

But on June 30, the Trambles received a new letter. It was a provincial "Notice of Termination to Tenant." It claimed that "the landlord or their immediate family intends to live in the premises," and it gave the Trambles until Sept. 30 to vacate the unit.

The reason provided is one of four exceptions that would allow a landlord to terminate a tenancy in New Brunswick.

The Trambles will have to leave their second-storey unit in Fredericton this fall.
 (Jeanne Armstrong/CBC)

Pauline Tramble said she was devastated by the letter, but she was also confused by their reasoning, because there are currently empty units in the building.

"The front apartment is available. That's supposed to be an Airbnb. And our neighbour's apartment is going to become available. … Why would they decide to come and live in this apartment?"

When Tramble tried to call her landlord, Neda Veselinovic, to ask her more about the termination, she was rebuffed.

"I tried to reach her when she dropped off our termination of rent, so I wanted to call her and ask her, why, you know? And she saw my number coming up, and she said she couldn't answer at the time, she was busy, and she said from now on, all our communications will be by email."

Pauline has to say goodbye to her home after she received an eviction notice in June. (Jeanne Armstrong/CBC)

In a subsequent email, Veselinovic told Tramble: "We understand that you are having a hard time finding a place to live, however we have tried to explain to you numerous times that we absolutely have to continue with our plan. ... The changes we are making are absolutely necessary to save our investment. Please understand this is not personal."

Requests for comment made by CBC News by email and by phone received no immediate response from DNV Properties Inc.

Tribunal 'actively reviewing this case'

Pauline said she's anxious to hear from the Residential Tenancies Tribunal.

In a statement to CBC, Service New Brunswick Minister Mary Wilson said the tribunal is "actively reviewing this case which was filed in early July."

"If the reason is due to the landlord or an immediate family member moving into the unit, supporting evidence will be required and the Residential Tenancies Tribunal will follow up in two months to ensure the landlord has followed through with the change."

In an interview with Information Morning Fredericton in June, Wilson, who refers to the tribunal as the RTT, said the province's Residential Tenancies Act offers protection against retaliatory rent increases or terminations.

"Is [this] a retaliatory change? Are they acting in good faith, or not? So at the end of the day, the RTT can deny, can delay or confirm termination," she said.

Pauline said the tribunal decision will dictate whether they're able to stay or go. The tribunal has not made a decision on the case yet, but a residential tenancies officer sent Pauline Tramble an update late last week.
Fredericton s

More double-digit rent hikes in New Brunswick renew calls for limits

The officer sent the Trambles two digital pamphlets. One was titled "Housing & Homelessness," and it included a list of phone numbers for shelters, outreach workers and the Social Development Department.

The other digital pamphlet was titled "Food & Meal Resources," and it listed contact information for food banks, churches, and other charities.

The emails didn't give Pauline much hope.

"I am so anxious and afraid."
Pair using regenerative organic practices crowned as outstanding young farmers in Sask.

Farmers say their approach helped them improve soil, survive drought for 2 years

CBC News · Posted: Jul 24, 2022 
Cody Straza, left, and Allison Squires, right, were crowned outstanding young farmers this year for their work at Upland Organics, a farm they own in southwest Saskatchewan. (Upland Organics/Instagram)

A family of Saskatchewan producers have been crowned the province's most outstanding young farmers this year for their innovative practices.

Allison Squires and Cody Straza own Upland Organics in Wood Mountain, a village about 170 kilometres southwest of Regina.

The two earned their regional awards in a recent farm show in June by Canada's Outstanding Young Farmer's program, which recognizes excellent adult farmers under 40.

"It means quite a lot actually, it came as a bit of surprise," Squires told Shauna Powers, host of CBC's Saskatchewan Weekend.

"Being nominated by your peers and then recognized in such a way is pretty special and we're very excited about it."

A news release from the program said through "innovation and outreach, Upland Organics Ltd. have become leaders in organic agriculture."

Most importantly, their farm operations helped them survive a pair of back-to-back droughts that have devastated or hindered southern prairie farmers this year and last.

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Squires said the farm operates as a regenerative organic farm, and that's improved their soil and helped them weather the drought.

"Things are much better this year, although that is a pretty low bar," Straza said.

"We do still need to restore all the soil moisture .... it's in deficit right now, and we're always working on improving our soils."

LISTEN | Married couple named outstanding young farmers for organic produce farm talk about their practices:

Saskatchewan Weekend
Upland Organics named Saskatchewan's Outstanding Young FarmersAllison Squires and Cody Straza do things a little differently at their farm in Wood Mountain. Upland Organics works hard to build soil health and it's paying off: with their crops and their recognition. Recently they've been awarded the title of Saskatchewan's outstanding young farmers. Host Shauna Powers learns more about what that recognition means to them.

The two met at the University of Saskatchewan. Straza was an engineer who grew up on a farm in the Wood Mountain area, and Squires was a toxicologist from Newfoundland.

They got married and a few years later in 2010, and chose to buy the first parcel of land that would lead to Upland Organics.

"Learning from others and through their own on-farm experimentation Cody [and] Allison have successfully adopted farming techniques that include reduced tillage, intercropping, cover cropping, pollinator strips and rotational grazing," the release said.

"Using these practices, they have shown it is possible to improve their soil and be excellent stewards of the environment while also realizing financial benefits."

A national program event for 2022 is set to be held in Saskatoon in late November, where they'll learn if they've earned the national title as well.

"We show very well in the categories across the [nomination] application," Straza said.

Even 'net zero' aviation could still cause significant global warming

Efforts to make flying greener mostly count carbon dioxide emissions only, but modelling shows this ignores 90 per cent of future flights’ contribution to climate change

ENVIRONMENT 25 July 2022

Long queue of planes

Planes queueing for take-off in Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, China

Jingying Zhao/Getty Images

Future flights will endanger the goals of the Paris climate agreement if efforts to achieve net-zero aviation fail to account for the warming effect of streaks of clouds created by planes, a study has found.

The research comes just days after the UK government announced its Jet Zero Strategy on 19 July, with a target of reducing carbon emissions from flights to net zero by 2050.

Nicoletta Brazzola  at ETH Zurich in Switzerland and her colleagues found that even if such efforts to reduce carbon emissions succeed, the aviation sector worldwide could increase global average temperatures by between 0.1°C and 0.4°C. Because the world has already warmed 1.1°C since the industrial revolution, Brazzola ’s team says the extra warming could compromise the Paris deal’s aim of holding temperature rises to 1.5°C.

The warming comes from the ways flights heat the atmosphere beyond the carbon dioxide emitted by burning jet fuel, which are the only emissions currently counted by international and most national efforts to decarbonise aviation. The main one of these non-CO2 effects is the contrails that form because of the soot, aerosols and water vapour released by aircraft engines.

“We found the mitigation efforts needed to get aviation to a place where it’s compatible with the Paris agreement are enormous,” says Brazzola.

Her team explored different future scenarios of demand for flights, technologies to power them and how much CO2 would need to be removed from the atmosphere by trees or machines to hit net zero. “Without a very strong reduction in demand and without very rapid, almost infeasible switches to clean technologies, we would in all cases need to deploy carbon removal to a very large extent,” she says.

The team’s modelling suggests that failing to account for aviation’s non-CO2 effects, as most policy-makers are, would ignore 90 per cent of future flights’ contribution to climate change.

Paul Williams at Reading University, UK, says: “This new study makes a compelling case for moving away from carbon-neutral aviation as the main policy goal, and focusing on climate-neutral aviation instead. This would be a radical change of direction, but I think it is long overdu  e.”

The study indicates that new fuels and flight technologies, from hydrogen to batteries, will need to be developed and deployed rapidly to stand a chance of reaching climate neutrality.

It also suggests that the aviation sector’s landmark short-term plan for reducing its impact on climate change – a carbon offsetting scheme that was watered down during the pandemic – won’t be enough.

Her team found that even with only a moderate increase in demand for flights, the status quo of jet fuel and offsetting would require an area the size of Germany to be planted with trees to compensate for the planes’ emissions. That amount of CO2 removal is very large and may be unfeasible, she says.

“Continuing flying with passenger jet fuels and offsetting carbon removal is a very unviable pathway,” says Brazzola. The results also show how difficult it will be to meet that new goal without curbing the world’s future appetite for more flights too, she adds.

Journal reference: Nature Climate ChangeDOI: 10.1038/s41558-022-01404-7

The hidden science of weather and climate change Simon Clark at New Scientist Live this October                                                                                                                                    
Starling's Environmental Impact Report Finds Carbon Produces 16x More CO2 Than Steel

Jul 25, 2022
by Ed Spratt

Starling has joined the growing list of companies providing research
into its environmental impact as it launches its first report.

The headline-grabbing statistic from the report is that carbon fibre frame production produces about 16 times the CO2 emissions as steel frame production. To help Starling with this portion of the report, the National Composite Centre (NCC) made a comparison between steel, thermoplastic carbon composite and epoxy carbon composite. It is interesting to note that aluminum was not included in these statistics. Using our own armchair math from Trek's report last year we found that a carbon Trek frame had around three times the emission of alloy.

In the investigation, the NCC found a German steel frame produces 4.2kg CO2e and an Asian steel frame sees a slight increase at 6.2kg CO2e. For a carbon epoxy frame, these figures jump significantly to 68.1kg CO2e for a frame made from Korean fibres or 47.1kg CO2e for Japanese fibres. Thermoplastic frames see a slight reduction but still high numbers with 51.7kg CO2e for Korean fibres and 34.2 CO2e for Japanese ones.

Of course frame, material alone isn't only the big contributor to environmental damage. Just like last year's Trek report Starling's report also looked into the impact of shipping bike parts. Starling's report states that air freight produces 500g CO2e per km per kg, road transport at 60-150g per km per kg, and sea freight only 10-40g per km per kg. Starling does state in the report that its greatest impact is air freighting and it needs to find ways to reduce this.

Interestingly, looking at the emissions from transportation, a steel frame shipped by air could be far worse than a carbon frame shipped by sea freight. While the frame material can clearly make a difference in emissions, I think the biggest takeaway from Starling's report should be the impacts of the method in which bikes are transported. Is the speed of air freight really worth the extra environmental cost?

With the release of the report, brand owner Joe McEwan said: "A small number of brands are taking environmental impact seriously right now, but many just don't seem to acknowledge it. Our products encourage people to spend time in nature; to ignore our impact on the environment just doesn't sit right. This process is the first step in helping us understand how sustainably we operate as a business and what we need to do to improve.

"We’ve learned a lot from this process but in many cases, the answers aren’t straightforward. We’ve identified areas for improvement and now we need to find out how to make those changes."

As with all reports on the environment in the bike industry, it's worth adding that the best way to help the planet is to stick with what you currently ride now.

You can read the full report here.

Strike averted as WestJet reaches tentative agreement with Calgary and Vancouver employee union

Agreement 'brings long overdue wage increases,' union says

A WestJet flight to Vancouver lifts off in Calgary on Jan. 21, 2021. The airline has reached a tentative labour deal with the union representing hundreds of workers at the Calgary and Vancouver airports. (Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)

There will be no strike at WestJet this week now that the airline has reached a tentative labour deal with the union representing hundreds of workers at the Calgary and Vancouver airports.

Both the airline and Unifor Local 531 announced the deal on Sunday evening, days before nearly 800 baggage and customer service staff could have walked off the job.

Unifor announced last week that workers had voted 98 per cent in favour of a strike as early as this Wednesday if a deal could not be reached.

Neither side disclosed specific terms of the tentative deal, which is still subject to ratification.

The union issued a release saying the agreement "brings long overdue wage increases and improvements to working conditions."

The deal, touted as the first between the two sides, will be presented to union members later this week.

Fossil of ‘earliest animal predator’ is named after David Attenborough

Sea creature, thought to have used tentacles to capture food, is named Auroralumina attenboroughii

Artwork emphasises the fossil Auroralumina attenboroughii. 
Photograph: British Geological Survey/UKRI/PA

Linda Geddes
Science correspondent
Mon 25 Jul 2022 

A hundred years from now, Sir David Attenborough’s body may have turned to dust, but a fossilised sea creature, thought to represent Earth’s earliest animal predator, will continue to bear his name.

Discovered in Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire, where Attenborough hunted for fossils as a child, the creature predates what was previously thought to be the oldest predator by 20m years.

Palaeontologists have named it Auroralumina attenboroughii, in honour of the TV presenter. The first part of its name is Latin for dawn lantern, in recognition of its great age and resemblance to a burning torch, and the creature is thought to have used a set of densely packed tentacles to capture food in Earth’s early oceans.

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Charnwood Forest is known for its fossils. Although Attenborough dug there as a child, he avoided the rocks where Auroralumina has been discovered. “They were considered to be so ancient that they dated from long before life began on the planet. So I never looked for fossils there,” he said.

A few years later, in 1957, a fern-like impression was discovered by Roger Mason, a younger boy at Attenborough’s school. The discovery turned out to be one of the oldest fossilised animals, and was named Charnia masoni, in Mason’s honour.

“Now I have – almost – caught up with him and I am truly delighted,” said Attenborough, who has more than 40 species named after him, ranging from a Madagascan dragonfly to a dandelion-like hawkweed found only in the Brecon Beacons in south Wales.

Auroralumina is part of a trove of more than 1,000 fossils discovered in 2007, when a team of researchers from the British Geological Survey spent more than a week in Charnwood Forest, cleaning a 100-sq-metre rock surface with toothbrushes and pressure jets, before using a rubber mould to capture an impression of its lumps and bumps.

The fossil was dated at the British Geological Survey’s headquarters using tiny radioactive minerals in the surrounding rock, called zircons, that act as geological clocks.

Related to the group that includes modern corals, jellyfish and anemones, the 560m-year-old specimen is the first of its kind. Its discovery, reported in Nature Ecology and Evolution, throws into question when modern groups of animals appeared on Earth.

“It’s generally held that modern animal groups like jellyfish appeared 540m years ago in the Cambrian explosion. But this predator predates that by 20m years,” said Dr Phil Wilby, palaeontology leader at the British Geological Survey, who helped to discover it.

“It’s the earliest creature we know of to have a skeleton. So far we’ve only found one, but it’s massively exciting to know there must be others out there, holding the key to when complex life began on Earth.”
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Dr Frankie Dunn from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, who carried out the detailed study, said: “It’s nothing like anything else we’ve found in the fossil record at the time.”

Whereas the body plans of other fossils from this period bear no relation to those of living animals, “this one clearly has a skeleton, with densely packed tentacles that would have waved around in the water capturing passing food, much like corals and sea anemones do today,” she said.

Possibly, it originated from shallower water than the rest of the fossils found in Charnwood. “All of the fossils on the cleaned rock surface were anchored to the seafloor and were knocked over in the same direction by a deluge of volcanic ash sweeping down the submerged foot of the volcano, except one, A. attenboroughii,” Dunn said. “It lies at an odd angle and has lost its base, so appears to have been swept down the slope in the deluge.”

‘Canary in the coal mine’: What Tunisia’s controversial referendum means for the Arab World

As Tunisians voted Monday over whether to give the president more power, critics say the country is one step closer to a dictatorship and the end of the only surviving Arab Spring democracy.

By Maria Iqbal
Staff Reporter
Mon., July 25, 2022

A controversial referendum Monday over a new constitution in Tunisia raised concerns that growing power for the president could drag the country back to its pre-Arab Spring dictatorship.

The constitution, which was anticipated to pass with low voter turnout, would cement power in the hands of Tunisian President Kais Saied. Since last year, the leader has given himself the power to rule by decree, fired multiple judges after freezing Parliament and dismissed his government in what some have decried as a coup.

Members of some of the main opposition parties boycotted the vote on the draft constitution, which has been criticized for lacking public consultation and would give the president the power to select and fire a prime minister and other ministers, and reduces the power of Tunisia’s judiciary and Parliament.

“The divisions in Tunisia are the canary in the coal mine for the Arab World,” said Farid Laroussi, a French professor at the University of British Columbia who focuses on historical and cultural issues in North Africa.

Tunisia was the first country to trigger the Arab Spring in late 2010, when residents took to the streets to demand the removal of former autocrat Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

“It was nearly 30 years of dictatorship falling in 20-some odd days,” said Salah-Dean Satouri, a William & Mary Global Research Institute fellow from the U.S. speaking to the Star from Tunis, the Tunisian capital. “There was a lot of hope … that Tunisia was going to progress.”

Though, unlike the other Arab Spring countries, democracy has survived in Tunisia, though there has been little progress since the revolution. The economic stagnation, unemployment and poverty plaguing the country and political paralysis resulting from a rise in opposition parties with little consensus has led to disillusionment with democracy.

For some, Monday’s vote was essentially “between the plague and cholera,” said Jabeur Fathally, an associate law professor at the University of Ottawa, referring to the opposition and current ruler.

In speaking with citizens, Satouri said Tunisians were divided on the referendum. Few turned up to the polls early Monday, and some of the ones who planned to vote in favour of the proposed constitution said they supported Saied and the new constitution out of resistance to the Ennahdha, the previous governing party, which has been blamed for the country’s economic problems.

Most of the main opposition parties advocated for a boycott of the election to signal that the referendum and the president’s attempts at centralizing power were unconstitutional. Others planned to vote in favour of the constitution despite believing that Saied hasn’t addressed Tunisia’s problems over the last year.

“Most Tunisians just want to live and if they’re going to vote ‘yes’ on this constitution, it’s because they want stability. They view Kais Saied as a stable option,” Satouri said.

Other Tunisians didn’t want to vote out of concerns that the election results would be falsified. Satouri expressed concern about the country’s future if the proposed constitution was passed.

“I’m quite worried, if I’m going to be honest, as a Tunisian American,” Satouri said. “I’m afraid that Tunisia will completely backslide out of democracy, and … contrary to what a lot of citizens believe, I don’t think it’s going to be easy to mobilize like they did in 2011.”

For Satouri’s colleague Ian DeHaven, another William & Mary Global Research Institute fellow based in Tunis, Monday’s vote was a “death knell” for democracy, but something that ha been coming for a long time.

The referendum is akin to adding “psychological legitimacy to something that has already been in place. It’s like making Kais Saied’s power de jure rather than de facto,” he said. In other words, the election will entitle Saied to greater powers by right.

Though it wasn’t known Monday when the results would be announced, if the new constitution passes, Laroussi said it could be used by Arab countries to declare that democracy doesn’t work. But the real picture is more complex.

“It is difficult to say that Tunisia is dictatorship. It’s not,” Laroussi said, pointing to the presence of elections, a free press and political opposition in the country. “But we are heading toward a strongman regime.”

With file from the Associated Press.

Maria Iqbal is a 905 Region-based staff reporter for the Star. 
Reach Maria via email: miqbal@torstar.ca

Chess robot breaks 7-year-old opponent's finger at Moscow tournament

The Associated Press · Posted: Jul 25, 2022 

A chess-playing robot grabs a boy's finger as he attempts to make a move at a Moscow tournament.

A chess-playing robot grabbed the finger of its seven-year-old opponent and broke it during last week's Moscow Chess Open tournament, Russian media reported Monday.

"The robot broke the child's finger," Sergei Lazarev, president of the Moscow Chess Federation, told the Russian TASS agency. "Of course, this is bad."

A video shared on social media shows the robot taking one of the boy's pieces, and then grabbing his finger as he attempts to make a move. Four adults then rush in, struggling to free the boy before leading him away from the chessboard.

Lazarev said the chess federation had rented the robot and that it had appeared in many previous events without incident.

He said the boy was able to play again the next day and finished the tournament with his finger in a cast.